Did You Crush 2020 or Get Crushed? Finding Opportunities – SCCMH [Podcast 98]

Jim Edwards and Stew discuss what many people did or did not do during 2020. Were you able to evolve and adapt to the issues around you?  Three groups of people typically show themselves in times like this:

– Got crushed by 2020.
– Got through it and kept things together / stayed the same.
– Used time given as an opportunity to try new things / build a business.

Which one were you? 

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Stew Smith: Hey everybody, Jim Edwards here and welcome back to the Sales Copywriting and Content Marketing Hacks Podcast.

I’m your host, Jim Edwards, along with my trusty co-host and Podcast Producer, Mr. Stew Smith. Welcome Stew.

Stew Smith: Thank you, Jim.

Jim Edwards: And we’re feeling great with podcast episode 98, which is pretty cool.

And today, we’re not going to mention the year because that way, this will be forever.

This will be evergreen.

Yes, people really look at the date on the podcast list.

And then they realize we’re full of crap, but we might be able to do something.

So, here’s the thing.

The years almost over.

And this is typically when people look back and reflect on the year…

Ah screw it.

It’s 2020 right in the middle of COVID?

Where’s the, we thought it’d be over by now it ain’t over.

Lord knows when it’ll be done.

Hopefully, it’s got to be done in the next year, though, because we got The Jim Boat scheduled for next November.

So, it just has to be over in the next eight, nine months.

I’m willing it I am speaking it, that this will be over everybody can get there.

If nothing else, you need to get the dang shot,

Stew Smith: Vaccine.

Jim Edwards: So, you can go on The Jim Boat.

Okay, that’s why I’m like getting everybody pumped up about, hey, we’re all going to come out of COVID.

And we’re all going to go on The Jim Boat.

But I want to fill that whole boat.

I want to feel like a rock star.

Yes, that it’s the Jim boat.

And then we’ll take it, we’ll get hit so many people on there that will just repel down the back of the boat and spray paint the gym boat on the back of the cruise ship that’d be pretty cool probably get you thrown off.

But that’s okay.

We’ll do it on the last day.

Okay, so the thing is, this has been one of those years where a lot of people got crushed.

But a lot of people crushed it.

Stew Smith: True.

Jim Edwards: And why do you think that is, Stew?

Stew Smith: I think maybe they were just flexible.

And we’re able to see some opportunities, where other people thought of them as maybe vulnerabilities,

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: And weaknesses, so to speak.

So, there were some opportunities this year?

And did you take advantage of them?

Were you able to evolve in order to take advantage of them even?

Jim Edwards: Well, it was interesting, because I know a couple people that in other countries that they got that the government paid them a bunch of money to stay home.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: And so, two of my friends use this as an opportunity.

They’re like, okay, you’re going to pay me to stay home.

And I was already trying to work on my online business.

And now you’re going to pay me, and I don’t have to go to my regular job.

Because I can’t, but you’ll pay me, and I can sit here and get this figured out.

Stew Smith: That’s huge.

Jim Edwards: and they made huge strides, huge strides.

One of them ain’t going back to work.

Stew Smith: Good.

Jim Edwards: And so, I think that was one of those things that we could look at 2020.

And you always talk about evolution in two different ways.

There’s the next evolution, which usually stops.

It’s a circuit, or there’s evolution, have you evolved?

Have you changed?

Have you adapted?

Have you overcome?

And I really think that there were three groups of people.

And there are three groups of people right now sitting at home, as a lot of people are sitting at their, their job or whatever they’re doing, whatever they’re doing.

One group of people felt totally crushed by 2020.

They threw up their hands, and they’re done.

And hey, look, I’m going to, I’m going to take a timeout real quick and pause.

I am aware that there are some people that need help, that can’t deal with stress that have issues that they need our help.

And I actively do try to help those people.

I’m not talking about people.

It’s like the original.

I’m really, man, I’m going down the rabbit hole.

So, I’ll get crucified for this.

So that’s good.

That was really the original intention behind welfare was to help widows and orphans, people who were incapable of taking care of themselves.

And I think that we have a moral obligation.

I don’t care what your politics are; oh, absolutely have a moral obligation to help those people who are physically and mentally incapable of taking care of themselves.

However, that group is smaller than you might think.

And there are some people that, for whatever reason, they just sit there, and life happens to them.

That was one group life was just happening to people, and they were getting steamrolled by what happened last year.

And I’m sorry, at some point you, you put on your big boy pants or your big girl pants.

And you got to take responsibility for what happens.

The second group of people, let’s say they hunkered down.

It was like a storm came and they hunkered down.

Wasn’t too bad, wasn’t too good, it’s just we’re going to get through this.

And I think that was the majority of people.

And there’s nothing wrong with that at all; I don’t see anything wrong with that in the least.

And then there was another group of people that said, I’m going to use this time.

And I’m going to view it as a gift.

I’m going to view it as an opportunity to learn something new, to adapt, to evolve, to try new stuff to experiment, to just see if I can pull something exponentially better out of this experience.

And I think those are the people that when they come out of this are going to be lightyears ahead of where they would have been if COVID had not happened.

Because this, like the one group, was an excuse to just sit down in the pity pot.

For the group on the other end, it was the excuse to try anything you wanted to try because I got nothing to lose.

And let me see if I can make something really, really happen.

Now, I saw this in everything from homeschooling, to business, to podcasting, to education to copywriting, just in all areas.

Like my granddaughter.

My daughter, Nancy, was not happy with how she saw the public school system in her county handling online learning. It was a train wreck.

Okay, so we found an alternative.

And my granddaughter finished the fifth grade in three months.

Stew Smith: Wow,

Jim Edwards: She crushed it.

So now she’s going back through it, the kids going to take the fifth grade, like, or fourth grade, sorry, not fourth grade, she’s going to she’s taking the fourth grade again.

And then she’s at her own pace.

And she’s learning coding and a bunch of other stuff.

And then, in January, she’s starting the fifth grade.

So, and she’ll finish fifth grade by May.

So even if she ends up having to go back through the public school, we’re not sure what’s going to happen.

But the kid is crushing it.

They took this as an opportunity to try something different because what was being offered was not working.

And so many people took that opportunity in business, you see some…

The Mexican restaurant in town.

They adapted instantly when they shut down all the restaurants.

That day.

They went into the delivery business. They didn’t wait to figure it out.

They had signed up everywhere were delivering all over the county.

It’s not like they have a five-mile radius or something.

I don’t care where you are in the county.

They’ll show up.

Stew Smith: Wow.

Jim Edwards: And so they thrive.

Wait, you mean they didn’t have to build an infrastructure for their delivery system?

No, they had a phone.

They had a phone and put up a sign that says we’ll deliver and put their menu online.

And that day, they started doing the delivery.

Stew Smith: Nice.

Jim Edwards: And, then that’s just making a decision that this is not going to crush me that I’m going to use this to grow, and it comes down to that decision.

What I mean, I’ve been talking a lot…

Denise said, “aren’t you strong enough to carry your groceries upstairs?”

The reason we put the elevator in the house was so that my dad would be able to come to visit us.

A whole reason I put that in there was to make it possible for my father to come and enjoy that new house.

That was the only reason; otherwise, we wouldn’t have done it.

Anyway, Stew, what are you thinking?

What are your thoughts?

Stew Smith: Well, I’m with you, Jim.

Obviously, I had a little bit different transition going into 2020.

So, in 2018 and 2019.

We’re very productive years.

I think I did 12 new programs, 12 new books in those two years.

So I was determined to take a year off and not write anything new, which really opened up some creativity for me to sell better.

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: And that’s all I spent 2020 doing was selling, selling these programs that I’ve already written.

It’s nice to write a book.

But, if you want to make money from selling the book, you have to sell a book.

But anyway, that’s what I did.

And I had some answers; I realized that I had some answers to some of the problems that I was seeing happen in the fitness world, such as people losing their…

Jim Edwards: I can’t go to the gym.

Stew Smith: Yeah, you can’t go to the gym, you lose a gym, you lose all that.

And, maybe even creating your own home gym with some minimal equipment, I had answers to that, and I just created a whole system around that.

So that’s what I did.

So that’s what I did.

Jim Edwards: You kicked ass this year, though I did.

Stew Smith: This has been a very good year.

And I’m embarrassed to say that because I know a lot of people have had a very hard time this year as well.

But when you have a good year, it allows you to help other people to have a good year.

That’s the thing, people just don’t ever be ashamed of making money.

Don’t ever be ashamed of thriving because by you thriving, you serve as an example for others.

Number two it gives you resources to help those who are not thriving.

And it enables you to have an open mind and not have the stress to be able to spot new opportunities that lead your family and your sphere forward.

And you can serve as an example.

So, don’t ever apologize or be embarrassed for doing well, no matter what the circumstances are Mr. Smith, I never want to hear that again.

Stew Smith: I you won’t hear it from me ever.

I appreciate that.

Because I needed to hear that.

Jim Edwards: that’s something you need to be the one.

I’ve always looked at it is I want to be the one in the family, that people can turn to if something really goes wrong, and they need help.

So that’s important.

So, I would say I saw a meme.

I don’t even remember when.

But it basically said, “You mean to tell me I have to stay at home and not talk to other people and never go out?

I’ve been training for this my whole life.”


I’ve been training for this my whole life,

this is the best.

This is great.”

Terry and I have talked about the funny thing is that a lot of ways our life didn’t change at all.

And we were very fortunate.

And we were we did have to change, we adapted; I actually have turned into the one that goes to the grocery store.

So, Terry, because she’s got a couple of things that if she were to get the COVID, it could really jack her up, age and a couple of medical conditions.

So, I mean, I strap on my mask one of these days, I want to wear my gas mask.

I’ve got an Israeli gas mask.

I really want to wear this into the food line.

Just make the whole trip.

But dude, I can. This is no lie.

I can do all the grocery shopping.

I can do all the grocery shopping in 13 minutes.

Stew Smith: Oh, yeah.

When I love food line, I know where everything is, right years ago, in and out of there.

Jim Edwards: It doesn’t piss you off every couple of years when they rearrange everything.

Stew Smith: Oh, yeah, yeah, torque.

Yeah, I can’t even go into a different grocery store.

Because I’m lost.


But I can go in there and get it done.

And I figured out that if you go, not right when they open, but 30 minutes after they open, there’s nobody there because there are all these people that want to be the first one there.

But then after all the ones that want to be the first one, there are done, then nobody’s there.

So you can bust it all out that way.

So just adapting.

And, going to not going to the grocery store when we need stuff but planning ahead and saying okay, here’s the list.

Here’s what we need.

I’m going to get it, and I will be back. I can leave the house and be go do the grocery shopping and be back in the house in 41 minutes.

Stew Smith: Hmm.

Jim Edwards: Which is pretty cool.

So, and that may not sound like, and what does that have to do with not getting crushed by 2020.

And what it did was it gave Terry and me a sense of control.

It gives me a sense of mastery over my own life that I am not subject to life, but I am in control of my own.

I’m in control of my destiny and my attitude, and my actions.

And, and that’s why it’s almost like making your bed.

It’s I know that on Sunday, I’m going to get up.

So, I’m not going to sleep in on Sunday and like sleep the day away, I’m going to get up, I’m going to accomplish something, the beds made the grocery shopping done, then do some cleaning, and other stuff and just handle it.

And if you take care of those little things, then it makes you feel better to be able to take care of the bigger things.

And that has helped me a lot this year, too.

Stew Smith: Yeah, I’m with you.

Being flexible, rearranging your schedule, making it work for you does give you that confidence just to still thrive.

Jim Edwards: Yeah.

Stew Smith: And that’s the key, part of the original topic of this, too, needed to bring this back on.

Jim Edwards: What, what?

Stew Smith: Yeah. What is your to-do list?

Like, what are you trying to get done?

And there are two things I want you to think about because I saw this, you posted this in the Facebook group.

What are you trying to get done before the year is over?



And then mine was?

What are you trying to get done for 2021?

What, what’s your go-to?

Or to-do list?

For 2021?

What are you trying to accomplish?

Jim Edwards: Are you asking me?

Stew Smith: Well, I’m just asking everybody, right?

I mean, and then set that up on the same thing that we’ve been talking about for the last 45 minutes of getting it done?


Jim Edwards: Yeah. But I think if you want to get it done, it has to be read.

It has to be reduced down to daily actions.

Oh, yeah.

But you can control it.

So, when you have goals, like, hey, I’m going to make a million dollars.

Okay, because that’s everybody’s goal.

Everybody’s goals you like to want to make a million dollars this year, I make $100,000 a year, there’s, there’s nothing in between.

And then the next thing is like, I need to go, I need to sell a bunch of stuff.

Okay, that’s still have not reduced that down to action.

So, if you got to if you want to make a million dollars, how much you got to sell?

Well, if you sell something for $1,000, you got to sell 1000 people.

If oh, by the way, $2 million?

Is that gross or net?

Big difference?

Big difference?

Okay, so you got to think that through.

My suggestion is the first time you do it, you should go for gross.

All right, just break it.


So, then you got to figure out, okay, million dollars?

How much is my product?

Well, I’m selling a product for 10 bucks.

I got to sell 100,000 of those.

That’s kind of tough.

If I’m selling a product for $1,000, and then only going to sell 1000, if I’m selling a product for $10,000, I only got to sell 100.

If I’m selling a product for 50 bucks, I got to sell 20,000. You got to figure out what does that looks like?

So then once you’ve done, that’s why you need to have a funnel because you start with something for 20 bucks, and by the time they come out the funnel, you’ve made them an offer for something for $1,000.

I do that every day.

That’s how you make a million dollars.

But then you got to think,

“Okay, once I know how the funnel looks?”

Then what do I do every single day that is going to create that, well, I need to contact X number of people in real estate, we every day, I had to make my numbers, I had to talk to 100 people because I knew if I talked to 100 people, I would get well, I had to dial the phone 300 times, I had to talk to 100 people because I knew to talk to 100 add to dial 300 then for every 100 I talked to I would get to appointments.

And I knew in order to get the number of listings and sales that I need, I needed to get two appointments a day.

So, 10 appointments a week, which at least two or one would result in either a listing or a buyer client.

And that’s how you could do 50 transactions a year.

So 50 transactions a year, which was at the time was around $90,000 or whatever it was.

I knew that in order to make the 90, I had to dial the phone 300 times a day. I reduced all the stuff everything all the goals that you can have well, I’m going to take this many listings and this many clients and this many this and this many this and these are my goals.

No, those aren’t your goals.

Those are the outcomes that you’re trying to set up.

Stew Smith: Hmm.

Jim Edwards: But you need to start with the end-run outcome and work your way back to daily goals.

And to me, a goal is something that you either or don’t do. It’s like Yoda said, there

“Do or do not, there is no try.”

So, I’ve reduced my business down to I’m a success; my business in my life is that I’m successful if I create content every day, if I reach out to a certain number of people every single day, I make X number of offers in a week.

It’s all laid out.

And it’s reduced down.

And then when it’s, when it quarterly stuff, like launching a new product this month, and then doing a workshop next month, and then a workshop on in February and planning this stuff out, then it gets reduced down to the list of actions that need to get taken.

And by day, they’re scheduled.

And so, a successful day is done. I do all the things I knew I needed to do today to reach the outcomes that I want to get.

And then it’s stringing together, successful hours into successful days in the succeeding weeks and the successful months and the successful years into a successful life.

And there also needs to be stuff for nutrition, and also stuff for physical activity stuff for relationships, stuff for spirituality, you have to make time for that every single day.

Because if you don’t do it every single day, it doesn’t become a habit.

Stew Smith: That’s right. Creating habits.

Jim Edwards: Anyway,

Stew Smith: One step at a time.

Jim Edwards: That’s what you got to do.

I really dominated this.

I’m sorry, Stew, what I really have to say,

Stew Smith: Oh, and you’re on a roll.

That’s why I came up with this.

I knew you were going to be on fire today.

Because everything I have seen that you’ve been doing for the last two weeks has been on this topic.

In a way, whether it was you got to get your book up on Amazon, or what would you do if you’re?

If you had a book on Amazon?

What was another one I saw you had you posted here?

Jim Edwards: You have a book on Amazon? How do you revive a dead book you write?

Stew Smith: What is the single most important business tasks you want to accomplish?

Get done before the end of the year?

Jim Edwards: Right?

Stew Smith: You you’ve been on this topic for a while, and I knew it was fermenting in your brain.

And now, it just



Jim Edwards: So, Denise just asked good questions, do ya?

Do you not that all questions are actually not all questions are good.

We’re just going to get that out of the way right now.

Not everybody gets a trophy.

Not all questions are good.

Some questions are dumb.


What are the minimums to become a Navy seals?

Stew Smith: Yeah, that’s a good dumb one.

Jim Edwards: do you work with a coach to sustain accountability to plan, or did a coaching program help you get started?

So interestingly enough, I, anytime I’ve ever hired a coach with the exception of Stew, it’s never worked.

And looking back, the reason it didn’t work was that I was looking to the coach to be the source of accountability instead of myself as the source of accountability.

So, I’ve hired people and paid them as much as $30,000 to help me figure out what I should do in my business.

And the funny thing is that the two times that I’ve really seriously hired a coach, they both basically, after a whole bunch of bullcrap, and charging me money and talking all my team members and everything else.

They told me that I should basically just keep doing what I’ve been doing.

Stew Smith: Wow, thanks. Yeah, thanks, Captain Obvious.

Jim Edwards: That’s called being a consultant.

And then, but with working out, I’ve run hot and cold on fitness since I was 17 years old.

And I went through a period in my 30s, where I was on medication for a heart condition, and I just went to pot badly.

And when I was about 40, I hired a, I started looking, oh, you need a personal trainer.

So, the problem was, is that hiring a personal trainer didn’t do me any good because I was looking at the personal trainer to be the source of accountability and motivation.

And so, what would happen when the personal trainer was working out? I was getting in shape and losing weight.

But then, as with all things, something happens, there’s a road, there are the personal trainer leaves, they quit, they flake out, they whatever, they’re gone.

And then I would, I would just go in the tank.

And I realized, in 2012, and I remember exactly where I was, I’ve been having a lot of medical problems, and in 2012, and in November of 2012, I said, what, I’m tired of this.

I’ve got to get this fixed.

I’m going to go walk in every single day; now, instinctively, I reduced it down to something that I can control.

And I knew that I could walk every single day.

So I’m going to walk every day, I’m going to get rid of this weight that was like, weighed 256, I think I’ve got up to 265.

But I was too scared to weigh myself.

Stew Smith: Wow.

Jim Edwards: And I also went to the doctor and got my sinuses fixed and some other stuff that I’ve been putting off.

And I just started walking every single day and started seeing results, but really, really good results.

And I taught, and then I started tying the walking to other stuff in my life, like daily content creation.

So while I was walking, I would think about a question that I wanted to answer to create content that day.

And that’s when my content creation just skyrocketed because I would spend an hour thinking about what I wanted to create content on.

So, when I got back from my walk, I just exploded with the content.

So, then what happened was that self-motivation built and built and built, and then that’s when I started reaching out for help from other people.

So, I started out with a friend of mine, who was a client also, who had a basic fitness business; he got me going with some stuff, something he had that he called Commando Cardio, which was basically a reverse pyramid of a whole bunch of different stuff.

But it was hard, when especially when you’re not in shape and can’t do a pull-up.

And then I started getting in shape getting into shape.

And I was again being self-motivated.

And I started looking around for somebody to help me do more pull-ups.

And by then I had done a Go Ruck event, we’ve gotten my ass handed to me, I was like, “Man, I’m not in shape.”

I’m starting to think that I was in shape, like compared to my neighbors.

Sure, I’m in shape compared to my neighbors, but nobody else is out running or walking.

So, it’s like, Hey, I’m the fittest guy on the fat block.

And so, the funny thing is, I went and did an event.

And I met that guy right there but didn’t know I had just met him when he harassed me on top of a mountain because I bypassed his obstacle course thing.

And, I mean, that’s how I met Stew was like in 2014.

And so I got Stew. I joined stews fitness program is his online coaching program.

But I never look to Stew to motivate me.

In fact, part of Steve’s motivates me; part of Steve’s marketing is “only the motivated find us.”

And my job is not to motivate you.

So, he’s like the anti-coach coach, and the bottom line…

Stew Smith: Reverse psychology there.

Jim Edwards: Right?

The bottom line is that no coaching will work unless the person being coached is already motivated to do it.

If you’re looking for a coach to motivate you, you are lost and screwed before you even get started.

And that explains why you see people who have every advantage, who have money, who have contacts, who have all this stuff, and they screw around with online marketing and online business for years and never do anything; they’re always getting ready to get ready.

Then you see somebody who has no money, who has nothing.

And within a year, you realize I never heard of this person before.

And now they’re way up here.

And it’s because they were self-motivated, and they had a reason to get it done.

So coaching is only as good as the person being coached.

And a buddy of mine, Myron Golden…

He this vicious; when he’s coaching other people, he said,

“Hey, I don’t care what you think about me, I don’t care about what do you think about my coaching…

I know how to create results.

And so, whether you want to do what I tell you to do or not, or whether you agree with what I tell you to do or not is irrelevant to me because you don’t know what you’re doing.

And I do.”

And, and this guy charges $60,000 for you to go through his one year speaking program.

He doesn’t mess around.

So, that’s the other end of the spectrum.

But the only times in my life when I produced amazing results have been when I was internally motivated already.

And the times when I have looked for external motivation or external fire, never worked out.

Just cost me money in time and never worked out.

Stew Smith: Yeah, there’s a lot to be said for motivation, being self-motivation.

And even then, even when you are motivated, there will be days when you are not motivated.

You just low energy.

Maybe you didn’t sleep well.


And you still got to get stuff done the next day.


But that’s when you’re motivated; you build really good habits.

Yeah, right, because it’s real easy to build a habit when you’re motivated to do it, but you rely on those habits when you’re not motivated.

And now you’ve, your motivation has evolved to discipline.

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: That’s how growth occurs, right doing it, because you don’t even feel like doing it.

That is discipline; that’s not motivation.


The big thing I would say that coaching can do, because I’m not bashing coaching at all.

The one thing coaching can do is help you over the hump, to make it to self-motivation of belief.

If you believe you can do it, and you believe that this person can show you the way, then that can, but that’s only going to get you over the very top; it’s not going to get you from a standing start.

So, you’ve already got to be here, and then it’ll that’ll get you over that a little bit.

And then it’s still up to you.

Yeah, I would agree.

I mean, Denise is right over here, when she’s talking about, coaches can help you illuminate a proven path and at least 50% there.

But what I’ve seen is that coaching will help someone who’s motivated to get started?

Right first, or they wouldn’t be buying your services.


They’re really motivated at the beginning.

Now, if you can, in a very short period of time, have them create some good habits, but also see some results.


That was a little bit of work.

Yeah, then you got them.

And they got it.

They have found that missing link that they’ve been searching for because they’re starting to see results from their hard work.

And then that’s, I mean, how about that for full circle?

What we just did, you started off with a little hunting story.

Now we went full circle into the same ending, you get results from your hard work.

Jim Edwards: I mean, your results, people by results, and you’ll keep doing something that gets you the results that you want, you won’t keep doing it.

If it doesn’t help you get results.

So, a coach’s job also is to show people the path and help them see the incremental results.

Because sometimes there’s a goal that you got that you can’t wait till that end goal that end result comes, you got to have intermediate stuff, because the one thing can be too far away.

Like if I had said I got to lose 60 pounds.

And that was my goal.

I would never have done it.

My goal was to walk every single day.


Stew Smith: So. So, there you go.

Jim Edwards: All right.

Well, we could sit here and meander all we want, but it’s time to go.

Because I have a meeting and I know you have things to do.

And all of you folks need to get busy implementing what we’ve told you to do, which was basically just get moving.

Stew Smith: Just get moving. Do something.

And yeah, we could have been a little more concise today.

But it was a great story.

Jim Edwards: It was fun.

It was fun to do, and next time, I’m not going to dominate nearly as much.

I want you. I’m going to let you participate a little bit more.

Stew Smith: Thank you.

Jim Edwards: And I have a book assignment for you.

Stew, I need you to play.

Have you ever read the book The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles?

Stew Smith: No .

Jim Edwards: That’s a really good book.

Stew Smith: I’ve seen it.

It was on a to-do list once, and I never got it done.

Jim Edwards: It’s good.

It’s a good book.

There you go.

And he also wrote a book called The Science Of Being Great, in which he was trying to recapture the glory of the first book.

But anyway, there you go.

All right, cool.

Well, hey, just because we don’t want to do something that doesn’t involve a call to action.

If you ain’t got a copy of my book, copywriting secrets, head to copywritingsecrets.com.

Grab a copy for free.

All I ask is that you pay a small shipping and handling and stew if people want to hire you as their coach to help them get in the most amazing shape of their lives.

What can they do?

Stew Smith: Go to stewsmithfitness.com or just email me, and I’ll walk you through the process

Jim Edwards: There you go.


All right, everybody.

Well, we appreciate you.

Have a wonderful day, and we will talk to you soon.

Bye, everybody.


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