Part 2 of Online Business Starter Kit – SCCMH [Podcast 82]

Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the outsourcing of sections of the Online Business STARTER KIT: 

If your goal is to build an online business option for your business that allows for sales, training, coaching, or marketing, check out this Online Business Starter Kit series of podcasts by Jim Edwards.

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Jim Edwards: Hey everybody, Jim Edwards here…

Welcome back to the Sales Copywriting and Content Marketing Hacks Podcast with Jim Edwards in Stew Smith is Episode 82

Today we’re talking about outsourcing secrets.

Welcome Stew and everybody in our live studio audience, how is everybody?

Stew Smith: Good, good…

It’s very good.

Where’s the audience?

Jim Edwards: I need a laugh track…

Didn’t you hear the applause?!

Stew Smith: I did not.


Jim Edwards: Got my mojo…

Stew Smith: Okay…

Jim Edwards: So today we’re talking about outsourcing and some secrets about outsourcing…

But first, I think we need to define what outsourcing is. What does outsourceing mean to you Stew…

Stew Smith: And why and why do we need to do it?

Jim Edwards: Well, okay, what does it mean to you, and why do you want to do it?

Stew Smith: What it means to me is doing a job that will consume too much time for my level of expertise…

Maybe I could do it, but it might take longer.

Maybe I could do it, but I couldn’t do it as well as hiring someone else who solely focuses on that.

Mainly it is a time saver.

It is like having your own employee there when you’re self-employed and have no employees…

You can now outsource something, and it is basically hiring somebody to do a job.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: So that’s why I look at it for entrepreneurs outsourcing is critical.

Jim Edwards: Okay.


Stew Smith: Yes.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

So, to me, outsourcing is basically where you hire somebody who’s not an employee to do something for you that you either don’t want to do yourself, can’t do yourself, or shouldn’t do yourself.

So, a great example of this, what should you outsource?

Or why should you outsource?

The ultimate reason is that you can’t make 150, 200, 300, 400, $500 an hour…

If you are constantly doing $10 an hour work.

There are plenty of people around the world who want to do $10 an hour work…

And that is fine.

God bless them.

I do not want to do $10 an hour work.

But I will hire somebody who’s willing to do that because we all only have a finite number of hours in the week.

In fact, how do we know how many hours in a week 24 times seven equals 168 minus 56 hours that we are sleeping that leaves 112 hours minus 40 hours a week that we’re watching TV, that only gives us 72 hours minus the 20 hours of work the week that we should be working out minus 20 hours of video games, this leaves us only 32 hours a week.

Look at this old thing I got, and this is from the 80s old. I’m 32 hours.

I say that in jest though, but there’s other stuff I’d rather do than work 16 hours a day I’ve done it, it’s no fun.

So I would rather go do something where I was making 20 bucks an hour and pay somebody else 10 bucks an hour to do the stuff that I can’t do great examples to tell the story of what happened when I very lovingly told your E-Book cover to suck best.

Stew Smith: The best advice I ever had was Jim’s feedback on my E-Book covers because, at the time, I didn’t even have any book cover.

It was just a picture or a logo of something that had something to do with the book title right here airborne school workout had like that the airborne wings.

Stew Smith: That was it. Probably copyright infringement.

But yeah, I mean, it…

That’s what it was…

And I didn’t even think about doing covers…

I had book covers for real books that were the pictures which looked really sharp.

But I didn’t have anything for the eBook versions…

And that mall the what do you do?

I went when you went to found a guy, nice guy that makes book covers, and I hired him to do over 30 eBook covers the course of this, probably like six weeks…

I mean, I was tearing it up…

And, and while I was doing that, I was updating all the eBooks too…

So, it went through an update phase as well as a great picture phase…

And at the end of that six weeks, I could start seeing sales increase to the level of that quarter was a 30% increase in sales just from adding those eBooks.

Book covers…

I didn’t add any new products that didn’t add a new sales copy, just eBook covers…

Jim Edwards: So, the only change was you outsource those eBooks covers, and your income increased by 30%.

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: In fact, you told me at the end of the year, what did you tell me at the end of the year that I had helped you go into a new tax bracket,

Stew Smith: A new tax bracket, so I paid more taxes that year?

That was Yeah, that was nice…

Jim Edwards: Okay, awesome…

So the reason the other thing is, that’s an example of you outsource your weaknesses…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: Because most people be like, Oh, man, I need to learn how to, I need to learn how to make an eBook cover because I’m going to need an eBook…

No, you don’t! know you don’t!

You hire somebody to make you an eBook cover make money…

If you got to go, make fries if you got to put on a hairnet and go make fries to earn the mind to pay somebody to make you an eBook cover…

You do it…

You do not have an eBook cover…

That looks like some kid that was hopped up on Pixy Stix, did it in Microsoft Paint.

You just don’t do it and still had this one man…

It was like the total fitness whatever it ad, like he looked like the bionic man on the front cover of it.

We’re in shorty shorts from the 90s.

I’m like Dude, I would buy that book…

Too much, too much Stew.

I’ll go too far with that.

Stew Smith: Which one is talking about?

Jim Edwards: Um, like the ultimate fitness something rather

Stew Smith: Than maximum fitness…

Yeah, he’s like, Ah, that was not that was a published book…

So, my potion came up with that one so well, huh?

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

I’ll talk to them…

My point is that you hire somebody, then you also people think okay, should I outsource the I mean, should I got to learn how to format my book…

No, you outsource the formatting of your book…

And the way I also look at it is okay.

Is this something that is critical for me to know how to do, and if the answer is yes, okay, that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m still the one that’s going to do it…

Number two is, is this something that I’m going to do more than once?

And if the answer is no, then even if I can do it, and even if I think I should be the one to do it, I still hire it out to somebody else…

There is no point in mastering a skill that you’re never going to use again.

I know that sounds counterintuitive, but it’s true.

If you’re never going to do it again, why learn how to do it.

Why take the time, especially if it’s a 10, 15, $20 an hour task, there’s no point in doing it.

You, while that person is doing $20 work, you can be doing $100 $200 $300 work.

That’s the way you got to think about it.

So, and if it’s not the talent, there’s no reason for me to do it…

So ultimately, the stuff that I do is I write sales copy, and I create content…

That’s, what I do, and everything else is handled by a team member.

And if the team member is only ever going to do it once or they’re not that team member having that skill is not going to make them more valuable to the team, then we outsource it to someone else.

We don’t have an immediate team member doing it.

So, examples of outsourcing intake on the help desk so the going through the help tickets for you know, for the first whack is not something that’s something to me that should be outsourced.

It’s not worth a team and a close team member doing so we outsource that.

Now the outsource quote-unquote, be on the team.

But they’re not an employee.

So other things are what else like formatting books, um, formatting reports, things like that, that somebody can do and occasionally will do…

But if you’re something else, it’s more important that’s another reason why you outsource is even if you can do it and even if you usually do it, if there’s something more important that you should be doing right now, then you outsource it even if it is normally something that you do so you don’t get behind.

Does that make you see?

Stew Smith: Oh, a hundred percent…

Jim Edwards: So, here’s how people blow it with outsourcing theme of the I guess some of the myths or some misconceptions about outsourcing is that you are going to pay somebody $10 to do something that’s going to make you a million dollars.

That’s not how it works.

And you go look at places like Upwork or things like that.

You’ll see people for bid, you know, make me software that works just like Pay Pal, my budgets $100.

What?! I mean, it doesn’t even make sense!

The other thing that you got to do is when you’re outsourcing when you’re hiring somebody to do something for you, you never put all your eggs in one basket.

So, the way that I will do something is I have people audition.

If I need somebody to create some content, or if I need somebody to format something, or if I need somebody to do something, that’s a bigger project.

Then I’ll hire three or even four people to do a sample project for me to see who does the best job because when you hire three or four people, one person won’t even show up.

Another person will do just a completely stinky job.

One will do an average job in one will do, a good job and you want to find the person a will do a good job.

But what happens if you hire the person

He doesn’t even show up.

So even if I have a job that’s not that big of a deal, let’s say it’s a $10 job, but I need it done.

I’ll hire at least two people to do that job every single time, I will not, will not just hire a single person, because chances are, you’re going to end up with something that doesn’t work.

So, and I learned this lesson over and over and over and over, in other words, if you need a book formatted hire two people to format your book, one will do a better job than the other.

And if you’re paying 25 bucks, the to pay you to know, you’ll pay $50 to have it done.

So, what.

That’s the biggest thing is not to put all your eggs in one basket with a single outsourcer until they have really proven themselves to you…

And then you can put all your eggs in one basket but understand that with most of the people that are doing gig work.

A lot of them don’t want to do gig work.

They’re doing it to keep body and soul together until they can find something else.

And when they do find something else, you’ll see at the beginning when you work with somebody, oh man, they’re eager, eager, eager, eager…

Everything’s great here.

Let me use my redneck iPad to explain the continuum of outsourcing heartbreak.

Okay, here’s how it works.

They’re super excited…

Yay!! I’ll do anything!

I’m really excited to work with you!

It’s exciting!

Hey, my kid got I don’t know, some kind of weird disease and all I had to do this weekend.

I’ll come I’ll get it has done, and none has done, dom, and then all of a sudden, they’re gone.

They disappear.


This is excitement.

This is responsiveness

and that’s exactly how it goes.

And they usually this is where

You have your most important project

is right in this phase right here.

This is where they’re going to let you down.

This is as soon as I started hearing that I was in the hospital, my mom was in the hospital.

My dog was in the hospital.

Somebody’s going to the hospital somewhere around.

No, it’s just how it works!

I’m telling you, that’s how it works!

There’s some kind of holiday my internet went down…

My there’s always the excuses start coming up right excuse on that back end of that…

And so, what you need, yeah, what you need to be doing is if you’re really doing this, is that about right here.

You’re auditioning somebody.

Right, they’re about right here.

When it’s like the honeymoon is at its height.

You better be down at the bar mingling.

Okay, and find them the next person to help you with your

sourcing you think I’m kidding?

I’m not

Stew Smith: That’s so funny that it is a that is from a wise man through experiences.

Jim Edwards: No! This is from slamming your head in a car door enough times to know that you shouldn’t slam your head in a car door!

This is honestly how it freaking works!

Stew Smith: Okay, that’s wisdom.

Jim Edwards: So that’s how it goes.

Stew Smith: And some good lessons learned from Jim!

Jim Edwards: You know Perry just says this is the exact same thing…

I’m the exact same thing I’m doing outsource my YouTube thumbnails.

I tried to hire two people, and one of them did a great job.

The other didn’t do so Well…

Stew Smith:

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Stew Smith: Yeah, I found that graphic designer from Sri Lanka.

And I felt bad, just paying them $10 every time so I would timp him $10 every book, you know, for 20 bucks…

I got a beautiful book cover…

You know, it was a no brainer…

Jim Edwards: So, if you want to flatten the curve,

Okay, like if you want to flatten the curve,

You tip people.

That’s how you become the last person that they throw off their bus as it’s careening off the cliff…

Okay, if you tip, if you are the person who tips and leaves good feedback, you will be the last person that they kicked to the curb.

But eventually, they will get a job, they will replace their whole gig thing, and you still will be left hanging.

So, you want to have more than one person, but you’re absolutely that’s a great point.

One way to forestall that is to tip the crap out of them.

Stew Smith: Yeah. And I told him if Hey if this is good, I got 30 more of these coming.

Jim Edwards: You got to tease them with what’s common. Exactly, yes…

You string them along, like, hey, if this dates good, we might be going to the Bahamas in a few months…

And they’re like, who, all expenses to the Bahamas…

Maybe I’ll be nice to him…

He’s kind of cute…

And he takes me out to eat, and you know, he’s nice to me…

But the point is, that’s how that’s the reality of outsourcing…

stuff that people tell you to know you’re going to be able to be a kitchen table…

millionaire by just outsourcing stuff, figuring something out, and you’ll outsource the copy, and you outsource the product creation, you outsource the graphics, and then you put it up and then you outsource the traffic and you outsource the customer service…

And you’re just sitting there with the one, hour work week with wax on wax off, and you’re getting paid I am telling you right now, that would be like trying to

I don’t I can’t think of an appropriate metaphor that wouldn’t get me the PC police will be pulling into my house right now beating me with clubs, and so can’t say it.

Anyway, any other thoughts on this?

Stew Smith: Well, there are many things that you’re going to outsource

That helps you with the administrative side of your business as well…

Taxes, number one, I mean, you don’t have an accountant doing your business stuff you’re going to be every year or every quarter, you’re going to be spending a day wasted, doing your taxes, figuring all that out.

So, it’s worth it, though it will save you so much money, and then you might pay them a significant amount of money at the end of the year.

But you look at how much you’re paying in taxes, and you’re like, wow, how did you pull this off?

Jim Edwards: You know, that’s a great point because I learned that lesson…

When I was a loan officer for a mortgage company, and I did my own taxes, and I owed money.

Next year, I made about the same amount.

Yeah, I went to an accountant.

And he started he started asking me all these questions about all this stuff, and I ended up getting like $7,000


And so, we ended up filing an amended tax return for the year before…

Stew Smith: Sweet.

Jim Edwards: And I got money back.

Stew Smith: So, I like that.

Yeah, it’s worth it.

I mean, you get what you pay for your when it comes to, you know, accounting and tax advice.

Jim Edwards: So, Jeff just asked an interesting question…

He says what software is best to use to write eBooks?

Microsoft Word?

Yeah, I use to write your book in Microsoft Word, and then you publish it as a PDF.

There you go.

Stew Smith: That’s the easy button…

Yeah, I want to do it that way…

And I mean, you can make it an EPub format and put it up on Amazon and

you know, but they have machines now that you just put your Word document on there, and it turns it into an EPub.

Jim Edwards: for Amazon takes care of all that stuff…

All you got to do is just get it done in Word…

And if you’re going to do it as a regular book, you can hire somebody to format it for you on Fiverr.

If you’re going to do it as an eBook, up on Amazon, you can pretty much just upload the Word doc…

I mean it’s they got basic instruction, you know what you can hire somebody for like 10 bucks on Fiverr to format it for you and make all the little clickable links work and all that stuff.

Stew Smith: You definitely need to do that because I can’t tell you how many times I tried to upload an image that wasn’t formatted perfectly for Amazon covers, pain in the neck.

So you know, somebody on Fiverr will get the exact dimensions for you, because they went through a change were used to have a front page and a back page…

And then they did the single page.

And that screwed up a lot of people with how they used to do it, and they had to update it, and you know, that’s why I bought the whole Adobe Suite just so I could do that on my own if I wanted to, but it’s not worth it.

Then just have Fiverr fix it for you.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, but I mean there’s here’s one right here I’m looking at if we’re over here on fiverr his is not an endorsement, this person I have no idea who they are blah blah blah blah blah, but I’ll format convert your book for kindle an Epub…

You know, there you go 245 stars

for five bucks do up to 50 pages a, I mean

20 bucks…

I mean, I’m sure it’s one of those things that she’ll do it for…

She’ll have it…

I mean, come on…

Five bucks…

She’ll do it…

And I’m sure Okay, let’s do the math…

If it’s 100 pages, how much you think it is?

10 bucks…


It’s worth 20, right?

Look at this, 100 pages for 20 bucks, and she’ll do the Kindle and EPub format, blah, blah, blah, Kindle format, it will even do a cover to design…

For me, if you want to do a basic cover.

I’d hire somebody else to do the cover.

But I mean this is not Rocket Science to get some money to do it…

Stew Smith: Yeah, my guy has covered creators, and what he does his main thing is movie posters.

So, he’ll make a movie poster for you which is really cool.

I’ve never done it, but I did do a landscape movie poster of my podcast.

So, it is like what I use as the cover of my podcast, tactical fitness report, and he did a really good job with it.

Jim Edwards: But you should drop I looked up cover creator, and I didn’t find it…

So, if you…

Stew Smith:  Cover creators, it’s plural.

He’s from Sri Lanka…

Jim Edwards:  Okay…

Stew Smith: Pradeep.

Jim Edwards: Over created tour…

I did I put the s on the cover.

Create tours.

Stew Smith: Yeah…


I just looked it up…

Jim Edwards: Is it one word or two?

Stew Smith: Hey, I’m looking at him right now…

Do you want me just share my screen?

I think that would be appropriate.

Cover creators one Word…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: You’re going to share your screen…

Stew Smith: Oh, yeah, I’ll do it…


Jim Edwards: I’m not seeing it…

Stew Smith: Well, I’m trying to figure out how…

Okay, got it.

Here you are…

Here’s Pradeep, Pra deep…


Jim Edwards: Great guy forward-slash cover creator…

Yeah, so he’s upped his prices a little bit…

But only five bucks for a buck…

Kitchen Ultra professional…

Ultra, not just professional, Dude…

Stew Smith: Ultra, professional…

But yeah, he’s, he’s solid…

As I said, he’s done every one of my eBooks, and then he created this movie posteriorly podcast…

Jim Edwards: Yeah, Dude, I need to get him to make a movie poster of me would not be fun.

Just because the Jim and Stew show let’s hire him to make a movie poster for the Jim and Stew show for real?


Stew Smith: Yeah, we’ll have them do the GI Joe logo in the back.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, we’ll send him the logo that Nancy did.

And then have him do a like a movie poster.

And we can come up with one of those really cool cheesy lines like, you know,

I came to think about it right now but as the movie posters, you know, they I’ll be by like, if it was on if it was a horror hotel thing, it would have a thing it says, you know, guest check-in, but they don’t check out.

You know, so we’ll come up with some Yeah, I’ll talk to him this week…

I’ll split it with you, buddy.

It’s you only have to absorb 15 bucks of that cost.

So, I’m just trying to think what else what would be some other questions that you guys would have about, about outsourcing or anything like that?

I’m looking a lot of people are like Fiverr you can go to Upwork.

The big thing that I’ve used has been used to be was Elance.

I don’t even know if Elance works anymore.

The biggest thing is don’t pay anybody until the job is done to your.

Okay, Elance became Upwork.

That’s right.

So, don’t pay anybody until it’s done…

Because once they get the dough, they’re gone…

They’re done.

They’re done.

I don’t care how many promises they make, I don’t care how much they on their mother’s life, they promise, the instant they have the money…

They’re gone…

It’s done a project is over…

So do not give them the money…

Do not give them the review until it is done…

100% to your liking.

On the flip side.

Make sure that the project has been described in such a way that a complete functional idiot could understand what it is that you are supposed to be getting

Stew Smith: No gray area!

Jim Edwards: Yes.

The other thing is if you’re doing any type of graphical work

If you’re getting anything done, you need to make sure that any graphics being used are fully licensed.

You need to find out where those graphics are coming from.

And make sure they’re either in the public domain or you were the one who actually purchased the license for them.

Because that can get you into hot water as well.

Stew Smith: Best Picture on it.

Jim Edwards: That’s very cool.

Is that the brand new one?

Stew Smith: No, that’s an old one.

It’s one he did.

Jim Edwards: Hey, go…

I’ll leave those pictures to come from

Stew Smith: They’re open-source military…

Jim Edwards: Okay…


So that’s so, but the point is, you know, where those pictures came from?

Stew Smith: Oh, yeah, absolutely…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Well, that’s how you can get burned.

Am I just trying to think anybody got any other questions?

Bobby says great advice…

I can tell this is worldly wisdom…


This is slamming your hand in a car door wisdom.


just trying to think if anybody’s got any other questions, I’m just trying to think of any other things treat people right…

That’s the other thing treat them like a human. That’s something else.

It’s a person…

It’s not a freaking vending machine…

It’s not you know, boom, boom, boom, boom,

boom, boom, boom, boom, thank you when I wanted…

It’s a human…

Yeah, and the other guy know my guy, and you know, he’s just had a brand new daughter, and you know, we just probably didn’t really you just told you that so you tip his ass probably some creeper living in his mom’s basement.

Yeah, do they have patience in Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, sorry, I don’t know there are 20 bucks go pretty far in Sri Lanka.

Dude, it goes really far in countries like that.

Think about this, though.

That’s the other thing…

I mean, I one of our team members lives in the Philippines, and she said, You know I want you to know I want eight bucks an hour after we did everything we were talking about.

I said eight bucks an hour.

That’s not fair.

I mean, I’ll pay at least nine.


Yeah, I mean, sure.

I treat them like a person there…

It’s not a vending machine…

It’s not there was this thing back…

It’s a Mechanical Turk.

Look it up on the internet.

It’s not like one of those things will you’ll see porn or something when I say look up Mechanical Turk, but it’s a thing where it’s a concept of it’s a there’s a person behind what you think is a mechanism.

And so be nice to the person and you’ll get better stuff…

Oh, yeah, you treat them like pee on or something like most people do, then you’ll get the bare minimum…

Stew Smith: And another final thought on this too is

you know like Jim did his bell curve, you need to boost that out a little bit because they’re going to be delays in this process…

So, make sure if you have a timeline to get a book launched, that you are well in advance of getting that cover back before your book launch day, I mean, it should be a month before your book launch.

Jim Edwards: Great point…

And we’ll end with Bob’s question, what do you do if they don’t deliver?

See, here’s the thing…

What do you do if they don’t deliver?

If you’re up against a deadline, and you only hired one person, and it’s going to really jack your business if they don’t deliver?

There’s a military term called Bo Higa…

Because you are FUBAR…

There’s no one called two is one is none…


If you hit hired two people and you had planned ahead, then you get a refund from fiver you get your escrow money back because the person didn’t deliver…

And then the other person you hired has you come and cool as the other side of the pillow because you planned ahead.

Stew Smith: Nice.

Jim Edwards: That’s what you do.

So, don’t ever get yourself in a position where if they don’t deliver, you’re screwed.

And the thing is if you’re using something like Fiverr it’s an escrow you pay, but they don’t get paid until they deliver and if they don’t deliver you get your dough back.

Stew Smith: Yep…

Jim Edwards: So that’s what you do if they don’t deliver but don’t that’s great points Stew know don’t wait to last minute or if you didn’t wait to last minute, hire two people and pay extra for rush service…

Stew Smith: Yeah, you know what I like to do. I like to have that project done that I’ve outsourced before my project is done…

Because it makes me extra motivated to finish the project…

Now whether that is a graphics, it is what you know, whatever…

You know it’s a nice little tool to help you finish the project because a lot of us are project starters…

Not everybody is a project finisher…


And it’s just another way to actually finish a project you started

Jim Edwards: And having that book cover that product graphic done ahead of time makes it more real…

It’s like it’s real.

I got this done.

I got to finish it.

Stew Smith: Absolutely.

Jim Edwards: Okay, well, great jobs, do a great job live studio audience well done!

Appreciate you all being here…

Just as a quick reminder, if you’d like to attend these live, we do them every Wednesday at 9am Eastern Time, which is the only time-zone that matters…

Everything is told in Eastern time…

And you figure it from that it’s only when I can figure out its math plus two minus one five hours I am on the west coast…

Yeah, my brain just can’t handle it…

Thank God I live in the right time zone…

So that’s the that’s when we do them so you can join them.

Sales Copywriting and Content Marketing Hacks Podcast Facebook group it’s where we do it check us out on YouTube check us out.

Make sure if you don’t have a copy of copywriting secrets my book it’s available at, we’ll show you how to get more clicks more sales and more profits no matter what you sell or who you sell it to.

And if you’re tired of being out of shape and unhappy with your body head on over to, he will have you puking in a trash can inside of 10 minutes.

It’s called the burpee pyramid.

Tell him about your hundred one best pyramid training workouts books do yeah, Stew Smith: that’s my latest book just got published…

And it’s a fun one…

It is a great 25-year culmination of workouts that I’ve done using a pyramid method which is a very perfect way to do a workout…

Jim Edwards: I love pyramids, and Stew has beaten them into me. I can always tell what his next book topics are going to be because when it was pts, we were doing PT tests all the time.

And then I knew there was a pyramid book coming because, like Dude, we’ve been doing pyramids for six months.

So, I can tell you that the next book Stew is going to be coming out with is probably either going to be a superset book or a max rep workout set…

I’ll just wait and see what kind of workouts we do over a three-four or five-month period, and then I’ll give you all the preview.

Stew Smith:That’s a good point…

Jim Edwards: In all seriousness though, student Stew Smith changed my life as far as my fitness level my confidence in my physicality and just all the benefits that go with that.

And so, if you want to change your life in that realm, head on over to and pick out a patriotic t-shirt to you can get you, don’t you know, don’t quit t-shirt.

I own like 12 of them because they’re super comfy, and it makes me feel studly when I wear them!

So, everybody has a great day, and we’ll talk to you soon…

Bye, everybody!


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