Going Solo Media vs Relying on Social Media – SCCMH [Podcast 106]

Jim Edwards is fresh out of Facebook Jail due to a technological issue, not a content issue and he is here to discuss the power of being a SOLO MEDIA vs having to rely on social media.  Did you know you can do a LIVE video / Q & A / Podcast from your own website and bypass all social media platforms?  Check this out… What would you do if you were in Facebook Jail and had a scheduled paid webinar coming up? 

Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks at https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/

Get Copywriting Secrets for FREE – Just pay shipping www.copywritingsecrets.com

and for more information on the wizards used to make outstanding sales copy check out https://copyandcontent.ai.

Don’t want to miss any episodes? Subscribe to “The Copy And Content AI Report” YouTube Channel Here for more information about creating successful sales copy to sell ANYTHING:



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