Author: Jim Edwards

  • Weekly Update – September 14, 2022

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Relationship Mistakes That Keep You POOR! In the end, the only thing you own is the relationship you have with the people on your list. Everything else can be cloned, ripped off, hacked, and otherwise duplicated. Someone can always offer a similar product cheaper, faster, easier, and better. Someone can rip off…

  • How To Really Increase Your Sales

    What most “gurus” tell you to do to make a lot more sales FAST is just plain wrong (if you want FAST results). If you ask them, “How can I make a lot more sales?? They’ll tell you the following: 1. Increase website traffic 2. Improve website conversion rate 3. Increase average order value 4.…

  • Weekly Update – September 7, 2022

    A Note From Jim More Leads Than You Can Shake A Stick At! Everybody thinks lead generation is really hard. It’s not. You can EASILY get the people in your target audience (your avatar) to give you their name, their email, their phone number, their home address, and any other information that you want. They’ll…

  • Things Won’t Change Themselves

    I have some interesting thoughts every morning when I run. Funny thoughts. Strange thoughts. Interesting thoughts. But I definitely get bombarded with them every time I run (and since my trainer has me on a 6 month running ramp up, I’m running a LOT). I had a thought yesterday that kept running around in my…

  • Weekly Update – August 31, 2022

    All of us need more content to use in our marketing. The problem is, most people’s content sucks! Why? Because they make the process difficult on themselves AND they don’t create content their customers and potential customers want to read. Creating content is easy. Creating GREAT content is also easy – IF you know the…

  • The Future Of AI Content Generation

    The future of AI (Artificial Intelligence) content generation is filled with potential, but also fraught with uncertainty. There are a number of factors that suggest AI will play an increasingly prominent, if not important, role in content generation in the years to come. One of the most important factors driving the future of AI content…

  • Weekly Update – August 24, 2022

    A Note From Jim Great Content Marketing Begins and Ends With This A lot of folks think content marketing is hard and it’s impossible to rise above all the online noise and competition. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Here’s why I say that… People hold this belief because they have tried “content…

  • How Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Scripts and Wizards Work? – SCCMH [Podcast 166]

    JJim and Stew discuss using one of many wizards that make content marketing 10x easier. Join us as we share stories of our favorite wizards / scripts we use regularly to make all kinds of content (articles, memes, social media posts, webinars, sales letters, etc). We talk about wizards often – let’s share some stories…

  • 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Lead Magnets

    Quality, not quantity, make a great lead magnet. If you want to build a huge, rabid, responsive list, keep your lead magnet focused on a SINGLE “Big Idea, Solution, or Payoff” your target audience REALLY wants. Focus on a single, HUGE promise that’s important to your target audience. If you structure your lead magnet wrong,…

  • Weekly Update – August 17, 2022

    A Note From Jim How Strong Customer Relationships Saved My Business… And Quite Possibly My Family October 25, 2007, I got the call no parent wants to receive. My son-in-law had been hit by a roadside bomb in Iraq and was in a coma after almost bleeding to death on the side of a highway…