Different Types of Writing And Salescopy – SCCMH [Podcast 79]

Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the many different kinds of writing. From copywriting, web writing, and business/technical writing, etc… What do you think the most important parts of the following types of writing are required to make for an effective piece of writing for the entrepreneur? Marketing Pieces – ads, sales letters Web Content – main pages of website Blogs / articles Event Materials- after seminar / webinar etc About Me – Resume – Bio Pages Newsletters See more great content on the Facebook page The Salescopy and Content Marketing Hacks Closed Group –  https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/ … of course learn more about salescopy at https://copyandcontent.ai/.

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Jim Edwards: Hey everybody, it’s Sparkles the unicorn, also known as Stew Smith, I’m just kidding Jim Edwards…

And welcome back to the sales copywriting and content marketing hacks podcast!

This is Episode 79.

We’re feeling fine in 79.

You remember 79 Stew?


Stew Smith: I do. I think that’s when the jetpack debuted.

Jim Edwards: The jetpack that’s right, we’re going to fly through the air.

So, Stew said today’s episode is about copywriting!

Stew Smith: It’s about writing.

Jim Edwards: What are we talking about?

Oh, it’s about writing.

Stew Smith: Yes, but yeah, from all types of writing.

So, there are many different kinds of writing from copywriting, web writing, business and technical writing, ad writing…

What do you think the most important parts of all the following types are required to make an effective piece of writing for the entrepreneur?

And I’m going to list the different types, and we’ll go through each one of them.

Jim Edwards: Is this British English or American English that we’re talking about writing?

Stew Smith: Both. So, you got to go international.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: All writing matters.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: All right. So here we go…

So, marketing pieces, ads, and sales letters…

What is important in those types of writing when you’re trying to actually create something marketing?

What are the blocks that you have to have?

Whether you can show this with your Lego blocks, or you can show it with a wizard?

What are we looking at, primarily?

Marketing pieces…

Jim Edwards: Okay, no matter what, you’re doing all of my not all my blocks, but many of my blocks are occupied with another a with a show that’s coming up later.

Any marketing piece.

Any funnel.

Any ad, anything.

And those of you who are here with us live in the Q&A box, you tell us,

“What do you think is the most important part of any marketing piece of any?”

And if and if somebody doesn’t get this right, I’m going to be really disappointed because I have failed you like any type of leader, expert or anything but it’s basically the hook or the headline.

Stew Smith: Number 1.

Jim Edwards: It’s the mechanism.

Yes, by far and away.

It’s the mechanism by which you stop people in their tracks and make them pay attention.

So, if you think about, again, not just sales and copywriting, but anything…

What is the mechanism that makes people stop?

In an ad, it’s the headline.

On a Facebook feed, It is…

Your right, Jamie! Good job.

It’s the picture on Facebook.

Most of the time when you’re scrolling, you’re not reading, you’re looking at pictures.

That’s why memes are so popular because it’s pictured with built-in headlines.

And usually, they’re snarky and irreverent thus right up my alley.

And so good job, Steven.

He said the headline.

So, it’s the picture, a picture can be a hook.

One of the things with again, social media and with websites, funnels, a lot of them use video now.

Video is most-watched, or the most engaged with medium on Facebook was my understanding.

Because if you think about it, they start playing a video, and your eye is attracted by motion.

Now typically, if there’s nothing interesting going on, like if you see somebody moving around, like okay, what’s this chucklehead doing?

“Nah, he ain’t doing anything interesting.

There’s nothing interesting in the background.

Let me keep scrolling.

So, you need to think about the first three to six seconds of your video, like a headline, something has to happen.

Something there needs to be movement, there needs to be text, there needs to be some sort of unusual background.

There needs to be something that shocks people out of the scroll and gets them to stop.

And then they’ll look at the other stuff.

They’ll look at the text, they’ll look at the call to action.

So, but in any sales mess, any sales piece, especially it’s the hook, the headline, but a hook can be a headline, but a hook doesn’t have to be a headline, a hook can be a picture, or something else.

Stew Smith: That’s good. Steven says pattern disruption.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, that’s what a hook is.

Stew Smith: Yeah. I mean, that’s,

Jim Edwards: Yeah.

Stew Smith: Yeah, especially I’m just scrolling, and you’re just not really focusing on anything and all of a sudden…

Yeah, yeah.

Jim Edwards: David just asked. “Framing and hook the same thing?”


The hook is what frames people framing is what you tell people to get them into a certain mindset or to try and raise an emotion or grab attention or let them know what’s coming next.

So, the hook is what frames people. The headline is what frames people.

Stew Smith: All right, next topic, the same topic.

Next type of writing, web content.

Now not blogs or articles, but web content, such as the main pages of a website.

The different website looks.

What’s important about that?

Jim Edwards: Hook or headline.

Because you can have a serious man because you can have the greatest content in the world, the greatest article in the world, but if it doesn’t have a headline, nobody’s going to read it.

Let me illustrate this point, Mr. Smith, hang on just one second, my friend.

I’ll pull out visual aid.

This is a recent copy of The Wall Street Journal.

That’s a lie.

It’s from 2018.

It’s not that recent.

But let me ask you a question.

What’s missing from this?


There are no ads.

There’s an ad on the back.

What’s missing from this ad?

What’s missing from this ad?

Okay, yeah, there you go.

Chuckles, what’s missing from this ad?

What’s missing from this content?

Stew Smith: All in the headlines?

Jim Edwards: Yeah, all the headlines are covered over.

Why does that matter?

It matters because you don’t know whether it’s of interest to you or not.

And if you can’t read the headline, chances are the only other thing you’re going to look at is the picture.

So, let me ask you when you see this picture, what does this picture make you think of?

Stew Smith: Black Friday?

Jim Edwards: Okay. Very good.

It is a Black Friday related picture, but it could also be some sort of a riot…

Stew Smith: Riot and Target Black Friday, right?

Same thing.

Jim Edwards: Exactly.

But like, look at that there’s a burnt-out vehicle, what’s that about, at least that might give you an indication of what that’s about.

So, you can drop back.

But if you use a headline and a picture, that is a very, very powerful pattern interrupt, and very powerful when it comes to your content.

But it’s the same thing.

What’s important.

The difference between the marketing piece and a content piece.

We still want people to read it, we still want people to pay attention to it.

And the only way we can get them to pay attention to it is with a headline and a visual hook.

So the same thing I can tell you from my own personal experience, and there are statistics to back me up in fact, nine out of 10 statistics back me up all the time.

That one of the cool things you can do to increase readership of your content is to have a picture. Do you have a caption with that picture?

Because people will read the headline, they’ll look at the picture, and they’ll read the captions with the images.

Stew Smith: Mm-hmm.

Jim Edwards: And then they’ll start reading the content typically, yeah, nine out of 10 readers do that.

I have statistics to back me up.

Stew Smith: Say that’s probably right.

So that’s again, and all the caption is is another headline.

It’s a headline that goes with the picture.

It might be underneath it, but it’s still a headline.

It serves the same purpose as a headline.

Stew Smith: All right, here’s another writing here, her blogs and articles.

On your website or newspaper, obviously headlines, but wow.

Let’s spread it out a little bit.

Jim Edwards: Don’t discount my advice, Mister Stew.

When it comes to blogs and articles.

It’s the Hook and the headline, I can tell you from personal experience as someone who wrote a syndicated newspaper column for a number of years… what’s the most prominent thing you’re seeing in all of these?

Okay, who really owns your website?


No guarantee of success on the internet.

Christmas shopping via the internet ends mall madness.

You like that one?

Stew Smith: Those are good.

Jim Edwards: Okay, local biz reaching new biz on the web, but another one when viruses attack.

Stew Smith: Okay.

Jim Edwards: What’s the most important part of that?

Put that up.

It’s the headline.

Stew Smith:  Those are evergreen headlines, too.

Jim Edwards:  Dude yeah,

Stew Smith: Love it.

Jim Edwards: And they’ll never I’m going to whip some of those out.

Dave Linden’s, mom, told me I should do throwback Thursdays with my articles, here’s, here’s what I was writing about 22 years ago.

I think that actually would be pretty cool.

Stew Smith: That would be. Little history lesson.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, exactly.

So, but also with your web content with your blog content with your articles, having a picture with your blog posts is proven to massively increase readership.

The other thing that you want to do is think about any of that content as a steppingstone to more interaction, a big mistake that people make is they think, okay, here’s this content, here’s this.

It’s like they think about it as a standalone thing.

And instead of looking at it as a steppingstone as a way to bring people into your universe.

So, I never look at anything as a standalone.

Nothing operates in a vacuum.

We have the hook headline, you want to make sure you have a picture, you have your content, and then you make sure there’s a call to action or next step.

There, you don’t put any arrows at the one you were looking for.

Stew Smith: I was waiting for you to get the Call To Action.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, I wanted to reinforce how important it is that if you have nothing if you don’t hook people.

You have nothing if you haven’t stopped them and gotten them to pay attention.

There were times, for a couple of years, where I would send my article into my editor at the newspaper, and he would never touch the article, but he was always futzing with my frickin headline…

Pissing me off.

And he said, Hey, man, you need to spend as much time on that headline as you do on the article because that’s what gets people to read.

And so, that’s when I really understood and started spending more time on that headline.

Stew Smith: So that’s really good advice.

Jim Edwards: Mm-hmm.

I like that’s true.

And most people leave it as an afterthought.


So, the call to action.

And the next step, where should they go next?

It’d be almost like meeting a pretty girl.

Excuse me, meeting someone that you were attracted to.

Nonbinary whatever way you want to look at it.

Male or female and then taking them on a date.

And then not saying like, not even driving them home.

There’s no call to action…

It’s like okay, I hope you enjoyed this. Bye.


I enjoyed being with you what, we’re not going to do something else…

We’re not going to go out again…

I can’t find out how to see you again.

I can’t find out how to interact.

We’re not going to you’re not going to come over and meet my mom and dad.

You got to close the deal.

Or at least give the next step to what’s going to happen next.

“Hey, subscribe to my blog.”

“Hey, did you know that I publish a blog?”

“Hey, did you know that I have a YouTube channel?”

Hey, did you know that you can interact with us over the Sales Copywriting and Content Marketing Hacks Facebook group?

Did you know I have a podcast?

Did you know I’ve got a book on this topic?

And they go,

“Oh, my goodness, I did not know because this is the first freaking interaction I’ve ever had with you, And I like you!

So, tell me more about your books.”

I mean, it’s just it’s stupid.

Yes, that’s what most people do.

And then if they do say something, it’s so boring that you. It’s no wonder why nobody checks out their stuff.

It’s like,

“Hey, check out my book 101 workouts.”


You got to make it compelling.

And that goes back to when we were talking about on the live show before we did the podcast of getting good at being a little intriguing…

A little curiosity building.

“Hey, did you know that there are 101 different ways to do a pyramid workout of which this article I’ve shared with you is only one?

It’s true.

I’ve got a book about this.

You can get more information about it right here.

I’d love to have you check it out.

In fact, if you use this coupon code, you can get 25% off.”

“Well, excuse me.

That sounds pretty exciting, huh?

I’ll go click on it and check it out.”

Stew Smith: I just wrote an article in my head.

Jim Edwards: That’s good.

Jim and his copywriting advice just had a baby in Stew Smith’s head…

Stew Smith: That’s exciting.

Okay, how about this?

How about, and this is a good one, especially if you’re doing seminars or even webinars…

Jim Edwards: yeah,

Stew Smith: Event materials.

Like in the end, what, what are we doing at the end of to get people to want to contact you later?

Especially if you’re either in person or you are doing it online.

Jim Edwards: Okay. So, I will tell you that the key to that happening is having a great hook or headline in the form of a title.

The title of your event acts as the hook or the headline, you’ve got to have a compelling title that gets people excited.

So that’s not a hooking headline, the title acts as the hook.

Stew Smith: Right.

Jim Edwards: Again, thinking about are we thinking about getting them to follow up with you for free or for pay?

Stew Smith: Either one.

Jim Edwards: Okay

Stew Smith: So just a form of writing that will help people close the deal.

They’ve been there with you already.

What’s the next step?

Jim Edwards: So, in that case…

Stew Smith: Business cards, pamphlets, free gift, whatever.

Jim Edwards: All of those things need to be tied to the R-word

Talking about the results that they want.

So, if you want to take your business to the next level, it’s like results plus a call to action.

So, it’s tying the results they want to your call to action.

So that could be, it could take the form of a stack, it could take the form of putting together a close on your webinar that revolves around the stack that talks about everything that they want.

And in terms of everything that you’ve got.

It could be talking about results with a call to action of “Hey, go to this website right now.”

I’ve seen people do this really effectively from the stage, depending on how the speaking engagement is set up.

But “Go here, and you can have the notes from my event, or you can have an infographic that goes with my presentation.”

The whole purpose is trying to get people on to your list so you can follow up with them later…

“So, break out your phone, go to this URL…”

I’ve seen other people have a QR code on the screen…

And people just hold their phone up scan the QR code, it takes them to a page they put in their email address, and they get all kinds of goodies…

So, it could be everything from closing them right there on the webinar and go to this website…

Sign up…

Now put in your credit card, do your thing, everything to put in your email address, live or not.

It really comes down to one-word – results.

Tying Call to Action tying the next step to this is how you’re going to get.

This is how you’re going to get the results that you want.

Let me take a drink.

That’s what it comes down to.

Expressing results in a way that they realize, “I’m going to get what I want if I take the next step.”

So, you got to get really good at expressing the results that they want in a way that is compelling and is going to get them to take action.

Stew Smith: That’s really good.

That’s really good.

Thank you for that, that kind of differentiates a little bit of what I’m talking about.

Now, this one’s another, another direction for you.

What about pages on your website, or pages in a book even…

About me


Bio pages,

What should stand out in those?

Jim Edwards: Okay. So again, it comes back to everything’s got a hook, everything’s got a headline there are and whether you realize it or not your chapter titles and all that stuff you’re about me.

It’s got a hook. It’s, but most people’s hooks in their headlines suck.

Alright, it’s like hey meet the author.

You’re shitting me.

Excuse me, but it’s like meeting the author.

Wow, that’s really original, chapter one that’s good cooking right there, boy.

Let me read you some headlines of mine from mine, though.


“What is copywriting?”

That’s okay.

It’s not…

It’s at least it’s in the form of a question.

But instead of my story, it’s instead of saying like, meet the author or stuff like that…

That when I talk about my story of copywriting the title of that headline that the title of that chapter is one man’s journey with sales copy.

The next one is without a strong reason why people don’t buy…

The next one is nobody cares about you and your sales copy…

Alright, but that’s better than like a copy of that the headline could be don’t talk about yourself…

No, nobody cares about you.

The most valuable skill you’ll ever learn

The number one single most important piece of sales copy ever…

It’s never one size fits all

Meet Fred, your ideal customer

The ultimate bullet formula…

You see what I’m saying?

That these are not just chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, and I don’t call them chapters I call them secrets…

Secret number 10…

What really sells people, It’s not what you think…

So, the key there in chapter titles or about the author pages is still it’s got to have a compelling curiosity inducing title, hook, headline something using those same principles because otherwise, it’s just the same old boring crap that everybody else is doing.

Stew Smith: Cool.

Jim Edwards: So, it’s, again, it’s getting it I know that you’re getting tired of me keep coming back to this one thing, but in the end, I got to give credit where credit is due or not Stew Smith…

Russell Brunson…

He’s the one that the first one ever heard say hook, story, offer…

Everything comes back to hook, story, offer…

A chapter title is a hook…

And the chapter starts my most popular parts of my book that people like

“Oh, that changed me.”

Is where I tell the story…

Before I actually do any teaching…

And because people love stories, they resonate with stories, it knocks their defenses down…

When somebody is telling you a story. Your anti sales radar might still be up, but it’s not up like it is when it’s obvious.

There’s a sales pitch…

And that’s the other thing is we you’ve asked me all these questions about the difference between sales copy,

The difference between a sales piece,

The difference between a content piece on a blog post, when you’re really good at notes, and you asked me about, about diction and language and stuff when you’re really good,

Ain’t nobody can tell the difference between your sales copy and your content…

Stew Smith: That’s right.

Jim Edwards: Because it’s all just communication designed to persuade people to take a specific action.

Now that action might be just to have an opinion…

It might be you’re trying to persuade people to spend money with you to spend time with you to commit to being somewhere in the future IE on a webinar…

That’s all it is.

And over the years, the way I write my sales stories is the exact same way I write my content.

The way I talk to people when I’m persuading them to buy something, it’s pretty much the same way I’m talking to them any other time.

Stew Smith: Cool, So all right.

Jim Edwards: Says this podcast gave me some light bulb moments.

Thank you…

You’re welcome, Vicki.

That’s awesome.

Stew Smith: That’s why I do what I do, Vicki.

Jim Edwards: That’s fine…

Stew is here so that I don’t say the same things over and over…

Stew Smith: Yeah, statistics have proven you can prove anything with statistics, Walt says.

Jim Edwards: And that’s absolutely right.

Statistics have proven that this podcast is more exciting with Stew and Jim as opposed to just Stew OR Jim.

Stew Smith: Nine out of 10 people agree…

Jim Edwards: Nine out of 10. That’s right…

Stew Smith: Hey, all right…

So the last type of writing…

Okay, and this one, I know the answer…

Already, I think everybody else does too…

But newsletters that are sent by email…


How can they be different, so people don’t delete them before even opening them.

Jim Edwards: Tell a fart joke.

Stew Smith: Huh?

Jim Edwards: The subject line.

The subject line is what you think about a newsletter, you think about the multi-part process.

No one’s going to open your email if they don’t recognize who it’s from…

And it doesn’t have a subject line that is curiosity inducing enough for them to click on the actual email message and to open it…

Then the next thing at least for a newsletter, the ones that we seem to have the best readership with over the years is that immediately launches into a story and has some sort and has a headline that again, let them know they’re in the right spot…

When we’re talking about a newsletter, not an email teaser, but just a newsletter…

There’s an article that’s got a really compelling headline and some really good content and then a call to action…

And then each section of the newsletter has its own headline and its own story call to action…

even if it’s as simple as

“Hey, did you miss any of this week’s podcast? It’s not too. It’s to catch up here are ones.”

That’s kind of a little hook story offer for people who are actually paying attention…

So that seems to do the best…

Stew Smith: That makes sense.

Jim Edwards: Yeah Jeff just asked, Can I use Funnel Scripts to craft a cover letter for a job which is the best one to use?

No, you really wouldn’t use Funnel Scripts to craft a cover letter for a


But you could look at some of the headlines and some of the bullets and some of the other things in there and look at that those language patterns to phrase when you’re talking about your past experience and what you bring to an organization.

Most people, when they talk about themselves, just talk about features.

But you could talk about the feature you and the benefits to the organization and the meaning for the organization of hiring you.

Um, I would also encourage you to look at it that way. So that’s how I but

but no, I don’t have because most people who are using Funnel Scripts are not trying to get a job.

They’re trying to sell something.

The other thing now, I would look at the headline wizards the headline scripts, and see if I couldn’t come up with a cool headline for my resume or a first sentence.

Inside The Jim Edwards Method Premium, we have the what I do in one sentence wizard…

I would play around with that…

That’s good because if you can come up with what you do in one sentence, that would really be a great way to start your or somewhere in that in that cover letter…

Tell them in one sentence in a way that’s totally compelling for them as to what you do and how it benefits them is a big deal…

Rizwan said I need to write headlines for a financial consultancy company, I would say the best thing to do for that would be to post in the group and post your request in the group and your question or what have you…

And then maybe next week, we might pick up on that.

Yeah, that might be a topic for next week.

Stew Smith: All right, final question, Jim.

And we can take some others, in the group as well.

I just sent I just posted my own question on the Facebook page.

And it’s basically my list that I just use marketing pieces web content, blogs, articles, events, materials, about me pages, newsletters, what wizards come to mind when you’re trying to come up with content or sales copy for any of those…

Jim Edwards: So immediately, the wizards that come to mind in the Jim Edwards Method Premium…

We’ve got the killer headline wizard, we’ve got the subject line wizards, we’ve got all of  all of any of the subject line wizards, the headline wizards, title wizards, all of those

We’ve got even more headline wizards over inside our headline scripts inside of Funnel Scripts to help you come up with those we’ve got the profitable title scripts

Subject line scripts, so I mean there’s a ton of stuff in there to help you with that…

We’ve got the stealth close wizard inside The Jim Edwards Method Premium to help you come up with those closes that you can use to slide under people’s radar.

When it comes to your content, when we’re talking about the different webinars that you are, excuse me different, like if you’re different or articles or anything, where you’ve dumped a really nice content bomb on people, and you’re looking for a way to take them to the next step that is all about the stealth close wizards.

As far as we’ve got the live event invitation script inside of Funnel Scripts now…

So, if you’re looking to, I mean, that’ll work for webinars or in person-events or any of that kind of stuff…

So, we’ve got those as well…

So, I mean, there’ are wizards to help you with all of those things…

And when you think about them in terms of like the even the pictures, we talk about a caption for a picture caption for a picture

Especially in sales campaign stuff matches a headline when I went and used any of the headline wizards or scripts, I always grab a bunch of them inside of my Clip Bin and then…

Your headline may not make it as the headline of the blog post or the sales letter or something like that, but one that you like that goes with a picture, then just use the headline you already made with the picture just to reinforce the USP unique selling proposition or the big idea behind everything especially product graphics…

Stew Smith: hmm yeah,

Jim Edwards: That works really well with those…

Somebody said isn’t the isn’t think the headline and know the subject line is not the headline…

The subject line acts as a headline for your email in your email box in most people’s email boxes, because that’s all They see, or they might see the first few words…

But it’s not the headline once you’ve once they’ve opened the email.

So, because once they’ve opened the email, the subject line has done its purpose.

It’s like a little marine that comes on, comes ashore, and takes out the short battery opening up the way for the engineers…

It’s served its purpose…

It’s also to some degree may have pre-framed the paper framed once the emails open, it’s not the headline anymore. What else?

Stew Smith: That’s all the questions I have for you…

Let me see…

Oh, well, let’s do one more…

I did see a red Rezwan’s asking about the fitness or financial consulting company and having problems with getting stuck with connecting relevant problems in the niche,

Jim Edwards: Right, and the number one thing you got to ask…

Everything starts with the avatar, everything. Everything the end-run ideal customer.

So is you Are you writing headlines to people who run financial consultancy companies?

Are you writing people, for people who need to get alone, or the people that are planning for retirement, you got to get real specific about the person that you’re trying to attract for the financial consultancy company.

And that’s where you start.

So that would be the very first thing I would tell you to do go to the avatar to is to figure out your avatar, so I would use the avatar script inside of Funnel Scripts or the avatar wizard inside of the Jim Edwards Method Premium or even avatar script inside of Traffic Secret Scripts comes where figure out the story of your avatar because once you’ve done that, then you’re going to do that def set

“Is everything in premium included in Funnel Scripts?”

Absolutely not…

The Jim Edwards method premium is completely different than Funnel Scripts…

If you think of Funnel Scripts is mainly sales related, and the Jim Edwards method premium is mainly content creation related.

There is some overlap, but not, it’s not significant.

So, we have lots of people that are in the Jim Edwards Method Premium, and inside a Funnel Scripts and inside of Traffic Secret Scripts, and even inside of author wizards, and they get amazing value from all of them and are completely and totally satisfied.

No, there’s no.

Stew Smith: Well, that’s cool… Jim, thanks for answering all my questions.

Jim Edwards: Well, I’m excited to know what you will do with this question?

And did this help you at all?

Or were you just looking to…

Stew Smith: No, I wanted to pull some knowledge out of your brain today because wall uses the term sales, copy, and content and, we throw these words around like everybody knows exactly what they mean…

But, but it’s, there’s a lot of different avenues that require, just differences in how you write, but there’s a lot of similarities, obviously…

Jim Edwards: But I don’t, I’m going to,

I’m going to poke a hole in a myth balloon here real, quick…

A lot of people think that you write differently when you’re writing a blog post as to when you’re writing sales copy…

And the reality is that there should be no difference…

Because what you want is for the only difference to be context…

Meaning this is a sales context rather than this is a this is content trying to get; they’re giving you content context…

Stew Smith: That makes it entertaining…

Jim Edwards: Right, however, the style of writing you want to be pretty similar because what you don’t want is for people to be able to obviously identify

“Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. We’ve gone from this is a nice guy giving me great content to now we’ve gone to slippery snake oil salesman, you like that slip slippery snake oil salesmen.”

And that’s not what you want.

You want them to not be able to tell the difference.

I should be able to lift my story out of a podcast or out of a blog post and be able to put it into a sales letter, and it should work and vice versa…

I should be able to take descriptions and other stuff out of it and put them into a podcast.

And it would just work, and nobody wants.

“He’s just trying to sell me something…”

And there will be some people who are always thinking, Oh, he’s just trying to sell me something well, good.

Get out your credit card.

“Yes, Chuckles to sell you something, scratch that itch, honey, or go away.”

Stew Smith: That’s why I’m on social media.

Jim Edwards: That’s right. I’m not here because I want to be your friend.

It’s not how it works.

If you think you got 5000 friends, you need some counseling.

I’m just saying, would you let any of these people come stay at your house?

A few of them?

Yeah, maybe…

Stew Smith: Stew’s stayed at my house.

Jim Edwards: The point, though, and I do have one is that don’t think of it as different writing styles.

Because that creates a lot of confusion in your mind, which will create resistance to actually doing stuff…

It’s writing.

It’s communicating, it’s persuading.

It’s saying things in a way that makes, just like in a novel there are ways to write and create curiosity and cliffhangers and stuff and tiebacks that you learn how to do that work great in sales copy,

We’ll talk more about that in just a minute but first Stew…

And that’s a mechanism that’s a way you can do,

There I was, in a trailer with a leaky roof two dogs in my lap, and in an instant, the trailer went dark.

The lights went out, the furnace cut off, it was 30 degrees outside my computer went zap, the dog started barking, and I saw nothing but homelessness in my future.

Now I’m going to tell you what happened in just a second, but now I mean that…

Do you want to know what happened next?

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: Okay, you’re going to keep reading.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: That so it’s, again, that could have been a podcast, it could have been a video, or it is a podcast because we’re doing this on a podcast.

So there’s all kinds of stuff that you can do that if you don’t think of it as “I’m writing for this, I’m writing for that”

It’s I’m writing, and here’s the context for what I’m writing…

You’ll do a lot better…

Stew Smith: I love it.

So perfect, cool.

Jim Edwards: Well, for those of you who are not members of the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast group on Facebook, you should be because you would be able to see us create this podcast episode live, ask questions, interact, see how beautiful we are, as well as the amazing visuals that we use to complement the message that we share.

So, make sure you head over to Facebook now we don’t let just anybody in…

If you’re an ax-murderer or Have a picture of you holding a severed head going down interstate 95 at 100 miles an hour, we will not let you in.

So just be nice play by the rules.

And we’d love to have you.

If you don’t have a copy of my book sale or copywriting secrets, head on over to copywritingsecrets.com, pick up a copy for free…

All I ask is that you pay a small shipping and handling…

To show you’re serious…

And if you are out of shape or would like to get in better shape…

Go to StewSmithfitness.com

I did, and I got in amazing shape…

Stew Smith: You are amazing.

Jim Edwards: And if you want Stew Smith to be your friend, you can sign up for his one-on-one coaching…

And as long as you keep paying, he’ll be your friend.

So I pay,

Stew Smith: and you can join us locally if you want…

Jim Edwards: That’s right, but only the motivated find us, right?

Stew Smith: That’s right…

So hey, thank you…

I know I went a different route this week, with the podcast

But I was trying to pull some gems, and I hope for the listeners today that you found some gems and in this Jim content,

Jim Edwards: Jim gems.

Stew Smith: Yes.

Jim Edwards: Very good.

So, I appreciate you, Stew, you do a great job with this.

Thank you.

Thank you, everybody, who joined us, and we will talk to you again soon.

Bye, everybody!


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