Speed Dating with Jim – SCCMH [Podcast 56]

Jim answers several questions that are rather short ended answers but golden nuggets of useful information.

We call this episode Speed Dating With Jim as he discusses both Funnel Scripts and The Jim Edward Method Premium where Funnel Scripts and Premium Wizards for both content marketing and sales copy can be easily created – with the whack of a button.

Here are the questions – tune in to hear the answers:

1 – How Do I make a Compelling Offer?

2 – I created an opt-in funnel. My question: Which script would you recommend I use to ask them in an email to take part in the survey?

3 – How do I make the reader feel pain to seek a problem to their solution.

4 – How do you decide on the outline for your ad copy? Is there a psychological outline and journey you have set in place?

5 – My biggest problem is at the very beginning.  I would love a worksheet to identify all or most of the characteristics/variables so it is an easy go to for each script. I am an appraiser and have a difficult time identifying the needs, wants, fears, domino, etc. How to start?

6 – Which is the best script to supply content for a sales page?

Get Copywriting Secrets for FREE – Just pay shipping www.copywritingsecrets.com

Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks at https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/ and for more information on the wizards used to make outstanding sales copy check out https://copyandcontent.ai/.

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Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here, and welcome to another edition of The Sales Copywriting Content Marketing Hacks Podcast where Jim Edwards and Stew Smith…

And this is the special Aruba edition in case you can’t tell…

I’m not at home…

How about this?

I’ll hold my light right there…

Stew Smith: Oh, it looks perfect…

Jim Edwards: I clip this on my hat…

Go with that…

Stew Smith: Okay, that looks silly.

Jim Edwards: Sorry!

Stew Smith: No, that’s good, though…

But anyway, this is a special round of speed dating with Jim.

Jim Edwards: That is right, and in a foreign country, and no, I am not in jail.

Stew was like jonesing for palm trees and blue ocean.

So I’m sitting on the balcony next to the railing so that he can see it…

So it looks like I’m in jail, but I’m not.

Stew Smith: All right.

You ready?

Jim Edwards: I am ready.

Stew Smith: I’ve got a few questions…

Let’s see if we can do some speed dating with Jim.

Jim Edwards: In Aruba.

Which episode is this?

Episode 56?

Stew Smith: Yes, 56.

Jim Edwards: (it’s your kicks with 56 yeah…)

Stew Smith: Here we go…

Here’s a good one…

Number one, how do I make a compelling offer?

Jim Edwards: Okay, what you need to do, any compelling offer comes down to selling the results.

If you’ve got a really good hook that pulls people into your copy and then you’re selling a result that they really, really want, then that’s going to form the basis of making a really good offer.

The other thing to keep in mind when you make an offer that there are certain things people are worried about, they’re worried that they don’t have the skills…

They’re worried that they don’t have the time and they’re worried that they don’t have some resource, usually a tool or money.

So if you can address those three areas as part of your offer, that’s going to help a lot.

The other thing is to make sure that your offer has a really cool name.

I call it your umbrella title.

That would be my answer to that.

Stew Smith: Oh, nice.

How about this one?

How do I make the reader feel the pain to seek a problem to their solution or to seek a solution to their problem?

Jim Edwards: Is this someone’s selling to dyslexics?

Stew Smith: Oh, that’s exactly how the question is written.

Jim Edwards: Then, the number one way that you make somebody feel pain is to tell a story that gets them emotionally involved.

And the story is all about someone, either you or an ideal customer who is experiencing the exact same pain that you want them to feel…

And the other thing you need to remember is that not only do you want them to feel the pain, but you want to make the pain worse.

That’s why you’ve heard the formula problem, agitate, solve.

The pain of the problem usually isn’t a knock cousin by itself.

If it was enough, they would have bought it already.

So what you need to do is make it hurt worse.

And you do that by what’s called future pacing, which is a term from neurolinguistic programming, which is you tell them what’s going to happen if they don’t solve it…

Paint a picture of what life’s going to be like if they don’t solve the problem, and you really get them to feel the pain.

So you do it with stories and future pacing…

Stew Smith: All right…

Jim Edwards: This is an alcohol-free adult beverage.

Stew Smith: Nice…

Is that really dope beverage then if it’s alcohol-free?

Jim Edwards: Look smarty, it says Heineken, they make adult beverages…

Stew Smith: All right, I’ll give that to you.

Jim Edwards: Thanks.

Stew Smith: All right, so here’s ones somebody created an optin funnel, and they’re giving away a PDF to get people to do a survey, and they will receive an email.

The next step is to ask them for a favor and to complete the survey…

Stew Smith: What script would you recommend I use to ask them in the email to take part in the survey?

Jim Edwards: Well, I can tell you right now that you don’t need to worry about what script.

What you need to do is give them the PDF in exchange for taking the survey and get them to opt-in in order to see the results of the survey.

Because once somebody gets the bribe, they’re not going to do what you want them to do…

So you need to flip that script on…

In other words, you need to promise the reward, the PDF…

In this case, hopefully, it’s got a cool promise or cool payoff…

But the big thing is that they get the pay off the gift that after they filled out the survey.

Stew Smith: Smart…

Jim Edwards: So, and a double one, two punch from that, like I said, is to say, okay, not only can you see the results of not only where you get the PDF, but when you opt-in you’ll be able to see the results of the survey as well…

Stew Smith: All right, so how do you decide on the outline for your ad copy, is there a psychological outline and journey you have set in place?

Jim Edwards: So it really depends on the temperature of the traffic you’re putting the ad in front of…

But all ads follow the hook story offer format…

So the one thing though, in an ad, like I’ll give you an example in a Facebook ad, one of the ads that we’re running for my book, the story, it’s basically a couple of two-line testimonials…

So it’s a hook.

Can this book really solve all your sales copy problems, or can this book really help you double your income or some kind of hook like that…

(And then the story is the what fills the story, the purpose of the story or a couple of testimonials…)

Jim’s book helped me do this, and this…

I don’t have to do this, and this anymore because of Jim’s book…

And then the call to action is get your free copy here…

Just pay shipping…

Stew Smith: Nice.

Jim Edwards: Pretty much every ad follows the hook story off that you’ve got to stop them in their tracks.

You gotta stop the right people in their tracks, pre-frame them for what’s coming next…

Then you need to tell them a story about themselves or about the product or about how the product’s gonna give them the result that they want…

And then you got to have a call to action that tells them exactly what to do next, learn more, download that kind of stuff.

Stew Smith: Okay.

Here’s a question from a beginner.

Actually, the next two are kind of beginner questions.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

Stew Smith: I would love a worksheet to identify all or most of the characteristics slash variables…

So is it easy Go-To for each script or wizard?

I’m an appraiser and have a difficult time…

It didn’t identify the needs, wants, fears, etc…

The enemy is typically the online value sites that are wrong…

Jim Edwards: Okay.

So what you need to do, and I don’t know if this came in before or after that, we just released the avatar scripts inside of both Funnel Scripts and the Jim Edwards Method Premium…

Stew was actually surprised at how cool those were in a neat story.

In fact, Stew tell the story real quick of how you use the output from the new avatar script.

Actually, to create an article.

Stew Smith: Made a really cool article that also went out, went to military.com but also kind of repurposed it and wrote it to my customers.


And said, is this you right?

Are you this person?

And basically, just ask them if they are my avatar read this, and I didn’t use avatar.

Jim Edwards: You just gave me an amazing idea.

Maybe you can write this down.

Stew Smith: That’s what I’m here for.

Jim Edwards: But dude, I need to make an output for the avatar script with what you just said.

And it’s like a sales letter.

It’s like, “Hey, is this you?”

And then you tell them the story of the avatar and then it has a call to action at the end that says, if this is you, then you need this.

So just a slightly different English than what we have in there, but it needs the little sales on the front, and it needs a hook at the top.

And I can make it have a hook.

I can do a how-to benefit without paying a hook at the top…

And then I can throw the, I’m just kinda geeking out right now out right now, but then I got a lot of the stuff on there, and that’s about fricking sales letter man…

That’s sales message…

I love that…

Stew Smith: That’s a great idea…

Like I said, I used it for an article on my page and then just blew it up on social media and, obviously, had all the buy now links at the bottom, and it was a good post…

Jim Edwards: Yes, it was…

It was…

And you know what, I can make like short, medium and long versions of that too…

If you wouldn’t mind writing that down because that’s great, that would be cool…

Yeah, that’s going to be amazing.

So whoever asked that, make sure you go use the avatar strips, whether you’re in Funnel Scripts or the Jim Edwards Method Premium go do that and then look for additional output besides the amazing output that we have there in the next few weeks.

Stew Smith: My thing too is also just watch the video, cause you give a demo for each one of how to use it.

Jim Edwards: That would make a really cool explainer video too if you hired somebody to make like those colorful and videos they make where it’s like, (Hey see so and so, so and so’s depressed falling off a cliff.

So and so jumped out in front of a beer truck…)

That’d be cool…

I’m going to play around with that…

Find somebody on Fiverr to turn that into a like a story explainer video.

Stew Smith: Cool.

All right, so here’s the last one, which is the best script or wizard to supply content for a sales page.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

So it really depends on what kind of a sales page you are creating…

If you’re looking for something a little more traditional than we got the long-form sales letter script, if you’re looking for something like from the OFA challenge, you can do the hook story offer script, which is amazing.

From the Funnel Scripts, you can do the hook story, opt-in script on the front end of that to create an opt-in page, and then make the offer right there on the next page…

If you wanted to create like a video landing page, which is one of my Go-To things, then I would use one of the headlines scripts…

I would use the VSL wizard, or I would use the five-minute perfect webinar script…

And then, I would use the offer stack scripts to create the actual offer stack and then called the action scripts.

So there’s a whole bunch of different ways you can skin that cat.

So there’s a bunch of different ways you can do it.

So if you’re in Funnel Scripts, I would suggest that you check out the funnel blueprints.

If you’re in the Jim Edwards Method Premium, make sure you check out the new recipes…

And those were helping to figure out which ones you want to put together…

But that one with the video landing page that’s actually going to be the topic of the next Funnel Scripts training.

When I get back in a week and a half on that Tuesday, we’re doing the training, and I’m going to be showing different combinations of Funnel Scripts to create that video landing page.

So that’ll be cool…

Stew Smith: Yeah, that is awesome…

So what else have you been doing?

You’ve been doing?

Any other things while you’re down there?

Jim Edwards: I’ve been working out every day…

(Got Scott) in some really good workouts…

Have been doing it later in the day though, cause the time difference, and I’ve been sleeping in sleeping 12 hours a day, but it’s been good.

Stew Smith: You need them?

Jim Edwards: Yes.

I’ve been doing some reading and then doing some really, really good thinking.

I just, I wrote like 10 pages in my notebook today while I was sitting at the Dunkin Donuts drinking my decaf iced latte…

Stew Smith: Man, I don’t know what’s wrong with you.

Drink decaffeinated coffee.

A nonalcoholic beer.

Jim Edwards: Yeah.

I’m trying to stay out of…

Stew Smith: How about you just drink water?

Jim Edwards: Well, I should…


And as you know, I have an AFib…

So alcohol causes AFib real badly and sodas caffeine and.

Stew Smith: Just drink water.

Jim Edwards: Well, this has some taste to it and makes me feel like not a social pariah.

Stew Smith: That’s good…

Jim Edwards: But honestly, dude, I’ve been doing some stuff on the challenges that I want to do, and I’ve been planning out a live sales copy events that I want to do and some other things that I think are going to be super, super cool.

So this is going to be a big year, man.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

Jim Edwards: (Just some really cool stuff going on…)

I created a new script while I was sitting there at the Dunkin Donuts…

I went 350 bucks on a slot machine…

What else made some video on the beach…

Stew Smith: Nice.

Jim Edwards: It wasn’t adult video or anything.

It was like content video…

Stew Smith: That’s good…

No funny chickens?

Jim Edwards: Oh, man, I have not seen a single chicken…

Stew Smith: You’re missing them…

Jim Edwards: I am; actually, I’m missing my chickens and my dogs…

Stew Smith: Yeah, there’s a lot of politics going on here in America…

So I’ve done what you did a couple of years ago.

Jim Edwards: Started posting unicorns?

Stew Smith: Well, not unicorns, it’s now puppies.

Jim Edwards: Oh, nice…

Stew Smith: I just do puppies.

So it’s no politics, all puppies.

Jim Edwards: No politics, all puppies.

I like that…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Create a whole channel around it…

Jim Edwards: Are you really?

Stew Smith: Going to, yeah.

Jim Edwards: Are you going to use pictures of Parker and Rosie?

Stew Smith: I’ll use all of them…

All good cute puppies…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: I’ll let you exploit my dogs too if you want…

Stew Smith: Yes, we will do Chihuahuas.

Jim Edwards: There you go…

Well, that’s cool…

I need to get back on the unicorn train a little bit…

I’m not posting as I used to.

I need to get back.

Stew Smith: Like I said, every time you see a political post, just post a unicorn.

That’s what I’m doing…

(Every time I see a puppy…)

Jim Edwards: Well, you’re going to be posting about every 30 seconds that.

Stew Smith: I know…

I’m doing that because I just want people to realize that no one cares about your political opinion.

You are messing up my newsfeed.

Jim Edwards: No one cares.

That’s right…

No one cares…

No one cares…

They even care…

Stew Smith: Right…

Jim Edwards: So anyway, well, that’s cool.

And how have you been since I’ve been out of the country doing anything interesting.

Stew Smith: Same stuff, working out, writing about it.

That’s what I do.

Jim Edwards: There you go.

So I’ll tell you, this is funny.

There’s a guy, they got a gym down here that’s a combination local isn’t people at the resort.

And there’s this one guy that’s been there training people to since forever…


I mean, he’s gotta be in his late fifties, but the guy is Jack.

And so I went up to him I have never really talked to him, and I said I’ve seen this guy for like 10 years.

I probably ought to say hello..

So I walked into the gym, and I said, “Hey man, I just want to say I’ve been coming here for forever, and you never get any older…”

And he has, “Oh man, thanks, I appreciate that”

So now we’re like buddies and stuff.

Stew Smith: I’d say, man, being a trainer like that and Aruba, that’s gotta be nice.

Jim Edwards: Well then I told him, I said, Hey, the place had cleared out…

I said I figured out in your secret man how you’re not getting any older.

And he said.

What is it?

I said you’ve found unnatural testosterone booster, and you didn’t even realize it.

He said, what are you talking about?

I said, dude, it’s all this spandex…

And we in the gym, cause he trains all the little hotties.

And he started laughing…

He says, man, you’re right.

You’re right.

You’re right.

Anyway, that was funny…

All right, I’m going to go corral my wife and go eat something good…

Stew Smith: Enjoy the evening.

I will say thank you for the beautiful view behind you.

Jim Edwards: Sure.

Stew Smith: Next time…

Next time we do this before you leave, let’s do a sunset or sunrise together.

Okay, let’s have a sunset, sunrise together thing makes me a little nervous.

I just saying I mean, I’ll do my best to accommodate you, but I mean, we’re just friends.

Stew Smith: I love palm trees, sunset, sunrise on the ocean.

How was it on the audio this time?

Was there any gusty stuff?

Stew Smith: Much better, just perfect?

Jim Edwards: Cool…

Well, this was fun, and everybody have a great day…

If you’re not a member of a The Sales Copywriting Content Marketing group on Facebook, you should be.

I think we’re up around almost 12,000 people in there…

It’s a great group.

People are always helping each other…

It’s a great place to get feedback.

Please note pitching, but you can quote post screenshots of your sales copy and ask people to take a look…

If you have not gotten a copy of the Copywriting Secrets book yet, you should.

I’m going to keep harping on it until everybody gets one.

But yes, it is free.

We’re up to over 18,000 copies sold.

You believe that?

Stew Smith: Nice.

Jim Edwards: That’s pretty cool.

Since October 1st, so that’s like what?

October, November, December, January.

So a little over four months, 18,000 copies that don’t suck.

Stew Smith: Nah, man.

Jim Edwards: So y’all need to get a copy of that because that’s going to really be the textbook for a lot of cool things that are going to be coming up.

So you need that book because of the training and stuff that we’re going to be doing like I said, that’s really going to be the textbook for it.

So you’ve got to get that if you don’t have it if you already have one by one for a friend.

Stew Smith: There we go.

Jim Edwards: Cool.

Stew Smith: All right.

Thanks, everybody, for joining us for speed dating with Jim.

Jim Edwards: Thank you, Stew.


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