• The Story Genie Walk-Through – Learn How to Tell a Story That Sells [Podcast 229]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss creating stories that sell. From creating one in thin air to using software to assist in the process if you need to fix your story to help you sell more products and services. Check out https://CopyandContent.ai for access to sales copywriting and content marketing for all your business writing…

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  • Weekly Update – June 26, 2024

    Article of the Week The Secret to Making Millions: The Power of Perfect Sales Letters A perfect sales letter can transform your business. Imagine having a salesperson who works around the clock, never makes mistakes, and always delivers your message flawlessly. Whether you’re selling products, services, software, or coaching, a perfect sales letter can make…

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  • Weekly Update – June 19, 2024

    Article of the Week How I Finally Stopped Pricing My Stuff Too Low(And How You Can Too!) Use Value Vs. Cash Value Vs. Market Values Only one thing bothers me more than watching someone get overcharged… it’s watching someone consistently undercharge people. Undercharging people carries many ramifications as far as value and self-worth… as well…

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  • Weekly Update – June 12, 2024

    Article of the Week When & WHY You Should Never Tell Your “Origin” Story Being able to tell your origin story is incredibly important in many different situations. Whether you’re doing a sales pitch, giving a presentation, or simply introducing yourself, sharing your background can provide valuable context and build stronger connections. People are naturally…

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  • Adding Agency Services to Existing Business Increase Revenue and a Create a New Profit Center – [Podcast 228]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss updating books for changes in the business market as well as adding Agency Services to your existing business to increase profits. Check out https://CopyandContent.ai/ for access to sales copywriting and content marketing for all your business writing needs. Let the Avatar-enabled Genies do the work for you. Jim and Stew…

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