Weekly Update – July 17, 2024

The Psychology Behind Every Outrageously Profitable Offer Stack!

(What Makes An Offer Stack Work So Dang Well… No Matter What You Sell!)

An offer stack is a collection of items that make up the total offer in your sales funnel.

A great way to look at it is to think of it like a goodie bag at a party… but instead of candies and toys, it’s filled with all the different things your customer will find SUPER valuable.

When you assemble these items together into a package (the offer stack), it makes your main offer look so much better and more appealing.

The reason why offer stacks work so well is because they give the impression of massive value.

Imagine getting a gift box with a bunch of individually wrapped presents inside…

Doesn’t that feel better than just one single gift or a grab back with everything all jumbled together?

People love feeling like they are getting a lot for their money.

This feeling makes them more likely to buy.

But not everybody buys for exactly the same reason. Not everybody has the exact same problems or concerns about how or if they can get the result you promise in your offer.

Some people might be worried about a specific skill, or resource, or tool, while others might be concerned about the time it takes to get the result.

By having multiple items in your offer stack, you can address these different reasons.

Each item in the stack can solve a specific problem or answer a specific question, making everyone happy!

Your offer stack can and should include items that address specific questions or obstacles your ideal customer perceives as standing in the way of them getting the result you promise.

Sit down and make a list of all the objections that someone would have as to why they personally couldn’t get the result you’re promising in your core offer. Then, create individual items in your offer stack that address those specific objections.

It could be a bonus, or a tool, or a service that addresses the individual objection… but the important part is that you have called out that specific issue and addressed it in your offer stack in an obvious and tangible way.

Often times people will buy your offer because of a specific item in the stack that overcomes an objection, question, or roadblock that otherwise would have stopped them from buying.

Mix and Match Until You Create The Perfect Offer

Another beauty of an offer stack is that you can add or subtract from the stack to test various ideas to see what converts best.

This divide and conquer approach is super-efficient and flexible, whereas adding or subtracting from the core offer would often prove difficult mechanically and from a sales copy standpoint. (It’s hard to modify your core offer, but it’s easy to add another bonus to your stack and keep on truckin’!)

All The Goodies Together Add Up To Even MORE Value

Another great thing about breaking the offer up into multiple parts is that you can assign a market value to each individual part.

When you add up these individual values, the total value comes across as very high.

This helps justify the price for the whole offer while also making the ultimate cash price they pay feel like a real bargain when measured against the “market” value of all the parts added up.

Offering multiple items in your offer stack increases the “thud” factor.

The thud factor is when something gets delivered to your front doorstep, and it makes a big thud because there’s so much stuff in the box!

Even with electronic deliverables like downloadable videos, ebooks, online courses, and downloadable software, people still get that thrill of receiving a lot of value.

And if you are selling physical product offers, the thud factor is STILL important in today’s “shrinkflation” world.

Bottom line: when you have a great offer made up of individually desirable, useful, and valuable parts, you have an offer stack that works!

You have, quite literally, an offer that’s bigger than the sum of its parts!

Ready to master this powerful sales strategy and watch your conversions soar?

Visit CopyandContent.AI now and create incredible offer stacks easier than ever before! Elevate your sales game with tools and insights that ensure every offer you craft is a winner. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your sales funnel—start building your perfect offer stack today!

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