Speed Dating with Jim – SCCMH [Podcast 25]

Jim answers rapid fire copywriting, http://thejimedwardsmethod.com wizard questions, as well as Funnel Scripts questions.

We call this episode Speed Dating With Jim as he discusses both Funnel Scripts and The Jim Edward Method Premium where Funnel Scripts and Premium Wizards for both content marketing and salescopy can be easily created – with the whack of a button.

Visit www.thejimedwardsmethod.com and then join the Salescopy and Content Marketing Hacks Closed Facebook Page at : www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/  

Here are the questions – tune in to hear the answers:

#1 = how do I create sales copy that reads so it doesn’t sound spammy or scammy according to site visitors. 

#2 = I have created the Free Report script with the cover letter and conclusion. Do you have any advice on the layout of the content that goes in the middle of the report?

#3 = Hi what script would you recommend for a sales script for solo ads? thank you.

#4 = How do I sell a subscription box ?

#5 = How do I come up with KICKASS product names for my product and what should I think about? (domains etc)

#6 = Hi, I am looking for what script to use if someone does not make a purchase but enters in their email address. How would you follow up with them with a sales script. Christina

#7 = What to use an alternative to testimonials.  If there have been no clients yet, how can I provide social proof? Would also like to get some fun ideas for getting testimonials.

#8 = Looking for daily content hooks – Any suggestions for titles / headlines to get more clicks.

Once again: See https://thejimedwardsmethod.com and join the Salescopy and Content Marketing Hacks Closed Facebook Page at : 


Get Copywriting Secrets for FREE – Just pay shipping www.copywritingsecrets.com

and for more information on the wizards used to make outstanding sales copy check out https://copyandcontent.ai.

Don’t want to miss any episodes? Subscribe to “The Copy And Content AI Report” YouTube Channel Here for more information about creating successful sales copy to sell ANYTHING:


The Transcript…


Jim Edwards: Hey, guys…Jim Edwards here and welcome back to episode 20 something…

Of the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast with Jim Edwards and Stew Smith

All credit goes to Stew because he’s the only reason that we have this podcast…

I mean, we’re gonna make it to 50 by the end of the year,

Stew Smith: Oh, Easy!

Jim Edwards: Yeah…Where are we?

Stew Smith: We’re at 25 now.

Jim Edwards: Okay, cool…So we’re, we’re rocking along, and today we’re going to do something kind of fun that Stew is ambushing me…

Excuse me, Stew is surprising me…

And what are we doing, stew?

Stew Smith: All right, so this a new podcast episode is called Speed Dating with Jim…

Jim Edwards: Wow. And this is, by the way, my 25th wedding anniversary…

So I don’t know if my wife would appreciate that title or whether she would think it was great…

Somebody else can have him…

I made it a quarter of a century with him…

Just be gone.

Stew Smith: Well, all these are actual questions from emails you’ve received from various…

Jim Edwards: sources?

Stew Smith: Sources and they’re not from Tinder, so it’s okay…

Jim Edwards: I don’t even know what that is…

You’re the one that gets all your business from Instagram…

Stew Smith: All right, so we’re gonna just swipe right with these, right?

Jim Edwards: I don’t even know what that, I don’t want to know what that, I don’t need that…

Stew Smith: I’m glad I don’t have to date…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: It’s very nice… Okay, so here we go…

Are you ready for question number one?

And these are just quick questions…

A short answer doesn’t have to be a one-word answer, but maybe a short paragraph answer…


In other words, don’t go off for an hour like I normally do…


These are not…

and that maybe you know, at the end of that answer will say, hey, we should do a full podcast on this one because we could go off on this answer, right?


So, that’s what we’ll do…

So we got about eight questions here…

Let’s go speed dating with Jim…

Jim Edwards: No, too short…

Stew Smith: Okay…Sorry…

Jim Edwards: No, I don’t,

Stew Smith: we’re not talking about one inch, chuck…

Jim Edwards: All right, like talking about sales copy…

Stew Smith: Okay… So here it goes…

“How do I create sales copy that reads so it doesn’t sound spammy or scammy according to site visitors.”

Jim Edwards: Okay…

The number one thing you’ve got to do with your writing, your sales copy is…

Use the words that your audience uses.

So, they describe a problem in a certain way.

Then make sure you’re using those words, and that’s the number one way that you can keep from sounding spammy, scammy or whatever…

The reason people think you sound that way is because you’re using hypey words or words that they don’t use.

So it doesn’t sound like you’re talking to them…

It sounds like you’re talking

AT them…

Stew Smith: Yeah… Good one… What’s a sample of like spammy words?

Jim Edwards: So, again, some people might think spammy words would be like…

“outrageous profits” and other stuff like that, which when you’re in the money, make money market…


Those, those can sounds scammy and spammy…

But let’s say we’ll use an example like for your stuff…

If you were to say have the power of a superhuman, that might sound kind of Dorky, but if you set, if you said,

“How to max your PT test.”

That’s what people are looking for…

I mean that’s really what they want, right?

But if it’s

“How to crush the army’s PT with superhuman strength that you can develop in less than two weeks…”

It just sounds dumb, but

“How to Max PT test”

Those are words that people use, right?

Stew Smith: I like it…Okay, so let’s do another one.

I’ve created the free report script with the cover letter and conclusion…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: You have any advice on the layout of the content that goes in the middle of the report?

Jim Edwards: So I think what they’re asking about is the free reports script inside of Funnel Scripts…

Which basically you fill that out and it will write a cover letter and a conclusion letter…

It’ll help you write little ads that appear throughout the report to drive them where you ultimately want them to go…

And then you have five questions that you answered to create the meat of the report.

So my, my best advice honestly, is not to worry about how you’re going to lay it out…

get all the content created, whether you write it out or dictate it or however you create it, hire it out to somebody else,

But then go to Fiverr and choose two people who do layout and just have them do it for you.

And the reason I say choose two people is because that way you lessen your chances of getting back something that sucks…

And increase your chances of getting something good faster…

So, that’s what I do…

I don’t do my own layout anymore…

You don’t need to, you can hire somebody for 10 or 15 bucks to lay it out and make it look like $1 million…

I would also hire somebody to do a really cool graphic that represents the free report…

Have a cool, you know though like it looks like a little magazine or a cover or something that really amps up and ups the value of your free report…

And put and put that picture on the title page of your free report because that will increase the perceived value of it as well.

Stew Smith: Great answer… All right… So, hey, here’s another one…

“What script would you recommend for sales script for Solo ads?”

I would use the fast teasers and tweets script inside of Funnel Scripts…

Because that will help you to write actually two different cool teasers…

Email teasers and it will also ride some tweets and a solo email…

A solo email ad is basically an email that is being sent by someone else on your behalf…

So just use that script as if you were them describing why they should go click on the link and go check out your product.

That’s what I would do

Stew Smith: I like it. All right, so how do I sell a subscription box?

Jim Edwards: I’m not really sure what you’re saying on that one…

How do I sell a subscription box is… I think what you’re asking is,

“How do I put up a subscription box that makes people actually subscribe and create a funnel that goes into that?

Stew Smith: Right. Yes…

Jim Edwards: So yeah, so you got to have the number one thing with getting people to opt-in…

As you got to have a hell of a cool promise.

And the promise should be encapsulated in your headline Hook…

And again, you don’t need to oversell it…

If you’ve got a great hook and you’ve got a really good image that represents what they’re going to get or what’s waiting for them on the other side, then that’s pretty much all you need, honestly.

Because what I have found is the more copy you put on that page, the more you’re talking them out of actually signing up.

And especially if it’s something for free, you’re just looking for that knee jerk reaction of,

“Oh, that sounds cool, that looks cool…

I got, all I gotta do is put in my email and hit the button to get it. Sure.

I’ll put in my email…

I can always unsubscribe or block it if they spam me…”

Stew Smith: Good… All right, so how about this one?

“How do I come up with kick-ass product names for my product and what, should I think about the means, et cetera…”

So what I would use for that would be in Funnel Scripts, we have the profitable title scripts where you can…

It helps you to create really kick ass titles for different things, whether it’s a single item or all the items in your offer stack…

And the thing that you got to think about when you’re coming up with a title is a payoff.

“What is a payoff that somebody wants?”

So let’s use the example of Instagram, okay?

Let’s say we have a little Instagram course…

…Again, I’m just, this is top of head…

We have a little Instagram course…

And one thing you could call it would be Instagram Secrets…

Eh, that’s okay…

But what if it was…

“Your first 10,000 followers on Instagram quickstart.”


“The secret to reach 10,000 Instagram followers in 30 days.”

That’s a better title…


Because it’s got to pay off…

It’s got a timeframe…

In the past, I’ve taught what I call the irresistible offer formula…

Which is actually four parts that we don’t have time to get into right here…

but you want to address the payoff that they want…

A hurdle they think they’re going to have to go over…

A timeframe of when they’re going to get the result…

And of course the big payoff.

Jim Edwards: So…

Stew Smith: Future podcast…

Jim Edwards: Sure…

Stew Smith: Yeah, we’ll do that…A future podcast…I like that…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: All right… So how about this one?

“I’m looking for a script to use if someone does not make a purchase but enters their email address, how do you follow up with them?”

Okay, so interestingly enough, and this is no, this is no bs…


In an hour I’m going to be teaching and releasing a brand new script inside of Funnel Scripts called the Abandoned Cart Email Script…

Ah, love it…

Which creates a three email sequence that you send to people who abandon the cart.

And I’ll give you just a synopsis of the training that we’re going to be doing today.

And that is people abandoned the cart for three main reasons…

Are there other reasons?

Of course…Okay…

But there are three main reasons…

The first reason is they just get distracted for whatever reason…

They start going through the checkout process, and they just get distracted.

The phone rings…

There’s a knock on the door…

They got to go take a poop…

The dog’s got to go take a poop…

Whatever reason…

They don’t have their credit card in their pocket, and they have to go into another room, and then they get distracted with something else…


The second reason is that a lot of times people will get the email first…

And then people don’t see the price until they’ve started the process…

So they see the price in that it locks them up because you have not demonstrated the value in regard to the price…

They still see the prices this high, the value this time, you’ve got to reverse that in order to get them…

So the third reason that people don’t buy is because they don’t believe that it will work or that it will work for them.

So, in this sequence that we’ve created based on a lot of experience…

Okay, the first email that goes out is,

“Hey, I saw that you didn’t complete, just wanted to remind you that this is here and you can still get it.”

And here’s the link…

I mean just somebody said, “Squirrel!” and you’re trying to draw their attention back to the thing…

Then you can also, then the next email you’re gonna send out is,

“Hey, you may have still had a question.

If you, if you had a question, if you had a concern, please reach out to us in our support desk or via the phone if you do fund support.

And by the way, I just want to remind you, here are five big payoffs you get from this product service coaching software.

And so if there’s anything we can do to answer your questions or help you go ahead, here’s the link to go ahead.”

And then the third email is basically going out the next day, and it says,

“Hey not sure why…

Might’ve been a technology thing, what have you…

But I wanted to share with you some, some quick testimonials of people just like you who got amazing results…

And so you share results testimonials from people, and that helps overcome the fear of will it work or will it work for me?

Stew Smith: Ah, excellent… That’s another podcast too, we’ll talk about the empty cart script…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: And future podcast…

So a here’s a good segue, 
”What to use as an alternative to testimonials.”

Like you just mentioned testimonials in that previous one…

So if there’ve been no clients, how can I provide social proof?

Jim Edwards: Well, you know it’s funny. I talk about that in my book…

“Copywriting Secrets”

which will be available soon cause we’re getting the funnel done.

So here’s the thing, the real purpose of a testimonial is proof.

Proof that what you’re saying…

The ideas that you’re putting forth have worked.

Now there are other forms of proof that you can use if you don’t have testimonials.

And by the way, if you don’t have testimonials, you need testimonials…

The best thing you can do is give your product away to 20, 30, 40, 50 people asking,

“If I give you this, will you give me a testimonial?”


“If you don’t feel like you can give me a testimonial, will you give me feedback to improve my product so that then you would feel comfortable giving me a testimonial.”

So that by asking that way, that takes the pressure off of them to feel like, oh crap…

Even if it’s crap, he expects in testimonial…


What I want from you is feedback.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: Either tell me why you couldn’t give me a testimonial, what I would need to do to make it better…

That’s a great lesson right there…

The second thing is if we’re talking about proof, there’s all kinds of other proof that you can use…

You can use your own testimonial, your own results, your own before and after pictures, your own images of your bank account, of your house, of your car, of your, whatever the result…

Your dog being well trained and well behaved,

Your dog being able to do the tricks…

Demos are great proof as well…

Proof in the form of a video that demonstrates something…

So Stew says, “Hey, I can get you to the point where you can do a hundred pushups in a row…

And Stew, for if he didn’t have any testimonials, what kind of video could he make?

He could make a video showing himself doing a hundred pushups in a row…

Showing himself doing 20 pull-ups without stopping…

So you can video proof…

You can do demos…

You can do screenshots…

This is my favorite if you really don’t have stuff is to go on Google and do a search for your keyword plus the word…



Case study…

Go find other people’s case studies and statistics and stuff and cite those…

There’s tons of government studies where they’ve studied all kinds of stuff…

And all you’re looking for is a study or a quote or something to support what you’re saying…

When I came out with back in 1998 when I came out with my “10 Dirty Little Secrets Of Mortgage Financing.”

I didn’t have really any testimonials…

But what I did do was it was about how not to get ripped off on a mortgage.

So I called the FTC the Federal Trade Commission, and I asked them, this was before they put their stuff online…

I asked them if they had any statistics or studies or articles or stuff about mortgage companies getting fined for illegal or immoral practices…

And they sent me this huge stack of press releases that they had sent out…

And then I was able to pull headlines from those and use those as proof that people were being ripped off when they got their mortgages…

So there’s a lot of different stuff, and in the end, you can even just do…

You can even get quotes from famous people…

Quotes from celebrities…

Quotes from government experts…

People like that…

So there’s when you think about it that way, there’s a bunch of other forms of proof that you use to support.

Stew Smith: You’re right… Sorry about that… I didn’t mean to cut you off…

Jim Edwards: That’s okay…

Stew Smith: Yeah, so we were, we did a great podcast on this recently…

If you look at the podcast section, we did it on testimonials and case studies actually…

So in all the great ways to get them…

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: So check that out… Here’s, you go looking for daily content hooks…

Any suggestions for titles, headlines to get more Clicks.

Jim Edwards: Questions.

Questions are great hooks

And questions in and of themselves…

Need answers…

And so if you’re looking to create daily content, go either ask people for questions…

Research the questions people are asking and Facebook groups and use those…

Or go on Google and put in your keyword plus frequently asked questions or keyword plus questions…

Tactical fitness questions…

Tactical fitness FAQ…

Tactical fitness problems…

And just come up with a really cool you know, just come up with a really cool list of questions and then make them sound a little sexier…

“What are the 10 deadly mistakes of tactical fitness?

Stew Smith: Woo…

Jim Edwards: That sounds better than “10 mistakes people make when getting in shape.”

“What are the 10 deadly, the 10 deadly tactical fitness mistakes, and how do you avoid them?”

Just sexy it up a little bit…

And that comes with practice…

But that’s honestly how you do it…

And we’ve got some cool wizards and scripts and stuff inside of both…

Funnel Scripts


The Jim Edwards Method Premium

Stew Smith: Yeah, it helps…Yeah… That’s awesome…

Well, that was the eight questions that we were going to do speed dating with Jim…

Jim Edwards: Cool.

Stew Smith: So we covered that…

Jim Edwards: Cool.

Stew Smith: And what’s next? How do we close this out?

Jim Edwards: I would say two things…

One, if you need help creating amazing sales copy that will help you to sell anything…

As long as it solves a problem or satisfies the desire for a specific group of people…

Doesn’t matter whether if it’s a product…

A service Ecom…


High-end coaching…

High ticket items…


Doesn’t matter.

Funnel Scripts at funnelscripts.com is your solution.

We’ve recently converted that from a yearly subscription model to a one-time payment unlimited access model…

We also have the Jim Edwards method premium that will help you to create compelling content at the click of a button…

If you want to create amazing Facebook lives…


Product reviews…

Just too many things to even mention right here…

Then you need to check out the Jim Edwards Method Premium…

Which unfortunately is not open for registration right now…

But you need to go over, check out the Jim Edwards Method Premium at TheJimEdwardsMethod.com and see what we got.

And third, last but not least, you need to go check out if you’re not already a member of the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Facebook group…

You need to join that…

You have to apply, but we’ll let you in as long as you’re not an ax murderer with some kind of like severed head in your hand and your profile picture.

And then the last thing is make sure that you subscribe to our podcast on youtube and iTunes and…

Stew Smith: Google play, Spotify…

Jim Edwards: Yeah, how’s that for some speed closes?

Stew Smith: Oh, I like it… That’s good that you hit ’em all… I cut them all out of the park…

Jim Edwards: There you go…

Stew Smith: Cool… That was our first episode with speed dating with Jim…

And what we’ll do is when we get a lot of these questions that are fairly short ended answers…

We’ll combine them all into one show and do them like this.

Jim Edwards: Awesome…Great job, Stew…

Stew Smith: Thank you, sir.

Jim Edwards: Bye…

Stew Smith: Bye.


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