Build a Podcast This Month – Quarantined Edition – SCCMH [Podcast 62]

Jim and Stew discuss how to make a podcast from the software/hardware needed as well as the amazing walk-thru of the Podcast Script Wizard. Get access to all of the Jim Edward’s Method wizards to help make incredible sales copy and content such as this video demonstrates at

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Jim Edwards: Hey, everybody…

Welcome to the Jim and Stew show quarantine edition…

So we have a topic for you today is going to get you super, super excited, and tell us down the comments down below…

Say I’m excited, and you don’t even know what the topic is…

So here’s the thing, God’s honest truth…

If you’re sitting at home, you’re quarantined, you’re under a maximum, whatever their colony maximum place…

Stew Smith: Shelter in place.

Jim Edwards: That’s good…

Maximized social distancing…

I like that one…

I just made that up…

I put the maximize on there…

I should make a wizard for that…

Whatever you’re having to do, sitting at home, lying on your giant bed of toilet paper, you got like eight bales of them and turned it into like a Serta perfect sleeper thing.

You could stack them up and make a recliner out of toilet paper…

Dude, if you had a bunch of toilet paper, you could do all kinds of stuff…

I totally digress…

But you can take toilet paper and make like furniture out of it and take pictures of it and stuff…

Stew Smith: Like a thrown…

Jim Edwards: Hey, nice…


I’m gonna pile it all up around the toilet and sit there…


So anyway, what are just totally off topic but amazingly fun…

So quarantined start a podcast…

We could not think of a more perfect thing for you to do…

Your home, everybody else’s home…

Everybody else wants to feel productive…

There are all these people with all this great content that are sitting at home going, what am I supposed to do?

They’re tired of Netflix…

The kids are driving them nuts…

They need an excuse to go in the home office and shut the door cause they’re doing something.

And so this is the perfect time to not stockpile toilet paper but to stockpile content…

I’m dead serious people…

And so before we get into, we’re going to show you the podcast interview wizard real quick…

I mean, you can use this tool, you can do it on your own, whatever you want to do…

But Stew, I’ve talked a lot about everything from toilet paper to a toilet paper furniture to podcasting…

What are your thoughts before we get into(  ? )

Stew Smith: I will say this, I already have five podcasts scheduled this week, and that’s not including ours…

Jim Edwards: Wow…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

I’m considering more so I’m open to new suggestions even…

Jim Edwards: This is all for the two through and after podcast…

Stew Smith: No doing tactical fitness reports…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: And then I’m on to other people’s podcasts…

So we’re moving things, right?

And then I’m inviting him back to my podcast…

Jim Edwards: You show me, show me yours, I’ll show you mine kind of thing…

Stew Smith: That’s pretty much it…

Jim Edwards: That’s cool…

Stew Smith: So, and it’s a great week to do it…

Jim Edwards: Dude, It’s going to be a great few weeks…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

That’s true…

Jim Edwards: Other people with podcasts that you want to be on…

You approached them with a nice little, “Hey, don’t know about you, but we’re under mandatory sit still in my seat time…”

If you’d like to stockpile some interviews, I’m available, and I’m pretty flexible, unlike usual, and you may be able to pick up some interviews on some other people’s podcasts…

The one thing I would tell you to do just for grin sake, especially if you’re starting a podcast and you want to do this pretty quickly would be an, I’d be interested in your thoughts on this Stew would be too, not try and customize every single interview but have a standardized set of questions that you ask everybody to get their take on everything…

What is your thought on that?

Stew Smith: Yeah, I definitely like to do that.

And you can personalize them a little bit for who that person is and what their skill set and kind of drive them down their journey as well…

So it just kinda depends on what topic you are going to discuss…

But a lot of them, if you can, the cool thing about what Jim is about to show you is that he has a wizard that really helps you design open-ended questions for your person that you’re interviewing on the podcast…

Jim Edwards: Absolutely…

Stew Smith: So there’s a wizard for that there…

Jim Edwards: There’s pretty much a wizard for everything…

It’s funny, I was putting together the offer stack for the traffic secrets…

Stew Smith: Which is today.

Jim Edwards: Which is today…


And this morning I had to put, we’ve got I think seven or eight bonuses and Susan wants some copy for it…

And I know this really shows how I’m thinking now.

I had to make a wizard to make to write the copy for what she needed…

I was not capable of pulling out word and just typing it up…

I was like, Nope…

Gotta do this…

Gotta do this…

So I guess that’s it is what it is…

So the big thing I would tell you with a podcast is not the hard part…

It’s all the little parts and pieces…

It’s the approach email…

It’s the interview; it’s the followup…

It’s the post…

It’s all these things that ‘s what holds most people back…

Because the actual getting on and asking the questions is fun…

I mean, if you can drink a cup of coffee and have a conversation with a normal human being, you can do a podcast…

So I want to show you guys a tool.

Those of you who are already in the Jim Edwards Method Premium, you have access to this…

We have the podcast interview wizard…

We say it’s for podcast, but you can use it for Facebook live…

You can use it…

If you’re recording over zoom, you can use it if you’re recording over…

What’s the thing that everybody used to use?

Stew Smith: Skype…

Jim Edwards: Skype…


Good job, Stew…

Stew Smith: Thank you!

Jim Edwards: Let’s do that again…

So one of the things to understand what this is that once you fill this out, what makes this cool?

And we have a PC version…

We have a Mac version, and we have an online version…

The reason we have the online version is because when Mac updated their stuff, then they made a pain in the ass to do stuff…

So that’s why we have the online version.

I’m going to just, I’ll, I’ll load one of the examples to show you…

Basically, it doesn’t take hardly any time to fill this out…

It’s basically, what’s your name, the name of your podcast, the person you want to interview, who’s your target audience, what’s the area of focus, what’s the topic of the inner view going to be?

What are the two, three biggest benefits that people really want on this topic?

What’s the big payoff from the interview that you want?

Cool secret

Their background

Call the action

Title of the interview and

The points you want to cover on the interview…

But pretty much once you’ve done this once you can, other than the bio, you can substitute all this stuff for some, for somebody else…

I mean, it’s not hard…

What you’d also want to do is make sure that you saved it only because you’d want to save a different version for each person.

That way, when you change stuff, you’re not gonna have to change everything…

So this basically will do your little show notes, but this is just the tip of the iceberg…

So the big thing is you’re gonna want to figure out the angle of the interview that you’re going to want to do…

And this will write your show notes, your iTunes description…

But what we’re looking for is, do you want to do a beginner’s guide type thing?

You could do a book review with them…

So some sort of like critical skills


How’d you get started?

Which is always a good one…

I love how did you get started thing…

Stew Smith: And we all have that story…

Jim Edwards: Exactly…

And people love how to get started…

Stories even…

How’d you get started?

Even if they’re not getting started, they want to know how other people got started.

If your audience, the main people are going to be going after are people who are relatively successful or are past the beginner stage, then you definitely would want to use that one…

If the people you’re interviewing might like on the one that we do your sales copy story, these are people on every level…

So, for some of them, the story we get out of them might be how’d you get started?

And their how you get started story is what they’re doing right now…

And then the mistakes, mistakes…

One is always perfect…

Always can use mistakes…

All right?

Because everybody makes mistakes…

So let’s do the fast show one…

We’ve got a full show, but I recommend, and Stew, I don’t know if you agree with me when your first doing anything mistakes you want to, I mean, not only mistakes but also you just want to keep it short…

You want to, don’t want to do hour-long interviews.

Would you agree?

Stew Smith: Yeah, yeah, absolutely…

I try to keep mine between 20 and 30, and sometimes if they’re really going well, I may go 40.

Jim Edwards: Okay.


In this case, this will write the intro for you.

In a sense.

It’s a podcast.

You can just sit there and read this…

Hi everybody…

Welcome to, I’ve got to tell you podcast, today’s interview is sponsored by, so this is really the person’s thing…

This could be your affiliate link, or it could not be depending on helping entrepreneurs with how to succeed, and online business owners, important public speaking topics…

You can check out Arman’s learning university.

The title of today’s interview is three public speaking mistakes for every entrepreneur needs to avoid.

So then it’s, tells us a little bit about yourself…

What’s the number one mistake?

What’s a mistake that causes people to fail completely?

What’s a mistake entrepreneurs make where they think they’re doing the right thing?

Any other major mistakes?

And is there anything I haven’t asked you that you’d like me to know?

So, I mean, this right here is a good 15, 20-minute interview and it has your conclusion, your call to action, all that good stuff.


Feel free to interrupt me anytime, man…

Stew Smith: I just like watching this cause I, I’ve used this several times and it makes for a great podcast.

Especially if you really want to come across very professional because sometimes I just have my buddies on my podcast, and it’s pretty relaxed.

But do you want to come across really professional with somebody that’s, you don’t really know well.

It makes, makes things just look really tight.

Jim Edwards: Yeah.

So that’s just the first thing that this thing will do for you because now you’ve got the interview.

Well, what would you think about having this write the email to, to send to the person to ask if they would be on your podcast…

So here we go…

Email, ask the expert to let you interview them…

Watch this…

This is going to write the email for you right now…

We just click on, that opens up in my little text editor.

Arman, can I interview you?

Hey Arman…

Could I ask you a quick question?

I was wondering if you’d please some interview for my…

I gotta tell you podcast…

So it writes the whole email to send to them to ask if they would do an interview with you…

And so all you gotta do is just edit this a little bit, and then you send it over to them.

And if you need to take that out, I don’t care…

But you send them the interview, and there you go…

And here’s the other thing, one of the things with podcasts as you gotta do your show notes, right?

So watch this…

So we did the mistakes…

Okay, we got the show bullets right here…

we got the handout, we got the fast show…

Here’s your show notes right here…

You can paste this…

I’m sorry…

I’m trying to pay attention to the comments and everything else…

Hey, for those of you that are asking the answers, no…

people are asking if they can do substitutions on my bonuses for the copywriting secrets book…

No, there are no substitutions…


Good job asking.

But the answer’s no…

So the other thing, if you don’t want to mess around with all of the…

If you don’t want to mess around with the.

Oh, here’s the handout.

That’s what I was looking for.

Stew Smith: See what the mistakes one looks like.

Jim Edwards: Well, the mistake, that’s what we just did…

Stew Smith: Well, I know, I just want to see the…

Jim Edwards: But the handout was the thing I was looking for.

I got three screens working at once, but this hand out you could give people this handout with the interview so people can take notes…

That’s something you don’t see too much.

The other thing it’ll do is let’s say you’re like, what Jim, I don’t need all that intro and all that other stuff that you got there.

I just need a good solid list of questions.

And so what you have here is it’ll just give you all the questions you can keep wanting to go over to my other.

This is playing 20 questions any mistakes that people make, and we need to let people know about what are some public speaking tools and resources you think can become or are becoming obsolete…

So that’s, I mean, you can mix and match…

You could interview somebody…

If you got them to answer all 20 of these questions in-depth, you’d basically have a special report, if not a small Kindle book, after you interviewed them.

So there’s all kinds of different ways that you can do it.

This will also will create two different email teasers that you can send to your list to announce the episode.

It’ll also write your iTunes description.

So it’ll write actually a bunch of different iTunes descriptions for it.

So this is what you can paste right up into iTunes.

It creates a ton of different stuff for you to help you do your podcast.

Now on the flip side, those of you who are saying, well, we’ll.

I mean, I can hear the whole thing.

We show you that because a lot of the people in here are of Jim Edwards Method Premium…

We have a version of that wizard also inside of Funnel Scripts…

It’s the podcast and Facebook live interview wizard…

It’s basically the same thing.

So if you’ve got Funnel Scripts, you have access to this.

Have you got the Jim Edwards Method Premium?

You have access to this…

If you are not in either one of those, you should be in both.

But if you, for whatever reason, don’t feel inclined to do that, you can still take away a lot of value from this Jim and Stew show quarantined edition, which is now the time to start stockpiling content.

One of the easiest ways to stockpile content is just to interview other people.

And right now you’ve got the whole fricking world is sitting at home twiddling their thumbs going, these kids are driving me insane.

I can’t go to the mall.

And, I told Terry this morning, we took the dogs out, and I said it is not unusual for us because we work from home and live out in the country.

It is not unusual for us to not go anywhere for a couple of weeks.

Like never leave the property for a couple of weeks except to jog up and down the road that I never see anybody.

But as soon as somebody says, you can’t leave your house, you can’t leave your property.

It’s like, and this sucks.

Stew Smith: So that’s the game we play in our head.

Jim Edwards: That’s true.

Stew Smith: What, let me talk a little bit about the infrastructure of this.

Cause a lot of people say, how do I do a podcast?

What kind of stuff do I need?

And it’s really simple.

Jim and I, I remember when one was about a year and a half ago.

Jim Edwards: I think it’s been two years.

Stew Smith: Has it been two years now.

Jim Edwards: It is been two years, Stew said,

Stew Smith: I want to do a podcast, let’s figure this out.

And I did all the research, and this is two years old research now.

So probably a little bit outdated.

There’s some other companies that are out there that actually have pretty good podcasting platforms, but we found zoom and what zoom allows you to do is like what we’re doing here, these zoom meetings, you can record them, it gives you the video and audio file, two separate files…

So now you can just send the video file to YouTube, store it there.

You can post it on Facebook, you can take the audio file, take it to a website…

We use PodOmatic, which we’ll send it to your Apple podcast, your Google play, your Spotify, a couple of other ones…

And they’re growing too…

They’re, they’re evolving as well…

And adding more platforms to that can see your podcast…

But typically if you look at a monthly

expense, I think it’s like 17, $18 for zoom…

And then PodOmatic was like 12 bucks or 16 bucks…

if you’re serious about building a podcast and you want to start creating that kind of content.

Jim Edwards: You don’t want to use the free version of zoom because they, it limits you to 40 minutes and other stuff.

I mean, if you had to do it, but at some point…

Stew Smith: I think we tried it for a few weeks and we realized we needed to upgrade.

Jim Edwards: Right.

14 bucks a month if you do it, and I think they give you a group break if you pay annually.

Stew Smith: And it’s easy.

Jim Edwards: Yes.

Stew Smith: It really is easy.

I mean, it was, I was trying to figure it out with Skype and record it, and I couldn’t split the video and the audio files, and it was just becoming a big headache.

But this was all one-stop-shop for me and that it was a no brainer…


Jim Edwards: And then PodOmatic I don’t know how much that is, but it’s not much.

And, the benefits you get of having your own show it’s such a big deal…

I mean, you really have to have your own podcast now…

It’s like you have to have your own book and you have to have your own podcast.

And it’s like, it’s part of networking also.

You meet somebody, cool like, Hey, would you like to be a guest in my podcast?

And most people will say, yeah sure, would you be a guest on my podcast?

So it’s one of those things that you have to do it now.

It’s at that point.

Stew Smith: Yeah, it is more content creation.

And how I started off, I have hundreds of articles that I have published online, and what I just did is I just took my articles, and that was what I talked about.

Jim Edwards: Right.

So you use the article as an outline for your podcast episode.

Didn’t you read the article?

Stew Smith: No, no.

I just started talking about that topic went through the points that the article made, but then added so much more.

And as a conversation between two people and it worked out really well.

Jim Edwards: So I pound PodOmatic not that much.

It’s like 20 bucks.

It can’t be that much.

Stew Smith: No, I think like I said, between the two.

It was.

Jim Edwards: Less than $50 a month…

Stew Smith: Yes.

I’d say close to less than 40.

So I mean, for what you’re getting, it’s worth the expense…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

And I just want to emphasize right now, I cannot think of a better time in the 20 years that there is a group of people sitting at home waiting to be interviewed wanting that you can tap in to be interviewed, but also an audience sitting at home wanting to listen to some cool stuff.

Stew Smith: Sure.

Jim Edwards: So now is the time to do it, to start your podcast or if you start a podcast and then I started a podcast and then it, it went to hell, and it wasn’t until you know, Stew and I started doing it together that I started doing it consistently.

Cause this dude, if you say you’re going to do something Stew shows up and make sure that it’s like, let’s do this and then look at you if you’re not ready to do it.


Stew Smith: What’s your problem?

Jim Edwards: This is not computing, I don’t understand this and you certainly better get yourself squared away in the next 10 seconds cause we’re here to do this.

I would just tell you now really, I mean this is a blessing in disguise…

If you’re, we’re talking about this.

So do it.

I mean, it’s like we said, stop stockpiling toilet paper and start stockpiling content.

You could make enough podcast episodes to keep yourself busy to have a podcast going a couple times a week for the rest of the year.

If you took advantage of this forced concentration-time.

So definitely I think you should do it.

If you’ve already got the Jim Edwards method premium if you’ve already got Funnel Scripts, you have access to the software we just showed you, so go use it.

If you’d like to add access to that software and a bunch of other stuff, either go join the Jim Edwards Method Premium or go join Funnel Scripts…

There you go.

That’s my pitch.

How’s that?

Is that an amazing pitch?

It’s so compelling…

If you’d like to get those benefits Stew, I’d like to invite you to check it out…

Both are protected with a full 30-day money-back guarantee.

So all the risk is squarely on my shoulders.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying these, this and other amazing tools at your fingertips that make all of your content creation, all of your copywriting and all of your other online business needs as simple as filling out a form, whacking a button and copying and pasting…

Do it today…

Stew Smith: There you go.

I love it.

You are a pro, Jim Edwards.

Jim Edwards: All right, cool.

Well, that’s it for the Jim and Stew show quarantine edition.

If you have any suggestions for other shows you’d like us to do, it’s not like we’re going outside and mingling at the mall…

So if you have some thoughts on shows you’d like us to do questions you’d like us to answer, ask in the comments right now because we’ll probably do this again over the next two to six months…

Stew Smith: Yeah.

In fact, I just posted an article in the group, and it is all this content creation that we’re talking about…

It was build your own home Gym…

What you can do when your gym is closed with calisthenics and stuff.

And it was just a whole bunch of ideas that I wrote an article and did a podcast and.

There you go.

Jim Edwards: Summarize for me real quick.

If you need to build a home gym, what’d you tell him to do?

Stew Smith: I would start off with dumbbells.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: And the TRX.

Real basic.

I mean the TRX is aren’t cheap, but you can find my advice is to go to eBay because everybody is getting rid of fitness equipment on eBay…

Jim Edwards: This time of year…

Stew Smith: Throughout the year they’re getting fitness equipment…

And you can find cheap treadmills.

You can find whatever that you’re looking for on eBay.

And sometimes they’ll even have free shipping.

or they’ll have if it fits it ships type of a flat payment.

Especially if you’re ordering a weight vest, you can get a 50-pound weight vest squeezed into an eight-pound shipping box.

Jim Edwards: There you go.

(That’s pretty good.

You’re Sean Lowry…

You do need to start a podcast…

Paul, you need to start you off…

Veshan was Sean podcast dude back then…

Could be crew.

You could crush that…

Anyway, I digress…)

Stew Smith: You get the same comments over there…

Jim Edwards: Oh yeah…

So I can tell you right now, that was my whole home gym…

Well, and a pull-up bar…

I had a pull-up bar, horse mat from a tractor supply, a pair of power blocks, 45-pound dumbbells.

And a TRX.

That was my entire gym for like three years and then four years, and then we added a dip bar thing and a bench…

Stew Smith: And cardio equipment.

Jim Edwards: I got this really crappy, and the other thing to look is those play it again…


Type places…

I bought one of those life cycles that’s really expensive…

I got for 200 bucks, and I had a treadmill…

Well, I got a treadmill, and then I bought an elliptical for like a hundred dollars that one of the wheels was wonky.

So it was like, can you think of the get, get, get, get, get, get again…

I think it like vibrated my hip out of the socket once…

But after I proved to myself, I was going to do it.

Then I made the big investment in the pre-core.

Stew Smith: Right…

Jim Edwards: But I would never want to go to the gym now, man, I just, I love working out at home.

Nobody’s in my way.

You can yell, curse words as loud as you want.

When you can drop weights, you can yo, I mean all the stuff that get you thrown out of planet fitness and someone who hit the lung alarm, you can do whatever you want.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

I have an outdoor pull-up bar that I just pull my weights to, so I’ll bring a deadlift or yeah…

Real out there…

Just do all kinds of stuff.

A bench to jump and down on or do dips on…

And then a place to run.

Jim Edwards: Yeah.

Which is the street.

Same place we played as kids in the street.

Stew Smith: Right.

Jim Edwards: And the other isn’t that cool in the wintertime when you’re working on outside and like steam is coming off of you and the neighbors looking at you like you’re insane.

That’s the best man.

Anyway, I digress.

Stew Smith: Yep.

Jim Edwards: Peter says do a cooking show from home.

I like that.

And I would do a specialized cooking show.

Like right now, Terry and I are on WeightWatchers, which we’re finding all these creative, cool recipes too, to simulate real food.

And I’m just playing.

We figured out this tuna casserole recipe that’s like one point for a massive serving, and it’s awesome.

I mean it’s, I would do a specialized one…

Like not just a cooking show, but like a keto cooking show or a WeightWatchers cooking show or an Instant Pot cooking show or a crockpot cooking show…

what I mean?

It’s got to have a hook.

Stew Smith: Or cooking show on rations.

Jim Edwards: Oh, the quarantine cooking show…

How to take these three cans of questionable.

Stew Smith: Feeding a family of six.

Jim Edwards: Step one.

You take the nastiest skin, and you put it in a bowl out in the yard when the neighbor’s cat comes over, this is how you do the box trap.

That’s how you’re able to feed the family of six, this it’s called in the military you called it.

What a force multiplier.

I’m able to turn this can into 20 pounds of meat.

Is that too much, too far?

Stew Smith: That was a good one…

I was not ready for that one.

Jim Edwards: All right.

Well, I think, I think we should stop.

So I gotta go get ready for a webinar at 11 o’clock.

Stew Smith: I got a 10 o’clock podcast coming up.

Jim Edwards: Well, this was fun.

This is good therapy for us.

I hope you guys enjoyed it.

And again, any questions, any things we’ll do the corn teen show again.

Tell us what you’d like us to talk about, and we would be delighted to do so because it keeps us busy and out of our wives’ hair.

So have a great day, and we’ll talk to you soon.

Bye-bye everybody.


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