Weekly Update – August 30, 2023

Article of the Week

Million Dollar Do’s and Don’ts Of Paid Affiliate Advertising

(From-the-trenches Advice from the Internet’s #1 Affiliate for some of the biggest product launches in online history) 

When it comes to promoting your affiliate offers through paid ads, there are specific do’s and don’ts that can help you maximize your profits while minimizing advertising expenses.

#1 Don’t Advertise Your Affiliate Link

Firstly, one important don’t is to never do direct linking. Advertising your affiliate link directly can often violate the merchant’s terms of service and will not allow you to track the effectiveness of your advertising.

Instead, always advertise a bridge page or landing page that allows you to control the message and guide the potential customers to the next step in the process.

#2 Do Build A List

Secondly, do try to build a list of people’s email addresses before driving them to the merchant’s site. This step allows you to follow up with multiple marketing messages, increasing your chances of converting leads into customers.

It also helps you establish a relationship with your audience, leading to MORE sales in the future! (Which is the name of the game! Nobody ever built a business from one-off sales.)

#3 Do Test Your Ads

Another important tip is to continuously test your ads. Start with small budgets and see what works best. By constantly testing and optimizing your ads, you can eliminate what isn’t effective and replicate what generates sales.

This approach ensures that you are not blindly pouring your entire advertising budget into campaigns that just drain your bank account.

 #4 Do Define Your Avatar

Know your target audience (also called your avatar) for each specific offer. By understanding their needs, desires, and pain points, you can create ads that resonate with them on an emotional level.

Use language and imagery that speaks directly to their emotional hot buttons, and you’ll increase the likelihood of converting them into sales through your affiliate link.

 #5 Don’t Treat This Like The Lottery

Do not treat affiliate marketing like a slot machine or scratch tickets at the convenience store. Don’t rely on luck or chance; instead, apply the same techniques of testing, targeting, and retargeting that you would for your own products or services.

By adopting a strategic and systematic approach, you can optimize your advertising campaigns and improve your chances of success.

The truth is, you must be a BETTER marketer as an affiliate because you’re only earning a part of the sale in the form of a commission. You can’t afford to be sloppy as if you were earning 100% of the revenue.

 #6 Do Offer Exclusive Bonuses

Finally, the most powerful tactic to separate your offer from the competition is to create bonuses or other incentives for people who buy through your affiliate link.

People are more likely to buy from you if you offer additional value in the form of bonuses that complement the affiliate offer.

By offering exclusive and enticing bonuses, you instantly differentiate yourself from others promoting the same product, increasing your chances of making the sale and earning the commission.

In conclusion, by following these do’s and don’ts of paid advertising in affiliate marketing, you can position yourself for success. Avoid direct linking, build an email list, test your ads, know your target audience, use proven marketing techniques, and offer valuable bonuses.

Running paid ads is a great way to scale your revenue fast… but also a great way to end up poor. The choice is yours.

By the way, if you want to create amazing landing pages or “bridge” pages, we’ve got you covered at CopyAndContent.AI with our “Affiliate Landing Page Genie.”

Automatically create unique, insanely effective bridge pages that get clicks from highly targeted prospects. It’s amazing! Check it out at CopyAndContent.AI

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Dominate Curriculum Development with this Powerful Tool

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You can now happily say goodbye to the grueling process of creating your training from scratch. Say hello to the freedom and flexibility to spend your valuable time promoting and expanding your business!

If you’re ready to shortcut the process of creating your next curriculum or training, visit https://copyandcontent.ai/ now to learn more.

Last Week’s Article

This Changed Everything For Me!

“The New Frontier of Copywriting: Harnessing the Power of DISC” 

• Copywriting veteran discovers the game-changing power of DISC in sales copy

• DISC communication categories revolutionize copywriting techniques

• Communication styles can drastically change based on the situation, leading to more effective copy

• Incorporating DISC into copywriting software enhances user and reader experience

• DISC adds a layer of magic that can elevate copy and content to the next level

Decades in the Game

I’ve been in the game of writing sales copy for quite some time now. Since 1990, to be precise. But it wasn’t until around 2001 that I decided…

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Content Round-Up

Join Jim as he goes live on Facebook and shares valuable nuggets of information with his followers.

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Want A Fat Bank Account? Upgrade Your Life!

See Jim at Gen Blue 2023 – Atlanta in October

WriteYourBook.AI Author Library – Congratulations!

The CopyandContent.AI Report

We help entrepreneurs sell more with less effort and less stress… no matter what you sell! We cover topics on sales copy, content marketing, advertising, website sales letters, email marketing, headlines, ad writing and more.

WARNING: we are not here to teach copywriters the finer points of copywriting… we’re here to make it easy for normal people to use words and pictures to make more sales and get results. And, we have a lot of fun doing it!


Why DISC Matters & Where To Use It

See the latest episodes here!

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