• Discover the Secret to Maximum Clicks, Sales, and Profits With Your Avatar

    Are you looking to make money fast while minimizing risk or wasted money on ads that don’t work? The key is to sell a proven product to a proven audience. (I just summarized your MBA – you’re welcome!) But instead of taking this straightforward approach, most people make the mistake of venturing into uncharted territory.…

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  • Weekly Update – June 28, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets “Unlock Your Ideal Customer’s Motivation with These 7 Hot Buttons” “The Secret Sauce to Target Your Ideal Customers!” Read on to discover the keys to identifying what makes your ideal customer tick! Do you want to connect with your ideal customers at a deep level without wasting countless hours guessing what motivates…

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  • Building Leads, Relationships, and Making More Sales with Avatar Genies [Podcast 196]

    Podcast 196 – TJim Edwards and Stew Smith demonstrate using the https://www.CopyandContent.ai Genies to create useful content that helps you with building leads, relationships, and sales personally created for ideal customer – AKA Avatar. Continue Reading

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  • Struggling to Connect with Your Ideal Customer? DISC Communication Styles May be the Solution!

    Are you struggling to connect with your ideal customer avatar? Are you spending countless hours trying to create the perfect sales copy, blog posts, and content marketing, only to find that it doesn’t click with your audience? If this sounds like you, don’t worry, you’re not alone. With so much noise online, it’s difficult to…

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  • Weekly Update – June 21, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Not All Avatars Communicate The Same Way Read on to discover the secret of your ideal customer’s communication style. When communicating with your ideal customer avatar, a colossal mistake entrepreneurs often make is assuming everyone communicates the same way. It’s a mistake for several reasons. First, if you assume everyone communicates the…

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