The Hero’s Journey Wizard Walk-Through – SCCMH [Podcast 32]

Check out this podcast as Jim Edwards walks us through a new wizard he is creating / fine tuning on the Hero’s Journey with podcast partner Stew Smith!

This is a great way to make a video, blog post, email, or social media post to get people to understand more of who you are. The Hero’s Journey is inspirational and humanizes you to your audience and market of potential customers.

Let me know your struggle to get to where you are today with this amazing organizational tool that helps you deliver an impactful message that is real and emotional.

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Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here along with Steve Smith and welcome back to the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast!

This is episode 32!

Hey Stew, I’m with you at 32.

We’re always kind of rhymes to reflect the times.

So today we are continuing our journey with the Hero’s Journey.

And we have a cool walkthrough for you guys of something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time inside of The Jim Edwards Method Premium, Easy Online Wizards to make an actual wizard to help create Hero’s Journey story scripts…

And do it in such a way that you could do it for a story that would take two minutes to tell or 30 minutes to tell…

Depending on how much time you had…

Stew Smith: Oh Cool!

Jim Edwards: And this is a true Beta as far as the as far as the wizard goes.

But I want to remind everybody just real quick, we’re going to do a 30-second recap…

I think it was episode 5 that we did a big thing about the Hero’s Journey…

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: But just as a reminder for everybody, basically the way the Hero’s Journey goes…

Your character pretty much is right here and things are okay, not too high, not too low, just kinda heading along…

And then they come to a point of decision…

They make the decision…

And all of a sudden things start kind of going to crap.

And then you have a real dip where they really go to crap.

And then here…

There’s a revelation where then they start climbing their way out…

And then they grow.

And then there’s an ascension to the next level where our hero…

…with the cape…

Is totally transformed and there they’re never the same again.

And so if you think about, we’ll use the example of just Star Wars real quick.

Luke is at the farm, not too high, not too low, wants to go to the to the academy or whatever.

He wanted to…

Hey, Luke Skywalker wanted to go to an academy to Stew!

Stew Smith: That’s right.

Jim Edwards: Then he meets Obi wan Kenobi and he makes a decision, I’m going to learn to use the force…

And then his aunt and uncle end up dead and he goes on all this journey…

He meets all these people…

And then he ends up on the death star and he sees Obi Wan.

I mean, Obi Wan is fricking dead man…

Stew Smith: He’s in a trash compactor?

Jim Edwards: I mean there’s all this bad, yeah, with the smelly wet Wookie…

But the bottom of it is he sees Obi wan Kenobi is dead…

So then he joins the rebellion for real…

Learns to be an x-wing pilot and he goes on the journey and then here where he is transformed is when Obi Wan reappears and he says,

“Luke, use the force”

And he turns off his thing and he uses the force to launch the Proton torpedoes and the Death Star blows up.

And then Luke is on his way to becoming a true Jedi Knight.

Okay. Does that pretty much, I mean that’s the Hero’s Journey…

I mean, that’s just the first frickin movie, man…

Stew Smith: I’m, yeah, yeah, that’s good…

Jim Edwards: But that’s the little journey…

That’s the typical heroes journey…

If you look at any really good story that every resonates with with stuff, Harry Potter follows this journey.

Lord of the Rings, Frodo follows this journey and any great story follows this journey.

And the funny thing is that this is so hard wired into us, both the telling of it and the living of it that you see most really good business stories follow this as well.

Any story…

If you want to hit, all the good buttons….

There’s one thing in here that’s not in the wizard because it’s not always here…

But one of the things that one of the underlying sub-themes that you will see…

Is there’s also the best friend disappears around this time and then reappears about this time.

You think about Obi Wan Kenobi…

You think about Harry Potter in the last book, Harry and Ron separate ways…

And then Ron joins Harry at the end.

There’s always a friend, a best friend, a mentor, somebody who disappears for some reason…

Some resource disappears here at the bottom…

And they have to make this journey on their own until they…

Not always, but that’s a sub context in there…

And I don’t know if that’s too much information, but I geek out on this stuff.

If I hadn’t been been drunk the whole month of March, my senior in college, I could have had a minor in comparative literature…

So, I mean, I come by this stuff honestly…

Stew Smith: I like that. That’s cool…

Jim Edwards: But I digress…

So what I want to show you guys now, and we’re actually going to use Mr. Stew Smith…

We’re going to go through, use this wizard for the very first time.

Jim Edwards: And the thing is, you can, one last thing I want to, I want to say here is that you can use these heroes journey stories for anything…

I mean, you can use them for Facebook lives…

You can use them in your sales letters…

You can use them in webinars…

They can actually be an entire Webinar if you do it right.

You can use them anywhere…

…for any purpose whatsoever…

Because it’s the ultimate content to get people oriented in whatever manner you want.

As you’ll see…

So what I want to do is, cause I’m fascinated by this story is we’re going to tell the story of Stew’s journey from an 18 year old high school student…

All the way to where he is now with teaching guys and gals how to go into military law enforcement, special forces, firefighters…

So I want to start with when you decided that you wanted to go and decision of when you wanted to go to the Naval Academy…

And then when you failed your first PT test and kind of what happened from there.

Stew Smith: Okay, sure, sure…

Jim Edwards: So who or what were you at the start of the story?

Stew Smith: Just a high school kid…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: Okay, And what was your situation at the time?

So, and we’re thinking, we’re always thinking in bullets…

We’re not actually writing react, we’re creating bullets that we would then tell the story from…

So what was your situation at the time?

Stew Smith: I will was a hard worker. Athlete. Student.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: That was it. That was just as all I did.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: Went to school; played sports.

Jim Edwards: Okay… And you were from a small town?

Stew Smith: Yes, very small town… One high school in the whole county.

Jim Edwards: Okay. All right… okay… So then there was a change…

There was an event, there was a decision, there was a choice made.

So what happened that started to change everything?

Stew Smith: Well, I was recruited by Navy and Army for football, so they kind of got on my map that way.

But then Top Gun also came out.

So that was a cool movie.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: That made me say, “Oh.” There were some academy references in there.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: So yeah, that was my goal to go be a fighter pilot…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: Just like Maverick.

Jim Edwards: Okay… Didn’t you say you also didn’t want, also didn’t want to saddle your parents with paying for college?

Stew Smith: Yeah, I mean I was going to… some way… to get through college, pay for it myself.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: So where are we now? I got into the academy… That was good.

Jim Edwards: Okay… Okay. So, what problem or conflict arose on those two immediately?

Stew Smith: Well, I thought I was in good shape until I showed up at the naval academy…

And I failed my first fitness test.

Jim Edwards: Okay… How did things go from bad to worse?

Stew Smith: Well, on top of failing fitness tests…

I was also failing chemistry…

Jim Edwards: Ooh… I never heard that part of the story yet…

Stew Smith: Yeah… Well there’s more. It was a bad year…

Jim Edwards: Hahahaha!

Stew Smith: Hahaha!

Jim Edwards: Okay… So on top of filling fitness tests I was also failing chemistry.

Anything else?

Stew Smith: Yes, you’re 18 years old, you’re home sick your girlfriend dumps you.

I mean, it was just a just a perfect storm of misery.

Jim Edwards: Okay, this all happened because…

So what caused the situation?

This happened because why?

Stew Smith: Well I wasn’t prepared.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: I wasn’t prepared physically… I wasn’t prepared academically…

I did everything to get to the Naval Academy.

I never once considered. “How do I get through the Naval Academy?”

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: So it was back to my “to and through” thing that I teach.

Jim Edwards: Okay… That’s real similar to my college thing…

I was a stud getting to college and then when I got to college I blew up…

Stew Smith: Oh Man… it was very humbling.

Jim Edwards: So how did you feel at this point?

Stew Smith: Well, humbled.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: Right. and at this point I’d say it was probably Thanksgiving and my mom.

Jim Edwards: Oh, are you telling, is this going to be the rock bottom story?

Cause if mom is gonna have, you’re gonna…

Stew Smith: Yes… This would be the rock bottom, Mom…

Jim Edwards: Rock bottoms is going to be in there, and the mom’s going to help you have the revelation…

Stew Smith: Yeah… Okay… Gotcha… I felt humbled.

Jim Edwards: Were you scared that you were going to get kicked down?

Stew Smith: Oh yeah… Yeah… Everything. It was like I didn’t belong there…

All the insecurities that come with all of that.

All the insecurities that come with failing…


Jim Edwards: That’s funny… Okay… So I knew I was at rock bottom when…

Okay, so now we’re, we’re hitting rock bottom.

Didn’t you have to do like extra duty and stuff?

Like clearing snow, didn’t she say?

Stew Smith: Oh yeah… So yeah, so the, that was… pretty much the straw that broke the camel’s back…

When I had like… I had failing grades, failing physical scores, and I got in trouble for underage drinking…

So then I was on restriction…

Jim Edwards: Hahaha!

Stew Smith: Hahaha! So my college first six months did not go well.

Jim Edwards: Oh my Gosh!

Stew Smith: Did not go well at all. This was quite miserable.

I just kind of lost hope and wasn’t taking things seriously at that point.

Jim Edwards: Okay. And then what did that mean when you hit that rock bottom though?

What did it mean to your family, your business, your spirits, your finances, hitting rock bottom meant, that you had extra money you had?

Stew Smith: Yeah the extra 12 hours of liberty that you got as a freshman was now spent marching around in a big circle…

Or shoveling snow when it snowed.

Jim Edwards: That sucks…

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: Okay, so the revelation, what discovery did you make?

Revelation did you have?

Decision did you make?

That started turning things around?

Is that when your mom fussed at you?

Stew Smith: My mom like snapped me out of it later…

But what I really learned at first was I learned how to take fitness tests.

Like I didn’t really know how to take a fitness test.

I just went all out and just killed myself and learned how to take them.

But I also learned how to train.

And we did that we just had, had some good mentors that took me on as a leadership challenge.

If they could straighten me out.

They were they were going to have a special place in heaven for it.

Jim Edwards: My mom always says that you’ll get jewels in your crown in heaven…

And my buddy Dexter says,

“Yeah, I don’t care… I’m just gonna if I end up butt-naked in the streets of gold…

At least I’m in heaven I’m not worried about anything else.”

Okay, so, and then you decide what I decided to would…

Stew Smith: Well, I decided that I did need a fitness outlet for some stress relief, which helped…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: And that helped me kind of refocus on my studies, there was a study skills program…

I learned how to study… better.

So a, I’d, I started doing the right steps…

I’m not seeing much progress yet, but I was on the right mindset…

But where it really came in is I came home for Thanksgiving and completely kind of crushed…

Not what I expected when I came back home…

To be telling everybody how I’m doing.

And I remember just crying and just telling my mom, I was just like, “It’s awful and I miss you guys so much.”

And I think she really was glad to hear that I missed her because what she saw me doing was just hanging out with my friends when I came home.

Jim Edwards: Doing some more underage drinking,

Stew Smith: Right… More under age drinking. And she said to me

“Well, why don’t you just come home?”

And I said, “What?, I can’t quit.”

“I can’t quit.”

Did she goes,

“Well, quit crying.”

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: And that was like, “All right. I’m on it.”

And my efforts had a little more focus after that.

Jim Edwards: Okay. So, at that point, I mean, how’d you feel at that point?

So “I felt focused and driven.”

Stew Smith: Yes… Yes… Focused and driven.

Jim Edwards:  Okay. So now we’re into the transformation.

So you’re coming back from Thanksgiving and stuff…

So, did you have to stay there over Christmas or did you go back…

Stew Smith: I went home over Christmas too.

Jim Edwards: Okay, so what happened next?

This is now the transformation, then the return than the ascension…

So this is “Stew’s coming back and his mom told them to stop being a little biatch…

Stew Smith: Well, you know what, it was a good last half of the semester.

My grades are getting up. I actually didn’t fail anything.

And I actually maxed the next PT test.

So I went from failing a PT test and then I maxed it in that same month but prior to Christmas.

Jim Edwards: Okay… I’m not sure… Let’s think about this real quick…

So now the return, the ascension, this is where we might depart a little bit because this isn’t…

It’s almost like we want to fast forward.

We want to fast forward four years…

Stew Smith: Yeah, sure…

Jim Edwards: Okay… So I’m just going to put it in fast forward four years…


Stew Smith: Actually I finished… That year I actually finished the number one plebe in my company.

Jim Edwards: Woah.

Stew Smith: Not academically, but just military bearing and all that stuff.

Jim Edwards: I bet that shocked the chief that was making you shovel snow.

Stew Smith: Hahaha! Yeah… So I, like I said, I came back and figured it out militarily, I was good…

Academically I still struggled, but I passed.

And then physically I crushed.

So I knew my strengths and weaknesses there.

So I knew I could play the physical game.

I can play the military bearing game.

And I just had to focus on my weakness, which was the academics.

So I had it controlled now…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: That was the big thing going into the next four years…

Jim Edwards: Okay… let’s save this just so we don’t, I can’t spell but that’s okay.

Okay… so we fast forward, graduated from the US Naval Academy, graduated BUD/S and then spent four years in UDT…

Was it all four years in the same one or did you do have a couple of different platoon?

Stew Smith: I was at well it was like an extended tour at STDs…

Jim Edwards: STDs…

Stew Smith: Driving mini subs.

Jim Edwards: Okay… so then you then had the opportunity to go to the or return

Stew Smith: Yup, to the Academy as an instructor.

Jim Edwards: Okay… So now this is where we’re talking about you transitioning over to what you’re doing now.

So, by going to the academy as an instructor…

How did that change you and open your mind to new possibilities and stuff?

Stew Smith: Well, to be honest with you, I didn’t miss the Seal teams.

I enjoyed coaching.


I really found, I enjoyed both ends of the spectrum of coaching…

I enjoyed teaching kids that didn’t know how to swim or didn’t know how to pass a fitness test, how to do that…

I enjoyed the very advanced elements of training, working with the kids that’s all, wanted to go special ops…

So I considered myself kind of the beginners and advanced coach to these young midshipman that were either doing very well or doing very poorly.

Many were much like myself.

Jim Edwards: I saw myself in them.

Stew Smith: Yeah,

Jim Edwards: That’s funny that I feel the same way… Like with the online business…

And the writing and all that stuff…

I see people that were where I was and I want to help them because I know I,

I’ve been where they are…

Stew Smith: Yep.

Jim Edwards: Okay. And then let’s talk about the ascension…

Now, you were at the academy doing this for four years and then you decided you were going to go off on your own…

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: And so just looking at this, let’s look at the parts of this.


“What decisions did you make or conclusions did you come to as a result of this journey that you were on?”

And then

“At the end of that particular journey, where are you now on your new life path?”

“What are you able to do now that you couldn’t before?”

“How do you feel?”


“What’s the big moral or takeaway of all of this for other people?”

So, you can just become, like you went and got certified?

You did a whole,

Stew Smith: Yeah, I made a decision to get a little more education on, physiology and coaching.

I knew I was a good writer, I just had to figure out what I wanted to write about.

And it became more writing about the issues I saw…

With young men and women…

In the tactical professions.

Cause I was also doing some local work with police officers and firefighters and things like that too…

…but that’s just side story…

So I saw it everywhere…

I saw everybody was struggling with either trying to get into a program, passing a fitness test or…

Prepare for more difficult challenges in their future…

And that’s what I kind of focused my next 20 years on.

Jim Edwards: All right… And so at the end of this part or where you are right now at the end of this journey, where are you now on your new life path?

So now I am a what?

Stew Smith: I guess I’m professional writer in the tactical fitness genre, specializing in military, police, firefighters, special ops programming…

But also helping those who want to do these jobs but are a hundred pounds away from being able to do it.

So I really enjoy helping people…

It’s great to get a guy to do over 20 pull-ups…

That’s easy…

But, helping a guy lose a hundred pounds so he can now join the military…

Is even more rewarding.

Stew Smith: And so I create those programs for people.

Jim Edwards: Okay… What are you able to do now that you couldn’t do before?

Like when you were at the Naval Academy?

Stew Smith: Ummm…

Jim Edwards: Like helping those kids in that first four years that you were the coach there?

Stew Smith: Yeah, well, I still coach there at the academy.

But let me see what I’d use now…

Jim Edwards: It’s about growth… It’s really compare you now to you then…

Stew Smith: Yeah… Well, I have a wealth of experience from training thousands of people…

And I’ve just about seen every issue that people…

It is rare now that I have a new issue that people are struggling with.

Might happen once every couple of years now.

Jim Edwards: Okay… And how do you feel as a result of completing this particular journey?

Stew Smith: Ah… What’s a good word for it?

I guess… Content…

I feel like I found my place in life and I really enjoy it.

Jim Edwards: Could be your true calling?

Stew Smith: Yeah, true calling…

I enjoy helping these young men and women with whatever goal they have.

And old men and women too…

So it doesn’t have to be young…

Jim Edwards: Well, you actually have…

I’m going to write something in for you…

I’ve discovered a whole new world of athletes over 40 who need help too…

Stew Smith: Yes… I’ve been doing this a while that all my 20 year olds when I started are now 40…

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: And, so it’s we’ve had to evolve… And I think that’s the coolest thing about the journey is that I am always evolving and always constantly learning…

Jim Edwards: Do you think that might be the big moral or takeaway for this for people?

Stew Smith: I guess think so… I think one, you can’t give up!


When things are really looking their worst for you…

If you really want to do this, you really kind of need to find why you want to do this…

And refocus and get energized to finish.

but also yes.

Jim Edwards: Yes, what?

Stew Smith: Yes… The big moral is you have to grow and evolve. And don’t let the grass grow under your feet type of thing.

Just keep moving.

And that not only means like with education, but with technological changes…

You really have to stay on top of them, especially when you’re transitioning this into a business…

Because getting everything to be able to communicate like we’re doing right now with the podcast and sharing your screen.

15 years ago, we would have never been able to do that…

Jim Edwards: No, you would have to come to my house and we would have had to sit next to each other and record it and then download it on a computer and edit it and, yeah.

Stew Smith: Exactly.

Jim Edwards: Okay… So, I saved it.

And here’s your…

This is your outline…

I don’t have the other thing yet, but if we were to grab this as text and you were to tell the story…

“Let me tell you a quick story…

I was high school kid, I was a hard worker…

I was a student athlete…

but basically all I did was I went to school and I played sports and I was from a very small town in Florida…

And then something happened that changed my life forever…

I was actually recruited for Army and Navy both by Army and Navy, both for football…

And then it’s funny, you see stuff happens in the movie Top Gun came out and then all of a sudden my goal was to be a fighter pilot…

Just like Maverick…

And I come combined with the fact that I just did not want my parents to have to pay for college.

And so I ended up doing what I needed to do to get into the Naval Academy.

At the time I had no idea the impact this would have…

But the problem was I thought I was in good shape until I actually showed up at the Naval Academy and I failed my first fitness test…

Which was very embarrassing in front of all these people, especially since I had been recruited to be an athlete.

I kind of figured I was a stud and I got to come-up-ance…

And then just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse on top of fail in the fitness test, I was also failing chemistry…

I was 18, I was homesick and my girlfriend had dumped me and I was really, really…

“Okay, there’s the thing that I’ve got to fix here” cause it didn’t,

It didn’t have the, this happened because so I got to fix, I got to fix something that’s

Stew Smith: Looks like it printed something twice…

Jim Edwards: It did it twice…

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: So what you set up here, I’ll just fill it in…

And because I wasn’t prepared physically, I wasn’t prepared academically and I realized I had done everything I needed to do to actually get into the academy…

But I had no clue how to get through the academy, which is a theme from one of my podcasts now we do to, through, and after.

Yeah, that was when I learned a hard lesson…

And at that point I felt very humbled…

I was scared.

I was actually gonna get kicked out.

I felt like I didn’t belong.

And, and all those insecurities that come along with feeling like you’re failing at everything…

And that’s really when I hit rock bottom.

I had failing grades, I had failing physical scores…

I got in trouble actually for underage drinking.

I had extra duty where I had lost all my liberty time and I had to spend that time off actually marching around in a big circle or shoveling snow.

And I knew something had to change, but I had no clue how or what to do.

And then something actually happened that would change everything.

I learned how to take fitness tests, I learned how to train the right way.

And I decided that I actually did need some sort of fitness outlet and some stress release that helped me do better because…

Even though I got recruited for the football team, see, I know your story, I got recruited all team, but they got a new coach and there wasn’t a spot for me.

Cause I so actually started playing rugby and I also learned how to study at the college level.

And then I came home for Thanksgiving…

I was really in a crushed state of mind…

And I told my mom “This is not what I expected to tell people how I was doing.”

And I cried to my mom about how awful it was and how much I missed them…

And my mom told me, “Well, why don’t you just come home?”

And I said, “I can’t quit.”

And my mom said, “Then quit crying!” and when your mom says “Quit crying!”

It’s like, Ooh… Okay…

And from then on I was focused and driven, but I also knew that I was finally on the right path and I knew I was finally on the right path…

So here’s what happened next…

I didn’t actually fail anything.

I got down to work, I maxed the next PT test…

I finished the semester strong and I didn’t have A’s, but I didn’t fail anything and actually ended up finishing up as the number one plebe in my year militarily…

And physically though I still was struggling academically…

I had it all under control.

Now I knew what I needed to do to play to my strengths and minimize my weaknesses…

And one day I looked up and I realized…

Fast forward to four years and I graduated from the US Naval Academy, actually graduated from BUD/S…

I spent four years in SDV…

And then I had the opportunity to return to the academy as an instructor…

And I could see then that I actually didn’t miss the”

So I would, what I would do would be to convert that into past tense…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: “I could see then that I didn’t actually miss the Seal teams.

I love the Brotherhood, but I found I enjoyed coaching even more.

And I enjoyed helping both ends of the spectrum.

I loved helping the beginners who couldn’t pass PT tests…

And I love helping the ones who wanted to go to BUD/S and beyond.

And so now I feel I or I really felt and saw myself as the coach for all parts of the spectrum..

I saw myself in those kids and I wanted to help them because I had been where they were and I knew I could help them.

And that’s why I knew I couldn’t stop there…

I decided that I need to get more education on physiology and coaching.

I knew I was a good writer.

I just needed to know what to write about.

So I started writing about issues I saw people struggling with.

To get into programs to pass physical fitness tests and to prepare for difficult challenges.

So that’s where I focused the next 20 years of my life in those areas.

And as a professional writer in the tactical fitness genre specializing in special ops, fire fighter, and police and others who want to do that job.

I help people who are far from being able to do it…

Like the kids that are a hundred pounds overweight that want to go into the army.

I get my most pleasure actually from helping those who need to go the farthest.

And I create programs for those people.

And so now I’m able to do some pretty incredible things.

I still coach at the US Naval Academy…”

Again, depending on how long or short you want to talk…

Stew Smith: Sure.

Jim Edwards: “But I still coached there…

I trained the, all the high school kids coming in…

I train the ones that want to go to BUD/S…

I have a wealth of experience in a, from training thousands of people…

And it’s rare that someone has an issue that I have not seen and I don’t know the answer to.

So now as far as how does this make me feel, I’m content, I really feel like I found my place in life, my true calling.

I enjoy helping these young men and women with whatever goal they have…

And I’ve discovered a whole new world of athletes over 40 who need help too…

All my 20 year olds that when I started out, are now over 40…

And so what I’d like you to take away from all of this is never give up when things are looking at their worst…

If you really want to do anything, find the why so you can refocus and energize to finish.

You have to grow and evolve constantly.

Never let the grass grow under your feet.

Keep moving.

And this applies to all areas of life and business.”

So I mean that’s, I got a couple of tweaks I gotta do in here, but that I see,

But that’s, I mean, how do you feel about your story told that way?

Stew Smith: I like that it’s much more organized than me telling it myself…

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: like you found out a couple other things because I was able to kind of think about all these things in sections versus think about it all at once and try to get it all out…

Jim Edwards: Sure…

Stew Smith: How you break it down for me… And it’s made it a lot easier to get it out in those little sections like that…

Which produced a better story at the end…

Jim Edwards: Right… Yeah… And it’s a cool story… I mean it’s a real cool story…

It’s the Hero’s Journey to Heroes of Tomorrow.

Stew Smith: Yeah… I like it. Oh, I got that one.

Jim Edwards: So could you ever see yourself using that somewhere?

Stew Smith: Yeah, yeah, absolutely…

In fact, I’m probably going to do like a youtube live or something like that and just say people have been asking like, who are you?

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: Tell us about your story…

Jim Edwards: Right. But when I did under age drinking, it was cool and mostly legal.

It’s not legal and cool now kids.

Stew Smith: Right.

Jim Edwards: You missed the cutoff up around DC by…

Stew Smith: Yeah… I missed the, I by maybe even less than that, like nine months…

Jim Edwards: Yeah… I made it by like three or four months…

And so we used to go over to Georgetown and drink legally…

So there you go…

Cool man…

Well this took a little longer than I thought, but it was fun and I appreciate you sharing your story with everybody…

Stew Smith: That was really cool… I liked the the new thing and when is this going to be available for everybody?

And it will be in by Wednesday…

So, all right, so where do they go to get this?

You go to the Jim Edwards…

And actually the Jim Edwards Method Premium is not open right now to join.

Jim Edwards: You can have access to this and a…

Stew Smith: You know what, if you really want to join…

Email, Jim…

Jim Edwards: Send us a message in the help desk

Stew Smith: Send us a message and if we get enough takers, we’ll open it up…

Jim Edwards: How’s, yeah, that’ll work…

All right, cool…

Great jobs Stew…

That was a lot of fun…

And you guys, if you’re not members of the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks group on Facebook, you need to be, because it’s amazing…

It’s awesome.

You’ll learn all kinds of cool stuff.

And if you’re not a member, well then you pretty much


Jim Edwards: I’m just playing… You should join… It’s fun!

We’ve got a few thousand people in there and everybody really does…

They’re very helpful and you can get help with your sales copy.

So I’m Jim Edwards,

Stew Smith: Stew Smith,

Jim Edwards: We’ll see you guys next time on the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast…

Bye Bye everybody.


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