Selling ChatBots – Sell What It Does – Not What It Is – SCCMH [Podcast 41]

From the pages of the  Closed Facebook Page, Jim and Stew discuss a question from a member who is looking for some advice on crafting a chatbot sales letter for my company that can be used as a direct, mailed sales letter and as a longer form cold email. Jim walks through a wizard to better sell what chatbots DO not what it IS. 

Change the info you put into the wizards / scripts to better create sales copy that actually sells what it DOES – not what it IS.  No one needs to know how the sausage is made or how software works in this case. 

Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks at  and for more information on the wizards used to make outstanding sales copy check out

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Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here along with Mr. Stew Smith.

Welcome Stew!

Stew Smith: Hello, Jim, how are you?

Jim Edwards: I am fantabulous and welcome to episode 41 of the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast.

I try and say that really fast, and then I trip over my tongue.

Stew Smith: I always mess it up.

And I’m the producer.

Jim Edwards: There you go.

So today, we are going to talk about what?

Stew Smith: Well, what are we going to talk about?

I just had it pulled up…

Jim Edwards: Chatbots.

Stew Smith: Yes, Chatbots. What is a chatbot?

Jim Edwards: Do you want me to say what is a chatbot?

Stew Smith: Well, should you…

Jim Edwards: Or is that a hypothetical question posed to no one in particular.

Stew Smith: Well, and you really need to know what a chatbot is?

A chatbot is personally is a poorly named computer software program…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: Because I think I’m going to get into something like the terminator If I get a chatbot, right.

Now what you’re getting, it’s really no different than the software you use to make wizards and scripts.

It’s just a software program.

Jim Edwards: Yes, it’s a software, but I don’t understand how they work…

I tried to program a chatbot and I just don’t understand it.

I kind of understand it, but I don’t understand it and…

I don’t know if this one is one of those old men, I don’t want to understand it things…

Like resistance to change, or it makes my brain want to fry or what…

But the gist of a chatbot you guys may or may not know, but a chatbot is in specifically in Facebook instant messenger inside of chatbot…

It’s a way for someone to get information by responding to little questions, and then also, it’s a way for you to broadcast through that messenger like you would in email…

Broadcast a bunch of people…

You don’t send page page pages of stuff, but it’s because it has a much higher open rate than email…

That’s why people are so hot for it…

You might have a 10% open rate with email, but you might have a 90% open rate with a chatbot…

That’s why everybody’s all excited about them.

But they’re weird to set up, and I don’t really understand them.

I understand what they do, but I don’t know how to set them up.

Stew Smith: Well, that’s why you would want to outsource that process, right?

You don’t obviously want to do it yourself…

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: Right…

Maybe you could because you have some software experience, you’re under your belt.

But anyway, there are companies out there that will do it for you.

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: Some of them charge a thousand to $3,000 a month to maintain it…

This guy who is part of Jim Edwards Premium is trying to create sales pages for his chatbot.

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: And have a really good price of $349 a month to maintain it…

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: And, I think the big question for him is he’s just not finding the right words I guess to put into the wizards that will help him create a good sales copy whether he is on a video sales letter or on his web page or in front of customers…

He’s having a hard time selling a chatbot.

Jim Edwards: Right. Well and I think that the big reason is because nobody wants to buy a chatbot.

I mean anybody can sign up for manychat…

I think manychat is the main one…

I actually have two accounts with them that I signed up for that I paid $10 a month that I never set up…

But I may get around to setting them up, and I think I’ve been paying 20 bucks a month in total to them for like three years, however long they’ve been set up…

And I had somebody…

Stew Smith: I’ve got a program, you can do that for Jim…

If you want to just throw away 20 bucks?

Jim Edwards: Oh, thank you, Stew. I appreciate that. Always open to new opportunities.

The thing is though with the chatbot is…

It’s not what the chatbot is…

Because you’re exactly right…

It’s a software program that you load crap into, and then you can make it work to get people to communicate with you.

That’s what it is.

But nobody’s buying what it is.

People buy what it does.

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: So what does a chatbot do for you?

It helps automate communication with your best prospects…

It can be programmed to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week without you having to pay a person to communicate so you can communicate with your customers and they fib a more personalized experience without you paying a person, paying wages, taking on an employee.

So, logically, it would make sense that this is something that you would want to do.

Emotionally, it’s like…

“Hey, this is a way that I can communicate with people and then are on an automated basis.”

And then from another standpoint would be if you’re suffering from declining deliverability rates and declining open rates and email marketing…

This is turning back the clock 20 years on email marketing as far as people being open to what you’re doing.

Remember the days when you could just put a box on your website that says join my newsletter?

And people would put in their emails, and they were like…

“Yeah! Newsletters. Send me an email.”

And there was a time when that was true.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

People would like to email back then…

Jim Edwards: Right…

Stew Smith: My computer used to talk to me and said,

“Hey Stew, you’ve got mail, you’ve got mail.”

That was exciting…

Jim Edwards: But now it’s like in inside of Facebook, the only people…

The people that you pay the most attention to are the ones who send you a message.

It’s weird.

It’s, it’s almost like Facebook messenger…

It’s rude not to check your Facebook messenger.

And so people do check that a lot more than they check their email.

They may not respond to you, but they’re checking it.

Plus, you know when they’ve checked it, you know, if they’ve read it or not.

So I think there was one other thing that flashed in my head that was important…

So, it’s like turning back the clock…

People check it a lot more than they do regular email…

But if you do it wrong, then you can get thrown in Facebook jail or even get thrown off the Facebook platform.

So it’s critical that this gets set up the right way so that people can get off the list if they want to get off the list that you don’t violate one of the written or unwritten rules on Facebook.

So that’s kind of like the (yin and yang) of what I would talk about in the sales copy would be all the cool things that you get, not what it does.

Stew Smith: Right.

Jim Edwards: Because nobody gives a crap how it works…

How it works is geeky stuff, and it just, you either get it or you don’t.

For whatever reason, I’ve never been able to wrap my head around it mechanically.

But you either get it, or you don’t…

But everybody can understand the results of automated communication.

Great open rates, like turning back the clock on email to when everybody wanted it.

You can do broadcasts, you can do individualized communication, you can use it to promote events, you can use it to sell products, you can use it to get people to opt-in on your website…

There’s all sorts of cool things that you can do.

And then the takeaway or the thing on the other side of it is your competitors are already scooping people up.

So if you don’t get people onto your chatbot, pretty soon you’re gonna be wasting your time because their “well of attention” will get drained and they’re just not gonna want to be on any more chatbots.

Stew Smith: Yup…

Hey Jim, I got this one from the Sales Copy Content Marketing Hacks Facebook group…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: So he explains a little bit about his story and probably one of the best answers I’ve heard besides yours…

Yours was good too…

The Hoolean I had a really good one, and he says,

“Nobody needs a chatbot.

What they need is more revenue to do X.

You don’t sell chatbox.

Outside of marketers, no one gives a Shiii**** about chatbots.”

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Stew Smith: “You offer increase leads, reduce cost to acquire customers, and ability to follow up in real-time with less congestion via an email box.”

Jim Edwards: Well, yes…

Stew Smith: That was a great answer. Wasn’t a good answer?

And that’s the type of conversations that are being had over there on the Sales Copy Content Marketing Hacks Facebook group, which if you’re not a member, you should definitely go over there and sign up because people are helping people.

That’s what we do.

Jim Edwards: “People, people helping people are the greatest people in the world.”

I think that’s a song, some hippie sang.

Stew Smith: I remember that.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

So if we were going to use a story to sell a chatbot…

We’re going to use a wizard that I have in the Jim Edwards Method…

But I taught it most recently, but I think this is a perfect one to do.

So we’re gonna jump over here, and we’re gonna use this.

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: And I’m just loading it up real quick.

I want to make sure that I don’t lose.

So this is the third party sales story, wizard.

Zoom in a little bit, and then we’re going to start a new one.

Nobody’s really seen this except for the Jim Edwards premium people…

So we’re going to do a new one here real quick…

Let’s pretend like we want to sell a chatbot.

Stew Smith: Okay… but we’re not selling chatbots.

Jim Edwards: We are selling a chatbot.

Stew Smith: You don’t sell chatbot, like Hoolian says. (Hahaha)

Jim Edwards: We’re going to sell a chatbot… (hahaha)

We’re going to sell a chatbot using the third party sales story wizard…

Stew Smith: Okay…

Jim Edwards: We’re going to by telling a story…

Stew Smith: Oh, I love what.

What is our hero’s name for the story?

Stew Smith: I don’t know… We’re going to have to say, Sam, because I don’t see it.

Jim Edwards: What is Sam’s pronoun?

This is so progressive now…

What is Sam’s pronoun is it he, she, they…

Stew Smith: It is “he”…

Jim Edwards: “He” okay… No need to change pronouns on us.

Jim Edwards: The possessive pronoun then would be “his.”

Stew Smith: Yes…

Jim Edwards: What is the name of our company?

Chatbot Set up services.

Stew Smith: That’s what we’re going to call it, yes.

Jim Edwards: Yes…


And the topic of our product is Chatbot Marketing.

Or Marketing with Chatbots…

And the name of our product is like The Ultimate Chatbot…

Stew Smith: There you go. Let’s do it.

Jim Edwards: You’re in an agreeable mood today…

How much does it cost?

Less than the cost of a fancy dinner out on the town.

Stew Smith: You can say that.

Or you can actually say $349 a month, which is what he’s charging.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Stew Smith: Compared to $1,000 a month.

But yeah, I guess that’s good.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Yeah, let’s do the $349 a month instead of…

I’ve never put this in like this before, I want to see what it does instead of…

Stew Smith: Instead of $1,000 a month?

Jim Edwards: $1,000 a month…

Stew Smith: Plus…

Jim Edwards: Plus per month like our competitors…

Stew Smith: Hmm, good test.

Jim Edwards: How much time does it take to start getting results?

Less than a day because once you get it set up, people can start subscribing to it.

Who is our target audience?

Is an entrepreneur, online marketer…

Stew Smith: Yes, business owner, entrepreneur.

Jim Edwards: Now, how would we describe our typical customer?

My typical customer is a “blank” who “blank”…

So is a business owner who wants more leads in sales…

Stew Smith: There you go…

Jim Edwards: And sales from social media because that’s what it’s from, from social media…

That’s what they want.

Stew Smith: Right.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

So what tried (to know) customer’s main pressing need?

My customer really needs to blank but can’t blank.

So really needs to automate their marketing…

Automate your social media marketing…

Marketing but doesn’t have time to figure it out on their own.

If I could spell, it would be great.

I need to do the dictation.

Stew Smith: Yeah.

 Jim Edwards: I’ll have to tell you my real rascals dictation joke later Stew.

Stew Smith: Okay.

Jim Edwards: What’s the main solution your product gives an audience on the silver platter.

So my product makes it easy to leverage Facebook without to hire an employee.

Stew Smith: Yup.

Jim Edwards: Get leads without having to hire an employee.

What hurdle negative person thing or circumstance that I believe in must overcome to find success?

The biggest hurdle you have to overcome is…

Stew Smith: Fear of artificial intelligence…

Jim Edwards: Fear of automated technology, fear of using automation…

Automated technology in marketing…

And why is this such a big deal?

This hurdle is a big problem because if you’re afraid of using automated technology in marketing, it’s a big problem.

Because basically then you’re still trading time for dollars.

Stew Smith: Right.

Jim Edwards: And how does this hurdle hurt

“you’ll never be able to scale your online presence.”

All right…

What’s an idea your target audience believes is true?

But it’s actually completely wrong,

Even though it’s not true, many people believe I’m using a chatbot to market on Facebook is really complicated, expensive, and beyond the reach of most business owners.

Stew Smith: Very good, Jim.

Jim Edwards: Thank you, Stew.

Now we want to list off the four to seven best results and coolest results your target audience gets from your product or service.

So this is where we’re going to use that stuff that we talked about before…

Like when we were talking about automate the marketing and communication process to get more leads.

Stew Smith: Yup.

Jim Edwards: Save a ton of time.

Stew Smith: And money.

Jim Edwards: And money.

Developing leads without paying employees to do it.

What were you going to say?

Save a ton of time…

What else?

What were we saying?

Oh, it’s the good old days when people wanted to get email.

And actually opened it.

Same thing.

How do I want to say this?

Feel like it’s the good old days when people…

Stew Smith: The good old days without the cluttered email box.

Jim Edwards: Feel like it’s the good old days when people wanting to get email and actually opened it without the cluttered email box.

What’s another reason why…

Stew Smith: Well, you’re increasing revenue…

Increasing your leads revenue…

Let see…

Jim Edwards: Okay…

Increase sales automatically with customized real-time customer communication.

Stew Smith: There you go.

Jim Edwards: Sounds like some business school shit.

History, I majored in history, but “increased sales automatically with customized real-time customer communication.”

Man, that’s got like about 15 buzz words in a seven-word sentence…

Pretty good…

Anything else you can think of?

So “Oh, each your competitors lunch by scooping up their best prospects on autopilot.”

I like that.

Stew Smith: Oh well, that’s cool.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, that’s a good one.

So those are good, right?

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Like them.

Jim Edwards: So, now let’s talk about the three big reasons why they should act on this now.

Stew Smith: Is it some emotion.

Jim Edwards: Yeah there’s a limited window

Before chatbots, get super crowded…

Stew Smith: Overplayed…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Get super crowded and overplayed…

Jump on it while it’s hot.

What else?

Every day you wait is another day your competitors use chatbots to scoop up the people who could buy from you but don’t.

Stew Smith: Yeah, better conversion rates than typical email marketing.

Jim Edwards: Yeah, you can enjoy much better conversion rates and open rates with chatbots than you ever can with email.

Okay, that’s cool.

So let’s save this.

And this is the chatbot example…

You haven’t seen this yet, have you?

Stew Smith: I have not.

Jim Edwards: Okay.

So this is pretty cool cause this writes several different stories for you…

I’m just going to let you choose…

You don’t know what these are, but let me read them to you.

So we got the story

A tale of two friends, the cup of coffee story, insider information, the magic discovery, or the mysterious stranger…

Stew Smith: Hmm.

Jim Edwards: You choose.

Stew Smith: Wow. How cool was that?

Let’s do the cup of coffee.

Jim Edwards: Okay…

This actually writes a complete story for you, and I always envision this like one of those PowToons or animated stories, but you could easily just tell it as a story.

Just tell people.

And this is a sales story, so I’m gonna embellish this a little bit, and I’m just gonna use this as a script.

Stew Smith: Love it.

Jim Edwards: Let me tell you a quick story about a guy named Sam.

Let me know if this sounds familiar.

Sam has a serious marketing problem.

He really needs to automate his social media marketing, but he doesn’t have time to figure it out on his own.

You see, Sam’s a business owner who wants more leads in sales from social media, specifically from Facebook.

Last week, Sam had coffee with this friend and business partner or friend and associate Marsha and told her about his troubles.

He told her about the big obstacle he faced, which was the fear he had of using automated technology in his marketing.

Sam told Marsha he wanted to throw his hands in the air and give up.

Marsha told Sam, she used to feel the exact same way in her business.

In fact, Marsha said as far as she was concerned, this problem boils down to the fact that you’re still trading time for dollars, which means you’ll never be able to scale your online presence unless you do actually start automating your marketing bottom line like many business owners and entrepreneurs.

Marsha thought that using a chatbot to market on Facebook was really complicated, expensive, and beyond the reach of most business owners to figure out…

But then Marsha told Sam how found the ultimate chatbot from chatbots set up services and everything changed.

Marsha discovered the secret to leveraging Facebook to get leads without having to hire an extra employee.

She explained to Sam how the ultimate chatbot actually helps any business owner, entrepreneur, automate the marketing and communication process to get more leads, save a ton of time and money developing leads without paying employees to do it.

Feel like it’s the good old days like when people wanted to get email and actually opened it without the cluttered email box everybody has today.

Increased sales automatically with customized real-time customer communication and actually eat your competitors’ lunch by scooping up their best prospects on complete autopilot.

Marsha also told Sam she saw incredible results with the ultimate chatbot in less than a day and even better news, it cost just $349 bucks a month instead of the thousand dollars a month, everybody else charges…

Stew Smith: Nice!

Jim Edwards: Once again, and most importantly, Marsha was thrilled and relieved to finally solve all of her Facebook marketing problems, specifically with chatbots.

Marsha also helped Sam realize some important facts.

Here’s a limited window before chatbots get super crowded and overplayed, just like email did about 10 years ago.

Jump on it now while it’s hot.

Every day you wait is another day your competitors start using chatbots to scoop up the people who could buy from you but don’t do it.

You can enjoy much better conversion rates and open rates with chatbots than you ever can with email.

Sam immediately got on board with chatbot set up services so he could finally succeed with his Facebook marketing and automate many of the processes that he’s been struggling with.

And now it’s your turn…

Go ahead, click the link to sign up for the ultimate chatbot now.

So you can leverage Facebook to get leads without having to hire an employee too.

Just like Sam and Marsha…

And dude, that is a really good sales story, in my opinion.

What do you think?

Stew Smith: I like it! No, I think it’s great, and it worked really well.

And I’ll tell you what, you’re on the fly editing is something special…

Jim Edwards: Thank you…

I do have some extraordinary bullshitting skills, and they do come in handy.

So let me show you what makes this so cool, right?

We filled this thing out once, right?

Let me show you one of the other stories.

I’m not changing or filling out the other thing, but we can write a different story…

And we have…

I should’ve changed this to Bill and Mary…

 It didn’t change anything but watch how we assemble a story with this…


Meet Sam and Mary…

They’re both business owners and entrepreneurs…

Sam, he’s stressed out and half crazy with worry.

Mary, she’s calm, cool and confident and in control.

Why the big difference between these two?

Sam is caught up in all the negatives about marketing with chatbots.

This means he believes you’ll never be able to scale your online presence without figuring out complicated technology.

Sam is also complicated by the belief that you’re stuck trading time for dollars when it comes to marketing, whether it’s online or offline.

Like many business owners and entrepreneurs, Sam’s completely bought into the idea that using a chatbot to market on Facebook is really complicated, expensive, and beyond the reach of most business owners, which just makes things worse.

Mary took a different path.

She found the ultimate chatbot from chatbots, set up services where, among other things, she discovered the secret to automatically leveraging Facebook to get leads without having to hire another employee.

In fact, the ultimate chatbot from chatbots set up services helped Mary with virtually every aspect of her Facebook marketing and the chatbot set up process.

I gave her all the insider marketing automation secrets she needed to automate the marketing and communication process to get more leads…

Save a ton of time and money…

Feel like it’s the good old days…

Increased sales automatically eat your competitor’s lunch…

Best of all, Mary was able to see results with the ultimate chatbot in less than a day.

Even better news, it cost us $ 349 bucks a month instead of the thousands of dollars a month all the others charge.

Bottom line…

Unlike Sam, Mary understands that there’s a limited window before chatbots get super crowded and overplayed.

Every day you wait is another day your competitors use chatbots, and you can enjoy much better conversion rates and open rates with chatbots than you ever can with emails.

So what’s the moral of the story?

Don’t be like Sam…

Be like Mary…

Claim your unfair advantage in the entrepreneurial world…

I would say

“Claim your unfair advantage in the Facebook marketing automation world and claim and sign up for the ultimate chatbot.”

Let chatbots set up services…

Show you how to leverage Facebook to get leads without having to hiring an employee just like Mary did.

So again, it needs a little quickie edit, but it’s got all the parts in there, and it’s got the first draft done…

And you can use that as a video sales letter.

You could use that as a Facebook live…

You could put that up on YouTube…

You could even just use this as a written story in a sales letter.

Stew Smith: Sure.

Jim Edwards: It doesn’t have to be verbal.

So that would be one cool tool inside of the Jim Edwards method premium that I would tell you that you could and should use.

You could use the instant sales video scripts, downloadable wizard…

If you were going to sell the chatbot thing, you can use easy sales copy wizard.

You could use the instance sales video scripts…

Those would be the two that I would tell…

You can do the 60 second selling machine to create again, copy and content, and stuff that you could use to help sell that the chatbot thing.

But I agree with you 1000%.

Looking at that and going through that, I even saw places where I would go back and change where I was talking about the chatbot where you don’t need to talk about the chatbot.

When I was reading it was like,

“No, we’re not talking about setting up a chatbot.”

We’re talking about automating your Facebook marketing, which is really what this comes down to.

Stew Smith: Yes.

Jim Edwards: If you had to summarize what a chatbot does, it automates your Facebook marketing and customer communication.

Stew Smith: Yup. And it’s just a tool, right?

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: You don’t need to explain how the tool works to anybody.

Jim Edwards: And the thing to really get across to people is if you do it right, it can be amazing.

If you do it wrong, it can throw your ass into Facebook jail or get you banned from planet Zuckerberg forever.

So, it’s like playing with fire.

You can use it to cook your dinner, or you can use it to set your house on fire.

We’d rather roast weenies than burn the house down.

Stew Smith: Sure.

Jim Edwards: Or, and get our weenies roasted that way.

So and tell that to two-inch Chuck, right.

Inside joke one inch Chuck.

So I don’t know what else to say.

How would you sum this up, Stew?

Stew Smith: Well, I would say thanks to the sales copy content marketing hacks, Facebook group that we have, because I got this question from there…

And some of the comments that were helping him figure this out, were along the same lines as we went with this video, but you topped it off with a great walkthrough of a wizard that really matters what you put into the wizard.

As with any software program, it is garbage in, garbage out.


Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: And if you don’t have the right mindset going into putting in this content into these spaces, you’re going to be selling a chatbot, not all the cool things the chatbot does.

Jim Edwards: Yes.


And I had to go back and change that one where it said marketing with chatbots.

It’s not; it’s Facebook marketing automation.

That’s your keyword topic.

Stew Smith: Yes.

Jim Edwards: That’s absolutely your keyword topic. I like it. Okay.

Stew Smith: That was fun.

Jim Edwards: Cool. Well.

Stew Smith: Yeah. Well, let’s close this up, Jim. Where should people find you?

Jim Edwards: If you want to be a part of the group, you should join the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast or Sales Copywriting and Content Marketing Hacks Facebook group…

You can also get access to all the past episodes.

We have 40 episodes that we’ve done already.

You can go to and get the link for that.

So definitely need to check it out, and we will see you guys in the next episode.


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