Content Creation / Sales Copy – Keeping Momentum – SCCMH [Podcast 15]

Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss keeping the momentum when life gets in the way of business updates. Here is a top ten list we created and NOW asking the listeners to come up with the 6-10 methods for ways to keep the momentum either with content creation or sales copy updates. Here is the beginning of the list:

1 – Make a quick FB, Youtube, or Instagram LIVE video (answer a question from a customer)

2 – Write an article /blog on the same question above. (Get video transcribed and you are almost done)

3 – Run advertisement on social media / boost a previously popular post.

4 – Change title or sales copy of a product on your store (Use Wizard from Premium)

5 – Make a Meme – motivational, inspirational, Q/A, or just funny.

The goal here is to not lose momentum with the daily habits of taking care of your business, even when you only have minutes versus hours like normal.

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The Transcript…

Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here

Hope you’re having a great day!

Welcome to episode 15 of Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks with Jim Edwards and

Stew Smith: Stew Smith!

Jim Edwards: So today we’re…

Have you noticed that we’ve abandoned all the fancy sound effects?

We’ve abandoned all the fancy intros, we’ve abandoned everything, and we’re just going straight for the content…

Have you noticed that?

Stew Smith: You know what? Try not to waste time?

Get into the show.

Jim Edwards: Okay… I was going to say, do you think that’s a good idea, Stew?

He’s like, “Dude, just get to it. That fancy, warm up when you’re working out doesn’t make you stronger son.”

“And put down that pretty drink that you’re drinking and just drink and slug some water and get to it.”

Stew Smith: Let’s go.

Jim Edwards: Interesting, what’s going on right now at this stage in real time?

So if you’re listening to these pretty soon after we do them, then this is in real time…

Or it could be 10 years from now, who knows?

Or a thousand years from now when our podcast is discovered, and they think that all people that lived in the United States, east coast where just like you and me.

You never know…

So digital technology, but right now I’m actually in an undisclosed location as you can tell from the change in background, which is actually a lie.

I’m at my mom’s house, and this is her china cabinet draped with material, but I’m helping my dad with his PT and after his surgery.

So, there’s a point to all this

So over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been stressing out…

And now as you guys know that Stew is the world’s most amazing PT coach, he will help you get into great shape and help you go from fat and 40 to fab and 50.

Thanks, Stew!

But I’ve been getting stressed because I’m able to get in my workouts because I just haven’t had a lot of time…

And so I expressed this to Stew through an email question.

And Stew proceeded…

Well, tell the folks what you did do…

Stew Smith: Well, we were talking about making you a new plan for next week, right?

And the problem sometimes with life is that it’s hard to fit in a schedule when your schedule is crazy, right?

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: And all your time that you normally have is now gone.

And it happens.

It happens when you’re a caregiver…

It happens when you’re sick…

It happens when you’re busy traveling these things happen, it’s life.

But so what we did was I said,

Well, how about this?

Here’s my top five options that you can do when you find yourself 15 or 20 minutes available.

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: And so I listed these five are options and then at the end, and I said,

“Hey, I’m gonna make an article of this because this is some pretty good content.”

And so I sent him the article…

I think I posted it.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, you posted it the same day…

Stew Smith: Posted it in there too…

So anyway, it’s just some ideas some kind of minimum standard of activity that you can do.

So one, you get something done to help de-stress because that is probably the biggest issue of this.

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: And then number two is you don’t feel guilty because you’re skipping your regularly scheduled workout.

Jim Edwards: And so the interesting thing was that sometimes we make things too complicated.

And now this, this directly applies to marketing, sales, copy, and content because we all should be doing some content every day.

We all should be doing some marketing every day.

That includes sales copy.

And the problem is when chaos strikes you if you lose your momentum even just you lose all of it cause we’re doing complicated stuff and we got big long…

Here’s my, I’m back to normal today, Stew, here’s my to-do list.

And the thing is that sometimes if you can just get a little something done, then it helps you to rebuild momentum or at least not to feel the stress of not doing anything.

So, whereas in a workout might be an hour and a half under normal circumstances…

But if you can get in a 30-minute run, you at least know,

“You know what, despite everything I got that 30-minute run.”

What does that have to do with, with content and copywriting?

Well, you get super busy.

You get, you know you don’t have a ton of time, especially if you’re doing this part-time or you’re working on a new project…

What you can do is carve out 15 minutes to do something.

Now 15 minutes in the content…

We’ll divide it up between sales, copy, and content, but 15 minutes for creating content Stew is actually a long time…

If you are super, super focused…

Let’s just brainstorm some of the things you can do in 15 minutes.

If you need to create compelling content and we’ll let just bounce it back like a ping pong ball, you can do a thing.

You could do a Facebook live video…

What else could you do?

Stew Smith: Just like what I did with this, I sent you an email.

I cut and pasted that email, put it into a Word document, made it look like an article and then it was an article,

That took 15 minutes.

Jim Edwards: There you go… So you could write an article…

You can create a meme…

Stew Smith: Yup…

Jim Edwards: That’s easy. Could you do in 15…

Actually in 15 minutes you could create five or six memes and be done for the week…

Stew Smith: You know what I did yesterday, and I sent you a copy of it, and it took about 10 seconds.

Jim Edwards: hahaha!

Stew Smith: I made a little picture… I’m actually, I shared it with you, and I posted it on my story yesterday at Instagram.

Jim Edwards: And it was just a testimonial of a former Seal saying

“I did Stew’s work out before to prepare for…”

Just like we talked the other day and posted up there and I just got like boxes of books I’m mailing out today.

Jim Edwards: No Shit! Yeah, I haven’t checked Instagram. I need to check that out.

Stew Smith: I sent it to you, It was really cool.

Jim Edwards: Okay, cool.

And I gave him a shout out to help him build his thing.

So it was, it kind of worked out both ways…

Jim Edwards: Who was it?

Stew Smith: A guy named John Allen…

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: Yeah, he’s really good. You follow him, he is very well written.

Like he can tell a story that is really cool.

Any applies it to business too.

So I think it’s fabulous.

Jim Edwards: Okay… So that’s cool…

And you can create a quick podcast episode, you could create a listicle…

Stew Smith: There you go…

Jim Edwards: Yeah. And with you, I’ve done two. Stu, what else? What else could you do?

Stew Smith: Yeah, I would say this…

I would say pick a product and go in and that may be a product that hasn’t been selling that well and your store and go through a wizard and redo that sales copy.

Jim Edwards: There you go… Or at least redo your headline…

Stew Smith: Yup. Or headline change

Jim Edwards: You can run an ad, you can set up a split test on your sales page.

You should be able to set up a split test in 15 minutes.

See, this is the big thing that I have found is actually like this morning I got up…

…I usually get up around five, and I got more done in two hours than most people get done all week or not all week but all day…

Some people all week…

But the reason for it is when you’re super, super laser focused and you know exactly what you need to do and you know exactly how long you have to get it done, it’s amazing how much stuff you can get done when you’re super, super focused.

And also what happens is that’ll help you get into a flow state where that will help to reduce your stress…

It will help to reduce your anxiety, and it’ll give you a sense of accomplishment that will calm you down while you’re weathering whatever stormy waters you might be encountering…

Whether it’s family related or physical or what have you.

It’s the key I have found at least when with physical stuff is if I can get in some sort of a workout, that’s just simple but I feel like I’m making progress…

That helps me.

But also work-wise, if I know I can at least get in one good post…

Or one good blog post…

Or one email out to my group or something…

I at least feel like maybe if I’m not moving forward, at least I haven’t gone backward…

Because it’s that feeling of losing momentum that I think really stresses people out.

Stew Smith: Oh, absolutely…

In fact, that’s what I tell people when it comes to fitness…

You know, even if they wake up right and they get up and like,

“Aw man, there’s no way I’m making it to the gym today. I’m so tired. Just don’t feel like it.

I say,

“Still go to the gym, walk in the gym and do like five minutes of cardio, five minutes of stretching and walk out of the gym.”

Because what did you just do there?

You didn’t kill that waking-up habit in going to the gym.

Even though you didn’t work out hard, you just did 10 minutes, and you got out of there cause you’re busy or you just don’t feel well or whatever, but you didn’t kill that habit.

So same thing here. And so I came up with a top five listicle for you.

Jim Edwards: Nice! Let me see your listicles there, we’re buddies…

Stew Smith: All right… So number one, these are kind of related do a Facebook or Instagram live video…

Jim Edwards: Answering a question

Stew Smith: Yup Yup… Answering a question…

There you go…

And then, and/or…

The next day maybe answer that same question in an article…

Jim Edwards: Nice.

Stew Smith: So we didn’t have to really think that hard.

Just go right into it real quick.

Run advertisement.

Maybe have a previous post on Facebook that’s working pretty well.

Run an advertisement to it.

Jim Edwards: Yep.

Stew Smith: And then four-run a meme. Somewhere… Make a meme on your Instagram or Facebook…

Jim Edwards: Nice…

Stew Smith: Number five, I’ll leave the last five up to you…

Oh yeah, Sales copy. Change sales copy of a product… That’s number five…

Jim Edwards: Nice. Well, those are cool little things we ought to keep track of that list. 15-minute power things.

Stew Smith: I got it… I’m going to put it in the description of this

Jim Edwards: Podcast and we need to ask everybody in the comments…

Add your thoughts,

“What could you do in 15 minutes either to create content or to do something worthwhile for your marketing”

And get everybody to start, brainstorming in the comments and then we can compile that and share it with everybody.

Stew Smith: Love it…

Jim Edwards: Cool idea… So that’s your call to action, everybody.

You ought to post this, post, this recording in the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Group on Facebook, which everyone should be a member of…

But let’s do that with this episode, and we’ll post it in there and get everybody to start listing stuff down in the bottom. Oh, that’d be cool…

Stew Smith: Yeah… So we’ll call this like rowing the power 10!

Jim Edwards: There you go.

Stew Smith: Right… So we, we’ve only come up with five…

We need you guys to come up with the other five…

Jim Edwards: Cool, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!

All right, well I think we’ve talked this one to death ’cause we don’t want to talk about getting stuff done quickly and then take an hour to explain it, do we?

Stew Smith: No, we don’t…

Jim Edwards: All right, cool…

So just remind everybody if you’re not a member of the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast with Jim Edwards and Stew Smith group on Facebook, you should be…

You can find out more about Stew and how he can help you go from 40 and fat…

I need to come up with all the good ones, but you know, like 30 and tubby or whatever…

And want to be 50 and fab…

Where should they go?

Stew Smith:

I’ll tell you what, if you’re not into downloading big videos on Youtube…

You can find this podcast on iTunes and Google play so you can get the audio

Jim Edwards: And please subscribe. It helps us if you would subscribe on Youtube and on the other one.

And one other thing I thought of that’s really cool thing to do that people love you can do in 15 minutes is to demo an APP or demo a software, demo a product, people love that kind of thing.

You can do demos and under 15 minutes.

Super Cool, super easy.

Do a quick demo of your book Stew!

Stew Smith: Or you could say, Hey, I’m stew Smith, I wrote the book on Tactical Fitness.

Jim Edwards: And it’s actually a really good book…

Stew Smith: Let me show you… You want to do stair crawls?

Jim Edwards: No… With a weight vest even better… Even more fun… Yes… On slick wooden stairs…

Oh if you think it’d be really cool to go on a cruise with me and hang on for a week and learn all kinds of cool stuff about how to sell more…

How to write better copy…

How to create content that gets people to buy…

Then you need to go check out, and we’re still trying to convince a student that he needs to come…

So go check out everybody have a great day, and we’ll talk to you soon…

Bye Bye, everybody.


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