Weekly Update – June 01, 2022

A Note From Jim

5 Odd-Ball Best Sellers That Are CRUSHING IT On Amazon Right Now!

There are lots of books selling in categories most people never even think about.

You can get outside the “how to” world of book creation and maybe catch a whole new audience.

You don’t have to limit yourself strictly to step by step, how to books.

You can come at your topic area from a fresh angle or an entirely different direction.

So, if you want to know how to find creative angles for your own best selling book, here are some Oddball Best Sellers for you:

Oddball Best Seller # 1 – Stiff: The Curious Lives Of Human Cadavers

Heading up the Anatomy category, this book is #35,404 in sales rank on Amazon. 

(Anything over 50,000 is making consistent sales… anything at #10,000 and below is making VERY nice sales).

Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers chronicles the “lives” of bodies after the soul is done using them. A curious book on a topic few would think about. 

Oddball Best Seller # 2 – Make Him BEG For Your Attention: 75 Communication Secrets For Captivating Men To Get The Love And Commitment You Deserve

I honestly had no idea there was an “Etiquette” category on Amazon. But then again, manners have never been a consistent priority for me (much to the detriment of my bottom in grade school, which made the acquaintance of a few rulers at the hands of etiquette-minded nuns)!
With that said, this book clocks in at #31,372 in overall Amazon sales and promises to help the reader gain the attention of the ideal man! 

Oddball Best Seller # 3 – Dad Jokes: Over 600 Of The Best (Worst) Jokes Around And Perfect Father’s Day Gift (World’s Best Dad Jokes Collection)

This book in the “Jokes” category has the only sub-1000 ranking in the group at #858. A sales rank of that low number means they are running this book out the door faster than a fat kid chasing the ice cream truck on July 4th!

This definitely looks like a category where one book is never enough and people will buy as many as they can get their hands on! 

Oddball Best Seller # 4 – The Bro Code

Heading up the “Relationships” category with an overall rank of #16,866, The Bro Code details how every guy should act when it comes to his bro’s. A must read if you were never one of the cool kids. 

Oddball Best Seller # 5 – Road Trip Activities And Travel Journal For Kids (Happy Fox Books) Over 100 Games, Mazes, Mad Libs, Writing Prompts, Scavenger Hunts, And More To Keep Kids Having Fun In The Car With Zero Screen Time

With more keywords stuffed in the title than I’ve ever seen in my live, this top seller in the “Quizzes” category hits #2,946 in overall Amazon sales. A mishmash of about 2 dozen “activities,” this book will keep the ankle-biters occupied without frying their brains on the iPad (unless you’d like to keep them zombified for a few hundred miles). 

If you want to make a splash with your own bestseller, take a few minutes and brainstorm a bunch of off-the-wall ideas for your own book that just might be a runaway hit!

Hey, one more thing before I forget, if you want to create your own outrageously profitable book in less than a week, head on over to 7dayebook.com right now!

Featured Article

I hear people say all the time…

“I need a bigger list” or “I don’t have a big list” or “I don’t have a list at all” or “My list is old!”

“How do you reinvigorate an old list?”

“Nobody’s born with a list!”

Everybody’s obsessed with the size of their list and building a list. But let me tell you, there’s a huge difference between having a list and building a tribe. 

So my question to you is… what would you rather have, a list or a tribe? 

List or Tribe?

“I learned everything I needed to know on how to get an ebook created and published in just a few days.”

I have been watching as Ebook readers are becoming a fast growing trend and realize that there is a great need for reading content. 

If you are considering taking your knowledge or other sources of information or even if you have a great fiction tale you want to tell, Jim Edwards’ training on ebook writing and publishing is THE source of information. 

I learned everything I needed to know on how to get an ebook created and published in just a few days. Jim takes the information and makes it clear and easy to understand. 

He gives you great examples to make learning easier and even provides templates so you can just follow along, do what he does, and have a book published before you know it.

He even answers all your nagging questions. This training is the best value on the Internet! And you’ll love Jim’s teaching style!

– Anita Thibeault

Get your copy today!

Weekly Content Round Up

Join Jim as he goes live on Facebook and shares valuable nuggets of information with his followers.

Deep Dive Into What’s New – Jim and Stew Show

If an 11-year-old can do it, what’s your excuse?

A Hook For Your Book – Jim and Dean Show

Start Up Stories – Jim and Stew Show

Friday Funny

Set your sales on FIRE

Sales Copywriting & Content Marketing Hacks Podcast Recap

We help entrepreneurs sell more with less effort and less stress… no matter what you sell! We cover topics on sales copy, content marketing, advertising, website sales letters, email marketing, headlines, ad writing and more.

WARNING: we are not here to teach copywriters the finer points of copywriting… we’re here to make it easy for normal people to use words and pictures to make more sales and get results. And, we have a lot of fun doing it!

Build a List or a Tribe? – SCCMH [Podcast 159]

Case Studies and Testimonials for Your Business – SCCMH [Podcast 158]

Don’t Skip Creativity Day – SCCMH [Podcast 157]

Spring Training for Your Business – SCCMH [Podcast 156]

Five Words with Jim Edwards That Will Change Your Life – SCCMH [Podcast 155]

The Fastest Ways to Make Content – SCCMH [Podcast 154]

To watch more episodes Click Here!


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