• Weekly Update – November 1, 2023

    Article of the Week Journey said it best ‘Don’t Stop Believing’… (I bet you just sang that in your head) Alright, gather ’round folks! Today, I’m about to hit you with some serious wisdom that I’ve learned in my 30+ years in business (all different types). As a fellow business owner, I totally get it…

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  • After the Business Conference TO DO List – Act NOW – [Podcast 206]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss relationships built, information learned, and tasks you should do after the Business Conference you recently attended. Acting ASAP is key to improving your current status. Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks at https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks and for more information on the wizards used to make…

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  • Weekly Update – October 25, 2023

    Article of the Week Embracing the Difficult Path Amidst a Sea of Shortcuts The face of business (and life in general) today looks completely different than it did just a few years ago. One thing has stayed the same… integrity. You either have it, or you don’t. Now that we are all accustomed to changing…

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  • Weekly Update – October 18, 2023

    Article of the Week Receipt Page Hacks that Sizzle: How to Amp Up Your Sales with Flaming Hot Receipt Pages When it comes to your sales funnel, the receipt page is often an overlooked aspect. However, a well-designed and strategic receipt page can make a significant impact on your business by maximizing profits and building…

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  • Weekly Update – October 11, 2023

    Article of the Week The Fine Line: When Negative Copywriting Crosses the Limit Going “negative” in your copywriting is something you must be aware of, but I think there are two ways that you can go negative. One is a good way, and one is a bad way. Let’s talk about the good way first.…

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