• Victory or Victimhood? You Choose!

    Lately, I have been fortunate to work with numerous individuals while coaching them through writing their books. During these challenges I’ve noticed a common thread among those who are truly making a significant impact in the world. These individuals do not see themselves as victims, but rather as victors in every aspect of their lives.…

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  • Which Is A Faster Way To Lose Money – Advertise Your Book Directly or Set Fire To It?

    Advertising directly to your ebook or book is usually a bad idea and will cost you a lot of money. Believe me, I know from firsthand experience. For years, I tried to advertise my $29 ebook directly, and every single time, it failed miserably. I would get discouraged and stop trying for a year or…

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  • Weekly Update – January 17, 2024

    Article of the Week REAL Authority Looks Like This… (And it’s not what you might think) I remember the first time I ever got recognized at an event because of one of my books. As I made my way through the crowded hallway toward the bathroom, a lady approached me with a huge smile on…

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  • New Year – New You – Be an Author By the End of January! [Podcast 213]

    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain said this but Jim Edwards teaches you how writing your book can be easier than ever with https://www.WriteYourBook.ai. Jim and crew will coach you throughout the process and help you become the authority in your business lane. There is no authority with the word…

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  • Weekly Update – January 10, 2024

    Article of the Week Surprise ‘Celebrity’ Sightings! It was Christmas. My wife and I decided to take a cruise to celebrate the holidays. We were looking forward to a relaxing getaway, far from family drama and the hustle and bustle of work. Little did I know, our cruise would turn into a surprise “celebrity” sighting.…

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