Category: Uncategorized

  • Weekly Update – October 4, 2023

    The Event is Over – Now It’s Time to Slay Success 5 Steps to Keep Your Momentum Going You’re back home and starting to get settled in after surviving a mind-blowing event. You navigated through a sea of passionate business-minded attendee’s, networked till you dropped, and exchanged business cards and friend requests like there’s no…

  • CopyAndContent.AI Report with Jim Edwards – – [Podcast 204]

    Jim Edwards interviews winners of Write Your Book Challenge this week about the journey to becoming a book author with live listing on Check out the program at (SIGN UP). Intro: How an authority book can be used to build your business and how your own book builds authority as a Thought Leader…

  • Weekly Update – September 27, 2023

    Article of the Week From A Cold Handshake To A Lifelong Friend How Networking at Big Events Can Create Unbreakable Bonds! One of the awesome perks of attending live events is the opportunity to meet new people and… Wait for it… Potentially find friends for life! I know, crazy right? Take my buddy Dexter, for…

  • Weekly Update – September 20, 2023

    Pay Attention To The Parts That Aren’t Fun… (That’s usually where the money is hidden!) I had a conversation with a friend recently about her business, and she couldn’t help but repeatedly express her frustration with one aspect of it. Specifically, she detested spending money on advertisements, and found the process of figuring them out…

  • Million Dollar Offer – Curriculum – Lesson Plan Taught by Jim Edwards – [Podcast 203]

    Jim Edwards discusses and demonstrates how he creates offers, curricula, and lesson plans to elevate your business with high end offers. Lessons learned from IMC: Spend time with your customers They give you great ideas for exactly what they need Tell story of the idea I had in middle of night

  • Weekly Update – September 13, 2023

    Article of the Week Authenticity: The New Trendsetter “Love me… hate me… there’s no money in the middle!” I’ll never forget the first time I heard that quote. I was in a mastermind meeting in Tampa, Florida in February 2003. That quote shook me to my core because it made me realize something important: you…

  • DISC Communications – You Don’t Know DISC Like Jim Edwards – [Podcast 202]

    Jim Edwards discusses DISC communication skills to make your sales copy relate to more readers. Hook – Story – Offer using DISC inspired Genies – check out these Ai Genie walk-throughs for more information and amazing sales results. DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality profiles described in the DiSC model

  • Weekly Update – September 6, 2023

    Article of the Week The Secret To Ultimate Authority In YOUR Business (No matter what you sell… or who you sell it to!) From a young age, society places a high regard for authors, equating them with wisdom and expertise. Writing a book elevates your credibility among customers and prospects, distinguishing you from competitors. The…

  • Weekly Update – August 30, 2023

    Article of the Week Million Dollar Do’s and Don’ts Of Paid Affiliate Advertising (From-the-trenches Advice from the Internet’s #1 Affiliate for some of the biggest product launches in online history)  When it comes to promoting your affiliate offers through paid ads, there are specific do’s and don’ts that can help you maximize your profits while…

  • Weekly Update – August 23, 2023

    Article of the Week This Changed Everything For Me!  “The New Frontier of Copywriting: Harnessing the Power of DISC”  Decades in the Game I’ve been in the game of writing sales copy for quite some time now. Since 1990, to be precise. But it wasn’t until around 2001 that I decided to get serious and…