Advertising / Funnel Fix with Punchy Jim – SCCMH [Podcast 76]

Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss LIVE a quick funnel / website and help an entrepreneur with he advertisement concerning getting babies/toddlers to sleep.

This one is pretty funny as Jim is in a mood…

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Stew Smith:  Hey, everybody! This is Stew and Jim’s show. Or the Jim and Stew show, however you want to call it right now Jim is a little grumpy because he is dealing with some computer problems.

And to err is human to really screw things up requires a computer.

So, he’s a little grumpy today.

So, I’m not sure how this is going to go.

So, he even said, you got to do the intro.

So, this is a sales copy content marketing hacks, podcast number 76.

All right, and we are going to actually do what we call the 10-minute funnel fix.

This will be a quick one, it will take some questions on the back end, but we had a member of the Facebook group who posted some, asking for help, and she got some help from another member of the group, and we’re going to take a look at that.

Guess changes in the funnel that she had created and kind of go from there…

So, Jim do you want to show that, and if you want, I can read what she is having issues with, or maybe we’ll just see it immediately.

Jim Edwards: So, the, um, well, first of all, thanks for that fine introduction, Stew

That was great…

I appreciate that…

I’m, I was kidding when I said just tell him I’m grumpy.

Stew Smith: No, you are grumpy.

Jim Edwards: I’m so it’s great…

We love it when we see people helping one another inside of the group…

And so, Debbie had some questions and stuff about her things and, she was getting some good feedback.

The one thing I will say is, that what you need to remember and then I’ll share the screen because I thought I had, But I’m not,

The thing you need to understand is that when you ask for help when you get an opinion when you ask somebody for their opinion, that’s all it is,

it’s an opinion, the only opinion, the only opinion that matters is the opinion of the person with the credit card in their hand, who you’re asking to make a decision to put that credit card in and buy something or the person who’s going to put a real email in and opt-in and then go to the next step in your funnel.

That’s the only opinion in the end that ultimately matters.

Everything else is just an opinion.

It’s feedback.

But that’s it, okay.

Stew Smith: And sometimes negative feedback…

We got to be able to handle that.

Jim Edwards: Right! Well, all feedback is feedback, positive or negative…

Don’t even make a judgment about it.

Stew Smith: Right?

Jim Edwards: Somebody says, what, this absolutely sucks.

Okay, that’s there you go.

The one big thing that I would say also, we talked about This before on the podcast is two things…

One, read your own copy like you have a brain.

Like, don’t just look at it and go, well, it doesn’t really read right to me, but maybe it’ll read right no!

If it doesn’t read right to you, it doesn’t read, right!

Okay, that’s the first thing…

That’s one thing that just it’s like this doesn’t even make sense…

So, don’t ask me to rewrite it when it doesn’t even make sense!

All right, it you got to massage it a little bit.

It’s we just because you have bread, flour and butter, and milk and salt…

Don’t ask me to knead the damn dough!

All right, I can knead it up.

Get it in there, and then we’ll take a look at it, but I’m not going to look at your basic ingredients and then knead the dough for you…

They can happen.

Yeah, I’m going to taste.

Stew Smith:  I’m going to taste test the bread.

Jim Edwards: Exactly, exactly!

I’m going to taste test the bread, let if the bread sucks or not.

It’s not up to me to mix your ingredients.

Stew Smith: There you go.

Jim Edwards: I am grumpy.

So, and that’s not directed towards Deb at all.

I’m just saying when we’re talking about opinions and stuff, that’s all it is, is an opinion and feedback and stuff.

So, let’s take a look at one of the things she was asking for a little bit of feedback on…

And apparently, she is in the niche of making the little brats go to sleep, which I highly encourage.

Stew and I were just saying, Benadryl is always a quick fix.

My parents would give me Crème-d-Mint the liquor, and they said it was cough syrup, right, but then they had to get rid of it.

Because I was five years old and I started self-medicating in the afternoon…

I was a day drinker at five.

I would literally climb up on the bar, and I would grab the creme-de-mint and pour myself a shot I’d be sitting there watching Scooby-Doo sipping on a shot at Crème-de-mint going…

I got a cough!

True story, man!

Absolutely true story!

Stew Smith: That’s funny… My daughter would ask to dance with me, so I had to have to dance to put her to sleep.

Jim Edwards: Yeah.

Stew Smith: And that was just one of those things that, you don’t get many of those days in your life.

So, I’m like, “Alright, let’s go dance and I love.”

Jim Edwards: He turned into a really good ballerina though.

Stew Smith: She’s a great ballerina. But what, we only would dance to Willie Nelson music!

Jim Edwards: Nice!

She has good taste…

Stew Smith: Yeah, it was fun.

And then my son, however, you put his head on a pillow he falsely. So

Jim Edwards: That’s because he was hitting the crème-de-mint…

Benadryl cookies, man.

I love the pink cookies, “Dad, I know you do, son.”

So, look at this.

Look at this exhausted Are you fed up with getting woken up by your toddler? New proven solutions to give tired mums extra success with settling and keeping toddlers sleeping all night.

Toddler’s sleep is complex; you need to know these three steps to succeed.

Finally, fill out the form below to get your free, easy read, and sent straight to you.

Yes, I’m ready for more sleep now!

So again, this is somebody who used this…

I can tell you they use the opt-in hook story script in Funnel scripts, which is great, but this needs kind of common-sense tweak.

Stew Smith: All right.

Jim Edwards: What again, talking about the, we’ve talked about this before, what it taught you most people talk about what it is rather than what it does.

Stew Smith: All right.

Jim Edwards: And what people are buying as a result whether they’re buying it with their time or their money, their attention or whatever it is they’re buying result they’re not buying what it is you don’t buy the drill you drive you by the hole it makes in the birdhouse that sits out signs your window for 20 years, and you were remember that wonderful day that you did the project with little Johnny? So exhausted…

Are you fed up with getting woken up by your toddler? Yeah, okay…

Yeah, I’m fed up with it!

But so, what?

It’s almost better…

Wouldn’t it be great if you and your toddler could fall asleep and sleep all night? Yeah!

Okay, now we’re getting into it!


Yeah, I’m fed up with getting woken up by a little brat…

But I don’t know if there’s anything I can do.

But so, me, I would…

I would lead with the solution on this, in my opinion.

So, to me, a better headline would be exhausted.

What if you could sleep? What if you and your toddler could sleep the whole night through without fuss or upset?

Yeah, well, here’s the solution…

To give, I wouldn’t just go after mums…

I would go after parents as I’ve been I’m the one that got when the grandkids were over in the never had problems with the girls with the grandkids when they’re making noise, or they’re up and around, it was me that got poked to go do something about your boys.

What?! So, having something like that and then telling the story, it’s, with these new solutions, it’s entirely possible for you and your toddler to sleep the whole night through and wake up refreshed, happy and healthy.

Toddler sleep is not complex.

I’m sorry, it ain’t complex…

If the kid is exercised, fed, watered, and pooped, they’re going to go to bed.

You keep them on a schedule, and that little rat will fall asleep within five minutes plus or minus every night at the same time if you’re doing it right!

If you don’t have them on a schedule, and you don’t feed them right, and they’re not getting exercise, and they’re getting sugar and other stupid crap within four hours of, I knew, especially with the grandsons do not give them candy after two o’clock in the afternoon, or you might as well sign your own death warrant until 11 or 12 o’clock at night!

It’s just how it is!

Stew Smith: That’s a good point.

Jim Edwards: So that would be, I would almost get rid of that exhausting thing, attention exhausted parents of toddlers…

That would be my pre head.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: Then the sub-headline would be what if you and your toddler could sleep the whole night through without fussing or fighting or without tears, fussing or fighting? I like that because there’s always tears without tears, fussing or fighting.

That would be the direction that I would try and go and then fill out the form below to get your free, easy read that doesn’t make any sense…

No, free, easy read doesn’t do anything for me fill out the form below

to get a good… Oh! To get a good night’s sleep, TONIGHT!

There you go!

We had the exact same thought right there fill out the form below to get a good night’s sleep TONIGHT!

I like that!

And yes, I’m ready.

I’m ready for the secrets or something, I’m ready to sleep all night.

So that honestly, I think right there is just the, I’m not going to even get into the design aspect of it.

I mean, we’re giving away so many free funnels on funnel Fridays…

Now everybody needs to show up the funnel Fridays every Friday just to get the share funnels.

No matter what the topic is we’re doing, you need to get on there and get those share funnels there!

They’re tearing it up with the value and stuff, but I mean right there that’s the example of what’s the result that you’re selling.

Not you’re talking about parents know that the little brats are not going to sleep.

They know that they’re tired.

They know they’re on edge.

They know that they love the kid, and they shouldn’t feel guilty for the kid making them absolutely insane because it just won’t go to sleep!!

So, they’re aware of the problem…

It’s not like they’re just out there, this is cold traffic…

So, they’re only aware of the problem…

Now they know there’s a solution out there somewhere…

Liquor, Benadryl.

Baseball bat.

No, we can’t do that until illegal,

It’s frowned on ever since the 70s

You can’t do that stuff anymore

So, were woke now.

So, I would go straight for the what do they want, they want to sleep the whole damn night through, and they want the kid to sleep to that’s it without crying without fussing, without tears without fussing…

And without fighting or screaming or crying, tears were fussing or crying…

I like that.

And not even talking about the kid

I’m talking about me!

Tears, fussing, and crying…

Go to sleep!!!

Stew Smith: I remember that first night of all-night sleeping man, that was heavenly!

Jim Edwards: That was deluxe.

Stew Smith: We woke up we’re like, did we sleep all night?

Jim Edwards: It’s the baby breathing!?!

Down the hallway, you hear this. It is awake!

Stew Smith: One thing too is to check the grammar for a wake. I know it’s a word, but I think it’s had woken if you want to use it might be another, likes it…

This is American English.

I’m not sure how it is and Australian English, but just check out your past tense participles.

Jim Edwards: England, Australia, and America all separated by a common language.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

When we say moms, I say mums I mean there are some differences obviously, but we say program they say program spell his program with an “E.”

Jim Edwards: They spell tire with a “Y.”

Stew Smith: Ah, right…

My check you’re just you’re tense on woken because I think it might be…

Jim Edwards: And she had one other one wow top toddler expert reveals how to sleep even though you’ve tried everything and failed new proven solution give Tired moms and dads extra success with settling and keeping toddler sleeping all night.

That second one that she did that was a little bit better.

Stew Smith: I liked that one.

Jim Edwards: That was better because it’s got the germ of the idea there get your toddler settled and sleeping all night without tears crying or fuss.

That kind of a thing.

The benefit without the pain that they’re currently experiencing…

But it’s like that’s they’re reversed the hook is new proven solutions to give moms I mean that get rid of this extra success stuff attention tired mom and dad here’s the secret of getting your toddler settled and sleeping all night dot dot dot no tears, no fuss, no hard drugs skip the last part but no tears no fuss and no fighting.

And then the story is a top toddler expert reveals how to how everyone can get a great night’s sleep, even if you’ve tried everything in the past and failed…

That’s the story, so flip these You see what I’m saying? The hook is in good god I need to get some sleep, and the story is this person’s got the stuff…

I mean, that’s really all you need…

Stew Smith: Jim showed the email I sent you too…

She did have some alterations that she had made from some suggestions from the group…

If you want to show those there the blue background ones in the email

Email from

Jim Edwards: Yeah, I got it…


Didn’t want everybody to see all my email.

I got it

Help, our toddler won’t sleep, and my partner in that way…

What is this?! What is this?! I don’t get. I know this is woke-speak, but this pisses me off!!

I’m sorry.

My partner, my partner, your business partner, does not sleep, and Stew and I are constantly arguing!

It’s like it just doesn’t make any sense!

Okay, and if I piss somebody off, I don’t care…

Stew Smith: Toddler won’t sleep…

Jim Edwards: I don’t think parents I don’t think parenting sleep deprivation forever your we are constantly arguing meant.

Oh daughter had slept through the night not more than five or six times without exaggeration I know a little biased change [indistinct] this isn’t even formatted right!

So that’s part of the issue too!

Stew Smith: Yeah, I liked what she had previously compared

Jim Edwards: Yeah, I don’t like this I mean, this is more like an ad or something, but it’s also wordy…

Help our toddler won’t sleep?

And my husband, my spouse and I are constantly arguing now you say this partner thing but most people maybe I’m what, I can’t even function anymore because of all this crap…


Stew Smith: Scroll down on the email a little bit…

Scroll down on them, but

Jim Edwards: this one yeah…

So how my toddlers wide awake at bedtime and call out all night until we’re forced to co-sleep. Co sleep?!

Co sleep. What the hell is that? That means letting the little rat get in the bed with you?

That’s a big mistake!

You let them cry it out one night by golly the Jim Edwards Method will work for your ass I can tell you that!!

You’ll just cry this one out Little Timmy, and that sh*t’s done with!!!

Stew Smith: Oh, Jim Edwards Method that’s good one!!!

Hey! I told you Jim was a little punchy today…

Hey, I will say this I do like her logo!

Scroll down to the bottom of her email, and she’s got a cute logo…

Nighty-night sleepyheads with a nice Yeah, I love that was really cute…

That’s really great on a liquor bottle…


It is good, but a thing is here.

Here’s the thing.

All of these things are some of these are good for like Facebook content or something,

Stew Smith: She was looking for Facebook ads.

Jim Edwards: Okay, so these would work for Facebook ads this actually would actually I think it would work great help my toddlers wide awake at bedtime and calls out at night until they’re forced to co-sleep then we still get no sleep we’re exhausted um and this would be the way I would do the ad for this would be, I got an email…

Does this sound like you help my toddler’s wide awake at bedtime and calls out all night until we’re forced to co-sleep then we still get no sleep we’re exhausted!

If you’d like the solution, this problem just clicks the link below…

There’s your frickin ad…

And the ad shows I would do like a before and after.

Like, like the side of the one side would be a kid going like hanging in From the swing and from the all the video would be amazing if you had a picture of a kid hanging on to a ceiling fan swirling around.

And then the next thing it cuts, and the kids like that would be the perfect attention-getter.

That would be amazing!!!

But the biggest thing is once they get to the page, you got to promise the number one thing that they want and the number one thing that they want is to sleep all night and have the kids sleep all night, and we wake up in the morning sane, happy and healthy and ready to have sugary cereal and get the kid all worked up…

So that honestly believes that if you just take that tack, and I think you’ll do a lot better.

It’s almost like this whole thing is being over-thunk, over thought.

Stew Smith: I would agree so.

Jim Edwards: I don’t know if that helps or not, but it sure made me feel better…

But all in all, I will tell you this,

I think this is a huge market.

So, if she can crack this code, I think she could do really well and have a constantly replenishing source of new people.

Because apparently people still have a lot of babies man.

So, there’s a whole new crop coming through all the time new parents every year.


Stew Smith: Yeah, test it!

Yeah, but my suggestion is to test it out as Jim would say, a couple different ads at the same time see which one hits better

Jim Edwards: Yeah, yeah, I mean, I’m I would love to write some ads for this thing…


You can get a real good Starbucks double shot of something man me and by golly…

Be great…

So, we don’t give you kid liquor…

You would never Give your child liquor and Benadryl would you Of course not…

Stew Smith: We got any comments…

Jim Edwards: Oh, we got comments…

None of them are very helpful, but I love them.

Stew Smith: Everybody’s laughing

Jim Edwards: NyQuil… Oh yeah, forgot about NyQuil…

NyQuil wakes me up

Stew Smith: NyQuil is like Jagermeister…

Jim Edwards: Yeah, exactly.

I take NyQuil and start hallucinating man, it’s bad if you want to try and do the NyQuil yes Vincent I have I’ve actually read that book…

Go the F to sleep…

That’s a good one…

How about awakened See, I had somebody say, yeah, haha, crying it out one night works like a champ.

Yeah, learn that it just ain’t gonna work.

Little buddy.

Daddy loves you, but he doesn’t love you that much.

Terrible thing to say! Okay.

But I’m mean, okay, now, let me before we offend the person that we were helping with the funnel, which was not my intention.


I think that it’s a cool topic.

I think that by focusing on what it does, rather than what it is, I think you’ll immediately get a better result.

Maybe get a little bit of help from somebody with some design so that it looks cooler than it looks like you just use Funnel Scripts, and Click Funnels to just kind of slap it together…

Because I think the cooler it looks, the better off you’ll be…

You need to have a cool graphic on that page…

Instead of the one that you’ve got there, that represents the thing that they’re going to get…

Go to Fiverr hire somebody for 2530 bucks to make you a really cool virtual cover for the report that they’re going to get will go a long way to helping you get some really good response and to having a lot of credibility.

And I would say that would be your that would be my best bet on this first page…

And just remember, when you ask people for feedback, especially in the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast group, I’ve never seen anybody giving feedback that wasn’t 100% well-intentioned and designed to give you what you’re looking for, which is feedback and help.

Um, but you got to remember, no matter who you’re getting feedback from, even if it’s Stew and me, and h*ll I wrote the book and Stew had the book read to him…

So, we know what we’re doing, but it’s still just an opinion, okay.

It’s just an opinion!

And the only opinion that matters is the opinion that people you’re trying to get to try to buy to click to sign up or call you on the phone.

Those are the only opinions, ultimately that matter.

I feel better Stew.

Thank you for this!

Had people texted me stuff that was pissing me off, but there was nothing I could do.

Stew Smith: That was a good one…

Jim Edwards: That was okay…

I’m Joy better.

Thanks, everybody…

Stew Smith: you entertain me today.

Jim Edwards: I do my best.


Well, is there anything else we need to talk about? Are we pretty much I think we’ve gone through our allotted time.

Did you guys enjoy this? Did you folks enjoy? I’m just I’m done Stew!

I can’t even communicate in a woke world…

You guys enjoy this? Oh, I can’t say guys…

Did you folks enjoy it? But is that too colloquial? Hi everyone, who gave us their permission to share at the moment.

You guys got any questions or anything or any topics you’d like us to cover in the future? And if so, let us know.

And We will be happy to, and I would encourage y’all that if you want feedback, ask for it in the group people are always happy to provide feedback but if you want feedback, give feedback because the people that show up and they sign up and then like hey, would y’all critique my sales letter and like everybody’s like, Who are you? I need to know who you are.

So if you want feedback, give feedback you want to, if you want to value, you got to give value.

Stew Smith: Good point.

Good point and be prepared for feedback. You got to be prepared for it might be good might be bad, but it’s feedback…

Jim Edwards: It could be NyQuil, slash Benadryl slash crème-de-mint feedback, and you just take it for what it’s worth.

Stew Smith: I see you sipping on a crème-de-mint.

That just that visual got me

Jim Edwards: watching cartoons…

God is my witness man in the morning on Saturday morning…

I’m self-medicate, and my mom’s like, what are you doing? I got a cough…


It’s just like, oh crap!

And then I was like, “Where’d my liquor bottle go? They hid the stuff.”

I got a cough.

Here’s some Benadryl.

So alright.


Stew Smith: Good stuff…

Jim Edwards: Oh, good stuff…

We’ll talk to you guys soon…


Have a great day, and we’ll talk to you soon.

Bye, everybody.

Stew Smith: We’ll see ya!


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