Content Creation Challenge – Share & Redistribute – SCCMH [Podcast 33]

Jim and Stew discuss the simplicity of making content from questions (emails or social media) then getting into pushing them out to multiple media outlets: social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram), newsletters, group email.

Let’s Do This: Make an article or social media post EVERYDAY this week and ask people for their ideas to help you make it. Post it in the Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks Facebook Page Follow and join our closed Facebook Page:

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Jim Edwards: Hey guys, Jim Edwards here along with Stew Smith…

Welcome to the Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Podcast…

Where we show you how to create content and sales messages that get people to…

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Fill out forms…

And become leads…

And make you rich beyond your wildest dreams, right Stew?

Stew Smith: That’s right… And we’re on podcast 33 you and me!

Jim Edwards: You and me on 33.

Don’t be whipping out rainbow stuff or any of that…

I’m tolerant, but I’m not into it.

Stew Smith: Hahahaha!

Jim Edwards: Anyway, so here’s the thing we were talking about yesterday…

We’re actually talking about a friend of ours…

A student of ours… 

Who just went through the OFA challenge

Just finished up OFA Copy Hacks and she said, 

“You know what? I got my funnel’s done…

Everything’s done, my products ready…

I don’t need to go through OFA again.

I need to now start getting eyeballs on my funnel…

And Stew said… 

Stew Smith: Whoohoo! Let’s do this!

Jim Edwards: So we started talking about what would be a systematic way for her to start promoting her funnel…

And we spent a lot of time on this yesterday figuring out…

And then it morphed into we’re going to be doing a challenge because we realize that there are certain things that if you do them…

And if you did them for 30 days…

Then you would get amazing results…

And all you would say is, 

“You know what, let me start over. Let me just do it again.”

Over those 30 days, 

Stew Smith: make it a habit…

Jim Edwards: Exactly… And turn it into a habit…

Just like working out.

And then we said, 

“You know what? What if somebody could only devote an hour a day?

What would you do?

And then we started looking around businesses and realized that pretty much we’re only spending an hour to two hours a day in promotion because there’s other stuff… 

Product development… 


Working out…

Using the bathroom…

An hour to two hours a day is really all we do.

And literally, we started breaking it down…

What do we do?

When do we do it?

How do we do it?

How does the week shape up?

How does the month shape up?

How do we do themes and stuff?

And we’re going to do a challenge.

So we’re throwing that out there and letting you know, and we’re going to call it the, 

Let’s Do This Challenge!

It’s catchy, isn’t it?

Let’s Do This Challenge…

And don’t go and try and steal the domain because we already got the domain.

Stew Smith: Yes!!!

Jim Edwards: So take it easy…

Stew Smith: Hehehehe!

Jim Edwards: But the thing that we kept coming back to, and we’ve always come back to when we were doing DIY… 

The DIY Media Marketing Academy…

Which is now part of The Jim Edwards Method Premium…

We always come back to the Q word…

What’s the Q word, Stew? 

Stew Smith: Questions.

Jim Edwards: Right!

And what’s the easiest way to create content?

Stew Smith: Answer questions…

Jim Edwards: That’s right… And where are the two easiest places to find questions to answer?

Stew Smith: Email and social media…

Jim Edwards: Right… Very good…

Stew Smith: So the big thing is that and when we were talking about it and literally saying, 

“Okay, when I answer a question, when do I get the best reaction?”

And we said it’s when I’m answering questions that people are asking right now on social media.

Stew Smith: Yep.

Jim Edwards: It’s fine to go and answer questions that you see people are asking – Frequently Asked Questions…

We’re not denigrating that at all because… we built businesses on that…

But the ones on social media that seemed to get the best play is when you go find questions that people are asking RIGHT NOW in groups on Facebook or other social media…

And you answer those questions both in the group, on your blog, on your page, in your own group…

And then also not only answering that, but then doing what with it Stew? With stage four of the process that we outlined…

Stew Smith: Right. So now you have a topic, and that’s going to be something that you create several different forms of content with.

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: Whether that is an article, a blog, a post, just an answer in an email to that one-on-one communication with a potential buyer…

Jim Edwards: Right.

Stew Smith: Social media posts, memes, you name it… 


Jim Edwards: Right!

Stew Smith: Webinar You cannot go blow it up…

Jim Edwards: Right! That’s the thing…

So I mean I’m just gonna write these down…

But I mean you could do a Facebook live…

You could do a meme…

You could do an article…

You could do a short blog post…

Which when Stew says blog, it’s like an article would be 500 plus words…

Stew Smith: Yes.

Jim Edwards: A blog would be 300-ish words…

A post on social media is going to be a hundred to 200 words…

You could go find some kind of product and do a product demo…

That’s related to the topic.

Jim Edwards: All of this topic coming from a question that people are asking on social media, that is a timely topic, and then you have a reason for sharing it with people…

So the big thing to understand is that what most people do is they will just to answer a question, and they’re like, 

“Well, I’m not rich yet.”

Well, that’s cause you didn’t really distribute your answer anywhere except in that one teeny tiny little place…

So the big lesson for today is step one…

Go on social media and find questions…

Especially in popular groups, groups that have a lot of members…

That’s where you can make a name for yourself…

Super, super, super quick…

And there are some Jujitsu moves that you can use in your language… 

That we’ll talk about at a later time as far as a way that you can answer the question and have people chomping at the bit… 

To click on your profile picture or your profile name and going over to your page or profile just in droves…

There’s a way you can do that that we’ll talk about another time.


 Stew Smith: Hey something too, you should have… 

…if you’re going to do this… 

Make sure you have a pinned article or something on your own Facebook page…

So when people go to it, that’s the first thing they see…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Stew Smith: And it can be somewhat related to that daily post…

You can pin something new every day and then go in and, and answer questions and people will go to it depending on, 

Jim Edwards: Absolutely… Yeah, that’s a great point…

Can you pin a post on your profile?

I don’t think you can…

Stew Smith: Don’t know… 

Jim Edwards: I don’t think you can…

Stew Smith: I know I can on my page and fitness and my group page in the group…

Jim Edwards: Yeah…

Stew Smith: Yeah…

Jim Edwards: Which is smart… So, that’s another thing is you should have your own group.

You should have your own group where you can deposit all these things…

So the formula is: go find a question somebody is asking out on social media… 

Answer it…

Then repurpose that a whole bunch of different ways…

Including putting it in your group so that people will see you answer questions and… 

They will be encouraged to answer, ask questions within your group…

Stew Smith: And join your group!

Jim Edwards: Right, exactly… So that’s the big thing is…

Finding questions within a Facebook group… 

Answering those questions in the group and then steering people back over to where you are… 

Doing it ethically…

Not doing it in a way that’s going to piss the other group owners off… 

But doing it in such a way that people just naturally are going to see you as an expert and want to find out more about you…

And so that’s the big thing.

And you want to keep your eye out for the Let’s Do This Challenge… 

Because if you’ve just launched your funnel and you don’t know how to get people to it…

If you have a funnel and you’re not getting a lot of action from it…

Or you just like to revitalize and revamp and really get more proactive with your marketing and the getting eyeballs on your funnel… 

Then this next challenge that we’re going to do is going to be pretty amazing…

So you’re going to want to stay tuned for that…

Any final thoughts, Stew?

Stew Smith: Yeah, we’re going to treat this thing kind of like a workout…

It’s going to have a little Warm Up section where you go onto social media, and you find some ideas… 

Look for questions…

And then it’s going to have kind of the “meat and potatoes” of the workout where you’re focusing on the actual content creation.

What are you going to do?

Are you going to write an article?

Are you going to make a meme?

Going gonna make a big social media post?

Gonna make a podcast or video… 

Whatever that is…

And then it’s going to have kinda like a cool-down section… 

Where you go in and check for more responses…

Do followup… 

Jim Edwards: Or do quick repurpose stuff…

Stew Smith: Yep!

Jim Edwards: You can little stuff that in five minutes, you can really make a big difference…

Stew Smith: Send it out to other social media platforms…

Jim Edwards: And you know, there are going to be Wizards involved as well…

Stew Smith: Oh yeah… Fun Time Saving Wizards…

Jim Edwards: Yes… Yes…

Stew Smith: Money making wizards… and time-saving wizards…

Jim Edwards: Damn, that’s good “Money Making and Time-saving Wizards…”

I bet…

I need a wizard to describe wizards…

Stew Smith: Haha! 

Jim Edwards: Anyway, we’ll talk to you guys soon…

Have a great day…

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You should be… 

And if you would like to know more about what we’re doing… 

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Have a great day…



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