Author: Jim Edwards

  • “The Robots Are Going To Kill Us All”

    Every day delivers more and more news about AI. In the last week, Google has announced their competition for ChatGPT named “Bard.” In prior weeks, schools denounced AI and several people invented AI detectors to combat students taking the “easy way out.” Others even questioned the ethics of content created by AI. Oh, and for…

  • Weekly Update – February 8, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle: The New Way To Create Content And Sales Copy In A Flash! When the average person hears the word “genie”, they think of a magical being that grants wishes. Content creators and copywriters might take it a step further and picture the magical character from…

  • What’s The Secret Sauce To My Success?

    It’s February, are you still on track to meet your goals this year? Or has life already gotten in the way and put your goals on the fast track to failure? Don’t worry, you’re not alone… And there’s still time to take a step back, breath, reorganize and still achieve your goals. Be it business…

  • Is Today’s AI Really Artificial Intelligence… Or Just a Clever Parrot?

    Get the whole story here… In case nobody has explained it to you, the GPT in Chat GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” and is a type of AI that uses natural language processing (NLP) to generate human-like text. It is based on an algorithm that uses a large dataset of text (Large Language Learning…

  • Weekly Update – January 25, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Discover the Hidden Potential of AI-Generated Content How to Take Content From Good to Outstanding Using AI Tools So, you made some content using AI. Whether it’s with the Genies or with ChatGPT or some AI robot, you’ve got some content and now you want to make it more valuable to your…

  • How To Leverage AI To Test and Make a LOT More Money in Your Marketing

    Which headline did you like better? In 2003-2004 I launched a product called “How To Get Anything You Want.” It was a studio-quality audio CD I spent months putting together. I had a LOT riding on the launch of the product, not only in terms of money, but also my reputation and self-image. So, launch…

  • Weekly Update – January 18, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets “Unlock the Secrets to Instantly Creating Content That Resonates with Your Ideal Customers” Unlock the Power of AI & GPT to Create Tailored Content for Your Customers That Helps You Leave the Competition in The Dust Unless you are living under a rock or have taken a sabbatical to go off the…

  • A.I. The Angel of Death for Creativity?

    A.I. (artificial intelligence) has a lot of people running scared. Artists are banging their heads against the wall as users of A.I. software win art contests. Fiverr gig sellers are seeing demand for cheap articles and SEO content drying up as former customers start experimenting with ChatGPT. Teachers know students are using A.I. to write…

  • Weekly Update – January 11, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets 5 Deadly Mistakes People Are Making with A.I. For many, artificial intelligence (A.I.) is the ultimate easy button for content creation and sales copy. Tools like ChatGPT have brought A.I. access to the masses in an extremely short period of time. In fact, my MOM even knows about A.I. now and has…

  • This is What Happens When AI Disrupts the Status Quo

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen my prediction from last year about the explosion of AI (artificial intelligence) into the popular culture come true. Everyone is talking about it, from the nightly news to my mom. One of the big drivers of this public awareness is the Chat GPT bot, available from…