A Note From Jim
If You Fail To Plan Your Content… Your Results Will Suck!

The Word Of The Day Is “Planning”
When most people hear the word planning, they think of “planning ahead.”
When others hear the word planning, they often think of planning a vacation or a trip. (Though more than a few see traveling as out of reach right now because of the outrageous price of gas – but I digress 😉).
When I hear the word planning, I think of planning your content out ahead of time to create powerful results in your business.
Here are my thoughts on the word planning as it applies to sharing your unique message with the world:
Most people just see “content marketing” as a thing they do. It doesn’t really matter what you put out or when… it’s almost like a “tax” you have to pay in your business.
In fact, many “experts” will tell you to put your content out at IRREGULAR intervals, so people don’t get used to seeing it at a specific time. (I think they are full of it and have never seen the test results to support that).
The thing that works best for us here in our business is to plan our content out for every week and use a strategic approach that drives home a consistent theme with each piece of content.
All the content we send each week builds on the one before but doesn’t require someone to see any of the other content in order to get a benefit.
By doing that, combined with a regular, dependable flow of content delivery, we consistently buy “brain cells” with the members of our tribe.
Bottom Line: consistent, high-quality content delivers consistent results in marketing your business (no matter what you sell).
Plan your content out for the week (at a minimum), and your results should improve dramatically.
By the way, if you want to discover the secrets of sharing your unique message with the world (without struggling to create the consistent stream of valuable content you need), then check out my NEW software – Content Marketing Scripts – at https://ContentMarketingScripts.com right now!

Featured Article

Being the author of a book gives you massive credibility. Why?
Because we’ve been trained since an early age that authors are literally the “authority” in a given area. (Hey, you can’t have the word authority without the word author in it!)
You can leverage that credibility a book gives you to get more leads and sales in your business… no matter what business you’re in.
The world is only getting MORE competitive, and you need every advantage you can get.
10 Ways Your Own Book Gives You Instant Credibility
Get All Of Your Stories, Articles, Blog Posts, Video Scripts, and “Content Marketing” Done AND Promoted On Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Your Blog, And More… In As Little As 10 Minutes!

Secret #1: Idea Hacking
How to instantly tap an infinite supply of magnetic story and content ideas that drive your target audience wild with excitement.
Secret #2: Legos® And MadLibs™ Can Make You Rich
How to use proven frameworks, blueprints, and patterns to get your own unique stories and content done in just minutes.
Secret #3: 0 To 100 MPH With Content Promotion
How every speaker, coach, or trainer can cut through all the online noise – attract the people you’re called to serve – and leave your competitors in the dust.
And Much MUCH More!
Register for the Replay Here
Weekly Content Round Up
Join Jim as he goes live on Facebook and shares valuable nuggets of information with his followers.
Deep Dive Into What’s New – Jim and Stew Show
If an 11-year-old can do it, what’s your excuse?
A Hook For Your Book – Jim and Dean Show
Start Up Stories – Jim and Stew Show
Sales Copywriting & Content Marketing Hacks Podcast Recap
We help entrepreneurs sell more with less effort and less stress… no matter what you sell! We cover topics on sales copy, content marketing, advertising, website sales letters, email marketing, headlines, ad writing and more.
WARNING: we are not here to teach copywriters the finer points of copywriting… we’re here to make it easy for normal people to use words and pictures to make more sales and get results. And, we have a lot of fun doing it!
Are You Strategic with your Consistent Content? – SCCMH [Podcast 160]
Build a List or a Tribe? – SCCMH [Podcast 159]
Case Studies and Testimonials for Your Business – SCCMH [Podcast 158]
Don’t Skip Creativity Day – SCCMH [Podcast 157]
Spring Training for Your Business – SCCMH [Podcast 156]
Five Words with Jim Edwards That Will Change Your Life – SCCMH [Podcast 155]
To watch more episodes Click Here!
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