A Quick Guide to Assessing AI-Generated Sales Copy and Content I know you’ve heard the buzz around artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content, but you may not be sure if it’s legit. AI-generated content can be a great way to save time, money, and energy… but the content quality can vary (a lot of AI content sucks,…
Jim and Stew discuss what you should consider IF you rely significantly on social media in your business. What would you do if you were in Facebook Jail? Recently Jim Edwards felt the wrath of Facebook filters that shut him down for a week even though he spends nearly $100,000 a month on Facebook advertisements.…
Every day delivers more and more news about AI. In the last week, Google has announced their competition for ChatGPT named “Bard.” In prior weeks, schools denounced AI and several people invented AI detectors to combat students taking the “easy way out.” Others even questioned the ethics of content created by AI. Oh, and for…