Tag: copywritingsecrets

  • Weekly Update – February 8, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle: The New Way To Create Content And Sales Copy In A Flash! When the average person hears the word “genie”, they think of a magical being that grants wishes. Content creators and copywriters might take it a step further and picture the magical character from…

  • Weekly Update – January 25, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Discover the Hidden Potential of AI-Generated Content How to Take Content From Good to Outstanding Using AI Tools So, you made some content using AI. Whether it’s with the Genies or with ChatGPT or some AI robot, you’ve got some content and now you want to make it more valuable to your…

  • Weekly Update – January 18, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets “Unlock the Secrets to Instantly Creating Content That Resonates with Your Ideal Customers” Unlock the Power of AI & GPT to Create Tailored Content for Your Customers That Helps You Leave the Competition in The Dust Unless you are living under a rock or have taken a sabbatical to go off the…

  • Weekly Update – January 11, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets 5 Deadly Mistakes People Are Making with A.I. For many, artificial intelligence (A.I.) is the ultimate easy button for content creation and sales copy. Tools like ChatGPT have brought A.I. access to the masses in an extremely short period of time. In fact, my MOM even knows about A.I. now and has…

  • This is What Happens When AI Disrupts the Status Quo

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen my prediction from last year about the explosion of AI (artificial intelligence) into the popular culture come true. Everyone is talking about it, from the nightly news to my mom. One of the big drivers of this public awareness is the Chat GPT bot, available from…

  • Weekly Update – December 14, 2022

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Tell Santa To Take His Hand Out Of Your Pocket As a business owner, the holidays can be a stressful time. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and forget about the importance of growing your business and tribe. But even during the holiday…

  • Weekly Update – December 7, 2022

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets “If You Want To Be Successful, Only Put VERBS On Your Calendar” My good friend and mentor, former Navy SEAL Stew Smith, always says “If it’s not on the schedule, it doesn’t get done.” Most people don’t reach their goals because a goal isn’t something you “do” – it’s something you “get!”…

  • Weekly Update – November 23, 2022

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G. For Entrepreneurs T = Time to ReflectH = Have a Positive PerspectiveA = Appreciate Your EmployeesN = Nurture Your Family & FriendsK = Keep Things In FocusS = Show GratitudeG = Give BackI = Invest in Your HealthV = Value Your TimeI = Indulge in FunN = Never Give UpG =…

  • 3 Crippling Myths About Content Marketing Every Entrepreneur MUST Ignore

    Content Marketing gets a lot of attention now, but it’s been around since the first caveperson scratched a stone across a cave wall and made a picture to sell their saber tooth tiger teeth… or used muskrat pelts! Content marketing is NOT NEW… but it’s more necessary than ever (if you want authority in your…

  • Weekly Update – October 19, 2022

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets The Right Sale Could Make (Or Break) Your Business… Your Choice! Hey, I just got off a two-hour interview with marketing genius, Dan Kennedy. I interview him every month along with Russell Brunson for the NO BS newsletter (which is amazing by the way! If you’re not a member of this, you…