Tag: marketing

  • Customer Service Stories To Learn From – SCCMH [Podcast 45]

    Jim and Stew discuss decades of customer service issues (good and bad) as well as the most current ones of the book launch of Copywriting Secrets https://copywritingsecrets.com. There is a fine line between doing too much customer service and just refunding people for their money.  Learn where the line is.  But also take customer service information…

  • Lessons Learned from Recent Book Launch – SCCMH [Podcast 44]

    Jim and Stew discuss the recent book launch of Copywriting Secrets https://copywritingsecrets.com. Anything that you do in business, there should be a moment where you assess your performance, your team’s performance, and the performance of outsourced services.  What can you do better? What went better than expected? What curve-balls occurred the required you to act fact with a…

  • Importance of FB Groups in Business – SCCMH [Podcast 43]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the importance of groups and how they can not just help you with sales, but be a source of positive vibes in your life and work. Having a place to seek answers / advice and share knowledge is what every self-employed entrepreneur needs.  Jim takes this Facebook Group concept…

  • To, Through, and After with Business – SCCMH [Podcast 42]

    Jim uses an idea of Stew’s for this podcast. Stew Smith has a podcast segment called To, Through, and After https://www.stewsmithfitness.com/blogs/news/check-out-the-to-through-and-after-podcasts-with-stew-smith-and-others where he interviews people about their military special ops journey – what they did before the military getting TO the training, getting THROUGH the training, and After the training as an active duty member.  Jim takes this…

  • Selling ChatBots – Sell What It Does – Not What It Is – SCCMH [Podcast 41]

    From the pages of the https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/  Closed Facebook Page, Jim and Stew discuss a question from a member who is looking for some advice on crafting a chatbot sales letter for my company that can be used as a direct, mailed sales letter and as a longer form cold email. Jim walks through a wizard to better sell…

  • Entrepreneurial Burn Out – Interview with Dr. Kelly Shockley – SCCMH [Podcast 40]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith get interviewed by Dr. Kelly Shockley (https://areyoureallyhealthy.com) who is focused on helping entrepreneurs with burnout.  Jim and Stew share how they avoid burnout and get the blessing of Dr. Kelly along with more ideas of what to look out for and how to avoid “entrepreneurial burnout.” You can also find Dr…

  • What is the Epiphany Bridge and How Do I Use It? – SCCMH [Podcast 30]

    Jim Edwards discusses the Epiphany Bridge and how to use it. Understand we all have several epiphanies throughout the journey of our lives. How long should an epiphany bridge be and how often should we use them? Learn why the epiphany bridge is a useful tool for all business owners in their marketing salescopy. Follow…

  • Sales Copy Algebra – Useful Formulas – SCCMH [Podcast 28]

    Jim creates Salescopy Algebra and explains useful formulas for building successful salescopy.  Formula #1:  -P x -A +S = $ales! Formula #2: D + (B x B x B) + S = $ales Watch the short video to see what this means! Follow and join our closed Facebook Page: Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks Podcast. https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/ Get…

  • Jim Does FB Live Script Walk Through – SCCMH [Podcast 26]

    Here is a fun show where Jim and Stew do a video about making a video but make the video LIVE using FB Live. In the following question: Hi Jim, I want to do videos that are 3-5 mins long on the topics of personal development. What script would you suggest? Stew and Jim discuss…

  • Testimonials – SCCMH [Podcast 12]

    Types of testimonials 1 – results oriented from your products from customers Prove to future customers that you have what they need AND it works! 2 – Endorsement of you or your company 3 – Celebrity or expert endorsement We all need proof that our products and services work and we need to know they work prior to…