Tag: goals

  • 3 Simple Steps to Smashing Your Goals Every Time

    It’s almost the end of March. The gloss has likely worn off those New Year’s resolutions. Hell, most people can’t even remember their resolutions at this point. Life is, plus or minus, pretty much back to the way it was December 31, 2022. My question is: Is it enough? If not, then here’s the solution…

  • What’s The Secret Sauce To My Success?

    It’s February, are you still on track to meet your goals this year? Or has life already gotten in the way and put your goals on the fast track to failure? Don’t worry, you’re not alone… And there’s still time to take a step back, breath, reorganize and still achieve your goals. Be it business…

  • Weekly Update – December 21, 2022

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Nurture Your Mind, Envision Your Dreams and Win Big in 2023! If you want 2023 to be your best year ever, what you do today sets the stage for your ultimate success or failure. Here’s how to set your goals for the new year and actually transform them into your everyday reality.…

  • Five Words with Jim Edwards That Will Change Your Life – SCCMH [Podcast 155]

    Don’t miss this fun challenge that Jim handled well and taught some important ways to deal with goal achievement, business success, and accomplishing tasks throughout life. Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Hacks with Jim Edwards for a community of over 20,000 like-minded business owners https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/ Get Copywriting Secrets for FREE –…

  • Is Email Marketing Dead? – SCCMH [Podcast 153]

    Is Email Marketing Dead? What do you think? We think it’s very much still alive. On this week’s podcast Jim and Stew Smith discuss five tips for simple and effective newsletter / email marketing… Don’t forget to join the Facebook group Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Hacks with Jim Edwards.  This amazing community of…

  • Goals and Outcomes – SCCMH [Podcast 52]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the year 2020 goals and outcomes. What is the differences between your goals or your outcomes. Check out this podcast and see how Jim makes definitions of these classic actions. Treat GOALS like a verb. They are ACTIONS. The outcome is the result of your actions / goals. Get…