• Authority Website Building Genie Walk-Through with Jim Edwards [Podcast 219]

    Jim Edwards shares the Authority Site Genie with an amazing walk-through. These AI driven Genies located at https://CopyandContent.ai will help you learn through Online Coaching Programs for all of your copywriting, sales and online marketing needs. Jim also shows us how to use the https://www.CopyandContent.ai Genies to create useful content like that help you with…

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  • Weekly Update – March 27, 2024

    Article of the Week Does Being Forced to Sell Your Stuff Piss You Off? (Or worse… does it scare the crap out of you?) I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was a brand-new mortgage loan officer. I had worked my butt off to get this job, and once I got it, I…

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  • Weekly Update – March 20, 2024

    Article of the Week The Missing Puzzle Piece in Your Journey to Greatness Almost no one becomes successful overnight… Most of us are not that lucky. It takes work, sweat, maybe a few tears and MOMENTUM. Let’s talk about momentum. Have you ever considered how much impact it has on our ability to achieve results…

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  • Build a Story Inventory – Storytelling For More Sales [Podcast 218]

    Jim Edwards discusses the importance of having and sharing a compelling story when you write ANYTHING to help you enhance your business. By making yourself a relatable person, you can become a source of information or entertainment for others. See how to do it with Jim’s program at https://writeyourbook.ai do the heavy lifting for you.…

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  • Weekly Update – March 13, 2024

    Article of the Week Win The Internal Game FIRST When it comes to success, most people want to focus on the external things, like the mechanics of a website, the perfect golf swing, or delivering a powerful speech. They dive into tools and techniques without laying a solid foundation. They might argue that practice and…

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