Get 1,200% More Results From EVERY Piece Of Content You Create!

How would you like to do one thing one time and get a dozen different results from it? 

That’s called being efficient!

That’s why we’re going to talk about 12 ways to instantly repurpose your content, any content.

“Repurposing” gets a lot of attention, but what does that actually mean? It means take a piece of content, change its form, and it has a brand-new life. 

You could literally create one piece of content and use it 12 different ways. 

Think about how you could use this to get more exposure, more traffic, and more eyeballs on your offers fast. (And with very little work.) 

#1: Convert Your Content Into A Text Article

You could then use it on your blog, social media, and on Medium.

#2: Update A Product

This is a neat little trick. Let’s say you’re already selling something, and it needs a little bit of an update. The easiest way to do that is just create some content for one purpose, and then also add it to your product. Another cool thing you can do is take something you didn’t necessarily intend to add to a product and include it. Go ahead and add it (maybe as a bonus). 

#3: Facebook Post

If it’s text, convert it into video and put it up on Facebook. If it’s video, convert it into text and put it up on Facebook with a picture. 

Either way, the little redheaded monkey that owns Facebook will thank you for putting content on his site and helping him make money from his subscribers. Maybe you’ll get a little something out of it too 😉

#4: Convert Your Content Into Podcast Material

Everybody needs really good podcast material. If it’s a great article, it could be the outline for an entire podcast episode. 

As an aside, you could take a podcast episode and turn it into a report or even an ebook, depending on how long it is. 

#5 Live Q&A

People hop on with you on Facebook, Zoom, or somewhere else. You can use your content to answer their questions, get the discussion going, and create some amazing content that you could then deliver as a video or text. 

#6: Take Your Content And Turn It Into A Graphic

Maybe that’s as simple as doing a meme with a cool quote above and below the graphic. You could do a quote card; you could do an explainer graphic. Heck, you could even do an explainer video (yeah, I know, that’s not a graphic 😊).

#7: Video Demo

You can get out your phone and show people how to do what you taught in your text content. Or you can do a video demo, and then turn it into a transcript with pictures and screenshots from your video. 

This works not only for live motion, but also if you’re doing stuff on your desktop. If you were doing screen capture video demos, you can turn that content into entire ebooks (just sayin’). 

#8: Content Bridge

If you’re an affiliate marketer, you’ve probably heard the term “bridge page.” That means you use some content to bridge to other content or to a sales page. Either way that content becomes a bridge to more content or the next step in your sales funnel. 

#9: Checklist

The article or the video may not be a checklist in and of itself, but you can take parts of it and turn that into a checklist. (Or just create a checklist to go with the content). 

#10: Create FAQ pages

You’d be surprised how many people go online and look for whatever your topic is plus “FAQ.” It’s a great way to build search engine optimized content, basically just by asking and answering questions. 

By the way, you can work backwards and come up with a question (or questions) that use your content as the answer. So that’s a nice little hack there to turn your content into an FAQ. 

#11: Create A Framework

What is a framework? A framework is a method of doing something. You can take that content and figure out how to turn it into a blueprint people could use to get a similar result. 

#12: Webinar Training

If your content is popular with people, if it makes an impression, you could take a single piece of content and turn it into a webinar. Or you could take multiple pieces of content, turn those into a webinar. 

Now, I haven’t even told you about turning content into eBooks, coaching programs, and training programs. 

Did you notice I gave you 15 ways to instantly repurpose your content and get even more results? 😊

Would you like to know how to create content super, super fast, so you can go ahead and repurpose it to get amazing results?

Head on over to I will train you how to create amazing content with everything from quotes to words of the day, to reshaping people’s beliefs, to all kinds of different stories. Anything you could think of that has to do with using content to get more clicks, sales, and profits. We’ll show you how to do! Go to right now, and I’ll see you on the other side.

Get All Of Your Stories, Articles, Blog Posts, Video Scripts, and “Content Marketing” Done AND Promoted On Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Your Blog, And More… In As Little As 10 Minutes!


Secret #1: Idea Hacking

How to instantly tap an infinite supply of magnetic story and content ideas that drive your target audience wild with excitement.

Secret #2: Legos® And MadLibs™ Can Make You Rich

How to use proven frameworks, blueprints, and patterns to get your own unique stories and content done in just minutes.

Secret #3: 0 To 100 MPH With Content Promotion

How every speaker, coach, or trainer can cut through all the online noise – attract the people you’re called to serve – and leave your competitors in the dust.

And Much MUCH More!

Register for the Replay Here

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