Weekly Update – August 21, 2024

Article of the Week

Customizing Your Offer Stack For Maximum Profit

Your “offer stack” is the collection of deliverables that someone gets when they take you up on your offer.

Think of it as a combo meal at your favorite fast-food joint, except instead of fries and a drink, you’re handing out tools, resources, and bonuses that help someone succeed with the main promise of your offer. And just like that combo meal is tailor-made to make you feel like you’re getting a great deal, your offer stack should be engineered to blow your audience away.

The Best Offer Stacks Are A Carefully Curated Combination Of Elements

The elements that make up your offer stack help people achieve the big solution you promise in the overall offer. They’re not just thrown together haphazardly; each component serves a specific purpose. This is where your expertise shines – understanding what your audience needs and providing it to them.

Those elements in the offer stack typically should eliminate objections and roadblocks people believe they’ll face when they try to accomplish the big promise in your overall offer.

Here’s An Example From My World That Has Proven This Out Over The Last 20+ Years.

I have an offer that promises to teach someone how to write and publish a book in 7 days (7dayebook.com). Every element of my offer stack supports that goal.

What’s stopping them from diving in? Is it the fear of not being able to market their book? The worry that they won’t be able to sell it?

Every bonus, tool, or additional training I include directly addresses these potential hurdles. By doing so, we’re not just offering a product; we’re paving a clear path to success.

So when it comes to my program on how to write and publish a book in 7 days, the main module teaches people exactly how to accomplish that in less than a week. But guess what? It doesn’t stop there.

The offer stack includes elements like how to take credit cards over the internet, writing the sales copy for your book’s listing page, and even training on nine additional ways to write your book.

These are not random add-ons; they’re meticulously selected to support the main promise while addressing potential objections.

Solve The Objections, Make MORE Sales!

The genius of this offer stack is that it covers everything from the technical aspects of transaction handling to the creative process of crafting compelling sales copy.

Imagine someone thinking, “I have no idea how to sell my book once it’s written.” Boom! The offer stack takes care of that.

They’re worried about the one way I teach to write a book not working for them in their specific situation? The extra training on nine different methods to write your book by next Friday will put that worry to rest.

Each Of These Elements Serves To Eliminate A Specific Objection, Creating A Seamless And Irresistible Offer

Now, let’s switch things up a bit.

Say I want to customize that offer stack for real estate agents who aren’t looking to sell their book, but want to use it as a listing tool.

The first bonus on how to take credit cards over the internet? Gone! Instead, I’d replace it with a report on 10 ways to use a book to get more real estate listings or buyer clients. Boom! Immediate relevance.

I would also tweak the second bonus around sales copy. For real estate agents, I’d customize it to show them how to write sales copy that offered the book as a lead generation tool where people would call to request a free copy. This way, each book becomes a lead magnet for a real estate listing or a buyer broker contract.

The key here is zeroing in on the specific goals and pain points of this new audience and reshaping the offer to fit like a glove.

Finally, I might leave the third bonus “as is” because a real estate agent could still be concerned or have a mental roadblock about the fact that creating the book the way I teach in the main course might not work for them.

Heck, they might even write more than one book because they would learn 9 additional ways to get a book done super-fast!

If You Want To Sell A Proven Product To A New Audience, Customize The Offer Stack FOR That Audience

Once you have an offer that’s working and you want to take it to a new audience, the way to make that offer resonate is by customizing the offer stack to address specific objections or concerns unique to that audience.

Instead of trying to have a one-size-fits-all solution, you tailor your offer to meet the precise needs of each group.

Customizing your offer stack is hands down the easiest way to take a proven offer to a new audience and have it hit home every single time.

Streamline Your Offer Creation! Need to adapt your offer stack swiftly? CopyandContent.AI makes it easy to personalize and optimize your offers on the go. Get started today!


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