Weekly Update – November 23, 2022

Jim’s Golden Nuggets

T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G. For Entrepreneurs

T = Time to Reflect
H = Have a Positive Perspective
A = Appreciate Your Employees
N = Nurture Your Family & Friends
K = Keep Things In Focus
S = Show Gratitude
G = Give Back
I = Invest in Your Health
V = Value Your Time
I = Indulge in Fun
N = Never Give Up
G = Grow Your Business

Time to Reflect
Reflect on your business and what you’ve accomplished this past year. What went well, what could have gone better, and what you’re looking forward to in the year to come.

Have a Positive Perspective
Thank about your life, your business, and the people in your life. Take some time to look at things from a positive perspective and remember all of the things you’re thankful for.

Appreciate Your Employees
Your employees are the backbone of your business. Show them how much you appreciate them by giving them a holiday bonus, treating them to a meal and let them know how grateful you are for the effort and time they give to your business.

Nurture Your Family & Friends
Your family and friends are your support system. Nurture your relationships with them and show them how much you appreciate them.

Keep Things In Focus
What went well, what could have gone better, and what you’re looking forward to in the year to come.

Show Gratitude
Show your gratitude for your customers, your employees, and your family and friends.

Give Back
Give back to your community. Volunteer at a local food bank or soup kitchen, or donate to a toy drive.

Invest in Your Health
Get a flu shot, eat healthy, get enough sleep and add some daily exercise to your routine.

Value Your Time
Make sure you’re spending your time wisely and not over scheduling yourself.

Indulge in Fun
Take some time to enjoy the holiday season and don’t forget to relax.

Never Give Up
Set the stage for an amazing 2023 by getting started on your plan for next year NOW.

Grow Your Business
Don’t stop working too soon this year! So many people slack off during the holidays… End of the year holidays are a huge opportunity for you to swoop in and start gobbling up market share if you don’t buy into the “end of year swoon.”

🔥🔥  I’ve never done this before and I will never do it again 🔥🔥

If you’ve ever wished you could write sales messages like yours truly, now’s your chance.

Introducing “The Whole Enchilada Copywriting Course Bundle” with over 20 courses and training from me, teaching you how to write just like me…

I’m talking about…


Sales Letters

Video Sales Letters

Stealth Closes

Product Promises 

Email & Automations 

Hero’s Journey 

Origin Stories 

If that wasn’t insane enough, inside you’ll also find 10 wizards so you’ll never have to start your copy from scratch again! 

🧙‍♂️ What exactly is a wizard? So glad you asked. You fill in the prompts in our frameworks and hit the submit button. Then the wizard does his magic dance and gives you beautiful pieces of optimized copy READY to use! 

There is NO OTHER offer in this funnel besides this bundle because the product itself is so good. 

My team TRIED to talk me out of releasing it, especially when I told them that The Whole Enchilada Copywriting Course Bundle had all of my best stuff in it so there wouldn’t be an order bump or a one time offer in the funnel. 

And for one week only The Whole Enchilada is 80% off the retail price.

Get “The Whole Enchilada” while it’s HOT: https://copyhackingsecrets.com/get-copy-hacking-secrets

Featured Article

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Big Help… or Big Trouble?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly powerful and could do as much damage as good for humanity. To avoid this, people need to be aware of developments in AI and make sure any technology that could make decisions for them is used in the right way.

  • Stephen Hawking was concerned that artificial intelligence will become too powerful. 
  • AI is now to the point where you no longer have to “think” about much of anything. 
  • The problem is “good enough” is about the same as “mediocre”… and mediocre will get you TERRIBLE results.

Continue Reading →

Content Round Up

Join Jim as he goes live on Facebook and shares valuable nuggets of information with his followers.

Lead Magnet Master – Free Class

Stew Meets The Genie – Jim and Stew Show

Thanksgiving Funny – Instagram

Define My Avatar Secrets Interview


Sales Copywriting & Content Marketing Hacks Podcast Recap

We help entrepreneurs sell more with less effort and less stress… no matter what you sell! We cover topics on sales copy, content marketing, advertising, website sales letters, email marketing, headlines, ad writing and more.

WARNING: we are not here to teach copywriters the finer points of copywriting… we’re here to make it easy for normal people to use words and pictures to make more sales and get results. And, we have a lot of fun doing it!

Increase Business Traffic Regardless of Type of Business – SCCMH [Podcast 179]

Content Marketing Scripts + Jim and Stew Show on Content Brevity – SCCMH [Podcast 178]

Three Reasons to Use Traffic Scripts – SCCMH [Podcast 177]

Consistently Build Traffic or Buy / Borrow – SCCMH [Podcast 176]

Experiences Matter When Understanding Your Customer – Lessons Learned from FHL- SCCMH [Podcast 175]

To watch more episodes Click Here!

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