Where to Start? Welcome to TJEM – SCCMH [Podcast 49]

Welcome to The Jim Edwards Method Premium where you now have access to countless wizards to help you with content creation, titles, sales copy, script creation for video sales letters, advertising, and much much more. 

Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss common questions and answers received from email and the closed Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks such as 

– Where do I get started? Go to TJEM Premium Member Dashboard

– What if I use a Mac or a PC?

– What is DIY Media Marketing

– Where is the Training Vault?

– Access to all the podcasts https://blog.copyandcontent.ai/category/podcast/

Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks at  https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks   

and for more information on the wizards used to make outstanding sales copy check out https://copyandcontent.ai/ 

Don’t want to miss any episodes? Subscribe to “The Copy And Content AI Report” YouTube Channel Here for more information about creating successful sales copy to sell ANYTHING:



Jim Edwards: Welcome to Jim Edwards Method Premium, a new member, or just member welcome video…

I’m your host Jim Edwards along with my trusty partner Mr. Stew Smith…

Welcome Stew…

Stew Smith: Hello, everybody…

Jim Edwards: Almost sounded like Sylvester there with welcome to Thtew Smith…

We are in this video, not sure exactly how long this is going to be, but we wanted to welcome all the new members…

We had a membership drive in conjunction with Black Friday Cyber Monday and added hundreds of new members to the Jim Edwards Method Premium…

And we wanted to welcome you…

We wanted to answer some questions, we wanted to let you know what you have access to and a whole bunch of really cool things coming up…

because this morning, I had a meeting with my team, and we all said how could we make the Jim Edwards Method Premium even more amazing?

And I guess we had magical coffee in our cups…

What do you think, Stew?

Magical coffee in our unicorn cups…

Stew Smith: I like it…

Jim Edwards: We started listing off all the stuff that we could add…

And I was thinking to myself, man, if we had done this in the marketing, probably would have added a thousand new members, but we’ll get to that and Stew doesn’t even know all the stuff that we said we were going to add

Stew Smith: I don’t.

Jim Edwards: So where do you think we should start first, Stew just basically what is everybody get?

Stew Smith: Yeah, let’s start off with all the new benefits that you have, all the basics and then we’ll go to the new benefits and then well ask you questions of like, what if I have a Mac or what if I have this and we’ll throw in all kinds of curveballs at you and see how you do.

Jim Edwards: All right, well, thank you…

I appreciate that…

Okay, so the best thing to do is to look at the Jim Edwards Method Premium dashboard…

This is really the home base for the Jim Edwards Method Premium.

What you want to do is make sure you watch the welcome video and then what you’ll see immediately on you.

We’ll talk about what’s going on here on the right and just a second…

But every month we do a new training and that training is posted here, right at the top underneath the welcome video…

This is the one we just did…

And then we always tell you what the next one is, but I haven’t announced the next one…

We’ll announce the next one on Friday…

Then you have access to the TNR Gold Vault…

When you click on that gives you access to 10 years worth of training that we did in the net reporter, which was my membership site.

I operated for 10 years…

What we’re doing is going through and vetting everything, making sure everything’s still up to date…

You can see there’s a ton of stuff in here though…

We have it divided up into mindset, market, product creation, content creation, copywriting, traffic mechanics, and list building…

And you can see there’s a ton in here already…

So we’re making sure that everything is cool, but there’s gotta be

I haven’t counted it, but just estimating, I’d say there’s at least 40 or 50 trainings on there right now…

Everything from how to do a webinar

Right here, how to do a webinar, how to plan your webinar, or build an effective presentation, get people to sign up and pull off a great performance…

We got tons in here that you can use to get trained up super, super fast…

So you have access to that training.

You also have access to Stew and I

 In for how many years did we do that?

Three years?

Stew Smith: Yeah, I think we did…

Yeah, almost three years…

I wrote a book and then we created a training week…

Jim Edwards: We created a membership site…

So we wrote a book called DIY media marketing, which is basically do it yourself, media marketing…

We operate under the principle that though, Stew sells fitness stuff and though I sell software, we’re ultimately, we are each a media company…

And we explain that whole process and that mindset…

And then we wrote the book and created a membership site that did really, really well…

And then we decided a year ago to fold that into The Net Reporter…

And then Stew came on board with the Jim Edwards Method Premium

So Stew came on board and is our, let’s do this officer helps me get stuff done…

Does some stuff with the members and we’ll be doing more stuff with the members that we’ll talk about here in just a minute…

You have access to that, and we’ve got all the way that we set that up as we wrote a book, which you can get access to the PDF version of the book right here…

You can just click on it and download the PDF…

We also created a whole bunch of foundational training that is excellent no matter what level you’re on when it comes to media marketing, especially…

And then we’re now going through the process of making sure all the monthly trainings are up to date and then we’ll be adding those here as well.

So there’s a ton of stuff to keep you busy…

Also, you have access to the downloadable wizards, which include the Super Keyword Scraper, which is amazing for doing niche research…

You have the Tag Post Wizard, which I demoed both of these yesterday when we did the kind of the open house webinar on Facebook…

So the Tag Post Wizard helps you find all the top hashtags for Instagram and Twitter…

So you can target those and use them to drive traffic…

You have access to the Easy Sales Copy Wizard, which helps you to write entire sales letters, and all the accompanying video sales letters and other stuffs is really kind of a one-stop-shop if you wanted to sit down and create everything that you would need for a specific project…

The 3 Hour Kindle Book Wizard is a piece of software that literally helps you to create a book from start to finish, soup to nuts with about three hours of total effort by you, and that it shows you how to get all the parts done.

And Stew actually, we went through this process in the three hour Kindle book wizard…

What, two years ago?

Stew Smith: Nah, that was 16/2016

Jim Edwards: Oh, dang…

So three years ago…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: Tell people what happened when we did that…

That was really when I first created the software, and I used you as a Guinea pig…

What happened with that book that we created with that software?

Stew Smith: Well, let me just lay the foundation…

I’ve been writing eBooks since 2003…


And so 2016 I’m like, alright, what am I going to learn?

Let me try it

So I tried it, and sure enough, he shows me how to do it with relative ease compared to how I used to do things…

But also there some little details of getting your covers made by using Fiverr…

That alone changed everything I did cause I had about 30 eBooks that I was selling.

I didn’t have really good covers for them…

I just kind of self-designed or had a logo up there for the ebook cover…

Jim Edwards: And they sucked.

Stew Smith: Yeah. Jim was very honest with me, and I was like, I wasn’t offended…

I was like okay, I need to work on this…

And I did, and I got it done…

And I think we started in September and by Thanksgiving I had all new ebook covers for over 30 covers, and I made this one guy on Fiverr from Sri Lanka really happy cause he was really good…

And just blow it up…

And then between that period of time, October, Thanksgiving timeframe to end of the year at a 30% increase in sales…

Jim Edwards: Wow.

That’s amazing.

And then with that actual ebook, we may, with the three hour Kindle book wizard, that was your first bestselling book on Amazon, right?

Stew Smith: Yeah, that was the one thing I want to do.

I didn’t know how to get all my eBooks up on Amazon at the time, and the process showed me how to do that…

Then it also showed me how to market it in a way to get that big initial bump.

So you get that number one ranking in your category, and you take a snapshot of that and post that around that you sell even more…

So yeah, I’ve been going nuts with the Amazon sales still.

Jim Edwards: Awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome…

So I just wanted to point that out that you guys get access to this software…

No worries…

You get the instant sales video script software, you get the expert interview wizard software, you get the podcast interview wizard software, you get the desktop ad wizard, the PPTX wizard custom content wizard, the signature speech wizard, and then we have the old version of the super keyword scraper.

If you wanted to try that out.

I don’t know why you would, but you could.

And then the 60-second selling machine, which helps you come up with a one to two-minute infomercials.

So you have access to all of those, which is super, super cool…

And back to the premium dashboard.

The other thing that you have access to are all the easy online wizards.

These are the online wizards that you’re able to use to be able to create everything from titles and headlines and article titles and book titles come up with amazing ideas your offers and web copy, content creation, writing complete articles and presentations and then marketing and traffic writing ads, and then all the storyline wizards.

And of course, we’re adding new stuff…

I’m experimenting with one right now.

I’m not going to show it to you, but I’m making a new wizard.

I’m calling the 60-second Tidbit was there to help you be able to do 60-second videos for Instagram to create just laser-focused scripts that you can just bust out in 60 seconds or less, and they’ll help make sales and drive traffic.

So that’s the one I’m working on right now…

So you have access to that, which is amazing…

And then, of course, you can join the Facebook group.

And I want to point out this coming soon…

True life success lessons.

So this leads me to the conversation that my team and I were having…

I’l dropped this on you, and then we can start with the questions and stuff Stew…

But we were having our meeting this morning…

I said, how can we add just massive value to this thing?

And somebody had asked, Hey, is seven-day ebook included?

This is my book on how to write and publish an ebook in seven days…

And it’s never been included in the Jim Edwards Method Premium before…

And I was sitting there, and my initial reaction was like, Well, no, that’s not included”…

And then I said, Well, why couldn’t it be included?

And I said, Well, yeah, let’s include it”…

And then I started thinking about all these other eBooks that I have written over the years and stuff that I’ve done…

And we have retired, several of them, not because they’re no good anymore, but just because we got so fractured with selling…

And maybe then they’ll update here and there…

But what I said was, you know what, we could include a seven-day ebook, we can include eBook secrets exposed, we could include immediate money immediately…

We could include turn words into traffic…

All these eBooks that I’ve done over the years.

So we’re going to include those now

They’re not in there right this second, but we’re going to add them…

It’s kind of like at Halloween, if I give you all the candy, some of it’s gonna go stale…

You’re never going to get to it…

So we’re going to drip it on you overtime…

So that’s some cool stuff…

And we’re just going to start digging through the archives and when we dig stuff up

I mean, I’ve been doing this now for 22 years, and I’ve always been big about teaching principles…

So really the only thing that’s not included what the Jim Edwards Method Premium is it doesn’t include FunnelScripts, and it doesn’t include the automatic marketing wizard, which is a coaching program…

Everything else is in there…

That I know of…

Now, does that mean it’ll include everything I do going forward?



I mean especially stuff that I do with partners and whatnot, but I’m just telling you what’s there now…

So we’re going to be adding all of the eBooks…

The other thing that we’re going to do is I taught a program, I’m very prolific…

I taught a program called true life success lessons 10 years ago, which scares me cause it seems like it was only a couple of years ago and I had people tell me that it was one of the most life-changing things he ever went through…

It was an entire year coaching program that I did where I went through, and I taught everything I had ever learned about success, how everything from how to get what you want…

Where the money comes from, how to have great relationships, how to persuade people to do stuff…

I mean just an entire year, every month, a new lesson, 12 modules.

And my thought was to package it up and sell it back then…

And life just kinda got in the way of being able to sell that…

I had another program that just took off like crazy, and this was more of a soft thing; it was basically just Soosan and me back then…

And so we had to make a decision…

So what I have decided though with the help of my team is I have 10 more years of experience under my belt now as far as being finding success in business and in life…

And I’m not saying I’m the end-all guru expert, but I have learned some things that I can share with you…

So what we’re going to do, starting in January, is we’re going to rerelease that program and what that means…

What I mean by that is it’s only going to be in the Jim Edwards Method Premium.

I’m not going to promote it outside of there, which means I’m going to release the original material to you, and I’m also going to teach an update…

Stew Smith: Nice.

Jim Edwards: So you get the foundation stuff which has not changed and then I’m going to make an additional video or presentation or something each month to teach you what I have learned to expand on this over the last 10 years.

I was literally jumping up and down outside this morning when I was letting the chickens out.

I didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag about what it was, but this is going to be amazing.

This is going to be something that if all you got was this if we took everything else away from the Jim Edwards Method Premium and it was all gone, this would still be worth 10 times your investment.

I’ve always wanted to read to, to update it, and never had the opportunity, and the opportunity fell in my lap today.

Stew Smith: Nice.

Jim Edwards: So I’m super excited about that, and we’ll probably even have.

I mean it’s going to spill over into so many other things with the podcast and other stuff.

It’s just going to be really, really cool.

And I know that Stew is going to have some input on the topic as well, so well be able to have some cool discussions about the topic each month as well.

The other thing that we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be doing a live show in the group.

Stew and I are going to be doing a live show in the group every Tuesday, which we will be doing some demos and some other stuff.

So tons and tons are going to take place to really help you take things to the next level.

So those were my big announcements…

And I would just tell you, those of you who are new, this is what I want you to do…

Cause a lot of people like, Oh, what am I going to work on?

So the number one thing that you should do is come in and watch the welcome message.

Then what you should do is you should come down here, and you should look through the Gold Vault and see what grabs your attention right off the bat.

Because there’s probably an area where you’re like, Hey, I need to work on some ads”…

I need to work on some sales copy, I need to work on my content”…

I need to work on that”…

Go in the vault and find something in that area because we’ve got it divided up titles and headlines, ideas offer web copy, Oh, I’m sorry, that’s wrong thing.

But inside the Gold Vault, we have it all divided up between mindset, market, product creation, copywriting, traffic mechanics, and list building…

That’s where you can find some cool stuff that will help you…


And then the other thing I want you to do is go download the book, the DIY Media Marketing Academy book and download the wizards and then hang on for the monthly training…

And then as we’re doing the weekly shows, you’ll be able to ask questions…

We’ll be able to point you to resources and be able to help you get the most out of this…

One of the things that I would like to add to this is

And Stew and I are going to be working on this together

Is I want to add over in Funnel Scripts, we have something called Funnel Blueprints where people say, okay, I want to make this kind of funnel.

So which scripts do I use?

And it shows you, it draws it out for you…

What I want Stew and I to do is start building up a repertoire of things that people want to get done…

Hey, I want to do content marketing…

Hey, I want to do a Facebook live…

Hey, I want to do this, and we’re going to come up with our own recipes and process maps and stuff…

And that’s going to end up right here underneath this…

That’s something we’re going to start working on…

Is it gonna show up tomorrow?

No, but you guys can ask us, Hey, where do I do this?

Where do I find this?

And the easiest thing to do is just to click right here on the support

The fastest way to make sure that you are able to tell us or ask us

Hey, where would I find this?

Hey, what is this?

Ask us in the support thing, and we’re going to start building on FAQ, recipes, a process map…

We’re going to start building an area where everybody can benefit from that…

And that’s my commitment to you guys that we are from this moment forward, going to start building that up…

So does that mean it’s going to be here tomorrow?


But there’s plenty to keep you busy right now.

Stew Smith: Plenty.

Jim Edwards: Okay. Anything that I should add Stew, or you want to hit me with those questions?

Stew Smith: I have just a few things that if you’re wondering, like where do I start?

Jim showed you the video to go observe…

But I would do this; my recommendation is to start with titles and look at some of the content creation…

I am a writer, so I have writer’s block sometimes, and I will go into this article title wizard, article content creation, and I’ve created a few articles over the years using just this wizard.

And then I sold the articles…


It almost doesn’t sound fair, but I will tell you this, it helps you to clean up your article to a point where if you are a writer and you’re used to writing a lot, you’ll see the system that it just kinda brings you back to how an article should look and it’s all built-in there and as well as some very mild sales copy thrown in there, too.

Which is not an overwhelming sales copy…

So it’s really a neat tool…

And then my suggestion would be maybe go into the sales copy if you have products on a website just redo some of those, sales copy on those product pages describing what this product or service you’re selling.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: Just if you did those three things alone, you would see a huge difference and how things look and feel on your pages.

And that’s just if you have a website.

Jim Edwards: Okay, cool.

Stew Smith: That’s my 2 cents…

So I do have some questions though for you, Jim.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: And these were from people in the past…

The one that I remember the most and I don’t have an answer for it is what if I have a Mac?

Does it make any difference?

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: Of what we’re doing…

Jim Edwards: So the two areas we need to address as far as a Mac first is on the

Let’s talk about the easy online wizards…

Easy Online Wizards all work through your browser…

So this will work no matter what you’re on…

These will even work if you’re on your tablet or if you’re on your iPad if you’re on your phone…

The only differences if you’re on an iPhone or an iPad or a tablet, those don’t typically let you download files.

So the only thing you would need to do is once you create your output and you get it the way you want it by answering the questions, then you click on get results…

And let’s say you wanted to do the Single Juicy Tip one…

If you wanted to download, I wanted to show a Word document…

So if you wanted to download a word document, if you hit download, you click to get results on your iPad or something like that, it won’t download it.

But what you can do is click email and then email it to yourself.

So in order to open it on your computer, but that’s with anything.

I mean, downloading files on an iPad or on a phone is virtually impossible.

So with the easy online wizards, it’ll work on anything.

Now when we talk about the downloadable wizards, here’s the situation with the downloadable wizards, and this is kind of a fluid situation right now…


The downloadable wizards, a super keyword scraper, and the Tag Post Wizard…

Those have a versions that you can download for windows and for Mac.

And those will work.

The wizards that are more than six months old are 32 bit, which means they’ll work fine on a PC, but Mac has updated their most recent operating system in the last month or so.

And so these wizards will not work on a Mac.

So what we are doing is we are converting these over to work online.

So you’ll see we got the easy, the windows version, the Mac version, and then we have the online version…

Now you click online, and we’re calling these mega wizards…

Soosan has been busting her butt to get things converted over to work exclusively online.

But literally this does everything that the downloadable wizards do, only it’s online…

So the downloadable wizards have dozens and dozens and dozens of files…

And that’s why it just took so long…

But now we’ve got, all of the outputs are available, everything can be done online…

And so if you’re on a Mac with an updated OS, yes, you can use what we’ve been calling the downloadable wizards, but now we’re going to call them mega wizards because these do so much more…

So that’s what we’re in the process of doing…

And we should by the end of this month, have them all converted over…

It’s just a ton of work.

So, but we’re working our way through them and getting them set up…

So that’s the answer.

If you have a Mac, you’re able to access these top four right now, and then we’re working on these other ones.

So that’s the answer…

Stew Smith: All right, so, Hey, so this is the 49th podcast of The Sales Copy Content Marketing Hacks Podcast.

Where’s the archive page for that?

Jim Edwards: Okay.

So if you want to get access to all the old podcast episodes, all you have to do is go to theJimEdwardsmethod.com/podcast…

And we have all of the past podcast episodes…

And we’ve committed to basically doing 50 a year, or more…

So they’re all available thejimedwardsmethod.com/podcast…

Stew Smith: Nice…

Jim Edwards: And we probably ought to have the link in here to that.

So maybe Susan, if you’re watching at some point, maybe we could add the podcast linked to this so people will just have it…


Stew Smith: They’re also on YouTube too…

So they’re pulled from the YouTube page…

Jim Edwards: Well, there you go…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

So we put them on there and then we put them in the Jim Edwards Method as well…

You can also get them on audio version on Google Play and Spotify and Apple podcasts

Jim Edwards: And Apple podcasts…

And if you click on the link in there, it’ll take you over to the podcast…

Stew Smith: Right…

So how about the

Jim Edwards: And we need reviews…

So please go give us more reviews though…

We do have 11 five star reviews, which is pretty sweet dude…

Stew Smith: Okay…

I like it…

All right, so I think you’ve done a lot of some of these questions now that I asked, but if you’ve already answered it, you can rehash it

Jim Edwards: I can re-answer it.

Stew Smith: Yeah…

So just quickly, so where do I find what I need?

That is a good question…

Jim Edwards: That is a great question…

So again, the number one place to start is on the premium member dashboard…

That is where you always want to go.

Stew Smith: Right?

Jim Edwards: So if you’re looking for one of the downloadable/mega wizards, then you can go to the wizard dashboard, and that’ll show you basically you have access to all of those…

That’s one place you can go…

But I would just stick on the premium member dashboard because everything just kind of goes from there…

So again, you can find the most recent training…

You can find the next month’s training signup…

You can access the vault from my previous membership site…

You can also access past month trainings inside of Jim Edwards Method Premium here.

And I need to point that out…

I didn’t point that out before, but the training I think we probably ought to make this a bigger thing…

Looking at this, what do you think Stew?

I think this month’s TJEMP training and then access past Jim Edwards Method Premium trainings…

I think that should have its own section because it’s too easy to miss right here…

Don’t you think?

Stew Smith: I would agree looking at this…

Jim Edwards: So we’re doing this on the fly…

But you can see, I mean, God, we got so much cool stuff in here…

Oh, this one…

You guys need to check this out…

The Hidden Persuasion Wizard that’ll blow your mind…

So we’ve got a bunch of past training in here that you can access immediately.

Yeah, we need to separate that out…

We’ll get that done today…

Sign up for next month’s training…

Access to the vault, access to the DIY Media Marketing Academy Vault…

Access in the Downloadable Wizards…

Easy online wizards, Facebook group…

Oh, look at this…

Look what has been put in here since we had started…

Good job, Susan…

Nice work…

So not around, publish your own ebook as little seven days…

Stew Smith: That’s a good one…

I did that one too, that was a classic…

Jim Edwards: So we’re giving you guys access not only to the ebook, but we’re also giving you access to the e-class, which is five webinars…

That teaches you the entire process…

Now there’s a couple things in there that have changed as far as the print on demand…

What you call it, a CreateSpace got bought by Amazon is now (Carta part of KBB public)

Stew Smith: They made it easier, though.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, they did make it easier…

And there are some, a couple of in here that aren’t actually listed in Easy Online Wizards that you can access in here…

Is it okay if we just keep over-delivering guys?

Is it all right if we just keep giving you tons and tons of extra stuff?

I mean this is my God, I’m not, this is quite the deal…

This is a bunch of bonuses and stuff…

10 ways to have your ebook done by next Friday…

Stew Smith: Yeah, this is really good…

If you’ve never written a book or even if you’ve written one and you want to do one quickly

 Jim Edwards: Dude, this is even better if you’ve written one before because you see how much easier it can be.

So as you guys can see, man, we are just piling on the value for you…

But the number one place you want to go is here in the Jim Edwards TJEM-premium…

That’s where you want to be premium( mender )dashboard up there at the top…

If you have a problem or question or something, click the support link…

You can come over here to our desk and submit a ticket, and the friendly folks will answer it for you…

What’s the next question?

Did I answer that one, okay?

Stew Smith: Yeah, that was great…

I got another question here about unlocking wizards…

Is there a lock to some of these wizards?

Jim Edwards: Right, the downloadable ones…

What you have to do when you download one of the wizards, it’s going to ask you for a username and password when you go to install it.

And it’s the same username and password that you use to log in to the Jim Edwards Method Premium…

So your username is your email, and then we assigned you a password…

So that’s all that is

You don’t need to unlock any of the easy online wizards or anything like that…

It’s only the downloadable software that you need to unlock…

And then on occasion, it’ll go in and check…

And if you don’t log in for a couple of weeks, then it may ask you to reverify and stuff…

Just cause we take security seriously…

And there you go.


Stew Smith: Yeah. Okay, so here’s the deal…

I just became a member, and I’m a little bit overwhelmed by all that I see, what do I do?

I’m an entrepreneur…

Where do I need to go?

Jim Edwards: So the very first thing you wanna do is you want to watch this welcome video that you and I have here that’ll explain some basic stuff.

And I would really say sit down and ask yourself, Okay, where, where am I, and what am I trying to accomplish?

And then one of the things I would tell you to do would be to come down here to the DIY media marketing Academy because that’s some

I’m not going to say it’s more beginner, it’s more foundational.

So you can look through here and just watch these and I think it’ll really help you to get on the right path…

Cause this really does encompass both of our philosophies about the basic stuff you need to do.

So that would be one thing I would suggest that you do…

And the other thing is to go in and look at the Gold Vault and also look at the past months trainings and just look at the titles.

Don’t read them all, but look at the titles and really think through where you are in your business and what the next step is…

Stew Smith: Yeah. My recommendation is watch Jim do a couple of walkthroughs of filling out a wizard also…

There are a ton of them and all the podcasts that we’ve done

 Jim Edwards: Well and also each one of the wizards has a demo video…

Stew Smith: Right.

Jim Edwards: So that would be the other thing is each of the wizards has or should have a demo video that shows you how to use it, what the purpose is…

Once you watch one demo video for the tip wizard, the mistakes one, it really follows along with it…

Same thing with this one…

So just watch the main one for the instant tip was or long version and how to use the other ones.

So that would be my suggestion on that…


There’s tons of videos

I really know that there’s a ton of stuff here…

Feel free to reach out to support and ask, Hey, this is what I’m trying to get done, where should I look?

Now I’m going to caution you…

Don’t be sending one of those 15-page emails with a thousand questions in it because it won’t get answered…

Ask your most important question because you don’t have to worry about what’s happened in a hundred steps from now…

All you have to worry about is the next step from now…

So, for example, don’t be asking Stew, how you can pass buds to become a Navy seal when what you really need to learn is how to get better at swimming

Stew Smith: Or even better.

Ask me about sniper school after Bud’s before you and gone through buds (or an [inaudible] budget…)

Jim Edwards: So keep the questions simple and succinct and don’t be a 10 paragraph page because we can’t answer it…

It’s not going to happen…

So you gotta do your part…

The other thing you got to understand is, this is though my okay goal is to give you $1,000 a month in value…

What you guys are paying for this…

We’re giving massive value, but this is not individualized coaching…

So please ask questions but ask your question in a way…

Thinking about all the other members how asking this question could benefit all the other members as well…

Stew Smith: Yup…

And post it on Facebook too cause other members will help you…

They’ve been there, they’ve done that…

They’re moving on…

Jim Edwards: Exactly…

Stew Smith: So they’re always coming back to the basics and, this Facebook page is really good.

Jim Edwards: Well, not the Facebook page, the Facebook group

Stew Smith: Facebook group yes

Jim Edwards: Don’t post it to my profile…

Don’t post it to my fan page…

Don’t post it on your profile and tag me in it and hope that I’m going to magically show up at your fricking profile…

Cause I’m not cause I can’t…

But you posted inside the group, and you people are helpful

Also, if you want to get feedback in the group, give feedback in the group…

Let’s talk about that for a second…

To get the most out of the group, you got to put something in…

This is not like a magic vending machine where you just say, Hey, solve all my problems for me.

With people see you helping others, they will help you…

Stew Smith: And we’ll see what you do as well…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Stew Smith: If you do something that they need help with, they may hire you…

Jim Edwards: Exactly…

Stew Smith: So I mean it all comes around…

It’s all karma.

Good karma…

Jim Edwards: The never-failing boomerang of karma can either be a soft Nerf fun toy, or it can be something out of Mad Max…

It’s up to you…

Any other questions Stew?

Stew Smith: Nah, you nailed them in your intro pretty much a, I had a few more, but you answered them at the beginning of this page…

We, by the way, are recording, and it will be part of the podcast database…

So this will be number 49.

Jim Edwards: And we’ll also put it into the premium dashboard as well so that you guys can have access to that as well…

So I just wanted to welcome you guys…

I know we’ve had a bunch of comments and stuff coming in…

People are super, super excited about what’s going on…

Stew Smith: And I’ve also read in there a couple of folks that I have been members for a while and didn’t realize all this existed.

Jim Edwards: That’s my fault…

I’m sorry, but you have even more coming…

So that’s pretty exciting, and I’m looking forward to actually Stew and I doing some alive each week…

That’s going to be fun…

Stew Smith: Yup…

Jim Edwards: I look forward to being alive each week, and I look forward to doing a live video each week as well…

That’ll be fun…

So keep your eyes peeled for those on Tuesdays, and they won’t be this long…

We’re going to try and keep them around 20 minutes just cause that’s a good one…


So don’t want to take up any more of your time…

I just want to welcome all the new members…

Thank all the existing members, and just to let you guys are know our number one objective is to help you be more successful…

So have a great day…

Thank you, Stew.

Stew Smith: Thank you…

Jim Edwards: I look over here on the other side of the screen like I’m looking at as a thank you, Stew.

Stew Smith: Thank you, Jim!

Jim Edwards: We will talk to you guys soon…

Have a great day…



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