Hidden Persuasion Wizard (Wizard Walk Through) – SCCMH [Podcast 53]

Jim Edwards and Stew Smith walk through the process of using one of many salecopy / content market wizards.  Check out the Hidden Persuasion Wizard walk-through as Jim teaches us how to use this wizard and when it is appropriate.  In this case, you have to get within people’s radar as they search through all the competition.  The Wizard is part of the Jim Edward’s Method Premium.

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Jim Edwards: Hey guys, and welcome back to another episode of Sales, Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks…

Today we’re going to do a wizard walkthrough…

Stew Smith: Uhuu, my favorite!

Jim Edwards: So Stew, a big fan of the new Mandalorian says…

What Stew?

Stew Smith: Yes, this is the way!

Jim Edwards: This is the way, this is the way…

Stew Smith: How do you do it? This is the way!

Jim Edwards: Let’s do this…

Stew Smith: Jim, will show you…

Jim Edwards: So what precipitated this?

What question did we have from somebody?

Stew Smith: But we did have a most burning question come in, and I think they’re starting from scratch.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: Bear with me for a second.

They’re looking for the right sales letter content…

Their current one just isn’t working, and they’ve taken it down, and now they’ve spent hours trying to figure out which wizard is right?

And trying to build out a sales letter that actually converts sales and what they are?

They’re realtor trainers.

Coaching realtors…

Jim Edwards: So the bottom line is as far as what scripts you need to use, you got to use one of the headline scripts, or one of the headline wizard…

I would use the BSL wizard…

If you’re using a Funnel Scripts, I would use the hook story offer wizard…

It’s real simple…

It’s grabbed their attention, sell them on benefits and meaning, and then list off all the stuff they’re going to get and make them a good deal.

Here’s the thing though, when you’re talking about realtor training and other things where there’s a ton of competition out there, part of the problem is that you have to differentiate yourself from others quickly.

And that’s the thing…

You might be able to hook them, and you can, but then the thing that’s going on in the back of their mind is how is this any different than all the other crap that people are selling?

In the case of realtors?

How’s this different from Mike Ferry?

How’s this different from Sweat Hogs?

How is this different from OG Mandino or any of the other people who have taught in that realm?

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Or the free advice that they’re coaching it that the real estate agency may offer…

Jim Edwards: Or the internal training that’s included…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: Or the books…

And so one of the scripts that we have inside of the Jim Edwards method premium inside of the easy online wizards is what we call the hidden persuasion wizard…

And there was a really cool course that was put out, and there’s actually a link to it inside of the inside the wizard by a guy named Blair Warren called the one-sentence persuasion course…

You can buy it on Amazon…

He took the original thing that we have for you for free, and he expanded on it and stuff and turned it into a Kindle book…

But the bottom line is that there are certain things that you need to do to get under people’s radar…

And the more crowded Russell Brunson calls it a red ocean…

Or maybe he doesn’t call it a red ocean, but he uses the term red ocean…

I don’t if you got it from someone else, but the more crowded your marketplace is, they call it a red ocean because it’s filled with sharks and they’re eating all the fish, and there’s blood everywhere…

And so you have to be able to differentiate yourself instantly…

And that’s what this wizard will help you to do…

So let me show it to you, and maybe this will help give you the extra little sauce for the real estate related thing…

And you’ll see what I mean…

So this is called the hidden persuasion wizard…

This is part of the Jim Edwards method premium…

We’ll put a link to where you can go sign up now, but you can download the course, and we have a bunch of different ones in here…

But we’re going to fill this out, and it’ll probably take about five or 10 minutes…

And this is where it gets interesting…

The topic, in this case, is real estate marketing.

All right, who’s our audience?

Our audience is a realtor…

What is their dream?

The dream is to sell a lot more houses, and why do they want to do this?

What’s the payoff?

So when all is said and done the payoff, you actually want from selling a lot of houses as what’s Stew?

Stew Smith: More commissions.

Jim Edwards: Right!

Higher commissions or more commissions and the freedom to enjoy your life…

All right?

So where they experienced failure in the past, it’s not their fault…

In the past, you’ve experienced failure with attracting new buyer and seller prospects.

Stew Smith: These are pretty much general real estate issues, but they can also be…

Jim Edwards: But when you see how this puts it all together, you’ll see…

Stew Smith: You can parallel it to whatever profession you’re doing…

I guarantee it.

Jim Edwards: Oh yeah…

I mean I could just as easily have said if you’re a real estate sales, car sales, whatever kind of salesperson, this is all the same kind of thing…

Stew Smith: Yup.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Now, why is it not their fault?

This is actually not your fault because you’ve just been doing what all the sales trainers have told you actually works.

So who or what’s actually holding them back from their dream or pay off?

It’s not themselves…

So the truth is, what’s really holding you back is bad or outdated information…

Selling Strategies…

Here we go…

Okay, that worked 20 or 30 years ago…

Stew Smith: Last century…

Jim Edwards: But don’t we in the last century?

But don’t work today…

So, in the end, who or what is the actual real culprit here who sabotaging their success?

And 100% lets them off the hook…

So the real culprit here is blank…

Not you, your intelligence, or your willpower, or it’s not your fault…

So the real culprit here is…

Stew Smith: Misinformation…

Jim Edwards: The real corporate here is the misinformation.

Now we’ll just say the misinformation…

People in authority…

Yeah, keep bombarding you with that won’t work…

So what are they deeply afraid of?

In fact, you’re deeply afraid of what?

You’re afraid of spending all this time from trying to sell real estate and ending up bankrupt because you can’t make any sales.

All right?

Ending up at the poverty line because you can’t make any sales.

So how can you allay these fears?

You don’t have to worry about this because I have a new proven way to use social media to find all the buyer and seller leads you could ever need.

In fact, you could make more money referring them out, then you could potentially maybe even make more money referring them out than working with them yourself…

Where are we sending it to?

We’re sending them to…

Let’s say we send them to a webinar…

Stew Smith: There you go.

Jim Edwards: In the URL is thenewwaytosellrealestate.com…

So we click build and here I’m going to save this cause this is actually pretty good…

Stew Smith: You get a lot of realtor examples…

So this you get a lot of realtors asking questions…

So having a realtor example is really good cause I would have never filled out a w wizard like that.

Jim Edwards: Right?

Stew Smith: I usually try to do it a little more concise.

You just went (…)

Jim Edwards: Yeah.

Stew Smith: You blew my mind with that one…

I like that…

Jim Edwards: So it’s got four different versions…

So you want to read all these and see, okay, so I know you in the past do you have a dream?

And the real culprit here is, okay…

So right now, who’s your audience?

A struggling realtor…

We’ll call this a struggling.


Cause all realtors are struggling…

Anybody who’s going to buy your course is a struggling realtor…


Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: So let’s look at this one…

The real culprit here.

All right?

“So believe it or not, I know some things about you…

(You’re straight now you’re a struggling realtor…)

Your dream is to sell a lot more houses…

In fact, what you want most in this area of your life right now is more commissions and the freedom to enjoy your life…

In the past, you’ve experienced failure with attracting new buyers and seller prospects, and like most people, what really petrifies you is spending all this time trying to sell real estate and ending up at the poverty line because you can’t make any sales after all.

After all of that, here’s something that may shock you…

None of this may be your fault because you’ve just been doing what all the sales trainers have told you actually works.

In fact, I bet you didn’t know those bad or outdated selling strategies that work 20 or 30 years ago but don’t work today…

I would change that a little bit like, in fact, I bet you didn’t realize that what they’re mostly training you on is bad or outdated selling strategies that work 20 or 30 years ago but don’t work today…


Sadly, it’s 100% true, which means the actual issue here is not you.

It’s misinformation people in authority keep bombarding you with that just isn’t going to work, but you don’t have to worry about this anymore because I have a new proven way to use media to find all the buyer and seller leads you could ever need…

In fact, you could potentially make even more money referring them out then working with them yourself…

And with this new process, it’s child’s play to get better results with your real estate marketing…

So if you’re a struggling realtor and you’re serious about real estate marketing success, and you want more commissions and the freedom to enjoy them with your family, this webinar training I just published will help you do just that and more checking out here at thenewwaytorealestate.com.

Stew Smith: Nice.

So it’s good sales letter.

Jim Edwards: That’s well, that’s more of like a social media type post.

Stew Smith: Oh, it’s great!

Jim Edwards: So here’s another one…

As a struggling realtor I’m confident you really want to sell a lot more houses…

In fact, what you really want is more commissions in the freedom to enjoy them…

Within your life and with your family…

In the past, you’ve probably experienced failure with attracting new buyer and seller prospects…

In fact, if you’re like most people, you’re really scared of spending all this time trying to sell real estate and ending up at the poverty line because you can’t make any sales…

Well, the issue may not actually be you because you’ve just been doing what all the sales trainers have told you actually works…

Now, here’s something that may shock you…

The thing that’s frustrating your efforts here is all the bad or outdated selling strategies that work 20 or 30 years ago, but don’t work today, which means the real problem here is the misinformation.

People in authority, keep them barring you with that won’t work…

But here’s the good news…

I have a new proven way to use social media to find all the buyer and seller leaders leads you could ever need…

In fact, you could potentially make even more money referring them out than working them yourself…

Here’s the answer to solving the issues you have with real estate marketing once and for all…

So if you’re a struggling real to once more commissions and the freedom to enjoy your life, check out this webinar training at thenewwaytorealestate.com it’ll blow your mind…

So what this does is this gives you a way to fly under people’s radar…

It gives you a way to make people feel like, “Holy crap, this person understands me”…

And now you could be selling the exact same thing that everybody else is selling as far as how to use Facebook or social media to find buyer and seller leads.

But without this, those people don’t feel the connection that they feel with you…

Stew Smith: I like that…

Jim Edwards: And so this creates that connection that makes a huge difference…

A really, really fast…

So what I would tell you and the reason I wanted to show that was because doing what you’re doing in a crowded market, yes, you can hook people…

Yes, you can sell them…

Yes, you can have a great sales letter, but you’ve also got to differentiate yourself and make them feel heard…

And this is a way that you can do it…

So I’d really encourage you, those of you who are already in the Jim Edwards method premium, you have access to this…

Go use it.

Check out the one sentence persuasion course, see how it talks about throwing rocks at your enemies, justifying their past failures, all that stuff that’s baked into this wizard and use it because it will make a huge difference in what you’re doing.

And the funny thing is that you can use this as a little video script…

I mean, this is a video ad script…

This can be the intro to a content video…

So you could use this script with let’s say the FB live script…

You do the intro using this, and then you do the FB live script…

And that’s a one, two punch through the roof as far as people paying attention to what you’re doing…

So that’s the hidden persuasion wizard…

You definitely want to use it…

You can get some amazing results with it…

This is like the secret sauce stuff that makes a huge difference…

I use this thing all the time…

Nobody realizes what I’m doing, and I get some amazing results.

Stew Smith: Yeah…

I want to keep showing that’s something I want to do in 2020 with you, Jim is have you show people how to use these wizards…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: Because you make it look so easy…

I just learned a couple of different techniques that you use with that instead of trying to be so concise with your answer, just say it…

Say what you’re trying to do in there, and then see what the wizard pops out…

(And then if you have any, we can always edit it…)

A small edits on the back end…

This is easy, but at least you have a nice outline to go with and probably have 90% of your page done right there…

Jim Edwards: So absolutely…

Stew Smith: I’m all in it.

I’m going to play around with it as well.

Jim Edwards: But this is the way!

Stew Smith: I think we definitely need to show people how to use this a little more, especially now that the Jim Edwards premium method is available year-round…

You don’t have like close times to buy…

 Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: Though anybody that’s listening can actually join anytime they want.

Jim Edwards: Yep.

And that’s kind of a disadvantage too because any, you can join anytime you want.

And I’m like, “Oh well I don’t, I’ll wait, or I can join it next week”…

But here’s the thing you need to understand, there’s a cost to join, and there’s a cost not to join…

And so the cost to join is so much lower than the cost of not joining because every day that you struggle to create content or to write sales copy or to create ads or to use this cool wizard that we just showed you here, or to create a masterclass or all the different things that we have in there for you, you’re losing a hell of a lot more than you pay to be member…

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: So that’s the way you gotta look at it too…

Every day you’re not a member…

It’s costing you money…

Stew Smith: That should be a new slogan for you…

Every day you wait, it’s costing you money…

There you go…


All right, everybody…

Have a great day, and we’ll talk to you soon…



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