Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Big Help… or Big Trouble?


Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly powerful and could do as much damage as good for humanity. To avoid this, people need to be aware of developments in AI and make sure any technology that could make decisions for them is used in the right way.

  • Stephen Hawking was concerned that artificial intelligence will become too powerful. 
  • AI is now to the point where you no longer have to “think” about much of anything. 
  • The problem is “good enough” is about the same as “mediocre”… and mediocre will get you TERRIBLE results.

Read on for the rest of the story…

“AI is the best or worst thing ever, we need to be super careful.”

This quote is by Stephen Hawking from his book, “Brief Answers To Big Questions.”

Next to Einstein, Stephen Hawking is probably the most celebrated scientific mind of the modern era.

The big idea with this quote is that artificial intelligence (AI) will soon be so powerful, it could do as much damage as it does good for humanity on many levels.

AI is hitting the mainstream in a number of areas, most notably in copywriting, content creation, and graphic art.

AI is now to the point where it works “well enough” that, in many instances, it means you no longer have to “think” about much of anything. 

It pops out a result that is “good enough” (or a result that “doesn’t suck”).

The problem is, “good enough” is about the same as “mediocre”… and mediocre content or copy will get you TERRIBLE results in the short and long run.

So, how can we all make sure we don’t let the “AI Revolution” turn into a Tom Cruise rendition of “War Of The Worlds?”

  1. Pay attention to developments in AI and try to project into the future about how it will impact your life. (“If this happens, what will life be like?”)
  2. Beware of any technology that can cause jobs or industries to become obsolete or redundant. (And get the hell out of the way long before the train gets to your part of the track!)
  3. AVOID letting any software or technology automatically make decisions for you. (“Nobody signs my checks but my wife and me!”)
  4. Adopt the mindset of always asking “How can I use this to make things better!”
  5. Don’t fall into the trap of accepting things AI produces as “good enough” – because that will lead to a world of dull mediocrity. (“The opposite of great is ‘good enough.’”

Hey, before I forget…

If you’d like to see AI used the RIGHT way and produce amazing results, I’d like to invite you to check out the latest episode of “The Copy and Content” show where we demonstrate how to get exceptional results at

We demo the NEW “Killer Headline Genie!” right in front of your very eyes… it’s magic!

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