Weekly Update – May 29, 2024

Article of the Week

3 Steps to Market Your Service Business/Agency For Quick Clients

(You DON’T Have To Struggle To Find Clients… Do THIS And They’ll Find YOU!)

When I ran my agency, guess what? More than half of the business we got was all thanks to folks telling their friends about us or from people I knew in my sphere of influence.

It’s kind of like when you have a favorite ice cream shop and you can’t help but tell everyone about it. That’s how my agency became the go-to place for many clients, especially in real estate – they heard good things about us and people just kept coming.

In today’s world – even with social media and all the hyper-connected tools available to everyone – if you talk with any successful agency owner / operator who really knows their stuff, and they’ll say the same thing. A big chunk of their work does NOT come from cold calls or ads. This game is all about clients who come knocking on their door because someone gave them a referral or people just know that’s the place to go for top-notch service because word gets around.

If you want to increase your agency revenue FAST, this article will guide you through three simple steps to market your service business effectively and consistently. Following these steps allows you to leverage your time, make more money, and deliver exceptional services to your clients. (Especially when you pair this with letting the AI Genies inside CopyAndContent.AI do all the heavy lifting when it comes to fulfilling what you sell in your agency!)

Step 1: Craft a Custom Menu of Services

To attract potential clients quickly, it’s essential to develop a menu of services that resonates easily and obviously with your target audience. They gotta know at a glance your menu offers something they want (and need)… NOW!

Focus on time-consuming tasks which offer a significant impact on your clients’ businesses but are generally not enjoyable or easily manageable for them in their busy lives.

In other words, offer services to do tasks your clients know they need to accomplish, but struggle to find the time or energy to get done consistently. By addressing their immediate pain points, you increase the likelihood of potential customers giving you a FAST “yes” to your specific offers.

Don’t tell people you help with marketing, tell them you’ll write 12 ads custom-tailored to their ideal customer and run those ads on Facebook for them.

All of your menu items should be specific, measurable, and not-fun-for-them-to-do-themselves tasks! That’s the key to getting a FAST YES.

Also remember, when starting on this step, it’s crucial to identify a specific target audience with well-defined needs (like I did with real estate agents). By narrowing your focus, you can tailor your service offerings to effectively meet their requirements and talk their language.

Step 2: Leverage Your Network and ASK For Referrals

Your existing network is a potential goldmine of paying clients. Everyone you know, if they belong to your target audience, has the potential to become a customer or refer clients to you.

Even if they’re NOT in your target audience, they are a potential source of referrals in the immediate or long-term future.

Therefore, take the time to share your new services or expanded offerings extensively within your network.

My golden rule was, “If they’re breathing and they know me, I’m telling them what I’m doing, who I can help, and do they know anyone I can help?”

Let people who know you know what you’re doing!

Reach out to your contacts via phone calls, Zoom meetings, or even casual in-person conversations to discuss your service business/agency.

Explain precisely what you offer, who you can help, and extend an invitation for them to either do business with you or recommend you to others. Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth referrals. As the world gets to feeling more disconnected from person-to-person interaction, the personal referral / recommendation is more important than ever!

In addition to personal engagement, leverage your database by sending quick email updates to ALL your contacts. Make it clear what you’re doing, who you assist, and provide a direct call-to-action for potential business or referrals. (Call me! Email me! Send the Pony Express!)

You’ll be amazed by the business opportunities that can emerge simply by sharing what you’re doing and inviting others to engage with you.

Step 3: Integrate Your Offerings Everywhere

Once you put together a comprehensive menu of services and spread the word to your network, it’s time to make your offerings prominent in every single thing you do. Ensure that every email, social media tagline, signature, or any other communication carries information about your services.

Don’t keep your services a secret; make it crystal clear to everyone what you are doing and how they can benefit from it.

By integrating your offerings into every touchpoint of your online presence, you maximize your chances of catching the attention of potential clients or referral sources.

BONUS STEP: Utilize AI Genies To Get Stuff Done… And Save Your Sanity!

To optimize your workflow so you can focus on selling and satisfying customer demands, leverage the power of AI Genies inside CopyAndContent.AI. Our AI Genies can handle the heavy lifting by assisting you in writing persuasive sales copy, ads, email follow up, advertorials, press releases… basically any sales copy or content you could ever need to create for your clients.

This frees up your time for more critical tasks: like having a life and building customer relationships without having to take on expensive staff!

By following these steps and harnessing the power of the AI Genies, you can effectively market your service business or agency, attract quick clients, and increase your revenue without feeling overwhelmed.

Embrace the opportunity to leverage technology and let it work for you while you grow your business and serve others at a much HIGHER level.

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