Tag: AI Content

  • “AI Content Is Cheating!”… Or Is It?

    I recently gave a presentation on AI at a major conference in Florida. Afterwards, an older gentleman with a very serious expression came up to me with a fairly confrontational comment. He told me AI content wasn’t legit since it wasn’t written by a human. He felt very strongly that content created by AI was…

  • Weekly Update – March 22, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Anatomy Of A Money-Making Email Teaser No matter what you sell… you’ll use email to help you sell it. Whether you’re following up with customers and subscribers or sending cold emails to potential prospects you found on the web, email will play a part. The structure of your email message is just…

  • Weekly Update – March 15, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets The #1 Sales Copy Mistake That May Cost You Big Money The #1 mistake people make with sales copy that costs them big money is thinking that once your sales message is working your job is done. If you fall into this trap, you’re leaving 90% of the money you could be…

  • Weekly Update – March 8, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets C.R.U.S.H. Your Sales Copy and Content With AI Genies If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to make more sales, you need to CRUSH your sales copy and content. That means using genies to CRUSH your first draft in just a few seconds so you can focus on polishing and distributing your copy…

  • Weekly Update – March 1, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets “Make More Sales With AI Copywriting Tools – It’s Easier Than You Think!” Are you looking for ways to make more sales with your business? Duh! Who isn’t! Sales copywriting is an essential part of the sales process, and with the help of AI, you can maximize your sales. From identifying your…

  • Is Artificial Intelligence Stealing All The Jobs?

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen the clickbait articles about how AI is stealing all the jobs… gonna replace everyone… and make “The Terminator” a reality. That’s mostly BS! I hate to sound like “the old man” here, but this is just another tool. (By the way, I got called an “old…

  • Weekly Update – February 23, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets AI and Customer Service: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a robot named Jake. He was an AI customer service robot, programmed to provide the best customer service possible. Unfortunately, Jake wasn’t the brightest AI in the land, and often his attempts to…

  • Is AI Content Legit?

    A Quick Guide to Assessing AI-Generated Sales Copy and Content I know you’ve heard the buzz around artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content, but you may not be sure if it’s legit. AI-generated content can be a great way to save time, money, and energy… but the content quality can vary (a lot of AI content sucks,…

  • Is Today’s AI Really Artificial Intelligence… Or Just a Clever Parrot?

    Get the whole story here… In case nobody has explained it to you, the GPT in Chat GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” and is a type of AI that uses natural language processing (NLP) to generate human-like text. It is based on an algorithm that uses a large dataset of text (Large Language Learning…

  • Weekly Update – January 25, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Discover the Hidden Potential of AI-Generated Content How to Take Content From Good to Outstanding Using AI Tools So, you made some content using AI. Whether it’s with the Genies or with ChatGPT or some AI robot, you’ve got some content and now you want to make it more valuable to your…