Tag: FunnelScripts

  • Asking the Right Questions to Build Effective Testimonials – SCCMH [Podcast 151]

    Jim and Stew discuss ways to get effective testimonials by simply asking the right questions to your customers. Check out these walk throughs by Jim using Funnel Scripts (https://www.funnelscripts.com) and the Quote Wizard in the premium membership. Don’t forget to join the Facebook group Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Hacks with Jim Edwards.  This…

  • Speed Dating with Jim – SCCMH [Podcast 25]

    Jim answers rapid fire copywriting, http://thejimedwardsmethod.com wizard questions, as well as Funnel Scripts questions. We call this episode Speed Dating With Jim as he discusses both Funnel Scripts and The Jim Edward Method Premium where Funnel Scripts and Premium Wizards for both content marketing and salescopy can be easily created – with the whack of…

  • Beginner Funnel Scripts User – SCCMH [Podcast 24]

    From RICHARD: “IM A GREENHORN, I have about 14 funnels in my head or ideas for funnels with offers written down and about 5 projects started in Funnel Scripts. I’m just not sure which script is best for which niche funnel I’m working on… So right out of the gate, I’m getting myself stuck in…

  • It’s Not What It Is – It’s What It Does – SCCMH [Podcast 21]

    This is Sales Copywriting GOLD here folks.  Jim and Stew discuss a problem most of us have as entrepreneurs – actually selling our products / services incorrectly. It’s Not What It IS… It’s What It DOES! When it comes to sales copywriting, one of the biggest mistakes people make is getting hung up on WHAT…

  • Case Study vs Testimonials – What is the Difference? How to Use Them? – SCCMH [Podcast 20]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the differences and all the ways to use both case studies and testimonials. BONUS – Jim walks us all through the Case Study and Testimonial Funnel Script Wizard to build an interview for satisfied customers and build a killer segment for your testimonial page. You can find out more…

  • Walk Thru – What Wizard is Right For Me? SCCMH [Podcast 18]

    Jim and Stew walk TJEM member Sara Pitts through a sticking point she is having with developing a product launch video for her membership site.  We pull Sarah into the podcast and discuss the steps and options for all of us to consider when making a video script of webpage sales copy. ( http://thejimedwardsmethod.com )   Thanks…