Getting People to Buy – SCCMH [Podcast 51]

Jim and Stew discuss a question asked by multiple members of the SCCMH Facebook Group and The Jim Edwards Method. People are getting visitors to their webpages and sales copy, but no one is pulling the trigger and making a purchase. Jim discusses Why people do not buy as well as Why People Buy – Secret #3 (from Jim’s Book)

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Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here and welcome back to the Sales And Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast…

This is episode…

Stew Smith: 51

Jim Edwards: 51 and done…

Is it 51 and done, or are we going to keep going after this one?

Stew Smith: Keep going…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: For number one.

Jim Edwards: So what is our topic today, Mr. Stew Smith?

Stew Smith: Well, what we’ve got a lot of feedback from people and we’re kind of taken multiple emails here and putting them into one show because this was kind of a, I guess a mesh of several people who were getting people to their websites…

So they’re getting eyeballs on their sales copy they’re getting visitors do their sites, but they’re just not getting visitors to purchase, so they’re not quite closing the deal.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: We basically need Jim to help us walk through the steps of creating a compelling sales copy.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: Gets people to dig deeper into anything.

Whether that is something you need, something you want.

Jim Edwards: A luxury item.

Stew Smith: Luxury item, a bucket list item, whatever it was.

We just put them all together in this one show, because it’s all the same…

And Jim’s going to show us how it’s the same.

Jim Edwards: Am I?

Stew Smith: I don’t know.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

So here’s the thing.

I mean just thinking that’s something we could teach a 12-week thing on…

So I mean that’s a huge topic…

The thing that I think we should talk about is the fact that…

If you’re driving traffic and you’re getting people to your website, and they’re not buying, then there’s probably one or more of really three problems.

The first problem is that they get to your site, and they don’t feel like they have landed in the right spot based on the conversation that your ad or your article or whatever got them to click over to your site.

They feel as though this isn’t the place for them…

So, for example, let’s say Stew were to have an article about how to increase your pull-ups and then had a link over to his website, and the link went to a page, a landing page, or an offer on his website for a foot massager or for an orthotic…

Stew Smith: Right?

Jim Edwards: It has nothing to do with what brought them there in the first place…

And you got to think about this is a conversation…

Let’s say you’re having a conversation, you strike up a conversation with somebody in the checkout line at the grocery store, and then you’re talking to them in the parking lot, and then you say, Hey, we were talking about duck decoys and stuff like that.

Come on over I’ve got something cool I want to show you…

And then they follow you too, Cabela’s, the sporting good place…

And you take them over to the deer hunting aisle and say, “Hey, this is pretty cool, right?”

It’s like, “Dude, this has nothing to do with what we were talking about”…

“And I drove all the way over here, and this makes absolutely no sense”…

“Don’t ever talk to me again”…


Just like, why would you do that?

But people do that all the time…

So you have to do what you would do in real life, which is,

“Hey, start a conversation about this and then I’d like to show you some more.”

Come on over and take a look…

And what you’re showing them is totally related to what brought them over to your house or to your store or to your pickup truck, your van down by the river, or whatever it is.

That has to do with continuing that conversation…


Once they know, okay, this is a continuation of a conversation that I want to have about whatever the topic is…

The next thing is you have to, whatever it is that you want to sell them or you want to persuade them to do, you have to change them emotionally because right now, plus or minus, we’re all the same…

We’re fine…

Not too good, not too bad.

I’m fine.

There’s a lot of stuff I might want to buy, but I don’t really need and all that stuff…

The only thing that makes people buy is emotion.

You’ve heard the saying people buy on emotion and they justify with logic.

What that means is that people on the first go-round see something they want…

They tell themselves a story inside their head that creates emotion, and that emotion changes them enough that they need to buy in order to satisfy some physical/psychological need.

Honest to God.

That’s what happens.

Stew Smith: That’s great…

Yeah, you’re exactly right…

Jim Edwards: So the way that you change them physically and emotionally is to tell them a story…

So when we did, the live Facebook show inside of the Sales, Copywriting, And Content Marketing Hacks, in the Facebook group today.

We were talking to Marty, and we were talking about the story that he was telling the people that he wanted to, the entrepreneurs and CEOs that he wanted to attract into his business.

And we said; basically, your story has to become their story.

And what that means is the story you tell, even if it’s about you or if it’s about a customer or if it’s an even a fictitious, typical customer story…

Say something like along the lines of, “Hey, does this sound familiar?”

You’ve used to be in really good shape, maybe in your 20s and then you got caught up in your and your business, and you start building a business and family, and those workouts got fewer and further between until you look back and now it’s been five, 10 years since you’ve worked out.

The pants are a lot tighter, you’re feeling heavier, your energy’s gone, and you’re just not who used to be.

Now it’s starting to affect your ability not only to build your business but interact with your family…

And it’s time to nip this in the bud because every year you let this go…

Now it’s going to get worse and worse and harder and harder.

And so what we need to do right now is change your image of who you are.

So that story that wasn’t about a specific person, but it was their story if they’re going to resonate it with, so you got to tell a story that resonates with them.

Could be you could be a customer just like what we said there.

Once you’ve done that, and you’ve got them to the point of threshold were they, “Man yeah, I got to do something.”

“What do you have they could help me?”

And who are you, and why should I listen to you?

Again, all of that can be handled through the story, or you may have to just address it right there…

“At this point you might be wondering, who am I and how am I qualified to help you in this area?

Well, let me tell you a little bit about myself…”

So next you gotta make an offer, and I love to think of the offer, just like a simple Teeter totter…


They’re down here, and the buy button is up here…

All right?

They’re down here in the buy buttons down here…

What you have to do is you have to start stacking on these cool things in your offer that addressed their fears, that addressed their concerns, that address their problems, that address their objections until finally it pushes down and it pushes them up so they can reach the buy button.

That’s it.

That’s what has to happen.

You push down on the other end, and it pushes up, so they’ll push the buy button.

Now, depending on your price point, it, depending on the severity and the immediacy of what you’re trying to sell, you don’t have to push down that hard.

If it’s something rudimentary, like a car battery and they’re stranded on the side of the highway, as long as they got enough money on their credit card to pay you, they’ll pretty much pay you anything you ask for that battery without a whole lot of questions.

Stew Smith: It’s a good point.

Jim Edwards: So it’s also the circumstances under which you find them.

So then what you need to do is just keep stacking on the value until they go, “Okay, I gotta have this, I gotta have it”.

And you’re going to appeal to logic.

You’re going to appeal to emotion, you’re going to scarcity…

Typically the three things that I tried to address when I’m doing any kind of an offer is when you’re selling something to somebody, I call it the big elephant in the room…

What’s the big obstacle, the big problem that this is going to solve for them…

This is going to help you stop bleeding from your chainsaw…

This is going to give you the quick start to drop that first 10 pounds…

This is going to get you started…

This is the thing.

Then typically, I want to address, and I’m looking because I have these notes everywhere on all my monitors and stuff cause these are like my key thoughts that I always have with me at all times.

The second one is the biggest cost or resource they think that they’re going to need or have to spend.

And so what you want to do, if you can eliminate that or you can include it…

So somebody thinks they’re going to have to spend $200 on a piece of software and you can include the software with your offer at no extra charge…

They’re going to be like, “Whoa! Okay”…

And then the third thing is whatever the skill or the effort they think they have to do, they either have to have or be able to do in order to get results…

That’s the other thing that you want to address in your offer…

So again, that’s not everything, but if you look at the biggest obstacle…

And then usually it’s some sort of a resource or cost and then some sort of a skill or ability or effort that they’re going to have to put out.

If you can take that away or do it for them or show them where to get it done, then that will help to increase the value and push them up to push that buy button…

But that’s typically the reason why people don’t buy once you get them over to your site…

And the big overarching reason people don’t buy typically is because your sales copy is about what it is…

And it’s about two things…

It’s about what it is, and it’s about you…

And the problem is that doesn’t work…

Your sales copy needs to be about what it does for them, and it needs to be all about them, all about the payoffs, all about what is going to happen for them if they go ahead and buy…

Nobody cares about you.

They only care about themselves.

So I mean, typically, that’s it.

And a lot of it also will come back to your attitude about your product…

I’ve seen a lot of people where they’re not excited about their product, and it comes through in their sales copy…

They’re not pumped up about it…

They think we sell pretty much plus or minus the exact same thing as everybody else…

And if you think that, then you either need to change your attitude and also you need to change your perception and you need to add a lot more value to whatever it is that you’re selling…

Stew Smith: Well, we mentioned why people aren’t buying.

All right now, I would hold up your book right now, but it’s in my bathroom where I read it.

Jim Edwards: Did you run out of paper?

Are you actually reading it?

Cause this would be mighty uncomfortable, but it is what it is, though.

Stew Smith: But there is a section in there on why people buy.

Jim Edwards: Oh, and that my friend, I can turn right to it…

Stew Smith: Absolutely…

Jim Edwards: That is actually secret number 3 without a strong why people don’t buy.

Stew Smith: Yeah…

So let’s list them off real quick…

Jim Edwards: Make money, save money, save time, avoid effort, escape mental or physical pain…

Get more comfort, achieve greater cleanliness or hygiene to obtain better health, gain praise…

Feel more loved…

Increase their popularity or social status…

Stew Smith: There you go…

That’s a list of things you need to add into that sales copy part of your story.

Jim Edwards: Absolutely.

So I would just say, and part of your offer.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: You tie the offer pieces to this stuff…

For example, let’s say you were selling African safaris.


You’re not gonna make money from an African Safari…

Maybe you can save money, save time, and avoid effort…

I mean, that could be huge…

But she is talking about how we guide you through the immigration process…

We make sure that you’re safe.

We make sure that our buggies are our lion proof, rhino proof, and Bulletproof from insurgence.

Escape mental or physical pain…

Just again, the worry about are you going to see any animals?

Where are you gonna land?

Where are you going to eat?

How are you going to be safe?

All those things…

Greater cleanliness or hygiene or attain greater health, gain…

Praise, feel more loved, increase their popularity or social status…

So this is funny, this is interesting…

A mutual friend of ours who shall remain nameless, just cause I don’t have permission to reveal this, but a mutual friend of ours is going on a Safari this month.

Did that?


And it is a gift from his father-in-law…

It is his father in law’s dream to always gone on Safari…

Stew Smith: Okay.

That sounds like him.

Jim Edwards: So they’re all going.

So dad is doing this to feel the love of his family in helping them to do the dream.

But what about also increasing popularity or social status?

Stew Smith: Oh, that just did it.

Jim Edwards: Think about telling all your friends, “Hey man, I’m going on African Safari.

Like in Africa”.

Stew Smith: I’m taking my whole family…

Jim Edwards: I am taking my whole family…

We’re going to go see lions and tigers and bears…

Oh my!

It’s going to be amazing…

So I tend to stick with the top five just because of the stuff that I’ve always done to make money…

Save money, save time, avoid effort, escape mental or physical pain.

But there’s a whole other list down there that you can tie stuff to that are reasons why people buy…

And that’s something, again, you tie that in with your offer, and you can really motivate people…

I mean, why does somebody buy a Rolls Royce?

I can tell you right now it’s because you want to feel cool driving down the street in a Rolls Royce…

A rolls Royce is not as nice a car as other cars…

There are other cars on the road that ride smoother, costs less to maintain, and are more dependable.

I can tell you that for a fact, but there’s nothing like driving through the Hardee’s drive-through in an orange ball cap, driving a rolls Royce that will get you noticed, and that’s why people drive them.

That’s why it’s the only reason why somebody buys a Rolls is for the status.

That’s why if they tell you any other reason, that’s a story, they’re hallucinating to themselves until they finally get honest and say, it’s because of how I feel about myself and how I know other people look at me or how I feel other people look at me when I’m riding or driving in it.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Good point.

Cause I drive a Toyota Highlander and it is by far the best car I’ve ever owned because a thing has lasted forever.

It just breaks in old changes, and it’s definitely not a status symbol…

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: But it is a very practical.

Jim Edwards: And you’re not going to get a car, Jack…

No one’s going to Jack you.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: And you don’t worry about where you park it at the grocery store.

Stew Smith: We all have reasons to buy…

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: No matter what it is.

And that’s a very good way to sum this up because these were people that thought they had such a niche market that Funnel Scripts or your wizards on the Jim Edwards method wasn’t for them.

Jim Edwards: Right?

Stew Smith: Because it doesn’t work for them.

But let me tell you, it doesn’t matter because Jim’s wizards are this system that he just discussed that puts all that in there for you…

Jim Edwards: Right.

It satisfies a desire, solves a problem, then the wizards and the scripts work…

The problem is that if you just put in what it is, no matter what it is, it’s not going to work.

But that saves you a whole lot of time and energy for doing crappy copy.

Cause if it doesn’t read right when you fill out the wizard, it’s because you didn’t fill it out, right?

Cause you put in the wrong thing.

Stew Smith: There you go.

Jim Edwards: Something to think about.

Okay, cool.

So those of you who are not members of The Sales, Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks group on Facebook, you should be and can check that out.

Also, if you want to check out past episodes of the Sales Copywriting Content Marketing Hacks podcast, go to the Jim Edwards, forward slash podcast, and you can catch up on all 51 past episodes or 50 past, I guess where I’m 51…

Stew Smith: Yeah, we’re on 51…

Jim Edwards: You can get a whole bunch of episodes, and we love the people that power listened to us when they go across country or on tramp steamers going across the Atlantic…

Just make sure you download, cause as soon as you got a wifi range, it’s kind of rough, so…

Stew Smith: Yup…

And you can get them an audio version as well…

Jim Edwards: There you go…

All right, great jobs Stew…

Stew Smith: Thank you…

Jim Edwards: And we will talk to you guys soon…

Bye-bye everybody.


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