Facebook Live – Preparing for Black Friday and Other Big Holiday / Seasonal Sales – SCCMH [Podcast 48]

Jim  and Stew Smith discuss some smart ways to stand out when having a sale. Don’t have a sale just to have a sale. Stand out by being different, funny, and adding value to a purchase vs just dropping the price.

Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks at https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks

and for more information on the wizards used to make outstanding sales copy check out https://copyandcontent.ai/.

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Jim Edwards: We’re live…

Hey guys, Jim Edwards here along with

Stew Smith: Stew Smith.

Jim Edwards: And we’re not doing letting the chickens out with Jim…

We are not doing Chihuahua wrestling even though they’re doing that next to me…

We are talking today…

We’re actually launching something that if you guys like it, we’ll do it and if you don’t like it, we won’t do it, which is to go live in the group and do a training each week for 20 or 30 minutes…

And so if you like it, let us know in the comments down below…

Yes, we are live…

If you don’t like it, tell us down in the comments down below whatever you think…

But the big thing that we want to talk about today is Thanksgiving day sale…

Yes or no, should you do that or not?

And so weve actually taught on this before talking about sales and whatnot

Why we’re talking about this is because of the fact that it is the week of the big Black Friday sale.

Some people are doing a black week sale, some people are doing a black November sale…

Stew Smith: Really?

Jim Edwards: Yeah.

Stew Smith: Wow.

Jim Edwards: So what would you say just off the top of your head, is the number one thing that you should do if you want to have a successful sale or not?

Stew Smith: Well, I just posted something on this, and I said make it fun, make it different and crap…

I can’t remember the third one…

Jim Edwards: It was really good, though.

Stew Smith: It was awesome…

No, a just, just make it fun and different, and it doesn’t have to be the same old Hey save 25% off Black Friday”.

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: Or Cyber Monday even.

Jim Edwards: That was going to be my thing to add to that was I love the, make it different, make it fun, and instead of knocking off money add value.

Stew Smith: Yes.

Cause everybody’s always wanting to do it as a deal but it to some people deals like, Oh, you got to give them 50% off”.

No, you don’t.

Because all that’s doing is saying, Hey guys for the rest of the year, I’m really overcharging for my shit”…

So that’s the message that it sends

So Rezwane said, Hey Jim, thanks for the

Do you remember his method?

Premium deal…

You’re welcome, Razwane.

And that gives me a great segue way into talking about what we decided to do for our sale because we’re actually doing a sale that the whole premise of our sale is by now because we’re raising the price…

It’s not by now cause we cut the price in half…

I’m just going to show y’all what I’m looking at…

I got four little hellions going nuts in here, this one keeps chewing on the unicorn horn, I bought you this nice house, and you’re chewing on the damn unicorn horn.

Stop it.

And they’re going, Hey, and there’s one inside the little house going, my God, what’s going on?

So anyway, that’s what’s going on in the sidelines of the

My wife’s, having some tests done today, had to go to the doctor.

She left me unwisely in charge of these four infants.

And so it has been hell all morning.


I love the little things…

I’ve taken them out…

I’ve had them pee and the pen-like three times…

I’m going to get in trouble for that cause my wife is so perfect that they never peed in the pen on her yesterday.

Well, that’s cause I’m sitting here trying to do podcasts and other stuff, dear.

She’s not a member of this…

I’m gonna have to kick her out of this group so she can’t see the hash anyway, it’s been, oh my God man, I’m having a puppy sale.


So anyway, what we’re doing is the Jim Edwards Method Premium where you get all my wizards, all my training, all the stuff that I’ve done over the last 10 years, the only thing it doesn’t include is Funnel Scripts…

But you get all of that, and it’s like I’ve been keeping this a secret for the last couple of years…

We opened it up every once in awhile, and we let people know, but then we close it back down, and we don’t advertise it.

And people like, Hey, I didn’t know you had another membership besides Funnel Scripts”.

And so the bottom line is the Jim Edwards Method Premium is to content what FunnelScripts is to sales copy…

So I’ve got all kinds of amazing wizards in there to help you create really cool sales copy, do all kinds of different research and things like that.

Theyre really, really neat and I use them all the time myself…

So I’ve only been charging like 49 bucks a month, which now I’m kind of embarrassed that that’s what we’re charging because that’s not nearly enough for the value that you get in there.

Plus get a new training every single month plus doing are going to be ramping up some other things.

And the value is just through the roof, and we’re not charging enough…

And it’s one of those cases where if you don’t charge enough people like, Hey, what’s wrong with you?

So that’s the angle of my Thanksgiving day…

Black Friday, Cyber Monday sale we went through

Would you guys be interested in the promo schedule that we laid out for it?

What we’re going to actually be doing?

Stew Smith: Yeah, I think that’s a great idea

Jim Edwards: I’d be helpful.

Stew Smith: Yeah, I’ll show you what I’m doing, too.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

So Tuesday, which is, today, we announced it to the group Facebook profile, my page we’re posting on all social accounts, and I’m going to send an email teaser to my big list, which I wrote the email teaser. Still, I gotta send it once we’re done here.

Tomorrow we’re going to highlight it in our weekly newsletter, and I’m going to talk about it in my Facebook live chicken video.

So then Thursday we’re going to do a letting the chickens out with Jim live and probably do some sort of a

Oh my God, they’re tearing the house apart or like little Piranas…

Friday, we’ll do a chicken video, and we’ll do an email to the list…

Saturday, we’ll, we’ll do a Facebook post, email to list…

Sunday, we’ll do a Facebook post and email to the list.

And then Monday I’m going to do an impromptu webinar or on Facebook where I’m going to demo some of the scripts, including the tag post wizard, which makes it super easy to post even article length stuff on Instagram and do all your hashtag research and stuff.

And then I’m going to send out a last chance email to the big list.

So I mean that’s the promo that we have set up for that.

My goal is to get at least 50 to a hundred new people into the Jim Edwards method premium before we raise the price.


That’s the scoop.

How about you Stew?

Stew Smith: Yeah…

So I looked at the post that I just posted, and it was three things…

It was the third one was to stand out in some way.

So make it fun, be different, and make it stand out in some way.

And he’s, you see what Jim is doing?

He is just made his black Friday sale, just a little different, so he’s just adding value…

He’s raising the prices.

But you can get in early if you buy now, which people tend to want to spend money between now and Christmas and they do a lot of it between black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Jim Edwards: Yes.

Stew Smith: That’s a significant way to go.

The Amazon just blows everybody’s socks off whenever they’re doing their stuff on Amazon.

Jim Edwards: So you think that Amazon is going to send any emails this weekend?

Stew Smith: I would imagine.

Imagine they’d have so out there…

So I would recommend checking those out…

They’ll probably have TV ads…

They’ll do the full media blitz.

Jim Edwards: Yes…

Stew Smith: But I will say this, what I have done in the past is tried to create something that I can share on social media that people also share because it’s kind of fun kind of different.

And you want me to show you real quick, Jim?

Jim Edwards: Yeah, let me, let me do this for you…

I’ll show you this.

This is a fun with Photoshop thing that I like to do…

 Is basically just

Jim Edwards: That’s funny, man…

Stew Smith: I put a bunch of my book covers on a bunch of TVs and people going crazy in Walmart.

And people are going crazy about the book sale.

So it’s a giant book sale.

Jim Edwards: Did you make that or did you hire somebody to do?

Stew Smith: I did not hire somebody.

I actually have a daughter who’s really good at Photoshop, and she was home for Thanksgiving…

And I said, “Hey, hook me up with a black Friday meme.”

And she came up with this and just put my covers on them….

Picture that is just a random picture on the internet with, TV’s going crazy…

Jim Edwards: It’s awesome.

The only thing that would’ve made that better as if somebody was getting punched in the head or something like a genuine one.

Stew Smith: So that’s how I make it fun.

And then I’ll also have it real easy because a lot of times people will either they’ll forget coupon codes, or they’ll forget the deal…

So what I do is I kind of have a landing page on my website of all the deals.

So if you want to buy an ebook, you get an ebook for free…

If you want to buy a book, you get save 25% off…

Jim Edwards: Show everybody how you got it set up, just show that page…

Stew Smith: Yeah, absolutely.

And if you want to, in fact, I’m actually building it right now.

So this is the inside of my Shopify store.

And so this is just the landing page.

So you come in here if you’ve got book deals, you got save 25% coupon code, you got ebook deals where you basically buy any ebook, get a second ebook for free…

Here’s all the links to those eBooks…

My PT club, here’s a good deal…

PT club, get an extra six weeks free…

So you buy 12, you get six weeks free…

So that’s a 50% savings.

You get 18 weeks for the price of 12.

And then I explained I have another program that’s a membership page that I had…

 Actually is a 33% savings, but okay…

Well, you get six weeks…

So you get like if somebody were going to buy it

I understand what you’re saying, but if they were going to buy six weeks from me, that would be half price…

Jim Edwards: Sure.

Stew Smith: Right.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: So I’ve added six weeks to the deal…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: I understand what you’re saying…

Jim Edwards: All right…

My dear aunt Sally, process, remember that?

Jim Edwards: Yeah, I thought it was FOIL?

Stew Smith: Yeah, that’s, yeah…

First time first…

So anyway I explain a little bit about why you need this and go into some more options…

So it’s just kind of a landing page for all the cyber Monday and Black Friday deals…

Jim Edwards: That’s cool…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

And I can post that on my social media…

I can put it on Instagram…

Facebook, Twitter sent it out to my newsletter and just hit everybody that I have…

That follows me…

Sorry, they have collapsed the…

It was like an earthquake victim in here…

Three of them were standing on top of the thing with one of them inside the house crying to get out cause they were all shopping on her head.

Stew Smith: You know what you need, you need a puppy cam, a puppy cam alive.

Jim Edwards: Puppy cam…

Stew Smith: Just go in the whole time…

And people can access it…

Check out your Chihuahua cam…

Jim Edwards: That’s true…

I could do that…

Couldn’t I do it for hours at a time?


So what else should we talk about?

Well, here’s what we should talk about because this is kind of how you and I communicate on the podcasts and have a podcast called the Sales Copy, Content Marketing Hacks.

Jim Edwards: Sales, copywriting, And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast with Jim Edwards and Stew Smith.

That is the name.

Stew Smith: That is the name.

It’s rather long, and I always screw it up.

But we have posted 47 podcasts.

Jim Edwards: Yes, we have…

You can find them all on the YouTube channel, which I’ll put a link in below…

You can also find them on Spotify, Google Play, and Apple podcasts…

And there’s a couple of other places you can find them…

But those are the big three…

And you can get the whole video version of it on YouTube…

So check those out because they’re really good training programs within them.

So we do walkthroughs of all of the different wizards that Jim has on the Jim Edwards Premium.

And we help people fix their pages, and it’s really fun.

And be honest with you, this podcast kind of really helped Jim create another Facebook page, and this Facebook page grew out of multiple different areas of media, and the podcast was one of them, and it’s getting really popular.

But over the past several months, Jim’s Facebook and social media has outgrown the podcast…

So we’re now in a place where kind of using the social media that Jim has created to talk about the podcast a little more, but I really liked the idea of going on Facebook Live and actually taking live questions because what we will also do in the podcast is we’ll take questions that are emailed to us and answer them in the podcast as well.

If you have seen any of the podcasts, we have had one gentleman who did a road trip and listen to every one of those podcasts.

Jim Edwards: Listened to us for like 18 hours straight.

Stew Smith: And he gave an any gave us the [inaudible] gave us a synopsis on everything that he’s learned.

It’s pretty fun.

Jim Edwards: So, okay, here’s cutie pie.

That’s the one that looks like a beagle…

Stew says you look like a bagel…

What are you doing, cutie pie?

Stew Smith: So what are their names?

Jim Edwards: This one’s Cutie Pie…

There’s Cindy Lou, Trixie Clay, and Love Muffin…

So those are their names.

Don’t chew the chords, sweetie.

Anyway, They’re having their time over there.

So I would say the biggest thing to do guys is in the way, we’ve kind of done a disservice because we created all of those really cool podcast episodes, but we’ve been so busy doing everything else that we have not really promoted them whatsoever, but we have some amazing episodes that we’ve done.

They’re talking about everything from improving your sales copy, giving some amazing tips and other stuff that you can do.

That podcast is as good as what other people charge for.

So you’d definitely want to jump on that and check it out.

So, and if you’re doing a sale this week, I would say the biggest thing to do is make sure that you do exactly what Stew said.

Make it fun

Make it different

And definitely add value to people.

So Stew, why don’t you close us out?

Stew Smith: Yes.

So you guys should be able to check us out on YouTube with the Sales Copy And Content Marketing Hacks channel.

And that’s all you have to search and YouTube.

But you can also find us with the same search on iTunes and Google Play or Apple podcasts and Google play.

But yeah, check us out.

These things are awesome.

I’m looking at it right now, and there’s everything from just disaster recovery or business continuity.

If you lost everything, how would you rebuild?

I mean, we talk about some motivation when you feel like quitting…

Everything, everything…

And we’re growing every week.

Every week we do another one of these, and we’ve been crushing them…

So you gotta check it out.

We’d talk about social media, we talk about old-school media, we talk about Jim’s walkthroughs of the scripts, and wizards…

And I’ll tell you they’re invaluable.

They’ll show Jim will show you how to do it…

And then I tried to motivate you to do it.

Jim Edwards: There you go…

All right, cool…

Well, you guys have a great day…

If you want us to do some more of these live in the group, let us know, and we will talk to you guys soon.

Bye-bye everybody.


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