Business Reset – You Might Need a Reset IF… – SCCMH [Podcast 102]

In podcast 102 Jim Edwards and Stew Smith will pull out their Jeff Foxworthy hats on here for the podcast…

“Your Business Might Need a RESET IF….”  with reset answers to starting off the New Year right. Resolutions don’t last – reset and set monthly goals and progress throughout the year. 

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Jim Edwards: Hey everybody, Jim Edwards here and welcome back to another edition of the Sales Copywriting Content Marketing Hacks Podcast.

I’m your host, along with my trusty podcast producer partner in crime and the last person ever to bail me out of prison.

Stew Smith.

Stew Smith: Hey, Happy New Year, Jim!

Jim Edwards: We just dated the podcast.

Now people know we did this in January.

Stew Smith: Oh damn. What year?

Jim Edwards: Oh, there you go.

I think that the podcast has dates on it. Dang it.

Oh, well.

So, what are we talking about today?

Okay, we’re going to make this our first episode.

It’s our New Year’s special, we’re going to own it.

We’re going to own the New Year’s thing.

Stew Smith: Might as well.

Jim Edwards: Might as well mention COVID is anything because then they’ll be able to figure out that we’re doing this on January 6 of 2021.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

21, Man, we’re in the roaring 20s, Jim.

Jim Edwards: Do you remember when you were a kid?

And you thought about how old you would be when the year 2000 came?

And it seems so far away.

You’re like, I’ll never be that old.

Did you ever think that?

Stew Smith: Yeah, yeah.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, well, tack 21 on top of.

I’m never going to be that old.

And now you’re real fricking old?!

Stew Smith: Oh, well, I was doing the math the other day.

And I was thinking, wow, we’re closer to like 1960 going this way than we are going this way.

You know, going forward, then we are going backward.

You know, that was hard.

Jim Edwards: Did you think of this while you were on the run and were distracting yourself from the pain in some body part?

Stew Smith: It was swimming. Actually, I was looking at a black line in the pool.

Jim Edwards: It’s funny, though, when sometimes when you’re doing something monotonous.

That’s when you actually have really cool ideas because your body goes on autopilot, and your brain becomes the observer.

And you start thinking about stuff.

I do that all the time.

Stew Smith: Okay, one thing that is fun is when your brain does that, and it comes up with a great idea.

Jim Edwards: Mm-hmm.

Stew Smith: You’re in the middle of your swim, and you’re like, screw it.

I’m going to go to work.

Right now.

You just like to get out of the pool.

Because this is such a good idea.

It’s probably happened to me twice in my life, but it’s…

Jim Edwards: Really only that many must be a good idea. I’ve been a couple that happens to me all the time when I’m working out, my workout journal doubles as an idea journal.

Stew Smith: That’s good.

Jim Edwards: So my workouts I get from you have all kinds of cool ideas all over him all the time.

Stew Smith: Well, let’s go with that thought.

Because you know, every time you know it comes around to a new year, new you hate that one.

But it’s out there.

You know, everybody uses the word resolution, but I prefer the word reset.

And I say today during this podcast, we put on our Jeff Foxworthy hats and say this, you might need a reset if…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith Right. Instead of you might be a redneck if, right?

You might need a reset in your business if…

Jim Edwards: If I can be like Jeff Foxworthy collectible one.

You might be the reset.

Would you?

I don’t know.

So we’re asking everybody who’s here with us live.

You might need a reset.

If what?

That’s great, that’s actually that’d be a good meme.

It’d be a good, good way to increase engagement with people.

Can I go first?


Okay, you might need a reset if you feel like you’re in a rut.

Stew Smith: Sure.

Jim Edwards: Now ruts can be good.

And they can be bad, though.

So make sure that you don’t feel like you’re in a rut just because you’re doing the same thing.

And it’s working.

Because if you’re doing something that’s working, you’re going to get bored of it long before the market, your customers, your subscribers are going to be, they’re going to be tired of it.

So be real careful that you don’t feel like you’re in a rut, start doing things differently, and you end up screwing everything that’s already working.

Just saying…

Stew Smith: You might be you might need a reset in your business.

If you’re not coming up with any new ideas for daily feedback, daily social media posts, daily articles, daily blog posts, whatever.

Jim Edwards: There’s a wizard for that.

Stew Smith: There is a wizard for that. Consider that.

No, I’m serious, you should have something.

If you look back at the last year, how many posts you did in that year, were there weeks without a post?

Were there weeks without an article or a blog post?

That can be a good indicator that you need to engage your audience more.

Okay, that’s easy to do.

Just go through your blog and just say, man, I didn’t do anything in…March.

The second quarter.



Jim Edwards: Yeah, so, ooh, here’s one that might be mean.

But you might need a reset.

If you’re blaming others or circumstances for your current condition in life, you might need a reset if you’re blaming COVID for everything that’s going wrong in your life right now, because everybody’s got this well, unless you’re a politician, all the rules applied to all of us mere mortals.

Everybody’s playing the same game.

So the, and I heard somebody, a friend of mine, he’s pretty wise.

And I’m not we are politically agnostic on all of our shows.

That’s the fastest way to lose your audience is to talk about politics, or to talk about religion, so, and I got no problem with either one of those.

But you are just not a good thing to talk about unless you really want to unless it’s your business.

Stew Smith: Or you go all in, like my pillow guy, he, he figures half the country is going to buy his pillow.


You know that all in and be the my pillow guy.

Jim Edwards: That is true.

So, but that’s the thing is, like I said before Monday, I did a video, and the title of it was sticking a fork in it.

Nobody, it’s over.

It’s done.

It is what it is.

You know, you can make excuses, or you can make things happen, but you can’t do both.

So be a part of the solution and change in your life.

So, interestingly enough, we’re having a few things like you might need a reset if your family is surprised to see you.

Stew Smith: Yeah, no, kidding.

You’re working harder, not smarter.

Jim Edwards: Carlin says you might need to reset if you’re not doing daily content, especially land answering live Q&A live.


Q&A life is the easiest way to create content for

Stew Smith: Yeah, that’s.

Jim Edwards: Especially with this stream yard device.

Yeah, I’ve been doing a lot of lives with it.

It works.

Somebody said the best way I heard it said time to change the script, flip the script.

Ooh, this is good.

You might need a reset.

If you’re still thinking 2020.

That’s good.

Yeah, it’s gone.

Yeah, that’s kind of like standing in the back of the boat.

And thinking that the boat’s weight is what’s driving the boat, it’s not what’s driving the boat is the motor and the person at the steering wheel.

And that weight, it has absolutely no impact on the direction of that boat is only an indication of where the boat was.

So, you got to get out of the back of the boat and get up the front of the boat, grab the steering wheel, and take control of your course.

And you can’t do that looking at the wake.

I thought that was kind of a cool metaphor for that.

Stew Smith: I like that one will do.

Jim Edwards: So, I think you also might need to reset if you’re unhappy with some aspect of your life consistently.

Because if you are consistently unhappy with your weight, with your finances, with your relationship with your environment, with the cleanliness of your room, or your office or your closet, or anything, if there’s consistently something that is bugging you, you need to change the way you are perceiving what’s going on.

Or you need to change your procedure, your actions to change what the circumstances are.

That’s all you can do.

But just sitting there being pissed off all the time is just going to get you more pissed off all the time.

Yeah, your turns, do what you got,

Stew Smith: oh, you might need a reset.

You have an old website that you’re trying to update, and you’re trying to redirect all your old web pages to your new website.

Jim Edwards: You might need a reset on that thinking, and perhaps at the end and all, that is just a matter of just what I said, of perception and procedure.

Perhaps your perception of the procedure that you should go through needs a slight derivation.

And when you talk to your buddy.

They’ll tell you what to do.

And Vincent said something good.

This is a good one.

Don’t look back.

You’re not going that way.

I like that.

That’s a good one.

All right, so I’ll do another one.

You might need a reset if I was going to say if you’re bored, if you’re bored, then read a book, or do something about it.

It’s like, remember when we were kids do, and I’m sure your mom and dad I met your dad.

He’s cool.

I’m sure he told you the same thing.

If you ever said your parents.

Oh, you’re bored.

I have some things that you better find something to do, or I’ll find something for you to do.

That was like the standard parent response back in the 70s.


Stew Smith: You knew not to say it.

Jim Edwards: Exactly. Oh, yeah. Never.

I mean, as you said it once, and it stuck with you.

But you found a way to entertain yourself to make something out of nothing.

I mean, we would we went to the pool.

We played baseball, you know, you ran to your friend’s house and then you waited till the last minute when you knew you had to be home by six o’clock.

And you’re like, Well, I know I can run from here to there in like six minutes.

So you come in heaving, and getting ready to puke because you just ran a four-minute mile and didn’t realize you done it fear of a beating.

You know, it’s if you want something different, do something different, think something different.

It’s just don’t sit there stewing in your own juices, no offense.

You know that that’s the biggest thing is that a lot of people sit around and wait for somebody else to solve it for him.

And nobody’s going to show up and solve your problems for you.

You got to solve them yourself.

And then once you’ve solved them, you cash in my teaching other people how you solve your problem?

Stew Smith: Yeah, yeah, that’s a really good idea.

Here’s something too if your goals are taking you in the wrong direction, you might need to reset some of your goals.

For instance, I see it in my line of work, where we have young men and women who came into wanting to be in the tactical professions.

With a good running background, let’s say they were cross country runners.

They can outrun anybody because they can do a five-minute mile.

And it’s easy, right?

But their goal is to run a 4:30 mile.


So, they’re focusing on their running, which they don’t need to do.

But the elephant in the room is that pull up bar over there.

And that big 50-pound rucksack that they got to put on their back that they’re ignoring.

Jim Edwards: Yeah,

Stew Smith: Right, which that’s going to hit them hard.

So, when your goals are taking you in the wrong direction, you need to focus on, you know, the bigger picture of what your business is doing.

For instance, if you’re really good at something, you may be ignoring something that you’re not so good at doing.

And for a lot of people, that’s traffic, people, creative people are really good at creating webinars, writing content, creating content, and then they think that the world should just beat a path to their door because they made a great video or they wrote a good article.

And they don’t spend any time on traffic.

But you, as a great example of that last year, said, “Okay, I’m taking off my copywriting.

I’m taking off my book writing hat.

And I’m going to put on my copywriting hat and my traffic generation hat and focus on making sales.”

And you told me that you had one of your best years of not your best year ever for book sales by focusing on that.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: And if I if, I’m, if I shouldn’t be telling people that, but I think you already said that.

Stew Smith: I had mentioned it.

Remember I said I felt bad about saying I had the best year in business I’ve ever had when people are never feeling bad about it.

I know we’ve had this discussion before, and you’re right.

Jim Edwards: Don’t.

I’m not talking to you.

I’m talking about talking to the people listening.

Listen to me.

Never feel bad about being successful.

Never feel bad about reaching your goals.

Never feel bad about making money.

Never apologize for doing your best and creating results.

Don’t ever do it because people will make you feel bad about yourself and anybody that makes you feel bad about stuff like that.

They’re gone.

Get them out of your life.

And okay.

Here’s one, you might need a reset if there are people in your life that are holding you back.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: And that’s a tough one.

Because sometimes the people who hold you back are the people who actually love you, and you love them.

So that doesn’t mean you jettison the people that you love and the people that love you back.

But you may need to have some serious conversations with them and help them to see the light of where you’re going and change circumstances so that they can’t hold you back anymore.

Stew Smith: That’s true.  That’s very true. And It’s helpful to differentiate two different types of feedback.

Like at the beginning of this show, Jim gave me some feedback on how I should update my website and not screw up some of my long time placement on search engines.


That wasn’t negative feedback to the point where I’m like, “Oh, man, I’m pissed off.”


That was the feedback of like, “Huh, that’s a good point, man.”

Just reset and figure out another option to that.

Jim Edwards: That is what pissed you off?

Stew Smith: No, it did not piss me off.

It just made me think I was like, damn it, I thought I had a good reset, is more internally, not your best off me for thinking.

Or I should, I should have thought about the SEO consequences of making those changes.

Jim Edwards: But you know, that’s a great point that you might need to reset if you’re if you if you’re pissed off, or you get pissed off about stuff, especially when it comes to your business or areas like sore spots in your life and your business, your relationships if there’s something that pisses you off all the time.

And you’re thinking that it’s somebody else’s issue.

A lot of times, it’s you, and you need to change your perception.

You need to change how you’re viewing what’s going on in the world.

And that’s again, that’s a tough thing.

But it’s a tough world right now.

And it’s about to get tougher.

And so, if you want to make it and all these big dreams and goals and other stuff that you have, you better get real good at seeing feedback as feedback and not as a personal attack.

That’s something I struggled with for years.

I mean, I couldn’t take any criticism whatsoever.

Now it’s like, I invite it, tell me what’s wrong.

Tell me what’s not perfect.

Tell me what needs to be better, tell me.

I just because I reframed it in my mind is that this is how this is the only way I’m going to get better.

This is the only way I’m going to be able to make lasting changes that are going to begin to really make a change quickly.

Stew Smith: Yeah, I learned the same thing.

When I had editors come into my life.

Whether it was editors on websites or editors for books to rewrite something became like, “Oh, I don’t write for you.”

I rewrite it for you.

You know, I made it by reframing it that way.

It really took the sting out of someone saying no, you don’t need to say this.

This isn’t good.

Can you say something else?

Jim Edwards: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.

So well, I think we’re at the end of our time.

What would be some final words that you would want to, oh, I did want to share one other thing.

And that is this was another thing I talked about in the chicken with Jim video.


I said opportunity often comes disguised as work.

Stew Smith: That was good.

Jim Edwards: Every once in a while, I just my caffeine level is just perfect.

I’m lucid, you know, everything is perfect.

And I come out with some cogent thoughts.

Not always, but sometimes, and the thing is, an opportunity usually comes disguised as a huge honking problem or a pain in the butt.

Stew Smith: that you have to solve.

Jim Edwards: And if you reframe that too, man, I get to solve this, and when I do, I pictured there are other people that would pay me for the solution I figured out seriously, and that’s one of the most transformational resets I’ve ever made in my life was reframing problems and all this stuff, just huge pain into man.

If it was easy, everybody is doing it.

And if it was easy, we wouldn’t be making the big bucks.

So, let me figure out how to make this easier and sell the solution.

Stew Smith: Well, Jim, that’s how I’m going to reframe my reset of 10 stretches a day.

10 stretches a day and creating my cooldown series.

Jim Edwards: Uh-huh.

Stew Smith: That’s exactly reframing it the same way you just mentioned.

Jim Edwards: What do you mean?

Stew Smith: I just solved the problem, and I have an answer to it, and maybe people will pay for that answer.

Jim Edwards: Oh, I know. People will pay for that answer.

I’m thinking it’s going to launch you in a whole new cool trajectory.

That’s going to bring everybody along in your slipstream.

Yep, I think it’s going to be great.

Okay, cool.

Well, that’s it for today, everybody.

Happy New Year, and we will see you next time.

Thank you, Stew.

Great job today.


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