Idea Creation – Video / Article Wizard Demo – SCCMH [Podcast 34]

Jim Edwards answers a question on making a 3-5 minute video using some tools inside The Jim Edward Method Premium. These wizards are capable of creating daily content ideas (Daily Content Wizard) and the FB Live Wizard that will help you not only nail down your content for videos with sales copy, but you can also make articles, posts, and meme using the above programs!

Let’s Do This: Make an article or social media post EVERYDAY this week and ask people for their ideas to help you make it. Post it in the Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks Facebook Page

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Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here and welcome back to the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast! 

I’m your host, Jim Edwards…

I said my name already, but that’s okay…

I’ll say it a third time… Jim Edwards here along with…

Stew Smith: Stew Smith 

Jim Edwards: And Stew, what episode is this?

Stew Smith: 34! 

Jim Edwards: Do you have a cool rhyme for us?

Stew Smith: Uhhh… Doing more with 34.

Jim Edwards: All right, I’m not gonna, I’m just gonna leave that one alone… 

Stew Smith: Okay.

Jim Edwards: That was very good.

Stew Smith: Thank you.

Jim Edwards: What are we doing today? We have a question?

Stew Smith: Yes, we do have a question, and this person’s in the personal development business needs to create a video three to five minutes long…

So, the question is, 

“Hi, Jim! I want to do videos that are three to five minutes long on the topic of personal development. What script would you suggest?”

Jim Edwards: Okay, two things real quick…

Number one, personal development is not a topic, personal development as a category like health, wealth, and relationships.

So, it’s a, it’s too broad to say “personal development.”

What you need to do is look at what are the subsets of personal development, okay?

So, you got like time management, physical health, spiritual wellbeing.

I mean there’s a whole bunch of stuff.

Stew Smith: Sure.

Jim Edwards: So, you need, you need to knock it down a little bit as I show you on my redneck iPad.

The other thing is you need to understand that when you say, 

“Okay, I want to do three to five-minute videos.”

That’s a two-step process.

First, you got to come up with an idea for your video.

Then, you got to actually create the video… 

And then if we’re not going to talk about it in this video, but then the third thing is you got to actually distribute your video.

So, it’s a three-step thing.

All right, So, let’s talk about step one and step two… 

Ideation and content creation.

And as far as wizards…

Cause specifically they’re asking about “Are there wizards to help with this process?”


Stew Smith: Yep…

Jim Edwards: Okay… So, as far as wizards to help with this process, let’s go over here to the Jim Edwards Method Premium, and we’ll look at the easy online wizards.

And So, we actually have a section with ideas, and we’ve got the Article Idea Starter.

Express Wizard, the Daily Content Idea Wizard, the ToolTip Idea Wizard, and the Video Story Idea Brainstorming Wizard…

So, if you want to tell a story in a video, this is the one you would use…

But if you’re just kind of looking for an idea to get you going, I would use the Daily Content Idea Wizard…

And this one’s real simple…

So, my topic is let’s say, we’re not going to say personal development because that’s not really a topic…

That’s a category…

So, what do you think, Stew?

Stew Smith: Time management or…

So many different areas of developing a person…

Jim Edwards: Right?

Oh yeah, that’s time management… motivation…

Jim Edwards: Well, we already did time management, so the payoff they want is to get more done faster, and the pain they want to avoid is procrastinating.

Stew Smith: That’s a good one…

Jim Edwards: Let’s just whack the button and let’s see some ideas.

So, with an entrepreneur in mind, answer the question, and you have $100 to spend on time management, what do you do?

Oh Damn…

That’s kind of actually a cool question, 

Stew Smith: Huh?

Jim Edwards: What’s a mistake every new entrepreneur seems to make with time management?

Oh, that’s a damn good question too…

So, what’s a popular phone app any entrepreneur can use right now to get better results with time management?

That’s a good idea too…

What’s the software, what’s a resource, what’s the new resource in the entrepreneur right now to get more done faster?

Stew Smith: These are really good…

Jim Edwards: These are actually really good. 

“What’s a cool tool every entrepreneur can use right now to make money, to increase confidence to increase influence, to feel loved.”

Stew Smith: That’s all personal development right there…

Jim Edwards: Yes. 

Stew Smith: You get he hitting all the areas…

Jim Edwards: We’ve got like four or five really cool ideas… So, we got an idea, let’s say we’re gonna use this one…

So, I’m just gonna copy this, and I can also add it to the clip bin…

But now I’ve got an idea…

So, now I want to come over here, and I’m gonna go to Content Creation…

And if you want to do a video, then your best bet is the FB Live Video and Podcast Segment Script Wizard, which is a mouthful…

But basically, you’re just gonna use this to create your content.

Now I’ve got my idea, and I’m going to paste this into my…

…this is just my text editor…

And with an entrepreneur in mind, answer the question, what’s a mistake every new entrepreneur seems to make with time management.

Jim Edwards: Now the thing is where the three to five-minute video, it’s usually based on the rule of threes…

So, you want to have like three tips, three this, three that you don’t HAVE to…

You can also if you don’t want to use this one, you could use the Instant Tip, a single juicy tip…

So, let’s say we wanted to keep this really simple…

So, we’ll go over the Instant Tip wizard, the single Juicy tip…

The main focus on this is time management, and our target audience we’ll say is an entrepreneur…


And I didn’t spell it right and, and I don’t really care…

Keep track of this real quick as far as how long this takes to, I’m just curious…

Stew Smith: Sure!

Jim Edwards: This is the number one mistake, right?


So, mistake to avoid and the big benefit, my target audience really wants to make the most of your time…

And what is something hard or difficult they think they have to do but don’t want to?

So, my audience is convinced they’re more than likely going to be forced to…

Now when we’re talking about time management, they’re going to be forced to…

Stew Smith: spend hours… 

Jim Edwards: keeping track of your time…

Stew Smith: Yeah… Spend hours blocking off a time to get started or whatever, 

Jim Edwards: Blocking off and keeping track of your time 

Who’s the insider group or enemy in this situation…

The real enemy in this situation…

Are professional time managers.

I don’t know what the title is and we’ll just let it come up with the title for us.

So, I would tell you that my biggest tip, the big idea for the tip is that you can effectively manage your time simply with a pen and paper.

All you need, 

Stew Smith: Yep…

Jim Edwards: All you need to manage your time as a pen and paper.

And the big idea here is if you keep it simple, you can use pen and paper to plan out everything you need to do in your life.

That’s the big idea…

So, this is important to you because it means you don’t have to spend money on complicated software to tell you what to do…

I mean, I manage…

…God’s honest truth…

I manage my life with the free Google calendar.

Stew Smith: I’m even more old school than that, Jim. 

Jim Edwards: What the hell is that?

Stew Smith: That’s my calendar on my desk…

Jim Edwards: Oh, still use a desk count…

I didn’t know they even made those anymore…

Stew Smith: Oh yeah… Office Depot. There you go…

Jim Edwards: I like the Google calendar because my team needs to be able to see it…


This is important…

You need to pay attention to my advice here because many people waste more time organizing their time than they do actually getting stuff done…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: Do you know what I mean? So, what’s their action item for this tip?

So, now what we’re gonna do is we’re just going to list off the stuff that I want them to do…

So, action items for this tip are:

Get a piece of paper…

Right down everything you need to do.

Put a number next to each one…

10 is the most important.

1 is least important, 

Write all the 10s on another sheet of paper…

Do those and cross them off as you do them.

As you go through your day and get new tasks…

Add them to the big list.

Only have two to three items to your to-do list at a time…

And call this your to-do list…

That’s it…

I mean that’s how you do it…

This way, you never get overwhelmed.

You also free your mind up from having to remember everything you need to do…

I don’t care that I’m, yeah…

Stew Smith: I waste time going back in…

Jim Edwards: Right…

So, what would we want them to go see?

It just depends on what it is…

I mean… 

My time management, Time Management Mastery, we’re sending them to my incredible course…

And for a headline…

It’s your incredible personal development course…

Get it done…

Stew Smith: Let’s do this!

Jim Edwards: All right, So, I don’t know how long did that take?

Stew Smith: It took five and a half minutes…


So, in five and a half minutes, I blocked this bad boy out, and you could use this as a video script too, cause I’m always showing that three the Facebook one…

But here you go…

And this thing will give us ideas, number one, time management mistake to avoid…

Or I would just change this to the number one time management is a mistake every entrepreneur needs to avoid.

I like that one.

So, I’m going to cheat a little bit.

I’m going to copy this up here and number… 

Number one mistake, the number one time management mistake.

Time management mistake every entrepreneur needs to avoid.

Okay, so got that.

That locks that in.

So, I mean I could read this if I wanted to.

If your goal is to make the most of your time, then pay careful attention to the time management mistake to avoid if you want to avoid spending hours or pay careful attention to the time management mistake…

If you want to avoid having to spend hours blocking out and keeping track of your time…

The big takeaway here is all you need to manage your time is pen and paper.

Number one thing entrepreneurs need to understand with this mixture of mistake to avoid is if you keep it simple, you can use pen and paper and a plan on everything you need to do in your life…

The most important thing to get with this is you don’t have to spend money on complicated software to tell you what to do.

I actually manage my life with the free Google calendar and a piece of pen and paper and a pen.

This is critical for you to avoid…

The difference between success and failure friend one, because many people waste more time organizing their time than they actually do getting stuff done now…

This is what you need to do… Go get a piece of paper, write down everything you need to do…

Put a number next to each one with 10 being most important, 1 being least important, 

Write all the tens on another sheet of paper and call this year to-do list as you do them…

Cross them off as you go through your day and get new tasks…

Add them to the big list, but only have two to three items on your to-do list at a time.

That way you’re never going to get overwhelmed, and you’re never going to get stuff done…

The weight, feeling all this stuff on you…

Also, you’re able to free up your mind from having to remember everything you need to do because you add it to the big list and you know that it’s not lost…

And Hey, did you know if you really want to make the most of your time management, this amazing new personal development course, I have…

The time management mastery course makes it super easy for you to be able to to get that done…

This checking out here on my site and… 

So, the other thing that this will do is it’ll create an email teaser for you so that you can email out to people and tell them, hey, go look at this…

And the other cool thing is, this is basically an article too with a little bit of massaging.

You can turn this into an article…

It’s not just a video script…

You can do it either way…

You can create some memes…

You got your call to action, can create a tip, a graphic and then um, youtube description, other stuff like that…

So, that’s another script that you can use that is for quote/unquote writing an article… 

But is actually one that you can use to create a video script and great one that definitely you can keep your video around two to three, to four to five minutes…

So, we lost you there, Stew…

But I kept going and I see you’re back on your phone…

but the big thing to understand is that once you have the idea, it’s real easy to create and we’ve got a bunch of different wizards that you can use to create content.

Anything you want to add to that Stew?

Stew Smith: No, I appreciate you let me back on…

That was fun…

Just felt completely lost by what did it look like…

Jim Edwards: No, just, I just, you just disappeared…

Your power went out?

Stew Smith: Yeah, my power just went out…

It just came back on…

Jim Edwards: Wow… I hope you’re okay…

Stew Smith: Everything is fine, but that’s, you know, that’s life, technology world…

Jim Edwards: There you go…

Now the cool thing is that what I want you guys to understand what we did here, it took five and a half minutes to fill that thing out…

It took me about three to four minutes to record that video…

We just came up with an idea, created a script, and recorded a video in less than 10 minutes using these tools…

That’s amazing!

That’s a big deal…

And even if it took you twice as long, it’s still better than just winging it because when you wing it… 

That’s when you just forget a bunch of stuff, and you don’t have a logical argument, and you forget your intro.

You forget the call to action…

You forget all that stuff…

But in this case, if you use the tool, it helps you to not only create content, it helps you better content, it helps you to stand out and get the results that you want…

Stew Smith: Yeah, I agree Jim, especially with a broad topic like personal development…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Stew Smith: You can go off the rails real quick…

If you don’t focus on something very specific. 

Jim Edwards: Exactly…

Stew Smith: In that process, 

Jim Edwards: You’ve got to narrow it down…

You’ve got to get it done, and you just bust out…

So, I think that’ll do it for today…

I’m glad…

I’m glad that you’re okay Stew, I was a little concerned,

But I knew you could handle yourself and, you guys, if you’re not, I’m a member of the gym Edwards method.

I think we’re closed right now…

But if you had a question about it, if you’re just like, 

“Oh my God, I got to have that!”

If you send in an email to the help desk, the girls might take mercy on you and give you the backdoor link…

I don’t know…

That’s up to them.

So, be nice if you are not a member of the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Facebook group, you should be, because we do some amazing things in there…

Definitely, definitely want to be part of that…

So, I’m Jim Edwards, 

Stew Smith: Stew Smith…

We will see you guys next time on the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast.

Bye Bye, everybody.


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