Tag: podcastlife

  • When Facebook Ads ARE NOT The Solution – Know Your Market – SCCMH [Podcast 31]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss a question from a medical professional about marketing his concierge service.  There are some things that we should realize that social media cold traffic may not be the best bang for your buck with advertising.  Check out this interesting discussion concerning building a new service for your business.  Follow…

  • What is the Epiphany Bridge and How Do I Use It? – SCCMH [Podcast 30]

    Jim Edwards discusses the Epiphany Bridge and how to use it. Understand we all have several epiphanies throughout the journey of our lives. How long should an epiphany bridge be and how often should we use them? Learn why the epiphany bridge is a useful tool for all business owners in their marketing salescopy. Follow…

  • Interview with Marshall Wayne from The Agency Declassified – SCCMH [Podcast 27]

    Jim and Stew interview advertising and branding wizard Marshall Wayne of the The Agency Declassified – http://theagencydeclassified.com We all discuss branding, advertising, social media, and the journey of creating a campaign that helps build the brand of clients. Follow and join our closed Facebook Page: Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks Podcast. https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/ Get Copywriting…

  • Jim Does FB Live Script Walk Through – SCCMH [Podcast 26]

    Here is a fun show where Jim and Stew do a video about making a video but make the video LIVE using FB Live. In the following question: Hi Jim, I want to do videos that are 3-5 mins long on the topics of personal development. What script would you suggest? Stew and Jim discuss…

  • Speed Dating with Jim – SCCMH [Podcast 25]

    Jim answers rapid fire copywriting, http://thejimedwardsmethod.com wizard questions, as well as Funnel Scripts questions. We call this episode Speed Dating With Jim as he discusses both Funnel Scripts and The Jim Edward Method Premium where Funnel Scripts and Premium Wizards for both content marketing and salescopy can be easily created – with the whack of…

  • Beginner Funnel Scripts User – SCCMH [Podcast 24]

    From RICHARD: “IM A GREENHORN, I have about 14 funnels in my head or ideas for funnels with offers written down and about 5 projects started in Funnel Scripts. I’m just not sure which script is best for which niche funnel I’m working on… So right out of the gate, I’m getting myself stuck in…

  • What Are Your Three Rules Of Salescopy? – SCCMH [Podcast 23]

    You have your THREE RULES of salescopy but you can add the THREE additional rules to GET THEM DONE with the scripts… Myself: When I encourage others to workout In tactical fitness population I focus on learning the three phases: Jim’s THREE RULES:– It is not what it IS – it is what is DOES– Make People…

  • It’s Not What It Is – It’s What It Does – SCCMH [Podcast 21]

    This is Sales Copywriting GOLD here folks.  Jim and Stew discuss a problem most of us have as entrepreneurs – actually selling our products / services incorrectly. It’s Not What It IS… It’s What It DOES! When it comes to sales copywriting, one of the biggest mistakes people make is getting hung up on WHAT…

  • Case Study vs Testimonials – What is the Difference? How to Use Them? – SCCMH [Podcast 20]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the differences and all the ways to use both case studies and testimonials. BONUS – Jim walks us all through the Case Study and Testimonial Funnel Script Wizard to build an interview for satisfied customers and build a killer segment for your testimonial page. You can find out more…

  • Polishing Your Salescopy for Max Sales – SCCMH [Podcast 19]

    Take sales copy from 90% to 95-100% and perfect for you and your business.  Start with the Title and Headlines – make sure you have hook to help get eyes on you.   Have a hook to build curiosity that resonates with your target audience.  Does your sales copy – discuss a problem and how to…