Million Dollar Offer – Curriculum – Lesson Plan Taught by Jim Edwards – [Podcast 203]

Jim Edwards of CopyAndContent.AI Report discusses and demonstrates how he creates offers, curricula, and lesson plans to elevate your business with high end offers.

Lessons learned from IMC:

  • Spend time with your customers
  • They give you great ideas for exactly what they need
  • Tell story of the idea I had in middle of night

o Do it right then – don’t wait til you get home

o Taught that class that night

Turned into the

o Million Dollar Offer Genie

o Curriculum Genie o Lesson Plan Genie

DEMO: Also discuss Curriculum Genie (or pick one) and do a live demo that we can repurpose. A quick demo of the Lesson Plan Genie will be available

Lightning Round Questions: What is the biggest mistake people make with their avatars? What is the difference between a curriculum and a lesson plan? How do the offer and the curriculum go hand in hand?

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