Tag: tellyourstory

  • Weekly Update – May 17, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets #1 Best Story You Can Tell As An Affiliate (your own) Are you looking for a way to set yourself apart from the competition in the world of affiliate marketing? Let me give you a little secret: The BEST story you can tell to close a sale is your own. That’s right,…

  • The Hero’s Journey Wizard Walk-Through – SCCMH [Podcast 32]

    Check out this podcast as Jim Edwards walks us through a new wizard he is creating / fine tuning on the Hero’s Journey with podcast partner Stew Smith! This is a great way to make a video, blog post, email, or social media post to get people to understand more of who you are. The Hero’s…

  • What is the Epiphany Bridge and How Do I Use It? – SCCMH [Podcast 30]

    Jim Edwards discusses the Epiphany Bridge and how to use it. Understand we all have several epiphanies throughout the journey of our lives. How long should an epiphany bridge be and how often should we use them? Learn why the epiphany bridge is a useful tool for all business owners in their marketing salescopy. Follow…