3 Simple Steps to Smashing Your Goals Every Time

It’s almost the end of March. The gloss has likely worn off those New Year’s resolutions. Hell, most people can’t even remember their resolutions at this point. Life is, plus or minus, pretty much back to the way it was December 31, 2022.

My question is: Is it enough?

If not, then here’s the solution – especially for those lofty business goals that may have been tossed to the wayside over the last couple of months.

First, the critical thing to stick with is doing the important things even after they stop being new, or fun, or different. If they are important, then doing them after the newness wears off is what shows commitment.

By the way, commitment is where the real results come from. Anyone can do it when it’s new and fresh. It takes a special someone to do the important when it’s boring, tedious, and there are “other things” that would be nicer (or even more urgent) to do.

If something seems too hard, break it down into smaller pieces. If it’s still too hard, break it down even more. Get that goal down into bite-sized pieces that can go on your daily to-do list and will actually get done (by you or someone else).

Once you break any task down then look at the parts and start dividing them up:

– Which ones should I do?

– Which ones can I outsource to a site like Fiverr.com?

– Which ones do I hand off to someone else?

What stops most people is not willpower…. or ability… or skill… or even desire. What stops most people comes down to a few things:

1. Lack of CONSISTENT focus on a specific goal

2. Not dividing the action steps up into bite-sized pieces 

3. Not understanding how this goal fits with your purpose in life and business

If you get the big picture down, get your action steps right, and keep focused long enough, that seemingly insurmountable goal you set at the beginning of the year will become your day-to-day reality FASTER than you ever dreamed possible (and faster than by any other method).

That’s the secret. While your competitors have lost their focus and are back to business as usual, this is your chance to LEAD the field just by following these three simple steps.

1. Stay focused

2. Take bite-sized steps every day

3. Understand WHY you’re doing it

That’s the key… and now you know!

One incredibly large roadblock for me was having the time to consistently create engaging content for my audience. Over the last year my team and I have been taking consistent action (through bite-sized steps) to create an amazing tool that we use daily for copy and content creation, CopyandContent.AI.

In a couple of weeks we’re going to open the doors on this amazing new tool that is going to rock the content creation world. If you want to be the first to know when it’s available, register for the early bird notification list here: https://copyandcontent.ai/


2 responses to “3 Simple Steps to Smashing Your Goals Every Time”

  1. Erick Balbi Avatar

    I want to receive your email in my new email address

    1. Nancy Carswell Avatar
      Nancy Carswell

      Please reach out to our help desk, they will update it for you. http://www.ebookfiresupport.com

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