Jim Does FB Live Script Walk Through – SCCMH [Podcast 26]

Here is a fun show where Jim and Stew do a video about making a video but make the video LIVE using FB Live.

In the following question:

Hi Jim, I want to do videos that are 3-5 mins long on the topics of personal development. What script would you suggest?

Stew and Jim discuss the best script option for this question and create a great short video on Mental Toughness!  Consider this a useful video for mindset and personal development, for entrepreneurs.  Never Quit!

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The Transcript…


Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here and welcome to the next episode…

What episode is it Stew?

Stew Smith: 26

Jim Edwards: 26 of the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast with Jim Edwards and Stew Smith filled with nothing but wonderful golden nuggets to help you put words on pages and words out of your mouth to get people to spend money with you.

A noble cause…

So I’m Jim Edwards and

Stew Smith: Stew Smith…

Jim Edwards: And today, Stew has questions from the peanut gallery…

Stew Smith: Yeah. This is one that we were going to make this a “Speed dating with Jim” segment, which by the way, we just post it up there…

It’s a classic…

Yeah, it’s awesome…

But anyway, this was a one day I thought probably needed a demo to go with it…

So here we go…

“Hey Jim, I want to do videos that are three to five minutes long on topics of personal development.

What script or wizards would you suggest?”

Jim Edwards: Oh, my goodness… I would suggest that you use the FB live video and podcast segment script wizard in The Jim Edwards Method Premium as part of Easy Online Wizards…

Now, why would I suggest that?

Because it’s fricking awesome…

And you can use it for any topic, not just personal development…

But to prove to you that this can be used for personal development…

I am going to, with the assistance of my able Let’s Do This Officer…

Mr. Stew Smith…

Not only am I going to tell you, you can use that wizard, but Stew and I are going to go fill that bad boy out…

And then we’re actually going to deliver the video live on Facebook as part of this…

Stew Smith: Woohoo…

Jim Edwards: And we’re going to do it all and under 25 minutes…

Stew Smith: Boom…

Jim Edwards: Okay… So here we go…

So we’re going to come over here to the FB Live Video And Podcast Segment Script Wizard…

Let me make sure I’m logged in, so it’ll let me save…

Okay, cool…

So we’re going to do a Facebook live, and I’m not too worried about my spelling skills…

What is my name?

Jim Edwards…

If I could spell, that’d be great…

Who’s our target audience for this one? Entrepreneur?

Stew Smith: Sure…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stews like, “Yeah, whatever.”

Our main topic is mental toughness…

Stew Smith: Oh.

Jim Edwards: And my target audience really wants to…

What would you say?

Mental toughness…

What’s their biggest

Stew Smith: Ah, not quit. Get started. Keep moving…

Jim Edwards: I think “succeed in business

Stew Smith: Okay… Yeah, sure… Don’t give up…

Jim Edwards: Don’t give up… Never quit…

Stew Smith: Never quit…

Jim Edwards: Fancy cursive… Red…

Jim Edwards: Don’t give up… the big path…

We’re going to show them how to do on it to how to never give up…

Stew Smith: All right… I like it…

Jim Edwards: All right…

Big Pain…

We’re gonna…

Stew Smith: I’m gonna show you how to avoid quitting…

Jim Edwards: oh, we’re going to do better…

Suffer the life-long regret that comes from being a quitter…

Stew Smith: hahaha!

Jim Edwards: Oh…

What’s the main thing holding people back in this area?

So who was the enemy?

It’s the main thing…

Holding people back in this area…

Stew Smith: Internal dialogue…

Jim Edwards: Internal…

Stew Smith: You just listening to yourself…

Jim Edwards: Yeah, that’s true…

Stew Smith: I love, I love the old saying… Talk to yourself… Don’t listen to yourself…

Jim Edwards: There you go…

Stew Smith: Of course, you gotta be talking positive…Otherwise, you’re, yeah,

Jim Edwards: I’d like to drown out that little voice. What type of chunks are we do?

Are we doing tips about mental toughness?

Are we doing secrets?

Let’s do secret…

Stew Smith: Sure…

 Jim Edwards: It’s not a secret son…


So this is a little tip…

This just makes life easier when you’re doing this, especially when you get on a roll…

So let’s decide just we’ll flush them out in the thingy-jigger,

But what are the basics?

What are the three main um secrets of mental toughness?

You said one of them already…

Talk to yourself…

Don’t listen to yourself…

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: Okay… What’s another one?

Stew Smith: I would say getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: I mean if you want to go with like little sayings here…

And the other one is binding the fuel when the tank is empty

Jim Edwards: Hell, you might have to deliver this one.

Stew Smith: I don’t know how to make you go live with this though…

We’ll figure it out…

I’ll just steal from you…

You know, as my friends do, Smith says find the fuel in the tank is empty…

He stole that from some smart guy.

Okay, so we got our three, I just wrote them down on my redneck iPad.

So now the cool thing about this wizard is that I mean, we’re going to be done in five minutes…

So the title of my first chunk is “talk to yourself…

Don’t listen to yourself.”


We mean by that…

Is that your quitter voice chimes in whenever things get tough

Stew Smith: Yes… That’s when you have to,

Jim Edwards: Don’t listen to it.

Stew Smith: Talk them down, Talk them down…

Keep going, keep moving…

You gotta be positive…

You do have to be, you have to have a positive mindset going into it…

You know, just keep moving…

Jim Edwards: Yeah… But I think what would be okay.

You’re quitter voice chimes in…

Whenever things get tough, don’t listen to it…

Talk them down and keep moving forward…

Adopt the hundred more yards philosophy

Stew Smith: Just yep…Yep… just over the hill…

Keep going… Yup…

Jim Edwards: Yeah… I do that all the time, man.

“I’m just going to run my ass off to that tree.”

“I’m just gonna run my ass off to that next mark.”

“I’m going to run my ass off to.”

“Oh Man, I’m halfway done.”

As soon as I can make it halfway…

I’m good…

Stew Smith: It’s all downhill after that…

Jim Edwards: Yeah, that’s exactly, that’s my number one objective is to defeat that voice until I’m halfway done…

It’s like, “Well, I’m halfway there.

I’m turning around now, so let’s just kick its ass and get home.”

Stew Smith: And here’s the thing about it is once you do it enough, that inner voice is no longer there.

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: I mean every now and then it pops up…

Jim Edwards: It pops up in bargains

Stew Smith: You know when he pops up?

When you’re uncomfortable.

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Stew Smith: Or when you’re comfortable, and you don’t want to move from being comfortable.

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: So that’s where the next one comes in.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, that’s true…

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: Get comfortable with being uncomfortable…

Stew Smith: Eventually your habits will evolve into discipline, and you just do it

Jim Edwards: And you’ll start to enjoy it…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: I enjoy working out… I enjoy getting out there in extreme weather…

I enjoy running in the rain…

But I didn’t use to…

But I like it now because I know I can do it…

Does that make sense?

Once you build confidence?

Stew Smith: Yup…

Jim Edwards: Okay… So what points do we want to talk about with getting comfortable with being uncomfortable?

Stew Smith: Well, a big thing is you’re going to progress slowly, but be patient and persistent…

Jim Edwards: Patient persistent progression.

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: There’s some alliteration.

“Seek out…”

I want to say seek out the pain, seek out the, not the pain, but seek out the

“Seek out the challenges.”

Stew Smith: Challenge yourself… And compete, compete…

If you don’t have anybody to compete with, compete with a watch…

Compete with yourself…

Are you better than you were yesterday?

Yeah… It’s just that success.

Jim Edwards: or last week…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: And yes, I was, thank you very much…

But I think it’s about, it’s about that progression to compete with your, other than yourself…

keep score…

Stew Smith: Yep…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: And the last one is find the fuel when the tank is empty…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: That’s kind of like the magic phrase, right?

This is where the magic happens when you think you have nothing left, but you still keep going…

Jim Edwards: All right?

Stew Smith: Sometimes, that is a nutritional issue…

Just need to sip some Gatorade or something and get a little more juice in you.

But sometimes it’s a literal “I don’t think I have anything left.”

But somehow you find a way to get it done regardless…

You find that extra second wind when you’re working late at night…

Get something accomplished before the deadline, right?

Jim Edwards: And part of that is pull from past success.

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: David Goggins calls it

Stew Smith: Stay positive…


Jim Edwards: David Goggins, in his book “Can’t Hurt Me,” calls it “The Cookie Jar.”

That’s, yeah…


You pull those things out, and I do that a lot of times now with stuff physical…

I’ll tell you what, guys working out consistently, you’re wrong because it’s a metaphor for life and not only does it keep you young and beautiful,

But it helps you to stay motivated, gives you confidence, and gives you a frame of reference that you can use in business and in life…

Stew Smith: Yeah… Gives you energy, too.

Jim Edwards: That is true.

Stew Smith: It gives you energy to just do more stuff in a day…

Jim Edwards: Okay, so what are the big takeaways from, from this?

What do we want to tell him?

What if we had to tell them don’t listen to them…

Don’t listen to the quitter voice.

Stew Smith: Yup… Hey, do you mind sharing your screen so I can see what you’re doing?

Jim Edwards: Oh, crap, dude… I’m sorry…

Stew Smith: That’s okay.

Jim Edwards: I’ve been, I’ve been sitting here filling out this, filling out this a wizard…

Damn, I’m sorry…

I thought you were seeing that.

Stew Smith: I was at one point, and then we started talking about, yeah.

Jim Edwards: Oh, okay…

So I’ve just been filling this thing out on Facebook live Jim Edwards entrepreneur, blah, blah, blah…

It’ll come up with some titles…

We don’t have to worry about coming up with one because I mean, we’ll probably, we could always do three secrets of mental toughness…

But we’ll figure it out,

Stew Smith: Right?

Jim Edwards: We’re sharing three secrets, title of the first chunk

Title of the second chunk, what we’re covering,

Title of the third chunk, what we’re covering…

So now we’re down to the big takeaway conclusion point…

Don’t listen to the quitter voice…

Stew Smith: Challenge yourself to get uncomfortable…

And that doesn’t just mean take the covers off while you’re trying to sleep…

Jim Edwards: Hahahaha!

Stew Smith: That that means like you gotta..

You’ve got a project that is something that might out of your lane… Or super challenging…

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: Go for it… Right…

You’ve never done a video sales letter before…

Jim Edwards: Yup…

Stew Smith: Right… Let’s do one, challenge yourself to do one…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

And then keep going 10% longer when you think you have nothing left…

Stew Smith: There you go…

Jim Edwards: So we’re at 10 minutes and 35 seconds just by the way…

Stew Smith: Cool…

Jim Edwards: I’d like you to invite you to check out The Jim Edwards Method…

You know, it’s funny, I have this course I did called “Five Steps To Getting Anything You Want, the single most powerful system ever for getting anything you want out of life…Guaranteed.”

It’s an audio CD that actually we sold hundreds of thousands of dollars of this, and it really worked for a lot of people…

So, of course, I don’t sell it anymore,

Stew Smith: Ha ha ha!

Jim Edwards: So it’d be the perfect thing for me to put in here…

But check out The Jim Edwards Method.com

All right, so we’re 11 minutes and 29 seconds…

Let’s click the build button, and I really should save this…

So this is a mental toughness video script…


Damn, look at this…

let’s see…

Attention entrepreneurs only pull back the curtain and show you how to never give up so you can succeed in business, and you won’t have to suffer the lifelong regret that comes from being a quitter…

Enjoy this mental toughness Facebook live right now…

Before I forget, drop what you’re doing and get all the details you need…

Break and ever succeed in business here at TheJimEdwardsMethod.com…

Dude, that don’t suck… That’s not man…

Stew Smith: I like it… That’s good right there…

Jim Edwards: So we’re going to have that…

There’s our description…

Professional entrepreneurs share secrets for mental toughness…

It’s not bad…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: Should have three amazing mental toughness secrets.

Stew Smith: Let’s try that one… Cause I mean, a lot of people like to have there… Especially with related to personal development…

You know, let’s he, he probably has three steps…

Jim Edwards: Three amazing mental toughness secrets…

Stew Smith: There you go…

Jim Edwards: Okay… So we do that now it’s everywhere…


So here’s our Facebook lives script.

Okay, so we’re gonna download this as a word doc file, and we could get as a pptx file, but we’re just going to go with that…

“Hey everybody… Welcome to three amazing mental toughness secrets.

Jim Edwards here with the new mental toughness Facebook live for every entrepreneur who wants to succeed in business and avoid suffering a lifelong regret that comes from being a quitter…

So here’s what I mean…

So you can number one and talk to yourself…

Okay, dude, I’m just going to bust this out…



Cause I can do this…


And so we’re not going to tell people that we’re doing this, I’m just going to do this…

If you’re comfortable with being able to build that would be fricking fruit flying here, like trying to fly my face…

[Indistinct speed reading]

Jim Edwards: All right, so I’m actually going to print this…

So I have this in my grubby little, and so here it all is in one page…

Stew Smith: Nice…

Jim Edwards: I’m going to print it…

Stew Smith: So we’ll do this as a Facebook live, and we’ll come back to the video…

Jim Edwards: So no, we’re not going to stop, dude…

Stew Smith: Oh yeah… I know… You’ll see the whole video going, but we’ll say, hey, this just happens to be a podcast we’re doing and showing people how to use the Facebook live… I love it…

Jim Edwards: Not going to tell him that, oh, you’re not going to tell me that…

Stew Smith: You’re just going to pop this out there…

Jim Edwards: Look at that, I believe…

Stew Smith: Yay… Sweet…

Jim Edwards: All right… So, okay, why is it not showing me?

I can go…

Okay, here we go…

Live video is moved…

Yeah, no kidding there chuckles… Unable to find a camera…

Oh, it wants to, okay…

So here’s what we got to do…

Stew Smith: Gotta go through zoom…

Jim Edwards: No, what I’m gonna do is I’m going to switch cameras here…

So now I’m on, I have two cameras up…

Stew Smith: Yeah, I got you…

Jim Edwards: I know, but I’m old, and I can’t explain stuff very well…

So now we’re gonna try and go live…

Yeah, I know…

Live videos moved…


Please connect to camera…

All right, screw you…

We’ll come back in.

I’ve done this before… I don’t know why it wants to give me crap…

There we go

So what I’m going to do is I’m going to take the description, and just, there’s my description for the video…

And if I was smart, I’d use the Hashtag scraper, and I’d get a bunch of hashtags…

I don’t have time for that right now cause we’re at 16 minutes and 47 seconds…

When you pull back the curtain, show you how to never give up so you can succeed in business.

You won’t. Should I take out the so you can succeed in business?

Stew Smith:  Oh yeah… Just to keep it as a never give up…

Jim Edwards: [speed reading] I think that’s cool…

Yeah, read it again…

All right, here we go…

Okay, here we go…

And if it’s no good, I’ll delete it…

“Hey guys, Jim Edwards here

And welcome to three amazing mental toughness secrets…

I have my notes here, so I don’t mess this up…

So I want to talk to you real quickly about three secrets about mental toughness because I want to save you from the regret, the regret, the lifelong regret that can happen when you’re a quitter…

So here’s what I mean…

So you’re number one, you want to talk to yourself, don’t listen to yourself.

What do I mean?

Well, whenever you start something hard, whether it’s working out or a new project, you’re little quitter voice is going to chime in.

Whenever things get tough, your subconscious or your conscious wants to give you a break, wants you to be more comfortable and you can’t listen to the quitter voice.

What you need to do is literally talk that voice down and keep moving forward.

One of the things we do when working out is adopt the “another hundred yards” or the “just over the hill” mindset, and you can do that too with any project that you’re working on in business.

You can literally say, okay, I’m going to keep going until I get this down…

I’m going to get 10 more headlines down…

I’m going to get one more video done…

I’m going to get one more page of my book written…

I’m just going to do one more thing.

And as you do that, it quiets the quitting voice, and it ups your confidence…

So that’s secret number one…

Talk to yourself…

Don’t listen to yourself…

Now the second secret is “get comfortable with being uncomfortable…

This is my buddy Stew Smith favorite saying…

Usually when he’s telling me to do something like do push-ups for 10 minutes straight and not stop…

So the cool thing with “get comfortable with being uncomfortable” is you need to build up your internal muscles, your internal mental toughness muscles, and you do that with patient, persistent progression…

What does that mean?

It means that you need to constantly keep challenging yourself.

You need to seek out challenges.

If it’s something like working out, maybe you try and do 10% more pushups than you have done in the past…

Or you run for an extra 100 yards or an extra two minutes, and as you progressively get better and better and better…

You’re going to set new challenges for yourself.

And one of the keys here, especially for us entrepreneurs who are naturally very competitive, is you want to compete…

You want to compete with yourself, you want to compete with your stopwatch…

You want to compete, always trying to better your best, but you need to be careful when you’re competing…

Not to compare yourself to others…

You want to compare where you are to where you’ve been and where you want to go…

Because comparing yourself to others is absolutely the surest way to find failure because that’s when you’ll give up.

That’s when your little quitter voice is going to kick in.

And the third secret is, and I’m not sure I heard, again, I give credit where credit is due…

I heard this phrase from Stew Smith, I’m not sure if he invented it or not, but it’s…

“The fuel when the tank is empty.”

Jim Edwards: Now here’s the thing…

When you think you have nothing left, when you’re tired, when it’s time to quit,

When it’s time to stop for the day

That’s when you’re just getting started.

And the cool thing is that you can find a way to get it done…

And especially when you’re tired, especially when you just don’t feel like doing it in his book on can’t hurt me…

I don’t have it right here…

But David Goggins calls it you dipping into the cookie jar, and that’s when you look at times in the past when you have gotten things done…

When you have succeeded…

When you have done things well…

When you have overcome adversity…

That’s when you dig those things out of the cookie jar and look at when you’ve been successful in the past and use that as fuel…

Use that as motivation…

Use that as proof to yourself that you can keep going.

And so if you don’t,  if you haven’t read that book, you need to…

And I would tell you also need to listen to the audiobook of “Can’t Hurt Me.”

I’ve listened to the audiobook like seven or eight times…

I have it virtually memorized now…

It is amazing…

And if you want to listen to a foul mouth sailor, call you out on all of your excuses…

Definitely, you want to get that book…

So let’s summarize this real quick and, and draw this to a conclusion…

So here are the big takeaways for you…

Number one, don’t listen to the quitter voice…

Talk to yourself.

Don’t listen to yourself, especially the quitter voice.

Take inventory of your past successes.

Start putting things into your personal cookie jar.

Number three, actively seek out uncomfortable situations and push yourself…

Whether it’s physically or mentally or in business, preferably all of the above.

In number four, keep going 10% longer…

When you think you have nothing left, keep going at least 10% longer…

10% longer on your pushups,

10% longer on your run,

10% longer on your work,

whatever it is, and you’ll start building that muscle up, up, up…

And you won’t recognize yourself six months from now.

So the point here is that you can never give up because if you do give up…

You are going to suffer from being a quitter the rest of your life…

And I have a post-it note here right on my thing, right on my I’ll share this with you…

Regret is the real enemy.

This is something that I think about all the time.

You will have pain when you quit, and you will have the pain of regret.

Don’t be that person.

So anyway, I hope this little mental wake up video was good for you.

I’m Jim Edwards by the way…

If you’re seriously wanting to take your business to the next level, go check out TheJimEdwardsMethod.com can find out about all the cool stuff that we do to help you succeed in online business…

I’m Jim Edwards…

If you like this, let me know in the comments down below…

If you’d like me to make a few more mental toughness or another kind of mindset videos, let me know in the comments down below…

We’d love to hear from you and if you don’t want to hear it or if you think it sucks,

Tell me that too…

I can take it…

Have a great day, everybody…

Bye, Bye.

Jim Edwards: All right, cool…

I mean that was 24 minutes and 17 seconds from start to finish…

Stew Smith: That was so cool!

Jim Edwards: You guys could see people were popping in the video and stuff…

I mean boom shaka lacka right?

Stew Smith: You nailed it… That was great…

Jim Edwards: So let me get back to the other camera…

Stew Smith: I’m all pumped up now… I’m ready to go and be like, swim at lunch…

Jim Edwards: You always swim at lunch…

Stew Smith: Oh yeah, that’s right…

Jim Edwards: Well, you really should…Jim, you told me you didn’t do your last two miles…

You need to go do your two miles later on today…

“Okay… I will do it. Fine, I will do it. I’ll do it. I’ll seek out uncomfortableness.

Plus, I like showering multiple times a day.

So there you go guys.

Stew Smith: That was cool…

Jim Edwards: I don’t know what else to tell you other than if you’re, I don’t know…

Still, you tell them what they should do as a result of this…

Stew Smith: That was a good, definitely a brilliant walkthrough…

The guy who asked the question, I didn’t write his name down, but he just asked for a couple of videos that were three to five minutes long on topics of personal development…

What script should he use?

What wizard should he use?

And you picked out the perfect one and now he can make these videos, post them live on Facebook and look at that…

Jim Edwards: Cool…

Stew Smith: That’s a lot of, that’s a lot of birds with one stone… You just nailed there…

That’s really good…

Like I said, I thought that was a little bit too much for a “Speed Dating with Jim” episode…

Jim Edwards: That was a good one.

Stew Smith: You know that took a little more than a quick sentence in a paragraph, and that was a good glad we walked through that…

Plus I’m going to use that one and go on Instagram live and basically just say the exact same thing you just did.

Jim Edwards: Hahahaha! I’ll send you the script…

Stew Smith: That’s all…Here you go…

Jim Edwards: Cool… All right, well everybody, go check out the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Group on Facebook…

Check out TheJimEdwardsMethod.com

Check out TheJimEdwardsMethod.com/blog for the blog…

Go check out Funnel Scripts to help you write your stuff.

Check out Stews…

Where should they go for your stuff Stew? If they need to work out?

Stew Smith: I’m StewSmithFitness.com, and we are all over Instagram and Facebook, too, so you can find us.

Jim Edwards: Cool… Awesome… Well everybody have a great day, and we’ll talk to you soon…

Bye Bye, everybody.


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