• Weekly Update – June 5, 2024

    Article of the Week The Biggest Sales Copy Blunder People Make  Every. Single. Day.…And How To Avoid It! (How I Turned Failure into Six-Figure Success with One Simple Change) It was the spring of 2004, and I was on the cusp of what I thought was gonna be my big, breakout moment in the online…

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  • Weekly Update – May 29, 2024

    Article of the Week 3 Steps to Market Your Service Business/Agency For Quick Clients (You DON’T Have To Struggle To Find Clients… Do THIS And They’ll Find YOU!) When I ran my agency, guess what? More than half of the business we got was all thanks to folks telling their friends about us or from…

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  • Weekly Update – May 22, 2024

    Article of the Week From Selling Houses to Selling Dreams: How I Used Personal Storytelling to Skyrocket Sales It was a pivotal moment. I had just attended a conference about web marketing and had learned about the power of long-form sales letters. The trainer emphasized the importance of using a compelling story to kickstart the…

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  • Interview with Izzy Whitfield (11 yr old author) + Believe in Yourself & Face the Fear of Rejection [Podcast 227]

    Jim and Stew interviewed a young lady who had written three books for early teens on building better confidence, study habits, post-COVID learning issues, and dealing with other stresses in life. After a few minutes, you will not believe this girl is 11 years old. Trust me when we say, “You will learn something from…

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  • Weekly Update – May 15, 2024

    Article of the Week “How a Coffee Entrepreneur Unlocked the Power of Customer Avatars!”  (The Game-Changing Lesson Every Agency Professional Must Learn About Customer Avatars) One of the great things about what I do is I have the privilege of working with a diverse range of cool people who want to serve others AS they…

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