Is AI Content Legit?

A Quick Guide to Assessing AI-Generated Sales Copy and Content

I know you’ve heard the buzz around artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content, but you may not be sure if it’s legit.

AI-generated content can be a great way to save time, money, and energy… but the content quality can vary (a lot of AI content sucks, contains errors, and even carries a risk of plagiarism claims).

Do you ever wonder if the content you’re reading online was actually created by a human?

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), it’s becoming harder to tell the difference. AI-generated content is everywhere, from news articles to blog posts and even entire websites. But how do you know if it’s legit?

But first…

What is AI-generated content?

AI-generated content is content created using AI and machine learning algorithms. This type of content can include anything from articles and blog posts to podcasts and videos.

Bottom line: AI-generated content is typically created with the help of natural language processing (NLP) and is designed to mimic human writing.

So how can you tell if AI content is legit and valuable for you to consume?

There are a few key points to keep in mind when assessing AI-generated content.

Always consider the source.

You should trust the source of the content you consume… regardless of what “intelligence” created it. Regardless of how it’s created, it’s important to look for any potential bias.

What’s the agenda of the person or organization publishing it?

Accuracy of the content.

If the content seems outdated or contains errors, then it may not be trustworthy. Again, whether it’s AI generated or human generated, is it accurate?

Readability of the content.

Is it easy to read and understand? If the content seems too technical or difficult to understand, then it may not be trustworthy, let alone useful. (Hmm… are you sensing a pattern here? I think this applies to any type of content!)

Originality of the content.

How unique is the content? Does the content feel as though it provides you with something new, or does it feel like rehashed crap you’ve seen a thousand times before? (Again, this could apply to any content!)

In the end, here’s what matters: 

AI content can be incredibly helpful and informative, but it can also be misleading and potentially damaging.

But the same holds true for human content.

When it comes to ANY content you’re consuming, ask yourself the following questions:

·       How reliable is the source? Is it an established website or a new one?

·       Is the content accurate and up-to-date?

·       Does the content follow basic grammar and spelling rules?

·       Is the tone and style consistent with other content on the website?

·       Does it add value, or make you feel like you just wasted 15 minutes of your life-force you can never recover?

What makes human content and copy legit is exactly what makes AI content and copy legit.

The lines between the two are blurred forever now and will continue to blur even further.

In the end, all that matters is if the content you consume enriches you… that’s it! 

Don’t worry about if it’s AI or human.

Worry about whether it’s any good or not!

By the way, if you’d like me to do a training to show you how to use AI to write a REAL Book (not some useless kids’ book, but a REAL BOOK), let me know Here!


One response to “Is AI Content Legit?”

  1. Sue Avatar

    Thank you Jim for posting about the pros and cons of using AI in service and content. as
    a means of helping with daily business tasks. Good to know

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