• Why and Who Are Your Writing Your Book For? Lessons Learned and Genie Walk-Throughs [Podcast 215]

    Jim Edwards discusses the importance of knowing WHO you are writing for and WHY? Why are you creating a book? Is it part of a bigger plan in your business model, or will you live off royalties for the rest of your life? Chances are writing a book is not the quick way to retirement,…

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  • Weekly Update – February 21, 2024

    Article of the Week Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid! Something scared the crap out of me today… it felt like I just witnessed the dawn of a new age, and the downfall of society in the same instant. AI is changing the world. No doubt. If you want to know how, go read any one…

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  • Open Up The Entrepreneurial Brain with Jim Edwards [Podcast 214]

    Jim Edwards of discusses the types of ideas that have revolutionized his business over the years. Jim shares how he gets the thinking and creative part of his brain flowing – even when on vacation. Some of Jim’s best ideas come from long car trips, vacation time, and working out alone. Learn how to tap…

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  • Weekly Update – February 14, 2024

    Article of the Week Success Starts with a Decision Are you tired of feeling like you’ll never make it in the world of online business? You’re not alone. In fact, 50% of people fail in online business because they never even get started. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of starting a business…

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  • Weekly Update – February 7, 2024

    Article of the Week Time Mastery: The Two Golden Hours Here’s a question I was asked not too long ago… Q: “How do I find time to work on my online business when I’m swamped with my ‘day job’ and my family?” A: Let me start by saying I understand 110% about trying to get…

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