Tag: socialmedia

  • What is Better Old vs New – SCCMH [Podcast 127]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith give the classic answer, “it depends” and discuss the pros / cons of the ways to communicate with customers in today’s business climate. What is MORE important?  Press Releases or Social Media Posts?  Blog Posts or Newsletters to a List? Podcast or LIVE Video? Check out the Facebook Group – Sales…

  • Going Solo Media vs Relying on Social Media – SCCMH [Podcast 106]

    Jim Edwards is fresh out of Facebook Jail due to a technological issue, not a content issue and he is here to discuss the power of being a SOLO MEDIA vs having to rely on social media.  Did you know you can do a LIVE video / Q & A / Podcast from your own…

  • The Importance of Hashtags and Why Use Them – [SCCMH Podcast 78]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the importance of using hashtags in social media posts – not only for marketing, but to streamline your own use to save time scrolling.  Understanding how to use them and how they differ from keywords is important.  Watch Jim walk through the FREE Hashtag Scraper (http://www.hashtagscraper.com), a fun toy to play with…

  • Salescopy Too Long & New Habits Created – SCCMH [Podcast 73]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss why you should do a FREE BOOK offer.  There are many reasons to get your book out there and a free offer is a way to do it as well as upsell, list build, social media group growth, and of course people will know you are “the expert” at something.…